
The First House

Main Rulerships: Life, vitality and health. Stature, colour, complexion, form and shape of body. Older sources note its influence upon the intellect, the way the mind works, and speech. In general, the first house represents the focal point for the personality and manner of expression. As well as describing the physical appearance, the condition of this house and that of its planetary ruler indicates the level of personal charisma, will, and emotional strength.

In Horary Astrology: The querent in any question, or the collective of which the querent is a part, ie., in questions such as ‘will we win?’, it signifies the querent’s team. If a question is asked regarding a mundane situation in which the querent is not personally involved but has a strong sympathy and inclination, then use the 1st house to represent the party the querent favours and supports. In questions regarding war, for example, the 1st house signifies the querent’s own country, since they identify with the concerns of their country when the question is expressed.

Questions regarding the safety or well being of something or someone having no relationship to the querent are assigned directly to the ascendant. This effectively takes the querent out of the horary and is used where the querent has no involvement in the situation; for example, ‘will the missing person I read about be found alive?’, ‘is the ship safe or has it been sunk?’. The rule applies where the question is asked out of sympathetic concern. If the question regards an enemy of the state or someone the querent feels opposed to (for example, ‘will the escaped murderer be caught?’, ‘will the invaders be successful?’) it doesn’t apply – particular or general enemies are signified by the 7th house.

In Mundane Astrology: The common people or general state of the nation. The country and its inhabitants as a whole; its general condition of prosperity and health or the reverse.

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: Whoever initiates the action. For the commencement of a trial, the prosecution.

In Events: Generally it signifies whoever makes the first move; in business, who makes the proposal; in war, who makes the first offence; in games, the home team.

In Medical Matters: The head and face: eyes, ears, mouth, hair, nose, tongue, teeth; Culpeper notes: “whatsoever is above the first vertebra of the neck”.1

Saturn, Mars or the north node in this house denote a blemish in the face, or in the part of the body represented by the sign on the cusp; Lilly notes:

“as if Aries be in the ascendant, the mark, mole, or scar is without fail in the head or face; and if few degrees of the sign ascend, the mark is in the upper part of the head; if the middle of the sign be on the cusp, the mole, mark or scar is in the middle of the face, or near it; if the later degrees ascend, the face is blemished near the chin, towards the neck”.2

In decumbiture charts the 1st house represents the patient, whilst the condition of its ruler shows the strength of their vitality – as opposed to the 6th house ruler which represents the disease. If the 1st house ruler is stronger than the 6th, the patient will overcome the illness.

In Commerce: The buyer.

Colours: White and pale colours. Lilly notes:

“Of colours, it hath the white; that is, if a planet be in this house that hath signification of white, the complexion of the party is more pale, white or wan; or if you enquire after the colour of the clothes of any man, if his significator be in the first house, and in a sign corresponding, the party’s apparel is white or grey, or somewhat near that colour, so also if the question be for cattle, when their significators are found in this house, it denotes them to be of that colour or near it”.3

Qualities: Cardinal, masculine, diurnal.

Direction: East.

Associated Planets and Signs: Mercury has its joy in the 1st; Lilly notes:

“because it represents the head, and he the tongue, fancy and memory: when he is well dignified and posited in this house, he produces good orators”.4

Aries and Saturn are co-significators, of which Lilly writes:

“for as this house is the first house, so is Aries the first sign, and Saturn the first of the planets; and therefore when Saturn is but moderately well fortified in this house, and in any benevolent aspect of Jupiter, Venus, Sun or Moon, it promises a good sober constitution of body, and usually long life”.5

Names: The Eastern angle, Ascendant (‘what is rising’), Horoscope (‘hour watcher’), Anatole (‘east/sunrise’); House of Life.

The Second House

Main Rulerships: Resources, material comforts, earnings and all issues concerning wealth or of a financial nature. The manner of attaining wealth (note sign on cusp, planetary ruler and its condition). Personal goods and belongings, assets, income, gain, money lent to others, profit (or loss when afflicted), supporters and assistance from others. Succedent houses generally show the resources and support given to the preceding angle, ie., the 5th will show the financial status and assistants of the father, the 8th will show the wealth of the partner and the enemy’s resources and supporters, and the 11th will show the friends and supporters of whoever is in power and the profit to be made from the business.

In Horary Astrology: The querent’s finances and assets; any personal or ‘moveable’ possession (real estate or property falls under the rulership of the 4th house, although the 2nd house is still relevant in showing the financial implications of property deals). If someone asks about the financial prospects of selling their car this is a 2nd house matter concerning a personal possession; in other matters cars generally fall under the rulership of the 3rd house of day-to-day travel issues. In lost property questions, use the 2nd house and its ruler to signify the missing item.

Always be aware of the condition of the 2nd house and its ruler in any question where money is important – where a financial agreement is sought, a strong 2nd house ruler applying to good aspects indicates financial benefit to the querent, but a weak 2nd-ruler and strong 8th-ruler suggests a loss for the querent and gain for the other party. This is equally true in questions relating to gambling and stocks and shares. See the 8th house for issues relating to loans.

In Mundane Astrology: The nation’s assets and financial status. The treasury, the exchequer, revenue and all places and activities concerned with money-making; such as banks, the stock exchange, financial institutions, money markets and trade. Exports and money lent to other nations. Ibn Ezra placed food under this house and we may assume that in mundane charts it influences the status and value of the nation’s crops, produce, general resources and essential supplies.

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: In war charts this house shows allies and supporters of whoever initiates the conflict; their ammunition and resources.

In Lawsuits: Friends, assistants, witnesses and those who act as a resource for the prosecution.

In Events: As above applied to whoever initiates the action.

In Medical Matters: The throat and neck, down towards the shoulders.

In Commerce: The financial status of the buyer.

Colours: Green.

Qualities: Succedent, feminine, nocturnal.

Direction: East-north-east.

Associated Planets and Signs: No planet rejoices in this house. Co-significators are Jupiter and Taurus. Lilly notes:

“if Jupiter be placed in this house, or be lord hereof, it is an argument of an estate or fortune. Sun and Mars are never well placed in this house, either of them show dispersion of substance, according to the capacity and quality of him that is either born or asks the questions”.6

The Sun ruling the 2nd is not such an affliction.

Names: Anaphora (‘rising up’): House of Wealth and Substance.

The Third House

Main Rulerships: Brothers and sisters, cousins or general members of the family (not parents, they belong to the 4th house). Neighbours and our local neighbourhood. The environment in which we live and work. Short journeys or travel made on a regular basis. Lilly says,“as he may go and come in a day, or at least on the next”7 and notes that this house shows a propensity for “oft removing from one place to another”.8

Letters, rumours, reports, messages and messengers. Communications generally. Newspapers, magazines, telephones, postal service. Written deeds and contracts. Speeches and debates. Our ability to express ourselves and communicate to others. Languages, mobility skills and self-expression.

In Horary Astrology: As above applied to the querent. In questions of a financial or business nature, an affliction to the 3rd house warns of difficulties in contracts and written deeds. In relationship charts, it suggests communication problems or mental incompatibility – Mars in the 3rd can show arguments and cross words; Saturn, an inability to communicate. Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson states that it is the house of gossips and visitors, and that a malefic in the 3rd can show an unwelcome visitor or unwanted delivery.9

In Mundane Astrology: National rumours, propaganda. The press and press releases. All means of disseminating news and information such as the post office, communication networks, computers, telephones, faxes, newspapers, magazines, emails, publications, literature, periodicals and television.

The transport system and all means of inland transit, locomotion or communication, such as railways, road and river traffic, cars, underground networks, etc.

The education system, although where this effects children it is also represented by the 5th house. Public opinion and issues concerning freedom of speech; international and common languages. It also rules neighbouring nations and documents that relate to international agreements.

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: In lawsuits this house relates to writs, contracts and deeds that affect the prosecution. It also signifies all written statements and the ability to affect the situation through letters and correspondence. In war charts it represents the propaganda of the initiator.

In Events: As above, related to whoever initiates the action. Barbara Watters notes:

“if very afflicted it may indicate that he who makes an offer or proposes something is lying”.10

In Medical Matters: The shoulders, arms, hands and fingers.

In Commerce: Written reports, deeds, contracts affecting the purchase.

Colours: Orange.

Qualities: Cadent, masculine, nocturnal.

Direction: North-north-east.

Associated Planets and Signs: The joy of the Moon; Lilly notes:

“for if she be posited therein, especially in a moveable sign, it’s an argument of much travel, trotting and trudging, or of being seldom quiet.”11

Co-signified by Gemini and Mars; Lilly notes:

“which is one reason why Mars in this house, unless joined with Saturn, is not very unfortunate”.12

Names: Dea (meaning ‘goddess’ in reference to its ancient association with the Moon). The House of Brothers.

The Fourth House

Main Rulerships: Everything that relates to the foundation and roots of our existence. Parents in general and fathers in particular; grandparents and ancestry. Paternity (inheritance from parents) as well as the psychological parental influence and issues from the past.

This house also rules hidden treasure and the treasures of the earth, such as mines and minerals, gems, oil, wells and water supplies; Lilly notes: “profit out of the bowels of the Earth”.13 It rules land, the quality and nature of the ground, (whether it is fertile, swampy, woody, stony or barren), and all buildings and structures on it – the property of the home as well as the emotional environment.

Farming, agriculture and any occupation that is concerned with tending the land is relevant here. Baigent, Campion and Harvey suggest nationalism, the ideology which represents love of the land;14 this would also embrace patriotism and a strong concern with ‘roots’, tradition and history.

It is said to indicate the beginning and end of all things, representing early childhood experiences that give rise to an unconscious emotional experience of life, the vulnerability of old age, the process of death, and funerals. Death by drowning is particularly relevant.

In Horary Astrology: The querent’s father. Property for sale, lease agreements (tenants are shown by the 6th), boundaries, and descriptions of buildings and gardens. In questions concerning missing persons or lost items, the 4th describes the nature of the surface beneath them and in murder cases can help to describe the location of the body. It naturally signifies dark places, low down, or reaching down: i.e. caves, holes, underground rooms.

It is often used to represent the ‘end of the matter’: Lilly makes reference to the lord of the 4th house being used to signify the end of the matter in controversies and lawsuits15 and modern horary authors have applied this much more liberally; Goldstein-Jacobson, for example, considers the turned 4th from any house to show the conclusion of the business attributed to it (i.e. the 3rd house shows the resolution of 12th house matters).

In Mundane Astrology: Land, the owners of it, workers on it, crops and produce. The farming and mining industry. Buildings and the property market; Watters notes:

“Saturn falling in the 4th house may indicate a housing shortage. Pluto there may indicate vandalism or crime waves affecting property; serious afflictions to the 4th from combinations of Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter may indicate loss of property through storms, floods, earthquakes”.16

Supplies that feed the nation from beneath the earth – such as the pipes of the water or gas industry: Raphael notes:

“Uranus in the 4th is an especially evil influence, denoting serious explosions in public buildings. It is evil for the government, bringing difficulties to them – land, mining royalties and the taxation of land values are likely to be a source of much trouble under this influence”.17

The town or city in question and its governor. As the opposite house to the 10th, those who oppose the government, king, or recognised order. In war charts, any town or city under attack.

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: Use the above, related to whoever initiates the action.

In Events: Use the above, related to whoever initiates the action.

In Medical Matters: The breast or lung area. Its association with death makes this a poor placement in decumbiture charts.

In Commerce: Use the above, related to the buyer.

Colours: Red.

Qualities: Angular, feminine, nocturnal. A ‘dark’ house, representing hidden (submerged) or private matters. Angular houses, being houses of power, usually show good prospects of recovery for missing persons or items, indicating they may be found close to home or near to their usual place. But because of the obscure nature of this house, the rule is not so reliable as usual: it may show that which is lost is beyond recovery, or that it has come to the end of its natural cycle.

Direction: North.

Associated Planets and Signs: Manilius viewed the 4th house as the temple of Saturn. Both are related to ancestry, land, agriculture, mining and death – although this connection is no longer formally recognised, its relevancy suggests a heightened emphasis on these affairs when Saturn is connected with the 4th house by location or rulership. Co-significators are Cancer and the Sun; Lilly notes:

“In Nativities or Questions, this fourth house represents fathers, so doth the Sun by day and Saturn by night; yet if the Sun be herein placed, he is not ill, but rather shows the father to be of a noble disposition, &c.”.18

Names: The Northern Angle, Angle of the Earth, Immum Coeli (‘lower midheaven’), Ypogeon (‘Below the Earth’). The House of Parents.

The Fifth House

Main Rulerships: Children, pregnancy, sex of the unborn child. The health and condition of children. If afflicted, trouble and distress from children.

Romance, love affairs, lovemaking, procreation and conception. If afflicted, promiscuity, sexual inhibition, immorality, overindulgence and scandals.

Pleasure, gifts and all pleasant things. Items purchased for the purpose of indulgence and enjoyment. The arts and muses. Dancing, music, merriment. Clothes, fineries and rich, luxurious things. Holidays, hobbies and the activities from which we derive a sense of creativity or enjoyment.

Banquets, inns, pubs, taverns, theatres and plays, public parks – all places of entertainment. Parties and social occasions; feasts.

Matters associated with the leisure industry and those who work in the arts. Sport and places associated with it, such as sporting arenas, resorts, gymnasiums; also horse-racing or betting on sport, lotteries and all forms of gambling and speculation which is performed for amusement or with the intention of trusting to luck. Speculation on the stock market is often assigned here but where the investment is based upon financial or business decisions the 2nd house has more relevance. Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson popularised the notion that it rules speculation on the stock market, though she defined its influence as being related to “everything whose outcome is a matter of chance”19

Diplomats, ambassadors and agents – those who negotiate as an intermediary with the intention of finding agreement between others.

In Horary Astrology: Children of the querent. The possibility of pregnancy and the sex of the unborn child. Olivia Barclay suggests that Saturn and Neptune here do not bode well for pregnancy but Jupiter is a strong and undeniable indication of fertility, “for all prolification comes from Jupiter”.20

The father’s wealth and his personal possessions (2nd from 4th). Simmonite adds that as the 8th house from the Midheaven, it reveals the death of the monarch.21 There is often confusion as to whether ‘the loved one’ in questions relating to an extra-marital affair should be assigned to the 5th house (which has a general significance for love affairs and romance), or the 7th house (the significant other). Barclay wrote of this:

“Who is to say if an affair is an amusement or love? (If it is love it will be shown by the 7th house not the 5th).”22

The 5th house is often significant in these matters because it describes an attitude: a romantic or ‘pleasure-seeking’ state of mind. But the 7th house should be used for signification of the person asked about since its relevance over people with whom we are involved in intimate one-to-one relationships is very clear. William Lilly used the 7th house to signify lovers whether they were incidental to the question or the focus of it, with the presence of third-parties being identified through their contacts with other planets.23

In Mundane Astrology: The supplies, ammunition and resources of a town under attack. Ambassadors and diplomats.

All public places of enjoyment and recreation: parks, publicly owned state buildings, national art galleries, etc. The leisure industry. Schools and national influences upon children, such as the education system. The national birth rate, social issues related to children and society’s views on sexual issues or promiscuity. Raphael notes:

“Saturn in the 5th house lowers the birth rate, shows much trouble to women and children, great depression in theatrical circles, and deaths and indisposition among noted people in that profession. If much afflicted it increases the evil and causes crime against children and much vice, distress and immortality”.24

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: As above for whoever initiates the action. The activity and success of the initiator’s messenger, agent, ambassador or representative aiming to make agreement or treat with the other party.

In Events: As above for whoever initiates the action.

In Medical Matters: The stomach, liver, heart and back; back of shoulders; sides of body. Medical problems relating to pregnancy and the bearing of children.

In Commerce: As above related to the buyer or investor, ie., agents or representatives aiming to reach an amicable business agreement with another party.

Colours: Lilly says “black and white, or Honey colour”.25 It’s possible that by ‘black and white’, he means a colour that is neither too dark or too light.

Qualities: Succedent, masculine, diurnal. Favourably aspected to ascendant by trine.

Direction: North-north-west.

Associated Planets and Signs

The joy of Venus; Lilly notes:

“[Venus] doth joy in this house, in regard it’s the house of pleasure, delight and merriment; it’s wholly unfortunate by Mars or Saturn, and they therein show disobedient children and untoward.”26

Co-signified by Leo and Venus.

Names: Bona Fortuna (‘good fortune’). The House of Pleasure.

The Sixth House

Main Rulerships: Illness and disease, its condition and cause; whether the illness will be short or long, curable or not. All matters relating to the health industry and those who work in it: dentists, doctors, nurses.

Employees, tenants and servants. Lilly specifically mentions day-labourers, farmers and shepherds. Goldstein-Jacobson mentions those who live on the native’s property, such as caretakers, au-pairs, lodgers, etc. Also domestic issues generally; this house can show problems related to domestic appliances that are purchased to ease day-to-day chores and laborious tasks.

Pets, small animals and lesser cattle (ie., hogs, sheep, goats, rabbits) and any profit or loss attached to the sale of such cattle. The 6th house also has a connection with farming and crops generally. Uncles, aunts and relatives on the father’s side of the family (3rd from 4th). As 8th from the 11th, Simmonite adds “death of friends”.27

Sorrow and feelings of being unappreciated. Generally this is regarded as a house of weakness and affliction. As a cadent house it represents alien or unhelpful conditions.

In Horary Astrology: As above related to the querent. Goldstein-Jacobson notes that Saturn in the 6th brings much work and little appreciation or pay; an elderly relative, employee, nurse, pet or tenant who is a problem.28

In Mundane Astrology: The nation’s food reserves, especially grains, and the farming industry. Modern astrology relates it to those who keep public records, such as libraries, book-keepers, archivists, public data-clerks.

The working classes generally. Public employees and services such as the civil service, the armed forces, the police when they serve the people. Charles Carter notes that in Britain it represents the Labour party.29 Factories, trade unions, social security services, unemployment insurance, disability allowances. Watters remarks:

“it does not, however, rule welfare because people on welfare live on the charity of the state and do not work. Therefore the 6th, with its primary meaning of labour, cannot apply to them”.30

Public health is shown by the 1st house but this house highlighted indicates national vulnerability to epidemics and widespread diseases.

In Lawsuits, Conflicts or Events: As above for whoever initiates the action. For those who oppose them, this house represents agents sent in secret against them: spies, private investigators, etc.

In Medical Matters: This house is one of the main indicators of disease generally so its condition, ruling planet and any planets contained within it will describe the nature of the illness and whether its origin is physical or psychological. If its planetary ruler is retrograde the disease is likely to be recurring. If the ruler of the ascendant is strong and well placed and the 6th house ruler is weak, the patient has the means to overcome the disease. Specifically it rules the lower part of the belly and smaller intestine, the guts, liver and kidneys.

In Commerce: As above related to the buyer or investor.

Colours: Dark colours.

Qualities: Cadent, feminine, nocturnal. Unfortunate, having no aspect to the ascendant.

Direction: West-north-west.

Associated Planets and Signs: Mars joys here. Lilly notes:

“we usually find that Mars and Venus in conjunction in this house are arguments of a good physician”.31

Co-significators are Virgo and Mercury.

Names: Mala Fortuna (‘bad fortune’). The House of Sickness.

The Seventh House

Main Rulerships: Marriage and all forms of intimate relationships. The spouse, sweetheart, or lover. Business partnerships and the legal contracts that pertain to them. Watters notes that affliction of the 7th represents: “an open rupture in a partnership or marriage”.32 This house indicates the opponent in any lawsuit or conflict and in mundane charts shows the possibility of war.

All enemies that are identifiable as such belong to this house; the 12th house warns of secret enemies operating in a clandestine manner, but as soon as their existence is known they are represented through the 7th house which signifies opposing forces and those who invade our territory or act against us.33 This applies even where the identity of the opponent is unknown; for example, in horary questions relating to theft the 7th house is used to derive a description of the perpetrator(s). The 7th house also signifies fugitives and runaways, including known criminals who are at large, such as escaped convicts. In journeys it indicates the destination and in concerns regarding whether or not to move it denotes the place of the proposed move.

Simmonite suggests that it rules grandfathers (4th from the 4th), but these would normally be shown directly from the 4th house so the 7th should only be considered where there is a need to identify the father and grandfather separately.

In Horary Astrology: The 7th house has a general signification over the person at the other end of the process. In trade it is the customer, in medical treatment it is the physician, and in astrological consultations it is the astrologer. If this house or its ruler is heavily afflicted the astrologer is advised to pay extra consideration to the value of their judgement as it may be impaired or the situation they are involved in may bring unanticipated difficulties. This is especially so if the 7th-ruler is afflicted in the 10th house, which suggests harm to the professional reputation. If the horary concerns a 7th house matter, however, the affliction may be appropriately describing the situation under review, in which case the warning is to proceed with diligence.

The 7th house signifies the other person asked about in all relationship questions, whether the querent is already in the relationship or asks out of hopeful anticipation. But if one member of a partnership asks about the other’s prospects in a matter of mutual concern, we can view their partnership as a union, through which they are both assigned to the 1st house and the chart is read directly from its radical symbolism. For example, the question “should my husband take on a business partner?” asked by a wife who supports her husband’s career, is one in which the wife shares the husband’s dilemma and voices the concern, identifying with him in the asking of the question. In such charts there is no need to signify the husband through the 7th house of the ‘other party’ and this may then be attributed more clearly to the potential business partner asked about.

Some people assume that because the 7th house signifies fugitives it also signifies missing persons generally, but the fugitives it represents are those trying to escape our personal or collective influence, so they adopt the same 7th-house signification as we assign to prey in questions relating to hunting.34 Note that the 7th house is not ‘any other person’; it relates only to those with whom we are directly and personally involved, or in general (otherwise indefinable) relationships, those we oppose. Hence, in the question “will the missing celebrity be found?” the celebrity is signified by the 1st house because there is no relationship between the quesited and querent other than general concern. But in the question “will the leader of the country we are at war with be found?”, that leader is signified by the 7th house, as is any unknown perpetrator or attacker in nationally reported crime.

In Mundane Astrology: The national marriage and divorce rate and issues pertaining to them. Public enemies, i.e., enemies to the nation – outlaws and fugitives who are not imprisoned. Whether war or peace may be expected. Treaties and agreements with other nations. Raphael notes:

“Mercury in the 7th denotes much activity in foreign affairs and, if well aspected, treaties, commercial agreements, and successful negotiations with other powers. If afflicted it shows double-dealing with other powers, diplomatic blunders, breaking of treaties, commercial and trade disputes with foreign countries and general disagreement in international affairs”.35

Carter notes that this house shows international warfare, treaties and alliances, but advises that friendly nations must also be considered under the 11th house, and that all matters relating to international affairs have some relation with the 9th.36

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: The opponent. The defendant in a lawsuit. Condemned persons or the criminal on trial.

In Events: The person against whom action is taken, or to whom a proposal or challenge is issued.

In Medical Matters: The doctor or physician treating the ailment and their ability to cure the disease. In the body it rules from the navel to the top of the legs, including the buttocks, lower intestines, bladder, womb, and reproductive organs.

In Commerce: The seller or the person you trade with. The capacity for a healthy customer base.

Colours: Black and very dark colours. Simmonite says blue-brown.

Qualities: Angular, masculine, diurnal. This is a strong and powerful house but in dangerous situations it is said to attack the safety of who or whatever is represented by the chart because of its opposition aspect to the ascendant.

Direction: West.

Associated Planets and Signs: No planet rejoices here. Lilly notes: “Saturn or Mars unfortunate herein show ill in marriage”.37 Co-significators are Libra and the Moon.

Names: Angle of the West, Dysis (‘west/sunset’), House of Marriage.

The Eighth House

Main Rulerships: All matters relating to loss, decay, death, and the fear and anxiety attached these. The quality and nature of death. Who shall be heir to the deceased. Unexpected inheritance, wills, legacies and testaments of the deceased (note that paternity – wealth from the parents – is also shown by the 4th house).

Money belonging to a partner, spouse or another party. Financial obligations, debts, taxes, loans, losses, money owed to others. (In seeking a good time for a loan, make sure that the ruler of the 2nd house is dignified and strong – a strong 8th house ruler is more likely to indicate favour for the lender. Even in favourable aspects between the 2nd and 8nd house ruler, the 2nd ruler should be received by the 8th house ruler to guarantee protection from loss38).

Transits through this house often show a need to consolidate, to withdraw and re-evaluate, or to accept the loss of elements of life that are no longer fruitful or have served their purpose; the nature of the planet will indicate how the loss is accepted.

Traditional astrology relates the eighth house to crisis, hidden matters, anguish of mind, poison and deadly fears; yet psychological astrology often refers to it as a house of inner transformation and growth. ‘Transformation’ is probably too large a concept to be contained within any one house, but the positive element of it accompanies the burst of creativity that occurs after the processes of this house are completed. Only by facing our innermost fears are we able to overcome them and move on with the strength of experience and wisdom. But this house is not relevant to the period of growth; its concern is the inhibiting factors that stand in our way. It is a house of personal vulnerability, albeit perhaps a necessary vulnerability from which we may eventually gain. It is wise to avoid any financial gambles or high-risk activities during periods when this house is heavily emphasised.

In Horary Astrology: As above. Death, loss, grief, situations that are failing, or matters relating to these for the querent. Financial affairs of the wife, lover or partner. Inheritance. Issues that bring fear, insecurity or anxiety.

In Mundane Astrology: The national debt; the collector of taxes; danger to the people through war or national disasters; the resources of the enemy. Financial relations with foreign countries.

Public mortality, the death rate, death duties and the kinds of people who die; Raphael notes, for example, that Mars in the 8th house shows:

“many sudden and terrible deaths by fire, accidents and crime. It denotes deaths of military, naval and medical men, notable people in the iron and steel industry, and those connected with trades to do with fire”.39

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: The allies of the opponent; in lawsuits the friends and assistants of the defendant.

In Events: Watters suggests that in events concerning crimes the 8th rules the detectives, but in cases of murder, the victim.40 She also notes that if the significator of the initiator of an event is placed in the 8th, the business may not conclude, or they may not live to see the conclusion of it.

In Medical Matters: Sex organs (genitals), traditionally referred to as ‘the secrets’ or ‘private parts’; strangury (painful excretion of urine), haemorrhoids, bladder, groin, gall-stones, piles, poisons.

In Commerce: The finances of the seller or the person traded with.

Colours: Dark green.

Qualities: Succedent, feminine, nocturnal. This is a ‘dark’ house which is denied the light of the ascendant by traditional aspect. Although it succeeds to an angle, its decline towards the descendant is symbolic of loss of vigour and a need for retreat.

Direction: West-south-west.

Associated Planets and Signs: No planet is said to rejoice in this house although Firmicus claims that the Moon is dignified here in nocturnal charts, because of the emphasis on nocturnal qualities, (classical astrology often attached ‘sinister’ qualities to the Moon). Co-significators are Scorpio and Saturn.

Names: Epicataphora (‘casting down’), the House of Death.

The Ninth House

Main Rulerships: Long distance travel, voyages and journeys that take us to remote, unusual or unfamiliar environments. Overseas, foreign countries and distant places. Foreigners, pilgrims and explorers. Places and situations where we seek guidance and wisdom from others. Where we reach out into the unknown in search of widening our knowledge and understanding. Dreams, visions, inspired thoughts, divination, astrology, mysticism, philosophy, beliefs; the desire to unite with something greater than oneself. Religion and clergy of any kind. Affairs of the church. Holy places, sacred grounds, intellectual inspiration and spiritual quests.

Scientific achievements, principles, theories and societies. Books that expand our knowledge; learning beyond the norm; wisdom, scholarships, university, and all forms of higher education. Ramesey notes:

“all manner of students, such as astrologers, physitians, lawyers, and all students of other good learning altogether”.41

Scholars and practitioners of law are attributed to the 9th house and confusion often exists as to whether lawyers and those who enforce the law should be associated with this house or the 10th. In the sense that the 9th house represents guidance and advice from those more knowledgeable than ourselves, lawyers, counsellors and advisors generally fall under the principles of the 9th house when they act in an advisory capacity. Law, as a means of enforcing a ruling over others, however, belongs to the 10th house, which is the house of authority and rulership. Hence lawyers and solicitors are attributed to the 9th, whereas judges and magistrates are attributed to the 10th. If a matter of law is being considered with respect to a ruling, the decision or outcome should be judged from the 10th house.

In Horary Astrology: As above applied to the querent. The spouse’s brothers or sisters (3rd from 7th); grandchildren (5th from 5th).

In Mundane Astrology: Religion, the Church and all institutions dealing with religious or spiritual matters. If afflicted, the 9th house can represent unsavoury cults and dogmatic religious organisations.

Foreign affairs and the foreign office; international law, world conferences; the United Nations. Shipping, sea traffic and long distance journeys generally, whether connected with passengers or commerce. Airlines.

The publishing industry, long distance and international communications. Universities, colleges, all places of higher learning or specialist study; professors, philosophical and scientific institutions and publications. The Law society.

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: As above for whoever initiates the action. In lawsuits, lawyers that serve the prosecution or initiator; writs and communications that affect the defendant. In war charts, propaganda issued by the side against which action was initiated.

In Medical Matters: The buttocks, hips and thighs.

In Commerce: Written reports, deeds, contracts affecting the seller or the person traded with. Legal advice for the buyer.

Colours: Light green.

Qualities: Cadent, masculine, diurnal. The trine aspect to the ascendant, elevated position, and association with the Sun helps to alleviate the more negative associations of cadency.

Direction: South-south-west.

Associated Planets and Signs: The Sun rejoices in the 9th. Sagittarius and Jupiter are co-significators. Lilly remarks:

“for if Jupiter be herein placed it naturally signifies a devout man in his religion, or one modestly given; I have oft observed when the Dragon’s Tail [south node] or Mars or Saturn hath been unfortunately placed in this house, the querent hath been little better than an atheist or desperate sectarist”.42

Names: Deus (‘God’). The House of Religion.

The Tenth House

Main Rulerships: The vocation, profession or trade; also employers and those in command. Honour, prestige, reputation, power, control, dignity, glory, acclaim, advancement – the worldly position, career or life-interest that attains these. Likelihood of success relative to one’s station in life. Awards, trophies and prizes. Fame, infamy, notoriety – the public eye. Poor reputation and unfavourable publicity if afflicted. The Sun, Jupiter or Venus, if well aspected, indicate professional success, Saturn indicates responsibility or, if badly afflicted, disgrace and ruin.

Those in dignified positions such as royalty and nobility: kings, princes, dukes, earls, etc. The government or those in office. All forms of authority in decision-making or those who enforce authority or law – the police, courts, judges, magistrates, commanding officers, a boss at work, etc. The ruling in a law court; judgements and decisions.

The desire to achieve and give out to the world – whereas the lower midheaven indicates the roots of our existence from which we emerge, the midheaven indicates that which we manifest outwards into our community and the fruits of our labour. Ancient authors recognised its influence on many matters, including marriage and children. Traditionally it is the house of the mother.

In Horary Astrology: As above applied to the querent. Property belonging to the spouse (4th from 7th). Grandchildren’s wealth (2nd from 9th). Luminaries in the 10th bring discoveries: the Sun in the 10th, for example, is an argument for a lost object being found or the truth being brought to light in legal situations. Lilly also says that to know if someone is honourable and sincere in any advice they offer, check the planets in the 10th house: Sun, Jupiter, Venus or North Node in the 10th house suggests honesty and good intentions; Saturn, Mars or South Node suggest deceit.43

In Mundane Astrology: Those in authority over the nation, whether prime ministers, governments, kings, presidents or dictators. The police or armed forces when they assert authority over citizens. The Heads of State. The national reputation and prestige. Credit and power, national trade and influence. Carter notes that it is the most important and powerful of all the houses in mundane astrology and bodies here have a wide significance.44

In Lawsuits, Conflicts or Events: In legal matters, the judge or ruling magistrate. Affliction suggests a corrupt or unjust ruling; if dignified justice will be served. The Sun’s position in the 10th illuminates the matter and suggests that the full truth of the situation will emerge in court (unless it is badly afflicted). In countries where appropriate, the power of government to convict and execute. In war charts, the nature of airborne attacks.

In Medical Matters: The cure; whether the medicine will succeed in overcoming the illness – the 10th house dignified indicates that the remedy applied to cure the illness is forceful and effective; debilitated, the attempted cure may be harmful or ineffective. The knees and hams (back of the leg above the knees), calves, shins.

In Commerce: The price – the 10th house dignified or its ruler angular (or otherwise strong) indicates a good market value; if it is afflicted or retrograde, its value is low or the price will fall. The 10th house also describes the reputation of a business: the value of the trademark; the efficiency of the logo; the power of the ‘brand name’; its marketing potential.

Colours: Pink, light red.

Qualities: Angular, feminine, nocturnal. Regarded by many astrologers, including Ptolemy, to be the most important angle of all. A planet placed upon the midheaven will strongly influence any matter.

Direction: South.

Associated Planets and Signs:: No planet rejoices in this house. Co-significators are Capricorn and Mars; Lilly notes:

“either Jupiter or the Sun do much fortunate this house when they are positied therein; Saturn or South Node usually deny honour, as to persons of quality, or but little esteem in the world to a vulgar person; not much joy in his profession, trade or mystery, if a mechanic”.45

Names: The Medium Coeli (‘middle heaven’) or Midheaven. Angle of the south. The House of Profession.

The Eleventh House

Main Rulerships: Traditionally known as ‘the house of Good Fortune’, the 11th house has rulership over friends and friendship, supporters, benefactors and those that help us directly or behind the scenes. It is the house of beneficial fate, positive hope, trust, praise, comfort, goals and ambitions. In modern astrology it is said to rule the wider social circle of acquaintances and groups, broader ambitions, political ideals and those who share our aims. Its condition indicates the fidelity or falseness of friends and it is associated with promotion by recommendation of others.

As the succedent house to the 10th, the 11th house historically governs the king’s (or ruler’s) favourites, councillors, supporters, allies and resources. Thus it represents parliament and councils generally, and supporters of the government or ruling power.

It is a house of ambition, freedom, optimism and confidence, denoting personal strength, motivation and increase.

In Horary Astrology: Friends of the querent. Step-children - when not regarded as one’s own (5th from 7th). The profit, income or resources of a professional endeavour (2nd from 10th). The mother’s money (2nd from 10th).

Wishes, hopes, and personal aspirations; Lilly noted that if the querent has a secret wish but is unwilling to explain what it is, the condition of this house will show whether or not they are likely to receive what they desire. He also called it the house of ‘comfort and relief’ and used it to represent places where we gain security and restoration – such as a safe harbour in shipping charts.

In Mundane Astrology: Parliament, especially the House of Commons; town and county councils and similar bodies. Friends and allies of the nation.

In election charts the 11th house will show the resources of the party in power; in civil-war, the substance and ammunition of the ruling power.

The hopes of the nation. Watters notes; “when afflicted, it indicates the people are disillusioned”.46

Long term national programs and schemes for improvement. Campion, Baigent and Harvey state:

“we may also consider it relates to a society’s collective long-term hopes, wishes, ambitions and ideals”.47

Places and institutions that offer relief and shelter. (Hospitals, along with asylums and various other institutions where our liberty is restricted have always been traditionally associated with the 12th house; however, in the sense that hospitals offer relief from pain and discomfort, there are situations where they are more appropriately signified by the 11th house).

In Lawsuits or Conflicts: In charts concerning trials this house can be an important consideration with respect to the defendant – besides being a general indication of how confident they may be, as the house of freedom and release, a fortunate and emphasised 11th house argues against imprisonment and favours release for prisoners on appeal.

In Events: As above for whoever initiates the action. Where this house or its ruler is well supported in event charts there is good reason to maintain positive hope or the expectation that something good will come from the event.

In Medical Matters: The legs to the ankles. The positive spirit represented by the 11th house indicates a confident mental attitude and general resistance to the debilitating factors of disease.

In Commerce: Agents or intermediaries who act on behalf of the seller or person that you trade with.

Colours: Yellow.

Qualities: Succedent, masculine, diurnal. Ptolemy regarded the 11th house as a major influence because it rises to occupy the midheaven. He gave it rulership over children, an influence which is also suggested in many later works, for example where Simmonite writes that Mars in the 11th house shows “wicked children”.48 Lilly noted it to be equal in power and influence to that of the 4th and 7th houses.

Direction: South-south-east.

Associated Planets and Signs: Jupiter rejoices in this house and many of the associations attributed to it show congeniality with the natural influence of Jupiter. Co-significators are the Sun and Aquarius.

Names: Bona Fortuna (‘Good Fortune’). The House of Friends.

The Twelfth House

Main Rulerships: The 12th house may represent matters that are hidden, restrained, secret, incapable of action or of being fully understood. This can sometimes suggest conditions that are in a premature state of development and not yet recognised by the conscious mind.49 Traditionally, it is a very unfortunate house, associated with sad events, sorrow, anguish of mind, tribulation, captivity, imprisonment, persecution, hard labour, all manner of affliction and self-undoing. It represents places that are denied access to public view, particularly those concerned with seclusion or isolation, or where one is restricted from living a carefree life-style, such as institutions or prisons. Many sources attribute monasteries to the 12th house as places of isolation, but monks, nuns and monasteries generally belong to the 9th house of religious or holy matters.

The 12th house has a general association with paranoia, phobias, scandals or worry attached to the skeletons of the past. I have often noted transits to natal Uranus in this house denote a time when guilty secrets and hidden vices are exposed. It has much to do with shame or a fearful mindset that leads to the assumption of ruin or a sense of being overwhelmed by difficulties. Barbara Watters notes:

“very adverse connections between the 8th, 12th and ascendant may suggest that the querent is contemplating suicide”.50

while Lilly notes:

“the significator in the 12th house can show someone in despair”.51

Its significations include secret, unknown enemies, such men as maliciously undermine their neighbours or inform secretly against them: traitors, spies; witchcraft and blasphemy, malicious hauntings; weakness, infirmity and bondage. Dariot associated its influence with “deceivers, envious persons … evil thoughts, whisperings”.52

Remember that every chart has a 12th house and a 12th house ruler, and the need to heed its indications as a warning of care is determined by the chart as a whole. We must also differentiate between moral intention and external circumstance – does the Sun in the 12th house show an inclination to hide the truth or a determination to seek it in the darkest corners where others wouldn’t dare to look? Does it show a sense of isolation or a proclivity for seclusion? People with 12th house Suns have been able to lead very successful careers, but it has often involved personal sacrifice, engagement with detractors and political manoeuvring against undercurrents of opposition.

The 12th house also rules great cattle, such as horses, oxen, elephants, or as Ibn Ezra declares:

“Those which serve as a mount for men”.53

It can be used to signify the mother’s kin (3rd from 10th); finances of friends (2nd from 11th); sickness of the partner (6th from 7th) and the death of children (8th from 5th).

In Horary Astrology: As above applied to the querent. Significators in the 12th house can warn of clandestine activity, so that the querent may not fully understand the reality of the situation they are asking about. In such cases the following remark by Olivia Barclay may be relevant:

“If the same sign is on the 12th cusp as is on the ascendant the querent is his own enemy”.54

In Mundane Astrology: The prison system; reformatories. Criminals, spies, secret enemies of the nation at home or abroad.

Underground movements, covert societies and occult (ie., hidden) groups. Places of isolation or restriction. Banished, alienated or imprisoned persons.

Hospitals, asylums, institutions governing those who are weak, infirm, or in need of support; ie., charities, the welfare state. Asylum seekers, concentration camps and people kept in conditions of slavery or bondage. Homeless people, the wounded and infirm.

In Lawsuits, Conflicts or Events: This is the house of incarceration and therefore when emphasised in a trial chart can indicate imprisonment for the defendant. Outside of lawsuits, it may show that the perpetrator of a crime goes into hiding. In conflicts or unfortunate events it suggests the work of saboteurs, unhelpful fateful influences or unknown elements of destruction. The Sun in the 12th house in the chart for an unfortunate event may show that underlying factors do not come to light or public knowledge.

In Medical Matters: Specifically the feet, but the unfortunate nature of the house gives it a general association with ill-health and incapacity.

In Commerce: Particular care should be taken if the 12th house is emphasised in charts concerning business deals. Unknown factors may be at work, relevant details may be held back, and the general reputation of harm and self-undoing attached to this house does not bode well for commercial activities.

Colours: Green.

Qualities: Cadent, feminine, nocturnal. A dark house and reputed to be the most unfortunate in the chart.

Direction: East-south-east.

Associated Planets and Signs: Saturn rejoices in this house, of which Lilly says:

“for naturally Saturn is author of mischief”.55

Co-significators are Pisces and Venus.

Names: Mala Fortuna (‘Bad Fortune’). House of Enemies. Lilly notes:

“vulgarly sometimes called cataphora [‘casting down’], as all cadent houses may be”.56