Chapter 6

Crystals and the Moon

THE MOON IS A CONSTANT IN OUR WORLD—SOMETHING MANY of us never give much thought to, and yet, its impact on our earthly lives is profound. The moon, just like everything around us, has energy. It manipulates the ocean’s tides through its gravitational pull, which in turn affects countless life forms, including humans. Adult bodies are composed of about two-thirds water, and, although scientists debate this point regularly, the moon’s cyclical pull could affect us directly.

You’ve no doubt heard references to the colorful characters who come out in full force during the full moon. Nurses who work in labor-and-delivery units swear that more babies are born during this time (although science has disproven this claim), and emergency room personnel will testify that it’s a batten-down-the-hatches night whenever there’s a full moon.

People of all ages tend to sleep less and feel more energetic during this time. Some fishermen study moon charts and base their efforts on the phases of the moon. It is said that fish bite best in the days leading up to the full moon and then again during the dark moon, when the moon is not visible to us.

In short, there is no question that the moon and its phases have a broad influence on the world around us, in everything we see as well as in the energy we feel. To understand how to best use crystals in conjunction with the moon’s strength, we need to discuss this topic a bit more. If you are looking to work with crystals in conjunction with the moon to achieve a specific goal, it’s a good bet that it’s been studied—or at least discussed and debated.


The moon is entirely predictable; its phases repeat month after month, year after year, in a 29 ½-day “lunar cycle.” It has also been studied by all sorts, both spiritual and scientific, so we have a lot of information on which phases are best for certain purposes.


This is the first phase of the moon, often called the crescent moon, in which the moon is emerging from its dark phase in a bare sliver of light. This is the time to focus on new ideas or activities or on anything that has to do with your future. Cast out thoughts or issues that have been nagging away at you, like lost opportunities or broken relationships. Focus on what’s coming next. If you want to change your path in life, spells cast during this phase work best.


When the moon is waxing before a full moon, its lit portion appears to be growing in size (to the human eye, anyway). This moon phase is associated with intentions that call for an increase or improvement in something. Perhaps you want a raise at work or your relationship with your significant other has been a little stale. Now is the time to give all those mundane things in your life an extra boost.


When the moon is full, it’s a good time for concentrating on what your intuition is telling you. It’s also a good time for rituals that need an abundance of effort or energy, or for anything that requires diligence on your part. The moon at this time releases power relating to love and relationships, so it is an exceptionally good phase if you need to shed any negative attitudes or if you want to attract more love and romance into your life. It is also excellent for tapping into your creative abilities. It is worth mentioning that animals, especially cats, act up and misbehave during full moon phases, so this would also be a good time for casting spells related to the animal kingdom.


After the full moon, we see the waning phase, which means we see the moon appearing to shrink in size. This is a good time for meditations that ask for a decrease in whatever area you’re focused on—maybe work has been too stressful or you want to lose weight. If you are experiencing a problematic time in your life, the waning phase makes way for clearing out negativity.

Dark of the Moon

During the dark moon phase, the moon is not visible to us. This time takes place after the waning moon and lasts a day or two. On a calendar that tracks moon phases, it usually appears as a dark spot. The dark moon is a time to slow things down for a little while, to focus on yourself and do a little soul-searching.

Other Useful Phases

We’ve talked about the phases of the moon that you hear discussed with regularity, but what about some of those different phases that come around a little less often?

A SUPERMOON occurs when the full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth during its orbit, about three or four times a year. Its appearance is larger and brighter than during an average full moon, which in turn means that the energy we can harness when casting a spell is also magnified! Love spells cast at this time have a very high success rate.

On the other hand, a MINIMOON is when a full moon is farthest from the Earth during its orbit. It’s difficult for us to determine merely by looking at it that the moon is in a mini phase, but this also occurs just once every year or so. This phase is unlikely to boost your energy and intention, so keep that in mind if you are planning a mediation concerning something especially important. You may need to pull out some extra crystals to amplify the energy surrounding you.

A BLUE MOON refers not to the color, but to a second full moon in a calendar month (or the third of four full moons in a season). Because this occurrence comes around so rarely, its energy is thought to be hyper-focused and powerful. It is believed to double the amount of power that you would ordinarily find on a full moon phase, so any spell that incites long-term results is best performed at this time

A LUNAR ECLIPSE is a magickal event when the sun, earth, and moon are perfectly aligned and the moon passes through the earth’s shadow. It is thought that any kind of magick, whatever the spell, cast at this time is all-powerful, so it is an opportunity not to be missed.


So now that you know about the moon’s phases and their related energy, what kind of crystals work best for bringing your intentions to fruition in the light (or dark) of the silvery moon? You will learn more about crystals, their energies, and their healing properties as you read this book. Some readers likely have gems that they already use with good results. These suggestions are certainly not the be-all and end-all of crystals that can be used in lunar magick.


Of course, this is the primary stone, named because it works so well with the moon’s power. This stone can be used during any phase of the moon, and it comes in a variety of colors, including gray, blue, orange, brown, pink, yellow, and green, with sheens ranging from white to bluish-white to silver. It can also appear to be colorless. Moonstone is tied to feminine energy, which makes it a protective and nurturing stone, but it’s also connected to anything psychic, so it’s terrific if you want to unlock your abilities.

Moonstone is suitable for fresh starts and promotes a sense of stability and calm in one’s life. It’s said to boost creative thought and energies and help bolster success. As such, it would be best to use this during a waxing moon, which, as discussed on page 188, is the phase that brings about an increase in positive intentions.

Keep this stone close when you’re heading into a job interview or thinking about changing career paths. It would also be useful if you must come up with some stellar ideas for teambuilding at work, home renovations, or family-related activities.


A close relative of moonstone (sometimes even called rainbow moonstone), this iridescent crystal is said to increase your intuition and open your Third Eye Chakra, providing the deepest kind of insight and even psychic visions! This is a stone of strength and perseverance. It has protective elements, as it can prevent your positive energy from leaking or escaping. It is most often used to help increase spiritual awareness. Imagine the power of this stone under a supermoon. Nothing would be off-limits to you during that time!

Clear Quartz

Quartz is the workhorse of the crystal realm, as there are dozens of varieties that can (and are) used for virtually every intention and purpose under the sun—or, in this case, under the moon. But don’t be misled into thinking clear quartz is nothing special. The reason it’s used so frequently is because it works so well with so many different energies. It will help you to either amplify or let go of an issue. It clears up confusion and energy blockages and protects against negative vibes.

This is one stone that would work well under a waning moon, which is a time to focus on decreasing and releasing things that just aren’t working out well in your life.

Selenite (Gypsum)

Selenite is named for Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, which makes it an especially good choice for working under lunar rays. This transparent crystal works well no matter what your intention may be. It provides a powerful force to fight against negative energy and charges everything in its field with good vibes! You can achieve your highest self, clear blockages in your chakras, and pull in powers that are useful and protective. Selenite also promotes a sense of personal honesty and revelations to the self.


Like anything that emits energies, crystals need charging now and then for them to continue to work the way we expect them to. We discussed in chapter 2 a few different ways to charge them. Leaving them outside overnight, under the light of a full moon, will reenergize even the hardest-working crystal.

If you decide that this is the method for you, you might like to give your crystals an extra boost by conducting a Lunar Charging Ritual. You can do this ritual with any crystal jewelry that you own as well.

Lunar Charging Ritual

Take your crystals and a blanket outside during a full moon phase. Find a spot where you can clearly see the moon and place the blanket on the ground. Sit on the blanket and place all your crystals in a circle around you. If you only have a few and not enough to form a circle, don’t worry; place them in front of you or to either side. If you can, cross your legs. If not, sit with your legs out in front of you. Clasp your hands together and stare up at the moon in the sky. Repeat the following incantation thirteen times.

“I call the goddess to attune and cast out power from the magickal moon.

Bathe these crystals in your light, project your power through the night.”

If the weather permits, you can sit outside with your crystals for as long as you like, but when you’re ready to venture indoors, leave the stones outside. For city dwellers, leave them on the outside of a window ledge in your home or somewhere near an open window. Collect them in the morning.

The next morning, when you bring them inside, don’t be surprised if they feel a little different to the touch. Sit quietly, hold each one, and feel the pure energy they emit.

Think about the kind of energy you want each crystal to provide for you. Is it peace? Love? Intuition? Consider this for each crystal you’ve charged. If you’re using them in rituals with clients, you may want to charge them with a healing intention.