1. Semeiotica Uranica I.IV.1
2. C.A. p.51.
3. Ibid p.51.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. C.A. p.52.
7. C.A. p.195.
8. Ibid p.52.
9. Simplified Horary Astrology, (self-published, US, 1960); p.129.
10. Horary Astrology and the Judgment of Events, (Valhalla Books, Washington, 1973); p.64.
11. C.A. p.52.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid p.558.
14. Mundane Astrology, (Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, 1984); p.229.
15. C.A. p.375.
16. Horary Astrology and the Judgment of Events p.64.
17. Mundane Astrology, (Foulsham, London, 1931); p.30
18. C.A. p.53.
19. Simplified Horary Astrology p.163.
20. Horary Astrology Rediscovered, (Whitford Press, Pennsylvania, 1990), p.71
21. Horary Astrology: the Key to Scientific Prediction, 6th volume with additions by John Story (Foulsham, London, 1896), p.59.
22. Horary Astrology Rediscovered p.71.
23. Primarily Mars describes a male lover, Venus a female lover.
24. Mundane Astrology p.32.
25. C.A. p.53.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid p.59.
28. Simplified Horary Astrology p.181.
29. An Introduction to Political Astrology: Mundane Astrology, (Fowler, London, 1951); p.91.
30. Simplified Horary Astrology p.65.
31. C.A. p.54.
32. Simplified Horary Astrology p.65.
33. William Lilly suggests that if someone asks about the potential of a secret enemy, the question is assigned to the 12th house if the querent is unable to name or identify the suspected secret enemy, but if they are named the question should be assigned to the 7th house. (C.A. p.460).
34. C.A. pp.371-2.
35. Mundane Astrology p.37.
36. An Introduction to Political Astrology: Mundane Astrology p.91.
37. C.A. p.54.
38. That is, the 2nd house ruler should be in the sign, exaltation, triplicity, or two of the lesser dignities of term and face, of the 8th house ruler.
39. Mundane Astrology p.39.
40. Simplified Horary Astrology p.66.
41. Astrologia Restaurata Bk II, p.108.
42. C.A. p.55.
43. C.A. p.194.
44. An Introduction to Political Astrology: Mundane Astrology p.91.
45. C.A. p.56.
46. Simplified Horary Astrology p.67.
47. Mundane Astrology p.231.
48. Horary Astrology: the Key to Scientific Prediction p.89.
49. For example, a recent horary ‘will pregnancy occur soon?’, showed that pregnancy had already occurred but the querent was unaware of it because of a separating trine from the Moon to Venus, ruler of the 5th, located in the 12th. As the signification in the chart was mainly positive, this related to unknown factors rather than destructive ones.
50. Horary Astrology and the Judgment of Events p.68.
51. C.A. p.421.
52. A Brief and Most Easie Introduction to the judgement of the Stars Chap. 13.
53. Beginning of Wisdom, ch.III, p.193.
54. Horary Astrology Rediscovered p.78.
55. C.A. p.56.
56. Ibid.