Traits: Angelfish symbolizes living up to your fullest potential, connection to the angelic realms, and transformation. Angelfish are triangular in shape, have flattened bodies, long fins, and a small mouth. Their triangular shape represents the cycles of birth, life, and death. Angelfish’s vibrant colors in striking patterns indicate the brightness of hopes and dreams. It lives in warm, shallow water, which means you don’t have to dig deep for the answers you seek. Everything you need is right in front of you; all you have to do is take a closer look.
Talents: Adaptability, assistance, awareness, beauty, colorful, connection to the angelic realms, defenses, emotions, empathy, enlightenment, flashy, hypnotic, independence, inquisitiveness, intuition, joy, lightness, navigation, pairs, potential, prophetic dreams, senses, transformation, vision
Challenges: Prone to parasites, shallow, unfocused
Element(s): Water
Primary Color(s): Black, blue, orange, red, silver, white, yellow, multicolored
Appearances: When angelfish appears, it means you are embarking on an adventure of spiritual growth. Angels surround you, guiding and assisting as you are awakened to your greater purpose. Angelfish means you will experience new intuitive abilities and the expansion of abilities you already use. If you are a lucid dreamer, you may discover that now your dreams are prophetic. If you’re clairvoyant, you may also develop clairaudience. Angelfish offers you protection from negativity while lighting your path with purity. Angelfish means others may seek your guidance about spirituality or understanding their own gifts. You feel comfortable in your ability to guide and direct others. Angelfish is connected to emotions, so your empathic abilities will start to become clearer. In decision-making, angelfish can show you areas that need further investigation before you make a final decision. It allows you to see clearly in the darkest water. Angelfish offers assurance that whatever path you choose, it will be the right one for you at this time.
Assists When: You need to work one-on-one with someone. Angelfish often team up in pairs and can show you how to interact with another person to get a job done or accomplish a common goal. It also means you will be supportive of another during this time. If someone you know needs assistance, a shoulder to cry on, or simply to be guided in the right direction, angelfish gives you the dedication, lightness, and joy to guide them. Angelfish can also help you get yourself out of a funk if you’re feeling blue. Its bright and flashy colors are delightful and radiant. Its colorful nature will elevate your self-esteem and make you feel more independent and strong while allowing you to adapt to whatever put you in the funky mood to start with. Angelfish teaches you to swim forward in bliss while transforming from within.
Frequency: Angelfish energy is light and buoyant. It feels as if you’re floating on air, lifted high by an unseen force that slowly spins you around in lazy circles. It sounds like the tinkle of water over rocks in a stream.
Imagine …
You’ve decided to set up an aquarium in your home. You’ve put it all together and have the water inside. Now you just have to pick out your fish. At the store, you see several different types of angelfish and instinctively know this is the fish you want. You pick out several of the young fish, but the clerk tells you that as they get bigger you might have to separate them because they can become aggressive. You decide that’s okay because you can always set up smaller individual tanks if needed. You get home and put the fish into the new tank following the instructions you were given. You feel a connection to the angelic realm while relaxing and watching their movement in the tank. Watching the angelfish helps you consider your own path in life and the actions you want to take to reach new levels of enlightenment.
Traits: Camel symbolizes reserving your energy, taking a journey, and being of service to others. Camel is used in the deserts to carry people and supplies long distances because of its ability to go without water. It is able to do this because it is the only mammal with oval-shaped red blood cells, which allows its blood to flow even if it is dehydrated. Its coat reflects the heat of the sun, it can close its nostrils to keep out wind and sand, and it has three eyelids—two have eyelashes and the third is a thin membrane it can see through while still protecting its eyes. Camel can eat anything when food is scarce, even thorny twigs, because it has thick skin on its mouth and its lips are split for easy grazing. The shape of camel’s nostrils holds water vapor, which it can reabsorb. You share the qualities of being able to survive in any type of harsh conditions because you are resourceful and resilient.
Talents: Adaptability, carefree, conservation, determined, efficient, endurance, facing challenges, focused, giving, hardiness, humility, journeying, noble, pacing yourself, patient, protection, relaxed, resilient, resourcefulness, self-control, self-preservation, service, spirituality, stamina, strong, survival skills, transport, travel
Challenges: Lackadaisical, materialistic, retaliation, selfish, stubborn
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Brown
Appearances: When camel appears, it means to look within yourself for empowerment and clarity instead of seeking it from other people. You have everything you need to survive. Now is the time for you to be self-reliant and stand on your own. You are your own inspiration, cheerleader, and teacher. You carry your own burdens instead of sharing them with others. Camel means not to waste your energy on things that aren’t completely necessary to your survival. Camel stores fat in its humps to use when it is without food or water. Camel means you’re giving away too much of your time and energy to others instead of keeping it in reserve, or you’re burning it up way too fast. Now is the time to step back and let others rely on themselves and to slow down your fast pace. Build up your reserves. You may need them sooner than you think.
Assists When: You need to be of service to others. You carry heavy burdens that don’t belong to you with ease but often don’t have support from others when you’re going through your own trying situations. If you need to be more efficient, organized, and frugal, camel urges you to drink your fill of the things that will enable you to meet these goals. Camel replenishes its reserves by drinking up to forty gallons of water at a time because it doesn’t know when it’ll have access to it again. It’s time for you to analyze your situation and boost your stores wherever possible so you can be self-sufficient. Camel helps you help others without draining yourself, open to your intuitive abilities, and remain balanced in any circumstance.
Frequency: Camel energy sounds like the pflat, pflat, pflat of a shoe being smacked on the floor. It moves steadily with a forward rocking motion. It feels hot and coarse.
Imagine …
You visit a camel safari facility where they offer farm tours and camel rides. You start with the farm tour and meet a baby camel first. It is friendly and loves to be petted. You offer it a bottle of milk, and it nurses noisily, bumping up against you and dribbling milk out of its mouth. When it’s finished, it lets you pet it a bit more then it lies down in the stall. You move on to the adult camels. You’re not sure if you’re brave enough to ride one of these massive animals, but you’re here and may not ever get the chance again. You look within for courage and then take an hour ride through lush green fields. The rocking motion of the camel has you adjusting your own movement so you’re in sync with it—mind, body, and soul. You faced a challenge and overcame your fear, which was camel’s message to you.
Traits: Canary symbolizes the power of song, speech, and creative expression. Canary is often kept as a pet because of its beautiful song and friendly attitude. Only the male birds sing. Canary enjoys a big, open, oversized cage with plenty of light so it can fly around inside and get exercise. This makes it happy, and when it’s happy, it sings. When it sings, you’re happy. This means you need to be aware of your voice right now, of tone and pitch. Make sure your living environment makes you happy, for without joy, your song is silenced.
Talents: Communication, compassion, elevated frequency, friendly, happiness, joy, kind, lightness of being, positivity, sensitive, singing talent, strength in the spoken word, understanding, vocal
Challenges: Delicate, indifferent, overly talkative, too sensitive
Element(s): Air
Primary Color(s): Green, red, yellow
Appearances: Canary means sound is important to you and a key connection to the spiritual realm. You may be called upon to speak, sing, or play a musical instrument. Your communication with others carries great power. People enjoy hearing what you have to say because your sound energy touches them on a deep level and brings light to their lives. Canary means to convey more joy and happiness in your life by recognizing the power of your own voice. You speak up for yourself and sing your own song instead of replicating the songs of others, which makes you a unique personality. You are filled with light and joy, and it’s time to share your song with the world. Canary means you may help someone on their spiritual journey or teach them how to develop their intuitive abilities. Creative expression with sound is your strength. You may excel in sound healing and sound therapy to raise your consciousness and connect to spirit. While you’re not usually one to sugarcoat your words, if it is needed canary can give you the ability to be kind instead of crass, influential instead of intimidating. Words are powerful, precise, and, if used as a weapon, can cut as deep as a knife. It is your responsibility, as a light being, to ensure your words are spoken clearly with precision to lift others up, encourage, and enlighten.
Assists When: You need to bring an energized light into your life. In the wild, canary only has yellow feathers. This is symbolic of the sun’s energy and light. Canary urges you to get outside and experience the sun’s brilliance and warmth, to get fresh air, and to exercise. If you are seeking enlightenment, healing, or spiritual awakening, canary will spread its wings and show you how to be free to fly to different dimensions. During troubling times or if you’re feeling blue, canary can help you say what you really feel, and its song can lift your spirits and bring joy back into your life. It can help you feel the energy surrounding situations so you can remove any negativity or darkness surrounding you or that you’re holding inside. With light there is dark, canary helps find balance between the two.
Frequency: Canary energy sounds like fast-moving, high-pitched chirps moving up and down the musical scale. The tone is clear and light; the pitch starts low, then goes high, then tapers to medium and can quickly run the musical scales. It feels like a brilliant light shining down on you, wrapping you in its glow and warming you with its heat.
Imagine …
You particularly like canaries and their beautiful song. One day when you stop by the pet store there are lots of new canaries. You reach into the cage and the birds fly to their perch and consider you, just like they always do. But then a bright yellow canary flies over and lands on your palm. You feel a connection to this bird, something that has never happened before. You know that this is your bird. So you whistle at it and the little bird answers back. Then an orange canary lands on your arm and sings at you, too. You leave the store with two new pets and a huge smile on your face.
Traits: Carp symbolizes travel, reproduction, and growth. Carp tends to grow to an enormous size. The largest ever caught was ninety-four pounds. Carp doesn’t have a stomach, so its food is digested by the intestines. Because of this it is always eating (up to 40 percent of its body weight each day), which makes it grow quickly and avoid becoming prey but damages aquatic habitats. Female carp can lay up to a million eggs a year. It also travels through streams to lakes and is considered a pest fish due to its large numbers and the destruction it causes. Carp means you are in a time of growth, and whatever you pursue at this time will expand to massive proportions. Expect to travel as you pursue your endeavors.
Talents: Adaptable, bravery, endurance, good luck, hard worker, hardy, harmony, higher consciousness, longevity, presence, radiance, self-defense, spiritual connections, tenacious, versatile, willing
Challenges: Agitation, impartial, indecisive, moves around a lot, stirs up trouble, uncertain, vague
Element(s): Water
Primary Color(s): Brown, silver, yellow
Appearances: When carp appears, it means you need to make sure you’re not muddying the waters, stirring up trouble, or being irritating to those around you. While your plans are taking off and you’re moving into new territory, try to build friendships instead of making those who are already established feel threatened. Carp is considered the boniest creature on earth. It has a whopping 4,386 bones. This means your internal support system is strong, multilayered, and you often rely on your own intricate foundation instead of asking others for help. This can be off-putting to others when you’re establishing yourself in a new venture, so make sure you handle yourself with finesse. Carp means you’re always growing, you adapt well to any conditions you find yourself in, and, while you may be messy and unorganized at times, you do whatever you have to do to succeed. Hard work and getting dirty don’t bother you one little bit.
Assists When: You need to fit in. If you’re in a new situation or environment and are feeling out of place, carp can help you make friends and adapt. Carp also helps when you need to rise above something that is confining you. Carp is well known for jumping up to ten feet out of the water, often landing in boats, when it is startled by loud sounds like a boat’s motor. It also jumps to adjust the amount of gas in its swim bladder (which helps it adjust its depth in the water). When it hits the water, the gas is expelled through the esophagus. This means it can help you adjust your buoyancy if you’ve gotten too deeply involved in a situation by helping you leap clear and distance yourself. Carp means you will be successful in life, continually experience personal and spiritual growth by being persistent in your pursuits, and able to reach a great depth of consciousness through intuition and spirituality. Heed its messages as you travel along your path.
Frequency: Carp energy feels murky and a little slimy. It is like sticking your hand into a bucket filled with slime when you’re blindfolded. You have no idea what you’re touching. Even with the ick factor, it feels strong, bold, and determined. It sounds like the slurping noise mud makes when you pull out your stuck foot.
Imagine …
You’re on lunch break. The day is nice, so you go outside and sit at the picnic table overlooking the river. There is a small motor boat coming toward you. Suddenly the river looks like it erupts with movement. Large carp are jumping out of the water, plopping back to the surface with a loud smack. Their scales glitter in the sun. The boat slows as it moves by the fish and after a bit the jumping stops and the boater speeds back up. You feel the energy of the carp as a strong statement to settle down if you’re in a situation that’s disturbing you.
Traits: Cat symbolizes harmony, timing, and exploration of the unknown. Cat is very confident and curious. It isn’t afraid to venture into strange territory to find what it seeks. Cat can rotate its ears 180 degrees and has keen hearing. Cat developed its meow to communicate with humans. It can make more than a hundred different sounds. While cat has exceptional eyesight, it can’t see directly beneath its nose. Cat spends most of its day sleeping and grooming. This means that you’re not afraid to go after what you want, even if it means going somewhere you’ve never been before. You have expert timing, hearing, and sight, but you can become so absorbed in yourself that you can’t see what’s right in front of you. You love adventure and seek thrills. Your appearance is important to you, and you go out of your way to make sure you look fantastic.
Talents: Adaptable, adventurous, attracts others, beauty, cleanliness, clever, communication, courageous, curious, dexterity, dignity, excellent timing, exploration of the unknown, graceful, healing, independent, intelligence, intuitive, lands on feet, magical, mysterious, patient, perceptive, selective, self-assured, self-reliant, social, watchful, wise
Challenges: Antisocial, easily bored, finicky, lazy, loner, restless, secretive, vanity
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, orange, white, various mixed colors and patterns
Appearances: When cat appears, it means you need to be patient, stay quiet, and just observe what is happening around you. Timing is important to cat. It will wait until just the right time to attack its prey or make a move. It doesn’t expend energy until it’s needed. This means to wait before taking action to ensure you’re in the best possible position to obtain your goal. You’re an excellent communicator who is independent and likes time alone but is also comfortable being part of a group. You enjoy being outside in the sun but usually work best at night. Cat means you need to be more flexible and harmonious in your relationships with others. Sometimes you can be too unpredictable, only heeding your own instincts without regard to others. While you’ll always land on your feet, others around you may not, and will need your assistance to get back on track.
Assists When: You need to find what is hidden in the dark. Cats are mystical creatures that can see in the dark and will enlighten you on the path of self-discovery. Its curiosity helps you look at your spirituality, intuition, personal motivations, or emotions and discover ways you can grow. As you learn, you will accept what feels right and bypass what doesn’t seem to fit. When you’re ready, you’ll circle back around and may find that what didn’t fit before makes sense to you now. Cat is secretive and can help you keep things under wraps. It can help you get out of sticky situations by finding ingenious ways to slink around obstacles. Cat encourages you to get enough sleep, take care of your appearance, and, most importantly, find time to play.
Frequency: Cat energy is warm, cuddly, and sharp. It slinks around you. It feels soft and moves slowly, wrapping you in its magical mystery. It can sting, sharp and sudden, like a claw scraping against your skin. It sounds like a soft, low rumble vibrating all around you but can hiss and growl.
Imagine …
You’ve been out of town for a few days, and when you return to your house there is a white cat sitting by your front door. It’s well groomed but doesn’t have a collar and looks on the thin side. You don’t have pets, so you try to shoo it away. That doesn’t work because it gets up and starts rubbing around your legs, purring very loudly with happiness. You push it away as you enter the house, but before you can close the door, it streaks inside. You find it in the kitchen, sitting in front of the sink looking up at the cabinets. You make it some food and watch it eat. You post fliers everywhere looking for the owner. No one ever shows, so you name it and keep it as your guardian.
Traits: Cattle symbolize gentleness, patience, and tranquility. Cow is slow and methodical. It remains calm and doesn’t get upset unless necessary. Cow also symbolizes a strong family unit and domestic ways. Cow is a social animal. Within the herd, cow bonds with some herd members and dislikes and avoids others. It is red-green colorblind, can hear lower and higher frequencies well, and doesn’t bite grass. Instead it curls its tongue around it and breaks it off. This means you have a strong sense of duty to family and friends. You have a gentle disposition and are the one who remains calm in the middle of any dramatic situation. You have unique ways of doing things that others might not understand.
Talents: Abundance, alertness, calmness, compassionate, connection to past lives, destiny, fertility, generous, gentle, grounded, inner strength, insight, keen eyesight, kind, loving, motherhood, new beginnings, nourishment, nurturing, patient, possibilities, potential, protection, sacrifice, serenity, steadfast
Challenges: Becoming rogue, complacent, isolation, lazy, overprotective, puts others before self too much
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, red, white, multiple patterns
Appearances: When cattle appear, it means you need to take it slow and easy, and enjoy life. You often tend to do too many things at one time, while putting the needs of others before yourself. Like cow, you can function without much sleep and still feel rested (cows only sleep about four hours a day). Cow has excellent panoramic vision and can see almost 360 degrees. It is very perceptive and alert. This means you need to look at everything around you, pay attention to details, and evaluate what is happening before taking action. Cow means you are steadfast and stand your ground even if a storm is brewing around you. Cow has a sixth sense about danger and knows where the best grazing lands are. Cow can lead you to understand your own innate intuitive abilities and lead you out of dangerous situations to a better place.
Assists When: You need to make sure you’re taking care of your basic needs in order to help others. Cow eats up to forty pounds of food and drinks up to fifty gallons of water a day. If you’re skipping meals or not drinking enough water, cow can help you be more aware of your daily nutritional needs and water intake so you don’t get dehydrated and run down. Cow can teach you how to have stability in your life without being inflexible. It can show you how to move forward without wasting your energy while teaching others the importance of patience and persistence. Cow honors others and urges you to do the same. Cow has a connection to past lives and can help you connect to your previous incarnations.
Frequency: Cow energy is slow moving. It has a steady blump, blump, blump rhythm. It is warm and penetrating, and it feels like the sun on your skin after a storm cloud passes overhead.
Imagine …
One of your favorite parts of the state fair is visiting the livestock exhibits. Each year you patiently wait to see a calf being born, but you’ve never been able to see the whole miracle of birth take place. This year, you wander around petting the baby calves, touching their wet noses, and letting them lick your wrists. Their gentle nature soothes you, makes you feel grounded and calm. As you make your way around, you come to the birthing stall and there is a cow obviously in labor. Suddenly the cow is pushing hard. Could this be the year you see one being born? You wait in quiet anticipation. Then you see two feet emerge, and moments later the calf is pushed out. Soon the mother stands and starts to lick her baby. You’re filled with awe and joy at the miracle of life you’ve just experienced.
Traits: Chameleon symbolizes change, blending in, and alertness. Chameleon is most known for its ability to change colors so it blends in with its surroundings, hiding in plain sight from predators. Scientists also believe they change color to communicate with other chameleons, or the color change happens because of the temperature or amount of light in the environment, or just because they’re in the mood to be a different color. This means you pay particular attention to what is going on around you and can often follow more than one conversation at a time.
Talents: Adaptable, faces fears, insight, intuition, keen eyesight, precise timing, quick, reflexive, regenerative, sensitive, spontaneous, variation, wise
Challenges: Aggressive, detached, easily influenced, inconsistent, insincere, loner, overly introverted
Element(s): Air, earth
Primary Color(s): Black, blue, gold, green, orange, red, yellow, and many colors combined in many different patterns
Appearances: When chameleon appears, it means that there are things going on that you may not be aware of, so pay close attention and look around to discover what is lurking nearby. Chameleon is not deaf, but it doesn’t hear very well. What it lacks in hearing it makes up for in eyesight. Each eye can move independently, can view 360 degrees, and can quickly focus and zoom in on objects. This means to rely on what you’re seeing as truth more than what you hear. Chameleon can move slowly, creeping up unnoticed, and then strike out with its tongue at lightning speed to catch its prey. You need to move slowly and when the moment is right, strike quickly to achieve your goals. This is a time of change. You prefer being alone but may find yourself involved with a group. You’ll intuitively know if you should blend in with the crowd or stand out and make your presence known. Chameleon warns against compromising your own beliefs or morals or letting other people’s opinions influence you. You’re steadfast, sensitive, and have precise timing. You’re able to see a person’s real intention. It’s important for you to stay true to your own colors.
Assists When: You need to adapt to changes happening all around you. Chameleon stays grounded and balanced regardless of how much upheaval is going on around it. You have this same ability to stand in the middle of chaos yet see everything that is happening and quickly determine the best choices to make in order to bring order to the disarray. Your intuition drives you, so make sure you’re listening to the messages you’re given. Chameleon warns against becoming temperamental or moody. It’s important to remember that while you can change your color, mood, or field of vision at will, it may take others a little longer to accomplish these things. Don’t get short-tempered with them. Chameleon also helps when you have a big decision to make. It encourages you to look at all options, to see the bigger picture and to make sure you’re well grounded in truth instead of hyped up on what-ifs. Chameleon can help you see the reality you’re facing so you can make a wise and well thought out decision.
Frequency: Chameleon energy is cool, rubbery, and bumpy. It sounds like the low hum of a computer but has little spikes of energy that sound like the clink of a triangle. It tickles, moving over you like a cloud passing over the sun, leaving you refreshed and relaxed.
Imagine …
You’re taking a walk when you notice a chameleon sitting on a tree limb. You find this a little strange and wonder if this is an escaped pet. You approach the animal and reach out your hand. To your amazement, it walks right onto your palm. Its colors are bright, its eyes are clear, and it appears to be very healthy. You take the chameleon with you, and it climbs onto your shirt sleeve, where it changes colors to blend in with the shirt. You hold your arm across your chest so it doesn’t fall off. Once you get home, you put in it a box. Since the animal appeared to you, you feel you should keep it, so you learn all you can about chameleons.
Traits: Chicken symbolizes fertility, nurturing, and communication. Hens cluck when they lay an egg and have specific sounds they use when caring for their young. Chickens are excellent communicators with more than thirty different calls, each with definitive meanings. Chickens mourn the loss of other chickens, even if it’s a separation and not a death. They’re adept at sensing danger and alarming the group of the threat. This means you’re also able to sense when people are a threat to you, even if you have to scratch a little deeper to see their true intentions.
Talents: Alertness, balance, birth, boldness, creativity, determination, discovery, enthusiasm, fertility, generosity, growth, harmony, nourishment, optimism, patient, potential, pride, sacrifice, sexuality, social
Challenges: Fearful, ill-tempered, lack of motivation, nervousness, overprotective, too picky
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, red, white
Appearances: When chicken appears, it means to look out for someone who may take advantage of your generous nature. Since you see the good in people, are very nurturing to others, and often put them first, especially family, you often don’t see or even think about any type of manipulative or negative behavior until you’re looking at a situation in hindsight. Chicken means to use your imagination and bring your creativity to life in whatever form you prefer. Maybe you enjoy crochet, knitting, or building birdhouses. Pick your medium and bring your ideas to fruition. Chicken is very intuitive, especially empathic, and is closely connected to the earth. When earth energy accumulates within chicken, it can become nervous and ill-tempered and have unpredictable behavior. This means to find some way to balance your own energy and find an outlet for it so that it doesn’t build up and send you into an explosion of squawking. Chicken is a sign of new birth. While this can be a physical birth of a child, it is more often indicative of the birth of a new business, partnership, or other venture.
Assists When: You need to improve your memory. Chickens can remember more than a hundred different faces of people or other animals. If you’re trying to improve your diet, especially if you’re trying to cut back on salt, chicken can help. It can’t taste sweets but can taste salt and often avoids it. Chicken’s inability to taste sweets also means that you may be eating more sweets than you realize and should make an extra effort to monitor your sugar intake. Chickens also eat gravel to help crush up their food, which means you should up your fiber intake as well. Chicken means you’re enthusiastic about life, have an insatiable curiosity, and are always learning new things. You often come up with unique ways to accomplish tasks. Chickens are very social, which means you tend to prefer group settings or events over spending time alone. You’re able to maintain your individuality in a group environment instead of becoming lost in the crowd.
Frequency: Chicken energy is fast and sharp and moves from one direction to another very quickly. It feels hot, as if you picked up a potato right out of the oven, tossing it from one hand to the other. It sounds like the tick, tick, tick of a loud clock in a silent room.
See Also: Cockatrice
Imagine …
At the local farmer’s market you take a tour of the chicken facility. You go to a large field with a big building in one corner. The chickens are free range and have the run of the entire acre sectioned off for them. When you enter the building, you realize it’s a very large chicken coup. There are small boxes lining the walls where the hens go to lay their eggs, a huge feeding area, and many branches for the chickens to roost on at night. You pick up an empty egg carton and go around and pick up the eggs you want to buy. There are some hens still sitting on their eggs, and you reach underneath the hen to get them. Her feathers are soft, and the egg is still warm when you remove it from the nest.
Traits: Chinchilla symbolizes growth, sensitivity, and compassion. Chinchilla’s teeth grow continuously throughout its lifetime (up to twelve inches a year), so it must continually chew on things to keep its teeth worn down. It is a very sensitive and compassionate animal. The males do not harm the kits (babies) but will often watch them while the female eats. If one female can’t produce milk, another female will nurse the babies for her. If people pick up a chinchilla, it doesn’t bite because it enjoys being held. They are odorless and hypoallergenic.
Talents: Adventurous, analytical, communication, connection with the Divine, curiosity, excellent hearing, flow, good memory, growth, harmony, innocence, instincts, intuition, observation, rhythm, secrets, timing, warmth
Challenges: Holding grudges, loneliness if separated from the group, overly sensitive to heat and humidity, too analytical
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Gray, white
Appearances: When chinchilla appears, it means to keep your secrets close, to remain silent, and to give deep thought to the situations in your life. Chinchilla means to quietly observe those around you. You’re very curious, and in watching you will discover many secrets that others hold close but reveal when they think no one is looking. Chinchilla is mysterious, intuitive, and reflects innocence yet maintains self-control. It is connected to the Divine and universal knowledge. This means you should retain your own mystery by not revealing all of your secrets. You are able to see someone’s inner essence and know if they are deserving of your trust. Chinchilla urges you to embrace your intuitive divine nature to enhance your connection to ancient and universal knowledge so you will continually experience growth in your lifetime. Chinchilla takes dust baths to clean itself because its fur is so dense it has a hard time drying if it gets wet. This means you have to get dirty to find clarity. Take time to work outside. Chinchilla likes to sit in high places and look down at the world. This means to connect to your higher self in order to find ways you can grow on your spiritual path.
Assists When: You need to enhance your sense of timing to ensure forward motion. Chinchilla has perfect timing and can leap up to six feet in the air to move up a rocky terrain. This will help you understand when you need to leap ahead and when you need to stay still and quiet. If you’re being too loud, aggressive, or egotistical, chinchilla can help you become softer, quieter, peaceful, and unselfish. If you’ve lost your sense of childlike innocence or the ability to see the joy in the smallest things, chinchilla can help you regain these qualities. If you’re being too critical or overly analytical, chinchilla can show you how to listen to your instincts to find a resolution or to accept things as they are and enjoy life as it happens. Chinchilla will also help you improve your communication skills.
Frequency: Chinchilla energy is warm and fuzzy, and it feels like you wrapped yourself in a towel that you just took out of the dryer. It sounds like you stepped on a squeaky toy. It moves in flowing waves over you, lifting you into light and love.
Imagine …
You’re sitting in a rocky area enjoying the scenery of the Andes Mountains. You see several gray, furry creatures meandering around the rocks. One jumps up on a rock beside you and another comes over and examines your shoes. You murmur soft, reassuring words to them, then reach down to touch one. Its fur is very soft, and it leans into your hand. It lets you pick it up. As it looks up at you with its big eyes, you feel a sense of awe and respect for this little animal. It wraps its front paws around your finger and lays its head against your hand. You pet it for a while and then place it back on the ground. It moves around, still exploring, then jumps up on a rock and disappears over the top. You stand up and look over the rock to see the chinchillas wandering away.
Traits: Cockatiel symbolizes social interaction, loyalty, and devotion. Cockatiel is a social bird that needs interaction either with another bird or with its human. It is loyal and devoted to other members of its flock or, if there are no other birds around, to its owner. This means you need to be social and participate in activities where there are other people. Or you should have a best friend that you can do things with and talk to. You’re loyal and devoted to those you care about and will go out of your way to help someone.
Talents: Caring, colorful personality, committed, communication, déjà vu, devoted, fruitfulness, guidance, happy, hopeful, intelligence, love, loyalty, mimicry, prophecy, supportive, trust, wisdom
Challenges: Flighty, gruff, long-winded, mockery, outspoken, overprotective, rash, trickster, wordiness
Element(s): Air
Primary Color(s): Gray, pink, white, yellow
Appearances: When cockatiel appears, it means you work well with others and are a clear communicator with a high level of intelligence. Cockatiel urges you to speak your feelings and thoughts instead of keeping them locked up inside. Cockatiel is a colorful bird, which means you often have a vibrant personality and enjoy bright, shiny things. Cockatiel likes to stay busy. It can get bored easily, so it’s important to always have toys, perches, and swings so they’ll have something to do. You can also become bored or distracted if you don’t have things to keep your mind occupied. Flying is an important part of cockatiel’s life. It needs time outside of its cage to fly around the house if you haven’t clipped its wings. For you this means you need to soar. Go to the park and swing, go hang gliding, or climb a tree to get a feeling of height and the wind moving around you. If nothing else, go to the center of a flat rooftop and just stand there with your eyes closed and let the wind blow around you. Cockatiel is known for its exotic looks—its beautiful crest, sleek feathers, and colorful face. If cockatiel appears, it means to take more time with your appearance. Have you been letting yourself go? Does your wardrobe need a makeover? Do you need a makeover? If so, cockatiel can help you make the changes you desire.
Assists When: You need to think before you speak, renew your dreams, or be more diplomatic. Cockatiel’s beak and toenails grow throughout its life. It keeps them trimmed by chewing and walking on hard objects. If it doesn’t, they become too sharp. Cockatiel warns against being too rash and gruff with your words. Make sure you’re not mocking someone without realizing it and you’re being tactful in your dealings with others. Cockatiel can help you get back on track in realizing the dreams and goals you’ve set for yourself. It can give you the spark needed to become more motivated, to take action, and to trust in your success. When cockatiel is alone for too long, it can become depressed and will start pulling out its feathers, banging its head on the cage wall, refusing to eat, and becoming angry. If you’re feeling blue, cockatiel can help you get motivated to spend time with others and have fun instead of getting out of sorts. While it’s good to have some alone time, cockatiel means you need to spend more time with others.
Frequency: Cockatiel’s energy is busy and in constant motion. It flaps, jumps, and glides around you. It sounds like click-click pause click-click, and the pitch is hard and striking yet clear and ringing.
See Also: Lory (Rainbow), Parrot (McCaw)
Imagine …
You’re at the pet store when a gray bird with a yellow head flies over and lands on your shoulder. The cockatiel steps down onto your arm, its nails feel blunt and firm, not scratchy as you’d expected. You touch its back with your hand and rub its feathers all the way down its tail. It moves against your hand, then, with a ruffle of its feathers, it flies to a top shelf to watch you. After a while, you’ve forgotten about the bird because you’re shopping, until you hear a flurry of wings and it lands on top of your head.
Traits: Dog symbolizes loyalty, protection, and service. Dog will give its life for its owner without a moment’s hesitation. You too are fiercely loyal and protective of those you love. You’ll stick by them through thick and thin regardless of what they’ve done or the situations they find themselves in. Dog helps those in need by being a guide or a service animal. You’re usually the first person to jump in to help in community emergency situations or if a friend, a coworker, or a family member is in need. Just as dog loves to run and play, you’re able to lift the spirits of those around you with your sunny disposition and engaging smile.
Talents: Assistance, communication, cooperation, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship, guardian, happiness, intelligence, keen observer, loyalty, obedience, perception, protection, reliable, resourceful, service, trustworthy, unconditional acceptance, unconditional love
Challenges: Dependency on others, lack of discrimination, laziness
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, white, yellow
Appearances: When dog appears, the first thing to do is consider the breed of dog and the unique characteristics of that breed. If it’s a Chihuahua, it means your bark is louder than your bite; if it’s a German shepherd, then you may need to be extra vigilant about protection. Dog means you have to remain faithful to yourself and what you want to accomplish in life, regardless of the distractions around you. When dog appears, it is a sign you should remain strong in your intention and have faith that everything will work out as it should. If you’ve been too hard or critical of yourself and others or are in attack mode, dog can help you see the positive over the negative and find your way back to your true loving and noble nature. Dog loves companionship and being with its people. It sees the good in everything and encourages you to do the same. Dog warns that you should always sniff out the people around you and the situations you’re in to find the truth. If something smells off, even if you can’t figure out what it is, listen to dog and pay close attention to discover what is hidden.
Assists When: You are feeling lost and don’t know what direction to go in. Dog can guide you back onto your path. If you are feeling lonely, dog can help you find more companionship. Feeling wary, fearful, or intimidated? Dog gives you a sense of protection and the strength to handle the situation. Dog means to make sure you aren’t cowering in fear or aggressively attacking just because someone else says you should do so. Dogs who act so out of character for the species have been abused or trained this way and are only seeking the approval and love of their owners. Remember to follow your own personal truths and values without letting others negatively influence you. Dog also helps you see when you’ve taken someone else’s loyalty for granted and will open your eyes to who your true friends are when times get tough.
Frequency: Dog energy moves at a quick pace, flowing around you with speed and fast turns. It sounds like a spring going boing-boing-oing-oing-oing. It feels wet, warm, and tickly.
See Also: Shisa
Imagine …
You’re working in your barn when a severe thunderstorm comes up. You see a little brown dog running up to the barn. It’s obviously lost, so you try to call it into the barn, but a sudden loud clap of thunder and torrential rainfall has it running back out of your property and down the road. You send it pictures of being warm and dry in the barn and ask it to come back where it will be safe. You’re standing in the center aisle watching the rain when you see the little dog running back to the barn. You crouch down and call it, and it comes over to you. You grab some towels and you wrap the little guy up. He’s shivering and scared. You post his picture in some groups online. Soon you’ve found his owner, and he’s back home safe and sound. You’re so glad he trusted you enough to come back so you could help him get home.
Traits: Donkey symbolizes the willingness to take on the responsibilities of others, a protective nature, and patience. Donkeys are very strong for their size and can carry 20 to 30 percent of their body weight. They are sure-footed and tend to analyze situations for potential danger. Donkey brays loudly to keep in contact with other members of the herd. They are protective and will fight off small predators like a fox, a coyote, or a wild dog, but they can only handle one predator at a time.
Talents: Determination, eagerness to work, endurance, gentle, intelligence, kind nature, patience, persistence, physical strength, protective, self-preservation, spiritual dedication, versatility, willingness
Challenges: Loud, noisy, obnoxious, stubbornness, takes on too many burdens of others
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Brown, gray, white
Appearances: When donkey appears, it is a sign of spiritual growth. It’s time to embrace and grow your intuition, empathic abilities, and connection to the Divine. Donkey means you may be taking on too much in an effort to help others and sometimes you need to let them stand on their own two feet. Donkey warns to be alert in case someone is trying to take advantage of your helpful nature. You are analytical and tend to evaluate situations before taking action. You’re cautious and want to make sure the route is safe before moving forward. Like donkey, if you decide a situation is dangerous or could have complications that will directly affect you, no one will change your mind regardless of how much they try to convince you otherwise. This isn’t stubbornness, but a keen sense of self-preservation through both analytical skill and intuitive insight. When donkey moves forward, it does so in a slow, calculated manner. Donkey has a solid, stable character and is gentle and kind but can be fiercely protective. You share these qualities with donkey. People often don’t expect to see aggressive or protective behavior from you because you’re so willing to help other people and are gentle and kind. But if someone you love is in danger, you don’t think twice about striking out in defense and loudly making your feelings known.
Assists When: You need to say no. You help so many people so often you can get overwhelmed with the burdens you carry. When you need to stop taking on so much and give back some of the burdens to their rightful owners, donkey will guide you along the right path so you can handle the situation with finesse. If you need a boost of motivation to finish something you’ve started or to move over an obstacle, donkey’s endurance and determination will see you through. Donkey’s strength, persistence, and patience can help you get through projects or jobs you really don’t want to do but are necessary. It will lend you its willingness to help you until the task is completed. Donkey warns against being too brash, loud, or overly vocal. Sometimes a few words are all that is needed and other times silence is best.
Frequency: Donkey’s energy is a solid four-beat thump that is steady and constant. Its sound is clear and strong. It feels like a firm hand on your shoulder, guiding you along the right path. It changes from warm to cold to warm again and at times can feel very hot and volatile.
Imagine …
You’re at a yard sale and see two small donkeys grazing who are free to a good home if you can catch them. Once you’re close to the donkeys, you kneel down and call them. They walk toward you, so you send them pictures of you rubbing their necks and shoulders. Within minutes you’re petting the darker one and stand up to scratch its back and rump, all the while talking to it. You ask the other one to come to you, but it’s afraid. So you scoot closer and explain that its halter is on wrong. It’s too tight, so you’re just going to fix it. The donkey allows you to adjust it and lets you pet it on its shoulders and face. An hour later, you have the donkeys home in your own pasture.
Traits: Duck symbolizes home, family, and change. Duck is constantly moving about but tends to stay with its group or family unit. Duck has a strong nesting instinct, which symbolizes home and family, and it takes excellent care of its young. A mother duck will lead her young a half mile from the nest to find water for food and swimming. Duck’s feathers are waterproofed with a waxy coating that will keep the down underneath dry even if the duck dives under the water. This means you are a strong family person, you often move about, and you protect your inner self by having a strong exterior. Nothing really ruffles your feathers, instead you let things roll off of your back like water rolls off of a duck.
Talents: Adaptable, balance, change, comforting, creativity, easygoing, even emotions, flexible, freedom, graceful, group activities, manages stress, mind/body/spirit balance, new opportunities, social, strong family ties
Challenges: Flies away from difficult situations, inconsistent, is a follower instead of a leader, succumbs to peer pressure
Element(s): Air, earth, water
Primary Color(s): Brown, green, red, white, yellow, mixture of many different colors and patterns
Appearances: When duck appears, it means you need to find a better way to handle your stress levels. When you’re too uptight, on edge, and quick to anger, stress is usually the culprit. Duck can show you how to balance between water, earth, and air so you release the agitation, let go of worry, and find balance. Once back in balance you can connect to these three elements and duck energy to quickly get settled if you start feeling off-kilter. Duck is comfortable in all kinds of situations and can lend you its easygoing nature to help you feel at ease too. Ducks flock together, which means you know many people. That being said, though, you only have a few trusted friends who are close to you. If you find you’re being too inflexible in any part of your life, duck can show you how to loosen up and be more flexible by looking at many different ways of doing things instead of sticking to your preferred methods. Duck can help you be emotionally strong and, when your emotions are high, see through them to find balance. Duck encourages you to live in the moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
Assists When: You need to get out of a sticky situation. Duck likes to take the easy way out and migrate to different waters if it feels threatened, but it can also help you face difficult situations or adjust to new people and places. Duck enables you to handle situations without getting upset about them. If you’re starting a new project or business, duck can help your plans take flight and soar to success. Duck can also help you let go of emotions you’ve been holding inside, especially grudges, to feel carefree and relaxed. Like duck, you’re not afraid of getting into a disagreement with someone, but once it’s over, it’s over and you move on instead of fretting about it.
Frequency: Duck energy is solid, light, and completely in balance. It sounds like an echo through the forest or the slow movement of your hand through water. It is cool, is refreshing, and fills you with happiness and joy.
Imagine …
You’re in your yard cleaning out your car’s interior. Suddenly, a duck flies into your car and lands on the passenger seat. It’s not afraid of you and is walking around on the car seat, checking out the back and looking at you. Should you shoo it out? Or pick it up? The duck crawls into your lap and settles down like it would on a nest. This is such abnormal behavior that you think it has a higher meaning. Maybe this duck is your guide. As you think that, it looks up at you and quacks. Okay. You settle down, rub its back, and let the duck hang out for as long as it wants. You send positive thoughts to the duck and receive several telepathic messages from it. After a while, the duck climbs off of your lap and flies away. Messages delivered.
Traits: Ferret symbolizes the fierce nature of a hunter and the wisdom of the universe. While ferret is quick to defend itself with a strong bite, it can also serve as your messenger for and connection to universal knowledge. Ferret is a great investigator that usually has a pleasant disposition unless it is hunting or if it feels threatened, and then it can deliver a nasty bite. This suits you well in business because you’re a leader who can develop ingenious plans to beat the competition or to fight back if needed.
Talents: Alert, awareness, curious, drive, excitement, fearless, focused, growth, intelligence, intuitive, inventive, leader, motivated, opportunistic, optimistic, playful, popular, quickness, renewal, sensitivity, silent observation, stealth, strength
Challenges: Anxiety, exhaustion, ferocious, overly focused, secretive, thievery, too intense, tunnel vision, vicious, worrywart
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, white
Appearances: When ferret appears, it means to look for hidden meanings. This is a time for emotional and spiritual growth, to trust your instincts, and to delve into new and unexplored territory. Working through emotions can be difficult, but ferret gives you the intuitive insight to get to the root of problems as you lift layer upon layer of emotions away to get to the cause. You’re highly motivated to make changes in your life at this time and ferret will push, pull, and snap at your heels to get you there, acting as your guardian along the way. Ferret also means you’re coming into a time of financial growth. If you’ve been thinking about starting or expanding a business, this is a good time to move forward. The work you put in now will bring success and financial rewards. Ferret encourages you to trust your vision and sense of smell. When something looks and smells good, then go for it, but if it appears that all is not as it seems or smells off to you, then look closer for hidden agendas and steer clear. Ferret reminds you to remember to have a good sense of humor. Laughter and smiling will cheer up the dullest of moods and bring joy and happiness.
Assists When: You need to be more energized and outgoing. If you feel gloomy and down in the dumps or can’t get motivated to move, ferret can push away those negative feelings, recharge you with positivity, and get you up and out the door. If you need to do any kind of research, ferret can help you find interesting details others don’t usually uncover. Its ability to get into small spaces has you looking between the lines for hidden information. Ferret is independent, brave, and unafraid to be alone, so if you’re going to be by yourself, ask ferret to guide you. It can show you when to be quiet, secretive, playful, focused, or aggressive. While you’re always well prepared, ferret means to stock up on supplies and food now because they will be needed in the near future. It is essential for ferret to have a safe home that is its own. Take time now to add your unique flair to your home so you feel warm, cozy, and safe inside.
Frequency: Ferret energy feels electrified. It pulses, zings, and sizzles all around you. If it touches you, it feels like a spark, as if you walked across a carpet, touched something, and got a small shock. It moves fast, changes direction often, and keeps you aware and on your toes.
See Also: Weasel (Maarten, Mink)
Imagine …
You’re cleaning a client’s house when you feel something by your feet. You look down to see a gray ferret playing with the hem of your jeans. You reach down and rub the ferret’s back, and it promptly rolls over and starts grabbing at your hand with its feet and mouth. You pick it up and return it to its cage. Later you find it running around on the bed. You catch it again, and take a moment to cuddle and rub it before returning it to the cage again. You notice it has a musky scent and feels a little oily. This time when you place it in its home, you add a twist tie to the door to keep it shut.
Traits: Gerbil symbolizes the little things, small comforts, and closeness of friends and family. Gerbil likes to dig and needs an environment where it can dig its own tunnels under a deep layer of dirt. Hamster environments don’t work well for gerbil. It is curious of its surroundings and likes to explore. This means that while you feel most comfortable with the people you know, make time to allow others into your circle of friends, explore new possibilities, and don’t close yourself off to new adventures.
Talents: Artistic, curious, developed sense of smell, digging into projects, family oriented, handy, hardy, high energy levels, social, very active mind
Challenges: Difficulty making friends, overly dependent on family, takes self too seriously
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gold, gray, silver, white, multicolored
Appearances: When gerbil appears, it means to connect to the things that make you feel the most comfortable and secure. You may feel drawn to being alone and spending time creating new projects, particularly crafts with intricate details. You pay attention to the small things in life that others may not notice. Gerbil is social but has no fear of exploring on its own. If you’ve become too much of a homebody, now is the time to get out of the house and do something. It doesn’t matter what you choose to do. You may need to take time to dig into a new project or come up with a creative way to approach something you’re already working on. Gerbil can show you how to dig in, tunnel around, and create something unique and intriguing. You may discover that others aren’t as interested in your work as you believe they should be, or they don’t take what you’re attempting seriously, especially when it comes to artistry. Gerbil encourages you to continue on your path, write a book or a song, draw or paint something amazing, or audition for a play. Being artistic is part of you, and you excel at it. Be proud of your creations, pursue your dreams, and don’t let anyone hold you back. Believe in yourself and you can do anything.
Assists When: You need to get closer to your friends and family. If you’ve experienced disagreements that have put distance between you, be the bigger person, release any negative emotions, and make an effort to repair the relationships. If you feel like you’re stuck, gerbil’s positive, determined nature can show you ways to start moving forward. You may have to take a different path to get unstuck, but that’s part of the adventure. Experiencing new things, even at the risk of feeling uncomfortable, will help you grow as a person. You’re good with your hands and are an intelligent visionary, so now is the time to spring into action. Get your hands dirty and dig in. You tend to take the road less traveled, preferring to do things your own way instead of following a crowd. Even if you’re part of a group, you remain a unique individual who others look up to as a leader due to your engaging personality, ingenuity, and the amount of energy you put into everything you do.
Frequency: Gerbil energy is constantly moving in strong spirals around you. It is warm yet feels like it has little zings of static mixed in. It sounds like a torrential hard rain and smells like the outdoors after a spring shower.
See Also: Guinea Pig (Hamster)
Imagine …
You’re feeding your pet gerbil when you notice it’s just sitting there staring at you with sad eyes. You pick it up and hold it for a while, just spending time with it. You send it positive thoughts and ask it what’s wrong. You feel a sense of loneliness. It’s been a crazy week at work, and you haven’t been spending as much time with your little guy as you normally would. You get your big shirt with the pocket and put it on, place your gerbil inside, and go about your day, reaching in to pet it often. Most times it’s asleep in your pocket. At the end of the day, you put it back in its cage for the night and it looks up at you, radiating happiness.
Traits: Goat symbolizes bravery, trust, and reaching new heights. Goat is a curious, social animal, but it isn’t afraid to go out on its own to explore. It enjoys climbing and will scale sides of mountains. Goat stays in contact with other goats through bleating. Goat has a rectangular eye shape and excellent vision. Goat symbolizes a connection with spirituality, especially intuition, and moving upward to a greater understanding of universal laws and consciousness.
Talents: Abundance, agility, ambition, balance, courageous, creativity, curious, determination, dignified, exploration, faithful, hardy, independence, intelligent, nurturing, peaceful, perfectionist, perseverance, pragmatic, quirky, respect, sacrifice, seeking new heights, self-reliant, shyness, social, spirituality, sturdy, sure-footed, understanding, vitality
Challenges: Aloofness, becoming too emotionally distant, self-indulgent, stubborn, sudden changes
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, red, white, mixture of colors and patterns
Appearances: When goat appears, it means that now is the time to take one step at a time, to be cautious and practical. Like goat, you are determined and don’t let obstacles stand in your way. There are times when you can move forward very quickly, jumping to new heights and being a bit reckless in your pursuits. Now is not one of those times. Instead remain determined and fearless and access your inner strength to make calculated choices on your path. People may think you’re being stubborn, but you’re not. You’re just making sure you will not falter in your success. You see the path clearly; don’t let others steer you in the wrong direction. While you are open to listening to the advice of others, if the advice doesn’t intuitively seem correct for the situation, then look to your higher self for alternative solutions. Goat means you will make great achievements because you don’t give up when you set your mind toward a goal. Goat warns against overindulgent behavior, relying on others too much, or giving up too soon. The path to success can be a long one, but you’re up for the journey.
Assists When: You need to get more physically coordinated or you need help coordinating projects at work. A goat’s coordination is excellent, its balance is extraordinary, and it can climb steep mountains or trees with ease. Goat can show you how to find balance within your body by connecting to your inner spirit, or it can show you ways to handle multiple projects at work by jumping from one to the other at precisely the right time. Goat helps when you need to get in touch with your emotions. Goat doesn’t have tear ducts, which means you tend to hold your emotions in check, bury them deep, and only let others see what you want them to see about you. There are times when you need to open yourself and make a conscious effort to examine your emotions. If you hold them in for too long, one day they’ll come pouring out and you will not be able to control them. It’s better to feel them now than to let them unexpectedly burst open.
Frequency: Goat energy is bumpy. It feels as if you’re driving over a lot of ridges (washboard) in the road. It is hot and moves slow then fast, often having giant surges or jumps. It is loud and sounds like bbbblllllaaaahhhhh, with the tone and pitch moving up and down.
See Also: Chimera, Jersey Devil, Sea-Goat
Imagine …
You’re out for an evening walk through your neighborhood when you suddenly come across a goat just standing in the middle of the dirt road. You recognize it as belonging to your neighbor. You slowly approach. It walks toward you and nuzzles your hand. You immediately feel a sense of relief from the goat. It doesn’t know how to get back home. Luckily, it has on a halter, so you hold on to it and pet the goat’s back and neck, telling it that you’re going to take it home. You change your route, now with a walking partner, and take the goat back where it belongs. Before you leave, it licks you on the hand in thanks.
Traits: Goldfish symbolizes transformation, growth, good fortune, and adaptability. Goldfish has long been a symbol of good luck in many cultures. It is connected to the spiritual realm, which means that growth and positive transformation is on your horizon. Goldfish doesn’t have eyelids, so it can’t close its eyes. It can live for a long time (the oldest known was forty-five years), prefers a bright environment, and can see ultraviolet and infrared light. When goldfish is kept in the dark, its color fades; when it’s kept in a sunny environment, its colors become brilliant and bright. This means you have the ability to see much more than others, often through your intuition, and are positively affected by the light, both from the sun and from the inner light of other people.
Talents: Abundance, beauty, cheerful, connection to universal knowledge, good luck, harmony, insight, intuition, longevity, optimistic, perception, prosperity, savvy, serenity, strength, transformation
Challenges: Idealistic, naïveté, taking self too seriously
Element(s): Water
Primary Color(s): Gold, orange
Appearances: When goldfish appears, it means you’re entering a time of luck and change. Everything you attempt will turn to gold, be positive, and bring prosperity your way. There are changes coming to you at this time but you will easily flow and adapt to them as they occur. Goldfish means to open your mind to new possibilities and opportunities. You are optimistic, interact well with others, and have a bright personality. These qualities draw influential people to you who have ideas that will cause you to start a new business or come up with a concept that will be highly marketable and prosperous. This is also time to keep quiet about any ideas, inventions, or projects. Goldfish will help you remain silent so you have time to create and manifest to bring them to fruition. Goldfish means to look for the enjoyment and fun in situations instead of taking yourself too seriously.
Assists When: You need to navigate the waters of life more effectively. Goldfish can show you how to go with the flow and attune to the currents around you. Goldfish does not have a stomach, so it needs to eat easily digestible foods often instead of one big meal. This means that you need to watch your diet and eat small, light meals more often instead of three square meals a day. If you’re having trouble adapting to changes in your life, goldfish can help. It is able to survive in cold temperatures by lowering its metabolism. You too will survive by making changes to get you through until you adjust. Goldfish lives in calm, serene waters. This means to take time to experience the serenity around you. By doing so you’ll experience a calmness of spirit and a connection to the Divine.
Frequency: Goldfish energy moves slowly but can also move quickly at times. It feels like thick, warm butter gliding over the back of your hand. It sounds like the quiet fall of snow.
Imagine …
You’re waiting outside of your favorite restaurant to be called for seating. There is a very large koi pond in the landscaping at the front of the building. You wander over and watch the large goldfish and koi swimming around in the water. Their bright colors and fluid movement are mesmerizing. You find yourself wondering what it’s like to be one of them. You notice that several of the golden fish seem to hang out together, swimming side by side from one area of the pond to another. There is one staying relatively still near the top of the water. It’s looking at you so you reach down and touch its back with one finger. It allows your touch, so you stroke its back a few more times. When your table is ready, the goldfish quickly darts away as you stand up.
Traits: Goose symbolizes family, love, and affection. Goose is very kind and loving to other geese in its gaggle. If one gets hurt, another will stay behind with it until it can fly again. Only then will they return to the group. Geese mate for life, and if one of them dies, the other goose will live alone, not looking for a new mate. Both parents participate in the raising of their goslings, and they stay together as a family unit for up to a year when the gosling leaves to find its own mate and start its own family. A male goose will put itself in harm’s way to protect its mate. This means family is important to you. Now is the time to surround yourself with those you love. Goose also represents fertility, so you, or someone close to you, may find out a new baby is on the way.
Talents: Ambitious, amicable, brave, communication, confident, determined, doesn’t give up, driven, fertility, fidelity, flow, forward movement, guidance, happiness, helpful, imagination, inspiration, intent on success, joy, levelheaded, loyal, new beginnings, new ideas, patience, perseverance, protection, rejuvenation, reliable, resourceful, rest, social, stability, teamwork, wisdom
Challenges: Overly aggressive, rigid, self-doubt, self-involved, territorial, too focused
Element(s): Earth, water
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, white
Appearances: When goose appears it means to analyze whether you should lead or follow. Goose is exceptionally good in both roles, as are you, and knows when each is appropriate. Goose is an excellent communicator with its loud, distinctive honk. Geese fly in a V formation, honk to keep the same speed, and change places to rest while flying. Goose means to rest so you can keep going. Once a year, goose molts and loses its tail feathers. During this time it stays in one place near water until the feathers grow back. Goose warns against getting so involved in the lives of others that you forget your own purpose and pursuits. While others may have good intentions by offering direction, ultimately you choose your own path, which leads to spiritual growth and enlightenment. Goose reminds you to remember your true self and life purpose.
Assists When: You need to make the best of a situation. Goose is wise, offers protection, and will lash out if it feels threatened. These qualities will help you feel comfortable if you’re unsure about a situation you’re involved in. It can help you find balance and guide you to areas where your energy is best utilized. This is especially true if you’ve been focusing on one area of your life and neglecting another. If you’ve been feeling stressful or experiencing drama, goose can guide you back to a place of harmony and peacefulness. Goose warns that others may try to take advantage of your kind, gentle, and loving nature. It urges you to stand up for yourself (and family) if you feel you’re being manipulated and gives you the courage to do so. If you’re traveling, goose can help you find the most direct path and exciting detours to take.
Frequency: Goose energy is a loud, unexpected blast of sound. It grabs your attention while its warmth encases you with feelings of love and peace. It moves in a smooth, flowing motion that engages your senses.
Imagine …
You’ve had a lot on your mind today so you stop by a small lake in the park near your house before going home from work. You find a bench and just sit there, looking out over the water, thinking. You see a couple of geese swimming along the water’s edge. As you watch, they get out of the water and walk toward you. At first you feel a bit uneasy because geese are known to attack. You sit still, watching and waiting. They stop right in front of your feet, and to your utter amazement, one of them lays down and puts its head on your shoe. A calm sense of peace floods through you. Everything will be okay. Moments later, the goose stands up, looks at you for a moment, and then they both go back into the water and swim away.
Traits: Guinea fowl symbolizes protection, warnings, and being grounded. Guinea fowl is a very loud bird that spends most of its time on the ground. Its connection to the earth will help you stay grounded in all aspects of your life. Its loud screeching acts as a warning system to other members of the flock, protecting them by alerting to possible danger. If you feel a need to stop what you’re doing and move away from it for a while or if you feel the need to get out of your current situation, guinea fowl’s message is to immediately listen to your intuition and move. Guinea fowl is excellent at pest control. It’ll eat ticks, bees, grasshoppers, and any yard pests. This means that guinea fowl can help keep pesky situations and people at bay.
Talents: Freedom, grounded, independent, movement, protection, quickness, showmanship, spiritual guardian, warning, working in groups for the common good
Challenges: Doesn’t form deep connections outside of its own flock, flighty, lack of physical strength, noisy, overly talkative, sounding false alarms
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, blue, gray, white
Appearances: When guinea fowl appears, it means working in groups. It is a very social bird that interacts in small groups. A guinea fowl can die from loneliness if separated from its flock or if kept as a solitary pet. Guinea fowl means to connect to your spiritual self, to listen to your intuition, and to voice your knowledge with confidence and authority. Guinea fowl typically mates for life, which means love and family are important to you. Its mating display is to chase each other and then circle around one another flapping their wings. Circles are sacred symbols in spiritual beliefs of many cultures. It is believed that universal power and spiritual strength move from the Divine to earth through circles and spirals. This means for you to spend time connecting to your own spirituality and determining what you believe to be your own universal truths. The helmeted guinea fowl has what looks like a spur protruding from the top of its head like a helmet. The crested guinea fowl has a tuff of black feathers on its head. This means you can still look good while protecting your head during risky activities by wearing a helmet. Don’t succumb to peer pressure and not wear protective head gear whether you’re riding a horse, motorcycle, skateboard, or bicycle. It’s better to be safe now than to be sorry later.
Assists When: You need to defend yourself or run from a negative situation. Guinea fowl uses its powerful feet to protect itself by running away. When startled, it quickly flies a short distance and then glides back down to the ground in a different location. Guinea fowl also uses its beak to peck and its feet to kick and claw at its attacker. Guinea fowl means to use your feet to quickly run away from a situation, but if you’re stuck and have to defend yourself, use whatever defensive means necessary to ensure that you win. This doesn’t always mean a physical confrontation. It also applies to work-related or personal incidents where you find yourself being verbally attacked or accused of something where you must defend your decisions. Guinea fowl urges you to take quick action and manifest your heart’s desires.
Frequency: Guinea fowl energy zings in fast-moving circles. It is annoyingly loud and sounds like kurrr cha-cha-chee, which reminds you of two pieces of wood rasping together or fingernails being run down a chalkboard. It feels prickly, spiky, and tough.
Imagine …
While at the farmer’s market, you hear the most annoying, loud clacking sound. You follow the noise, and there are about twelve small gray birds with spots making a big racket. They notice you looking at them and run up to you, pecking at your sneakers and moving all around your feet. Their high energy lifts your spirits and makes you smile, even though the noise is grating. You turn to leave and they follow you for a while, then get distracted by something and run in the other direction. Your encounter with them makes you feel energized for the remainder of the day.
Traits: Guinea pig symbolizes spiritual growth, connecting with like-minded people, and welcoming new ideas. Guinea pig is a rodent (not a pig) and does not exist in the wild (although its ancestors did). Guinea pig enjoys social contact, loves being gently held, and even purrs like a cat. If it knows you’re around, it will squeak at you to get your attention and some cuddle time. Guinea pig means to open your mind and heart to new thoughts and ideas of a spiritual nature. Socialize with others who are on the same path so you can learn from them and teach others along the way.
Talents: Affectionate, agility, communion, depth of character, developed sense of smell, family oriented, great memory, growth, hardy, healing, quickness, social, turns on a dime
Challenges: Fragile, not seeing what is right in front of you, sensitive to heat
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, red, white, multicolored
Appearances: When guinea pig appears, it means to watch your diet. It can’t produce vitamin C and needs a supplement to make sure it’s getting the required amount. Guinea pig can’t sweat, so it prefers cooler, shady environments but not too cold, as it can also get chilled. It is a vegetarian that eats constantly. This means you need to watch your water intake and make sure you’re not getting overheated during activities. Make sure you’re not overeating. Even if you’re eating a lot of small meals in a day, the calorie content can add up quickly if you’re not keeping count. You may also need to supplement your diet with vitamins. Guinea pig’s teeth grow throughout its lifetime and have to be constantly worn down. This means it’s important that you find a way to stay active. Its toenails need to be regularly trimmed to prevent them from growing into its feet. Guinea pigs are avid groomers. This means you should take extra care of your appearance and practice good hygiene. They are also born with all of their fur, with their eyes open, and able to eat solid food. However, they can’t see what’s directly in front of them, which means they can’t see what they’re eating and is a warning not to overeat. You also have everything you need within you. By connecting to your spiritual self you will be able to excel in all that you set out to achieve. Guinea pig warns to look at situations from all angles because sometimes you don’t see what’s right in front of you.
Assists When: You need rest but are on a tight schedule, which is cutting into your regular sleep time. Guinea pig takes lots of short naps instead of sleeping for long periods of time. If you do the same, you will be able to stay focused and feel refreshed even though you’re not getting your normal amount of sleep. If you are being too solitary, now is the time to seek out groups where you can socialize, learn, and participate in activities. Guinea pig can help you find truth, especially the truth within you. It helps you see who you are on a spiritual level and invites spiritual growth and enlightenment. Now is the time to express yourself, to communicate with others and to simplify your life if you feel overwhelmed or that everything is too complicated.
Frequency: Guinea pig energy is soft, warm, and comforting. It sounds like a low rumbling hum, the flow of running water, and gives you a sense of calmness. It feels like a loving caress against your cheek.
See Also: Gerbil
Imagine …
You’re throwing your trash into a dumpster when you hear scratching and squeaking coming from a large closed box on the ground. You slowly lift the lid, expecting a rat, but inside you find three small hamsters in a cage with food, toys, and supplies. You can’t believe it and you surely can’t leave them here with no water. You pick one up and it seems very friendly, so you take the box, and your new pets, back to your apartment.
Traits: Guppy symbolizes fertility, beauty, and flow. Guppy matures quickly. By the time males reach two months and females reach three months old, they can breed. A female guppy can have up to two hundred fry (baby guppies) at a time. You can even see the eyes of the fry through the translucent skin of the mother prior to birth. They are often called million fish due to their reproductive capabilities. Guppy is known for its beautiful array of colors and large, flowing tail. Guppy’s easy flow through water as it swims signifies the connection to universal consciousness.
Talents: Adaptability, awakening, beauty, creativity, fertility, flow, hidden truth, independence, potential, revelations, safety
Challenges: Hiding from life, irresponsible, population culling
Element(s): Water
Primary Color(s): Black, blue, brown, gray, green, gold, indigo, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, turquoise, white, yellow
Appearances: When guppy appears, it means you can easily adapt to any situation you find yourself in. If you’re unsure how to handle yourself, guppy suggests hiding out of sight to watch what’s going on and then make decisions on how to move forward. When a pregnant guppy and fry are tired, they retreat to the safety of the plants in the tank to hide away and rest, all the while keeping an eye on its environment. If their environment becomes overcrowded, guppy will eat its fry. Baby guppies should be moved to their own tanks soon after they’re born to ensure their survival. This means you too may need a separation from family or those closest to you in order to rest or to make important decisions and to flourish. Guppy has been deliberately set free in a multitude of countries in order to fight the spread of malaria because they eat mosquito larvae. This means you are able to do many good deeds, but you have to let yourself be free to do them. Sometimes you hold yourself back instead of exploring the world. This is because you fear that you will not be successful. You may think I can’t do it, but there’s a saying that can’t never could do anything! So let go of any negative feelings or doubt you may have about yourself, go out into the world and make an impression, leave your mark, make the world a better place. Because can does it all!
Assists When: You need to increase your financial portfolio or store supplies for a rainy day. The sheer volume of offspring that a guppy can have is phenomenal. Add to that the fact that guppy can get pregnant several times after one encounter with a male because they store sperm. This is a sign for you to stock up on supplies because you never know when you might need them but are unable to get them. Guppy can show you the best ways to increase your financial picture. Is there money hiding somewhere that you’ve overlooked? Or can you grow something two-hundredfold if you make one small change? If you’re looking to buy something new that can generate income for you, now is a good time to take a look even if you don’t take action at this time. Guppy urges you to connect to your inner essence, higher self, universal flow, and awaken to the development of your clair senses by getting in touch with the spiritual realm.
Frequency: Guppy energy is cool, smooth, and silky. If feels like a fine silk scarf flowing over your skin. It sounds like a light, high, even hum that moves up and down in pitch.
Imagine …
You’ve recently gotten a small fish tank and a couple of beautiful female guppies. One morning you discover a bunch of tiny little baby guppies in the tank with the girls. The little ones are all eyes. As they swim quickly around the tank you’re filled with feelings of positivity and excitement. Later that day, you transfer the babies into their own tank. You’re fascinated by the babies. Every day they seem to be a little bit bigger and start developing their own colorful scales. Soon they will have to be moved into individual tanks, so you consider calling the pet store to see if they’d be interested in buying them. Until then, you enjoy watching them grow into brightly beautiful creatures.
Traits: Hedgehog symbolizes self-protection and curiosity. Hedgehog has between five thousand and seven thousand quills that it can raise and lower with its back muscles. If threatened, hedgehog will roll itself up into a ball, which makes the sharp quills on its back crisscross as added protection against predators. It is naturally curious and loves to explore and investigate its surroundings. Hedgehog is a solitary creature. It means you also tend to protect yourself from perceived threats but warns to make sure you’re not just isolating yourself because of your own fear of being emotionally hurt. Hedgehog urges you to go exploring to satisfy your curious nature.
Talents: Curiosity, defensive, energy, fertility, inquisitive, intelligence, intuition, joy, protection, resourceful, understanding, unique, vitality, wisdom
Challenges: Misunderstandings, overly defensive, too protective
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, white
Appearances: When hedgehog appears, it means other people don’t understand you or are asking too much of you. You’re a very gifted person, you have a big heart and help out whenever you’re needed, but people may think you’re a little quirky because they don’t get your sense of humor, your personality, or the path you’ve chosen to take. That’s okay. Just because someone else doesn’t understand you, that doesn’t mean you have to be overly protective or keep to yourself and avoid others. You’re closely connected to the energy of the earth and are at one with your intuition and spirituality. You often manifest what you need in your life and are open to receive what is coming to you. You have the ability to teach others how to connect to their own spirituality and understand their own unique gifts. You have the gift of sight, which is indicated by hedgehog’s ability to see better in the dark than in daylight. You too can see through darkness to find the light and truth of situations. You also tend to have visions and prophetic dreams. Hedgehogs have poor eyesight and have to rely on their sense of smell and their hearing. This means you too must use all of your senses and abilities in life. Things will flow more smoothly and with much more clarity if you remain connected to your core essence.
Assists When: You need pest control. Hedgehog eats a wide variety of insects, snails, and earthworms as their main diet. This is helpful to gardeners who want a natural solution to pest control. This means they can help you deal with people who are annoying or being a pest toward you. Hedgehog is immune to snake venom and has no problem winning a fight with a snake. Hedgehog urges you to be aware of people who are shady, scheming, and manipulative, and to defend yourself against their negativity. If you discover people are often misunderstanding you, don’t take it personally. If you feel like giving them an explanation, that’s fine, but not always necessary. Everyone is on a different path in life, so you will come across people who don’t understand you. Just take it in stride and move forward.
Frequency: Hedgehog energy is light and airy and moves in a slowly swirling pattern. It sounds like soft little grunts, snorts, and hisses. It is smooth but bristly, warm but chilly.
See Also: Porcupine
Imagine …
It’s summertime, and you’re enjoying a glass of tea while sitting on your porch. There’s movement near one of the yard figurines, so you go investigate. You find a small hedgehog rooting in the grass. You watch it for a while then decide to approach it. You go near it and sit down. It doesn’t seem to be afraid of you, so you hold out your hand. It sniffs at you then walks beside your leg. You reach over, touch its back, and notice the coarseness of its quills. It climbs over your legs and in that moment you decide this is its home for as long as it will stay. You bring a dish of water outside then head to the pet store for an outdoor house and food for it in the hopes that it will hang around your home.
Traits: Horse symbolizes loyalty, friendship, trust, and working together. Once horse sees you as part of its herd, it will trust you, too. It will work with you to achieve goals and give you its undying loyalty. Horse means to value the friends in your life, to be loyal and trusting to those who have earned it, and to work together to achieve common goals.
Talents: Alert, athleticism, awareness, beauty, bonding, communication, confidence, cooperation, empathy, endurance, faithfulness, fertility, forward movement, freedom, friendship, giving, grace, guardian, independence, loyal, mind/body/spirit connection, nobility, noble, overcoming obstacles, persuasive, power, regal, service, speed, stamina, strength, traveling, trust, vitality, warning, wildness, willingness, working together
Challenges: Fearful, hardheaded, inconsistent, overly attached, rebellious, restlessness, spooky, too independent
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, red, white, many other colors and patterns
Appearances: Horse appears when you are feeling confined, restless, and on edge. It means you need to run free, to work out the restlessness through exercise, and to feel the wind in your face. This will bring you back in balance, calm you, and help you work out solutions to any problems you are facing. Independence and freedom are important to you, but you are also willing, giving, and able to bond closely to those who treat you with love and respect. Horse means you’re about to embark on a new journey. You may be traveling or the journey may be a spiritual one where you expand your consciousness of mind, body, and spirit. Horse means you have great power within you. You have unbelievable stamina and keep going until the job is done even if you’re tired. You never give up on those you love or on your pursuit of your dreams. Horse means that sometimes you need to take a break from the weight you carry, to get back in touch with your own inner needs. When you’re excited you go for your goals with gusto and can clear obstacles with ease. Horse warns to take things in stride instead of letting fear cause you to be spooked or rebellious.
Assists When: You need to accomplish a task with speed or precision and communicate information with confidence. People are drawn to your noble grace, beauty of spirit, and empathic nature because you make them feel confident and as if they can accomplish anything. Horse can help you awaken your inner power and make you aware of the needs of others. Horses intuitively know when their owners are feeling down and will nuzzle them so they feel better. Horse means to be aware of the feelings of those closest to you and warns against striking out because you’re afraid or upset. Horse also warns against becoming too attached to one person and losing your sense of self. Horse assists when you’re going through periods of spiritual growth by showing you how all life is interconnected.
Frequency: Horse energy feels like the wind blowing across your face as you’re running free. It is warm and soft, calming and pure. It sounds like a soft nicker or the clop-clop-clop-clop of hooves against pavement. It smells like earth, hay, and a fresh spring rain.
See Also: Donkey, Hippogriff, Kelpie, Mule, Pegasus, Sleipnir, Unicorn, Zebra
Imagine …
You’re in the barn. There’s something unique about the mixture of smells; the horses, shavings, and hay. You walk over to your horse’s stall and greet your mare, rubbing her nose through the rails. You go inside and hug her around her neck. You breathe deeply, inhaling her scent, feeling your heart connect with hers as she lowers her head on your back, and pulls you closer in a warm hug. You smile against her neck, feeling content and happy. You think about the beautiful being that she is; she takes your breath away with her movement, but this … this is what it’s all about … the deep, unbreakable bond between kindred spirits.
Traits: Iguana symbolizes acceptance, awareness, and self-confidence. Iguana understands the concept of being in the moment. It is never in a rush unless it is escaping a predator. Iguana’s existence is simple and connected to the Divine. Iguana is aware of its environment, is excellent at camouflage, and is self-confident. There are no worries, just a relaxed simple existence for iguana because it knows everything it needs will come to it in time.
Talents: Accepting, appreciation, awareness, camouflage, centered, contemplation, content, cooperation, disguise, expectation, fast movement, self-confident, stoic
Challenges: Defensive, disguises true intentions, secretive, escapes when things get tough
Element(s): Air, earth, water
Primary Color(s): Blue, green, red, turquoise, white
Appearances: When iguana appears, it means to be more observant of your surroundings and to open to your senses by using your third eye. Iguana is constantly on the watch. It takes in every change in its environment, is acutely aware, and encourages you to look at the world through its eyes with a sense of curious wonder. Give everything you see your full attention and consideration. You will find that the world is awe inspiring. Iguana can show you your life’s purpose and true nature. You only have to look within in the same way to find it. Iguana encourages you to let go of worries. Don’t let life pass you by because you’re obsessing over things. Iguana means to get outside and spend time basking in the sunlight. Feel the sun’s warmth on your face and let it fill you, energize you, bring you closer to your spiritual self. Connect to your higher self, to find your own inner light, and move upward in regard to your own spirituality. You’re embarking on a path of tremendous spiritual growth.
Assists When: You need to calm down and release stress. Iguana can show you how to slow down, return to center, appreciate your life to the fullest, and simply be within the stillness of the moment. If you’re too involved in a hectic busy life, then you may be overlooking the small, yet important, things that will connect you to your spirituality. When was the last time you noticed the song of a bird or did nothing just to do nothing? Did you see the tiny blossoms on the ground or the puppy in the neighbor’s yard that runs to greet you every time you go to your mailbox? When was the last time you truly enjoyed a good meal instead of just eating because you were hungry? Have you overlooked the little things happening all around you because you’re too overwhelmed by the demands upon you? Notice the world around you to find calmness within yourself. Iguana can help you let go of the things holding you in stressful patterns so you can better appreciate your life. Iguana is an excellent swimmer. It can hold its breath for twenty-eight minutes, and some species can even inflate themselves so they can float if they’re caught in a flood. It will scurry away very quickly if threatened. This means you are very adaptable and can handle any situation. Let iguana guide you back to yourself.
Frequency: Iguana energy is warm, bright, and colorful. It feels like you’re lying on a warm stone in the mountains on a fresh, clear day. It moves slowly, scooting forward inch by inch but then suddenly zooms away. It sounds like water lapping at the edge of a lake.
See Also: Lizard (Gecko)
Imagine …
You’re riding your bike when suddenly a huge, bright green iguana runs in front of you. Swerving, you miss it but circle back to take a look. It is sitting in the middle of the bike path, sunning itself. It is holding its face upward while standing up a bit on its front legs with the rest of its body touching the ground. You can’t help but think that it looks like a small dinosaur. Suddenly it runs straight at you before disappearing back into the trees on the same side of the road that it ran out of before. You hear it scrambling away in the underbrush, so you return to your bike ride.
Traits: Llama symbolizes climbing to great heights using endurance, strength, and sure-footedness. Llama doesn’t have hooves; its feet have two toes with a thick, leathery pad on the underside. Llama is strong and can carry heavy loads for long distances but it is also stubborn. If the load is too heavy, it simply will not move until the weight is lessened to a comfortable amount. Llama means you are able to shoulder heavy responsibilities, are stable in your actions, and have the strength of heart to endure pressure while achieving great success.
Talents: Ambitious, carrying weight, clairaudience, determined, endurance, friendly, generosity, hardiness, responsible, service, strong sense of smell, sure-footed, vision
Challenges: Aggressive, control freak, inherited fear of dogs, coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, and other doglike animals, stubborn
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, white, variety of patterns
Appearances: When llama appears, it means you’re carrying too much responsibility on your own shoulders. Llama urges you to take help whenever you can, delegate some responsibilities to others, and let go of your need for control to allow others to do things for you that you normally do for yourself. Llama is a very social animal that solves disputes by spitting. If you don’t have time for social events or relaxing with family and friends due to your busy schedule, llama urges you to make changes before you get to the point where you can no longer move because the weight is so heavy. Don’t turn into a control freak; instead, let go of some of the control to free up your burden. Llama means you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Llama is also connected to the spiritual realm, especially clairaudience. Llama has exceptional hearing. This means you often hear messages from the spiritual and angelic realms. When llama appears, it means you can see your destination on the horizon. It’s been a long and sometimes difficult journey, but the end is in sight. Llama means to take your time, move slowly but steadily, keep your balance, and make sure you know where your feet are at all times. Awareness and balance are keys to your success. Llama is also a sign of being too stubborn. Are you?
Assists When: You want to reach new spiritual heights through accessing the Akashic Records, universal consciousness, and ancient wisdom. Learning spiritual lessons can sometimes be very emotional. Llama can accompany you on this transformational journey to help you through the emotional breakthroughs, adjust the weight of the lessons learned, and find your balance again before moving forward to the next lesson. If you are working in a position where you are of service to others, or if you’re having trouble getting along with someone, llama can help you find your balance in the relationship so you are back on even ground. Llama urges you to take time for yourself to visit the mountains. You are naturally drawn to the energy of that environment and will experience your greatest advancements along your spiritual path when you take time to commune with the oneness of being that exists within you.
Frequency: Llama energy sounds like clump, zing, flleeeweeelll. It moves in a plodding forward motion in a steady rhythm. It is cozy and warm and feels as if you’re snuggled under a blanket in front of the fire on a cold winter’s night.
Imagine …
It’s the middle of the night, and you can’t sleep. As you walk by your sliding glass doors you notice a llama looking in at you. After you blink a few times, you walk up to the door and peer outside. Sure enough, there’s a llama standing there looking back at you. Still not believing what you’re seeing, you turn on the patio light, crack the door a little, and reach out to touch it. Its fur is thick and plush, it feels warm, and is definitely real. After a while the llama disappears into the night.
Traits: Rainbow lory (also known as rainbow lorikeet) symbolizes joyfulness, socializing, and play. Lory is a highly active bird that can get into trouble quickly because it has to investigate everything. It is a social bird that will bond with its human and gets very excited to be with him or her. Its personality is high energy due to the amount of nectar it eats, and it often acts like it’s clowning around with its antics and chattiness. Lory encourages you to make friends, socialize often, and find the joy in life. When you’re active like the lory, you’re in forward motion that enables you to achieve your dreams.
Talents: Busy, chatty, clowning around, coaching, colorful, communication skills, curious, encouragement, entertaining, freedom, happy, high energy, intelligent, lively, personality, playfulness, sensitivity, transformation, vibrant
Challenges: Destructive, doesn’t rest enough, easily frightened, easily stressed, mischievous, sweet tooth
Element(s): Air
Primary Color(s): Black, blue, green, orange, red, yellow
Appearances: When lory appears, it means to go after what you want instead of waiting for it to come to you. Lory is a very colorful bird. Lory urges you to find the vibrancy and joyful colors in your life. Lory can show you all of the possible outcomes to enable easier decision-making. Lory loves baths and sleeps flat on its back, so try the same position after a warm bath or shower if you’re having trouble sleeping. Lory means to think things through. Lory is a highly intelligent bird that can figure things out, learn tricks, talk, and easily escape its cage unless it’s locked. Lory urges you to use your own intelligence. You’ll always be able to escape an uncomfortable or stressful situation if you have lory as a guide. Lory means to respect your own individuality. Embrace all of your unique quirks, your faults, and your gifts. By doing this you will be able to transform yourself and fly free in vibrant colors.
Assists When: You need to better understand and respect someone’s point of view. Lory has excellent communication skills and will help you to look at both the positive and negative. When you look at what someone is saying from both sides of the spectrum, it will give you a clearer understanding of why they feel the way they do about a subject. Lory can help you understand every viewpoint in complex situations so that you can make clear and unbiased decisions while forming your own opinion. Because lory has a liquid diet of nectar, it is easy for their food to spoil. This means to be careful about leaving food sitting out too long or eating anything that’s questionable. If any doubt, heed lory’s warning and don’t eat it. In the wild, lory will congregate around fruiting trees and if the nectar has fermented, the lory will get drunk. This is a sign to evaluate your lifestyle. Are you going to extremes in any area or consuming too much alcohol or sugar? If so, lory means to get yourself back into balance through moderation.
Frequency: Lory energy sounds like a high-pitched, shrill, rolling screech followed by a chattering clamor. It shoots around you, moving at ultrafast speed, zipping and zinging from here to there. It feels playful, happy, and innocent as it wraps you in its spinning heat.
See Also: Cockatiel (Cockatoo, Parakeet), Parrot (McCaw)
Imagine …
While visiting an exotic bird store, you walk past a cage with a beautiful multicolored bird that’s labeled Rainbow Lory. As you walk by it says, hey you, and soon you’re in a full-blown conversation with the bird. You’re laughing and surprised as it answers your questions and asks you questions. You’re leaning toward buying it, but it’s such a big commitment, and you’re just not sure it’s the right decision. Every day over the next week you return to see the bird. One day you walk to the cage and it’s not there. You immediately feel a sense of loss. The next day you return, and it’s in its cage. You make your decision as a sense of relief washes over you. A short while later, you’re leaving the store with your new lifetime companion.
Traits: Mule symbolizes independence, intelligence, and wisdom. Mule is the sterile offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. Mule is independent in nature, is extremely intelligent, and is wise. You can’t use the same training process with a mule that you would with a horse. A horse is more tolerant and giving. For a mule, if the training doesn’t make sense, then it will refuse to do the work. You have to train slowly and in a logical, sequential manner. This means you tend to approach situations in a slow, logical way. If things are confusing, you’ll try to make sense of them, but if you can’t, then you refuse to be involved.
Talents: Allowance, independent, intelligence, steady, wise
Challenges: Infertility, overly independent, stubborn
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, red, white
Appearances: When mule appears, it means to trust in your own strengths, rely on your own wit and intelligence, and make sure you’re capable of handling the things you take on. If you believe you’ve taken on too many projects and are feeling overwhelmed, let some of them go. If you’re overloaded and overwhelmed, then there’s no room for new things. Mule means you’re a strong person with strength of character who prefers working alone. Mule reminds you that sometimes a very heavy load needs to be carried by more than one and it’s okay to ask for help. Mule gets its intelligence from the donkey and its athleticism from the horse. This means it can handle heavy loads with ease, and it has a lot of common sense and a high sense of self-preservation. For you, this means that while you can do the work asked of you, if you feel unsafe or if it is illogical, then you have no problem refusing. When mule appears, it means to check yourself to see if you’re being overly cautious simply because you don’t want to be bothered to do the task at hand. Mule is also known as long ears, so make sure you’re really listening to and understanding what others are saying to you. Use your keen sense of hearing to listen for insinuated meanings, things that are there in tone and pitch but are not voiced in words.
Assists When: You need to be steady and grounded or, if you need to, exit a situation quickly. Mule has a freeze reflex and a flight reflex, so if it is startled, it will freeze in place or bolt. Like mule, most of the time you’re grounded and approach life with steady forward movement. Other times, you feel a pressing need to escape. Mule is a hardy animal that is more resistant to disease or parasites, has harder hooves, and can exist on less food than a horse. This means you too are tough and resilient and can accomplish much because your body is built to handle hard work. Mule can help you have better people connections. Mule has a natural affinity for humans, and when treated with kindness, patience, and understanding, it will trust you and do what you’re asking of it. Mule reminds you to treat people as you would like to be treated; see them as unique spiritual beings with their own spiritual truths. Understand them in this manner and they will connect with you in the same way. When not seen in this way, people tend to rebel like mule.
Frequency: Mule energy feels like a pillar, straight and tall. It moves forward in a slow progressive way, methodical and steady. It sounds like a strong, slow, solid beat of a bass drum. It is low in pitch and evenly spaced apart boom … boom … boom … It feels warm and strong, as if you’ve been wrapped in a hug.
See Also: Donkey, Horse, Zebra
Imagine …
It’s springtime in Virginia. You stop by the barn where you used to work and expect to see horses and cows but instead you find a lonely old mule. Having handled horses in the past, you halter the mule and put it in cross ties. Over the next hour you curry, brush, and pick out its feet. The mule tightens and wiggles its top lip in pleasure as you groom it. You’re delighted that the mule shared this special time with you, so you smile at it and say, you’re spectacular.
Traits: Pig symbolizes being social, cleanliness, and happiness. Pig invites you to be more social. It enjoys close physical contact, especially lying down together. Pigs form tight bonds with each other. It is peaceful and enjoys rooting around in the dirt. People think pig is dirty or unclean because it enjoys rolling around in the water or mud (it prefers water over mud), but pig is actually a clean animal that keeps its bathroom area very far away from its living and eating areas. Even piglets only a few hours old know to go potty in the bathroom area. Pig is a happy, affectionate creature that, if named, will come running when you call it. Pig means for you to make friends, enjoy life, and, if you’ve been messy or unhygienic, clean up your surroundings or yourself.
Talents: Congeniality, determination, fertility, finances, fortune, generosity, good luck, good-hearted, happiness, honest, intuition, law of attraction, manifesting, money, peacefulness, prosperity, quick changes of direction, swift action
Challenges: Complacency, dirtiness, greed, laziness, lust, overindulgence
Element(s): Earth, water
Primary Color(s): Black, red, white
Appearances: When pig appears, it means financial changes are coming soon. Pig is associated with money, luck, and the improvement of finances. This means you need to be aware that your personal financial picture is about to change and make sure it changes for the better. Pig is also associated with the law of attraction, which is when you manifest your desires through intuition, creative visualization, and positive thoughts. So, if you’ve been considering investments but are unsure about them, then your doubt is your intuition saying to wait. The changes pig brings can be either positive or negative, but when you’re aware, you can avoid the negative most of the time. This also means that if you think of what you want in the wrong way you can also inadvertently bring negativity to you. So make sure your manifestation is always positive and precise. Pig means focus, determination, and change. When pig is focused on something, it is utterly focused, and you’d be hard-pressed to lure it away from what has its attention (like food). Pig and its determined nature ensure success.
Assists When: You need to find balance and take things in moderation. Pig is associated with overindulging and selfish behaviors. If you’re eating too much or not sharing with others when you should be, then pig can help make you aware of these behaviors and enable you to do things differently so you can bring yourself back into balance. Pig can help you become more generous of your time and resources if you’re always saving for a rainy day or hoarding supplies. Pig’s ability to root out things in the earth can help you uncover truths and information you need. If you’ve been easily distracted lately, pig can help you regain focus and get organized so it’s easier to stay on track.
Frequency: Pig energy feels warm and slick. It moves slowly in a thumping motion, up and down in short waves. It feels as if you’re sinking into a bathtub filled with mud that relaxes and rejuvenates you. It sounds like th-rump, th-rump, th-rump.
See Also: Boar, Erymanthian Boar
Imagine …
As you’re finishing your work day on the farm, you hear a loud squeal and turn to see a baby piglet running right at you. Without thinking, you bend down and scoop it up as it runs by. A little dog runs around the corner of a building yapping like it has lost its mind. You hold tightly to the out-of-breath piglet, nuzzling it against your neck, and keep telling it to calm down until it stops squealing. The little dog runs past and heads to the house, piglet forgotten. You put the piglet back in its pen and head home.
Traits: Pigeon symbolizes going home, messages, and family. Pigeons are known as the carriers of messages. Their homing instinct will always guide them back home, to their safe haven, even if they’ve traveled long distances. Because of this instinct, pigeon has been used throughout history to carry messages from one place to another. Pigeon is connected to love and family. Baby pigeons stay in the nest until they are two months old. At this age, they are still missing some of the adults’ coloring and neck rings, but they are practically the size of an adult, which increases their chance of survival when they leave the nest. This means that now is the time for you to reconnect with your family if you’re distanced from them, to go home to where you were raised to reconnect with your roots, or to just call to say hello.
Talents: Appreciation, belonging, community, divine connection, family, forgiveness, foundations, growth, heritage, home, intuition, love, security, spirituality
Challenges: Doesn’t leave when asked but stays until ready to go, pest, separation from loved ones, traveling far from home
Element(s): Air
Primary Color(s): Gray, white
Appearances: When pigeon appears, it means to look upward to find your success. Pigeon can fly nearly straight up, which is a sign to look to your own spirituality in order to connect to the Divine. Pigeon means to access your inner intuition and universal flow to find your way safely home again. Pigeon can fly seven hundred miles in a day to get back home where it feels safe and secure. If you don’t feel content or secure in your home, it’s time to evaluate where you’re living. Is it time to move or make other changes that will make you feel at ease when you walk through your front door? Pigeon means to look at your youth for answers, especially if you’ve been feeling restless and on edge, as if you’re missing something in your life. It’s not always easy to go home again but if you can, return to your roots in order to strengthen your foundation or explore your heritage. Pigeon urges you to be determined in your spiritual quest or in finding answers to any questions you have. Pigeon will not leave an area as long as it can find food. You can shoo it away, other birds can try to chase it away, but until it is ready to leave, pigeon will stay put. This is a great lesson in understanding how to stay the course to overcome obstacles in your path.
Assists When: You need a reminder that you’re not alone in the world. Pigeon will guide you home to your family and close friends who have been there for you in your life. Pigeon can help you go back to the past to reconnect to your inner truth and purpose. Sometimes you need to go home to gain clarity and peace of mind or to remember what you have forgotten along the pathway of life. Pigeon reminds you to reconnect with your community and the support and camaraderie and sense of belonging you can find there. When it comes to communication, pigeon can help you make sure everyone is on the same page and no one is overlooked when important notifications are made.
Frequency: Pigeon energy sounds like a soft cooing, a coo-coo-coo repetition. It beats rapidly with a high pitch and medium tone. It is warm, breezy, and crisp.
Imagine …
It’s a cold winter’s day, and you’re sitting on a bench at the park throwing food to the pigeons. The blustering wind whips around you, tugging at the scarf covering your head. The pigeons are sitting on the bench with you; some are even standing on your knees, waiting for a bit of food. You move them to the ground and give them some seeds. There’s a small pigeon that keeps flying back to your lap, so you let it stay. You pet it as if it’s a tame bird. Once you feel your cabin fever is gone, you return home. Sitting on the bush beside the front door is the small pigeon you’d been petting at the park. You rub its back, thank it for seeing you safely home, and wish it a good flight back to the flock. As you shut the door, you watch it fly away.
Traits: Praying mantis symbolizes spirituality, mindfulness, and inner wisdom. When praying mantis is waiting for prey, it holds its front legs in an upright position, which looks as if they’re folded in prayer, thus its name. It holds perfectly still as it waits but then strikes out very quickly, grabbing the unsuspecting insect with the spines on its arm. This means for you to connect with your own spiritual nature to find your inner wisdom through stillness and quiet introspection. When you learn new information that feels as if it fits your path, quickly make it your own.
Talents: Awareness, balance, calm, connection to the Divine, creativity, empowerment, fast, healing, intuitive, meditation, mindful, patience, power, precision, purpose, reflection, silence, spiritual, stillness
Challenges: Isolation, loneliness, reclusiveness
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Brown, green
Appearances: When praying mantis appears, it means to embrace your creativity. When you’re coming up with a new idea, the best way to achieve success is to find quiet moments when you can just think about what you want to do. Allow the flow of universal energy to bring concepts to you. When the right one comes along, it will feel right and you’ll be able to give it power and positivity so it can grow into a productive project. Praying mantis also means to take time to just be. Commune with nature, soak in a hot bath, or listen to soothing music. When you push aside the noise of life and listen to your inner voice, that’s when you’ll get the best ideas and make the best discoveries about your own spirituality. Praying mantis means you need a little peace and quiet, so when you return to the hectic pace of life, you will have quick reflexes and it will be easier to follow your instincts. Praying mantis has excellent eyesight and can see something move up to sixty feet away and can turn its head 180 degrees. This means you need to not only pay attention to what’s happening close to you but look in the near distance as well.
Assists When: You need to let your intuition guide you. Praying mantis can help you focus on your spirituality instead of being materialistic. This can lead to reduced stress levels, improved focus, and an overall connection of mind, body, and spirit. Praying mantis urges you to pay attention to visions, dreams, and intuitive impressions. Praying mantis can help you isolate yourself from situations that are draining your energy, keep quiet about things you don’t want others to know, and connect to your higher self for rejuvenation of your spiritual purpose. When threatened, praying mantis will stand up on its hind legs, spread its front legs wide above its head, and spread its wings so its colors can be seen. If that doesn’t scare off the predator, it will bite, pinch, and strike out with its front legs. This gives you confidence to stand tall and fight for the things you want.
Frequency: Praying mantis energy sounds like a sword slicing the air and the quick zap of electricity encased in silence. It moves slowly, deliberately, with a steady tic-tic-tic that is barely audible. If feels cool and tingles with anticipation.
Imagine …
You’ve just finished a short meditation to help you gain focus for the day. During the meditation, you kept seeing a large praying mantis telling you to find stillness in the moment. You’re not exactly sure what that means, but you think about it as you grab your work gloves and head outside. You get a bag of mulch and start spreading it around the base of a tree but stop when you encounter a praying mantis the size of the one in your meditation. You sit and stare at it and suddenly you understand what finding stillness in the moment means. It’s the calm, completeness you feel in this insect’s presence. You feel as if you’ve tapped into universal frequency. Thanking it for the message, you gently hold your hand out, and it crawls into your palm. You move it out of the way and finish the mulching. When you look again, it is gone.
Traits: Rabbit symbolizes fertility, intuition, and physical agility. Rabbit is known for its reproduction rate. Beginning around six months of age, a female rabbit can have a litter of up to fourteen babies and can get pregnant again right after giving birth. Essentially it can have twelve litters a year. Rabbit is very intuitive and immediately acts on instincts. It is very agile and can jump about three yards at a time. This can get it into trouble because it reacts without thinking.
Talents: Abundance, adaptability, alert, artistic, clever, compassion, coordination, creativity, desire, elegance, emotions, family, fast thinking, fertility, foraging, gentle, gracious, growth, harmony, humility, intuition, joy, kindness, liveliness, luck, nurturing, observant, overcoming fear, quick reflexes, rebirth, self-reliant, sensitivity, shyness, speed, spontaneous, tenderness
Challenges: Anxious, impulsive, indecisive, lacks stimulation, reckless, restlessness, risk-taker, timid, unpredictable, worries too much
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, white
Appearances: When rabbit appears, it means you need to pay attention to what’s happening around you so you can react quickly to the abundance of opportunities coming your way. Rabbit has 360-degree panoramic vision, which lets them see everything except one spot directly in front of their nose. This means not to miss something right in front of you. Rabbit is affectionate and has a gentle nature. If you’ve been distant or belligerent in your relationships because of past hurts, rabbit can show you how to regain the gentleness within your soul. Rabbit means you are focusing too much on the things you fear or that worry you. Let go of the fear because it is holding you back. Once you do, you’ll find you’re able to move forward in leaps and bounds. Rabbit encourages you to have fun in life. When feeling happy and playful, rabbit will twist its body and flick its feet while jumping high into the air. Its coordination and clever intellect help them get out of tight spots or difficult situations. Rabbit urges you to stay ready to act, react, and move when necessary to ensure your success.
Assists When: You need to dig deeper into a situation. Rabbit enjoys digging around in its environment to see what it can find and can show you how to locate tiny bits of information that will be helpful to you. Like rabbit, you have excellent reactions, are quick-witted, and rely on yourself to succeed. These qualities will help you outwit others to quickly move past the competition. People may think you’re lucky, but in truth you’re relying on your intuition to guide you. Rabbit warns against getting bored and jumping from one thing to another without completing anything, especially if it is long term. If you’re having conflicts in your job or with another person, rabbit can show you how to solve these with ease and without negative repercussions.
Frequency: Rabbit energy sounds like a low hum with thumping noises mixed in. It moves quickly, darting in different directions, almost as if it’s bouncing off of the walls. It feels warm, cuddly, and affectionate.
Imagine …
Summer seems to bring the bunnies out in the early morning and evening. For the past several weeks, you’ve been trying to get one of the rabbits living in your yard to eat a carrot out of your hand. You go sit in your regular spot and wait. After a while, the rabbit comes out, following the carrot trail you’ve left. Soon it is within several feet of the carrot you’re holding out. It slowly creeps forward, sniffing the air. Then it takes a bite of the carrot. You are overwhelmed with a powerful feeling of trust from the rabbit. It has overcome its most basic instinct to approach you and eat the food you offer. You telepathically send it picture messages of love and thanks. This connection has made your day. You feel more in tune with yourself and the world around you.
Traits: Sheep symbolizes innocence and vulnerability. Sheep avoids conflict because it goes against its innocent nature. It will quickly leave any situation it feels is threatening. Sheep is vulnerable to attack because it is so docile. This means your innocence and purity enable you to see the good in people. But others, who may not have your best interest at heart, may try to take advantage of your compassion. Be aware. Sheep is born with a long tail that is usually docked shortly after birth. Sheep warns not to cut yourself short by always following the flock. Sometimes you may need to be the black sheep and do things your own way.
Talents: Beauty, compassion, considerate, docile, gentle, innocent, prosperity, social, spiritual development
Challenges: Awkward, dependency, following aimlessly, sheepish, unimaginative, vulnerability, weakness
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, red, silver, white
Appearances: When sheep appears, it means you will encounter a situation where you will have to obey the rules of tradition. You may be working on a project for which you have all of these great ideas, but the powers that be decide to stick with the way it has always been done. Don’t take it personally if your ideas are shut down. You have a strong desire to fit into your groups and to have other people like you, so you conform to what is happening around you. Sheep warns against trying too hard to please someone else because you can lose your individuality. Sheep means you may need to attend a family gathering soon. If sheep appears, you are ready to commit to developing your intuition, understanding your spirituality, and taking care of your higher self. This will be a time of great self-discovery, a time of learning and exploring ideas that may seem foreign to you at first but are a touchstone to your soul. Seek guidance from those who have walked the path, but don’t become part of the crowd, instead ask questions for yourself, take what feels right for your own spiritual growth, and leave the rest to consider again later.
Assists When: You need to recapture the happiness and innocence of your childhood. Sheep can show you how to get those feelings back again in order to look at life through different eyes. Sheep enjoys being with its flock and enjoying their camaraderie. Sheep reminds you to enjoy the simple things in life, like hanging out with your friends. It is a prey animal with a flight instinct, so if danger is detected, a sheep will run away as fast as it can. Sheep means you’re about to go through a time of self-assessment and healing. If you’ve been feeling down, sheep can help you be more accepting, tolerant, and have feelings of compassion and understanding for yourself. This doesn’t mean you get to have a pity party but instead means you see your positive and negative qualities and accept yourself as you are. You understand where you excel and what your limitations are, and you don’t blame others for your faults. Sheep also enables you to see these qualities within others too and accept them with all of their gifts and flaws.
Frequency: Sheep energy moves slowly beside you in a steady, solid rhythm. It sounds like the sheep’s call baaa-baaa-baaa, which lifts and falls in pitch. It feels warm, fuzzy, and soft.
Imagine …
You’ve just gotten a temporary job working at a petting zoo. You’ve been assigned to take care of the sheep. One ewe in particular looks very fat, but you’re told she just needs to be sheared. You notice she isn’t eating when you feed her one afternoon. Your intuition kicks, in so you stay after you clock out and watch her. A few hours pass and then, just as you’d suspected, she goes into labor. She delivers two healthy girls. Once mother and babies have bonded, you sit inside their stall and get to know the lambs. They are friendly and super soft, with little rough tongues that lick at your hands. Two unexpected little miracles.
Traits: Betta fish symbolizes aggression and nurturing. The betta fish is an aggressive fish that will violently fight to the death with other betta fish to defend its territory and for food. But when it comes to spawning, the male betta fish is the primary caretaker and runs the female away from the nest once she lays the eggs. If there isn’t a female around, a male betta fish will still hang out in the comfort of a nest.
Talents: Adaptability, boundaries, clairaudience, clairvoyance, creativity, dreams, independence, mystery, protection, solitude, spirituality, understanding, visions, warrior strength
Challenges: Aggression, confrontational, egotistical, ferocity, violent
Element(s): Water
Primary Color(s): Black, blue, brown, gold, green, indigo, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, turquoise, white, yellow
Appearances: When betta fish appears, it means you’re undergoing a spiritual awakening and will have more contact with the spiritual realms. Now is the time to let go of any aggressive feelings you may have, to understand why you’re having them, and to find the root cause of those feelings. Learn as much as you can through books and articles about spirituality, intuition, and any other similar topic to which you feel a connection. Expect to experience a greater connection with the spiritual realm, including guides, angels, and master teachers. You may have more prophetic dreams and visions, or you may be able to better understand any intuitive impressions you receive. Betta fish means you easily adapt to changes in your life, are independent, and are filled with positive potential. Once you tap into your inner truth, you will go far and achieve much success. Betta fish can help you spend time alone to analyze and understand your own ego and the root cause of any confrontational or negative feelings. Are there issues you’ve avoided confronting in your life? If you addressed them, would you be able to move forward, leaving them in the past? The answers to these types of questions will help you find your own inner truth and sort out any emotional obstacles you may be experiencing.
Assists When: You need to attract attention to yourself and make a good impression. Are you going for a new job interview or on a first date? Betta fish can help you command attention and hold it. Male betta fish will twist its body, fan out its fins, and flare its gills to get a female’s attention. Betta fish’s strength of character, which is often compared to that of a warrior, helps you keep someone’s attention once you’ve gotten it. That’s when you can wow them with your captivating personality, creativity, and desire to succeed in life. Betta fish needs a small space that is its own where it can hide out and feel safe. This means you too need your own little nook in your home where you can be alone. Maybe you enjoy a good book in the library or tinkering with engines in the garage. This is an important part of your inner balance, so make sure to find your own little space to do something you enjoy.
Frequency: Betta fish energy feels like streaks of light passing by you so quickly you can barely see them. It feels hot, steamy, and as if it’s about to explode. It sounds like car tires screeching as someone slams on the brakes.
Imagine …
You visit a large store that sells aquariums. In one of the displays there is a very large blue fish with beautiful fins and long, flowing tail. The sign says Betta Fish—Not for Sale. As you watch, the fish disappears to the upper corner of the tank near some bubbles, then swims around the very large aquarium. You are captivated by its beauty. It swims back and forth, stopping at times to face you. Its aquarium is filled with places it can hide and little structures it can swim through. It swims close to you then swims through a hoop and comes back around. You decide this fish is intelligent and intuitive.
Traits: Silkworm symbolizes moving from the darkness to the light, transformation, and intuition. Silkworm goes through several phases to transform into the silk moth. In the larvae stage, the silkworm is ravenous and eats mulberry leaves constantly. It will shed its skin four times before creating a cocoon made of raw silk from its salivary glands. From this cocoon, the adult silk moth emerges. Silk is harvested at the cocoon stage for commercial uses.
Talents: Allure, attraction, concealment, determination, dreaming, faith, finding light in the dark, healing abilities, inner knowing, intuition, movement, otherworldliness, power of suggestion, psychic awareness, secret knowledge, subtlety, transformation, vulnerability
Challenges: Disguise, hiding, shadows
Element(s): Air, earth
Primary Color(s): White
Appearances: When silkworm appears, it means you’re being healed from the inside out. You may not even be aware of the changes happening within you, but you are growing and developing, transforming into a beautiful being filled with intuition, faith, and the uncanny ability to find the light in the darkest of nights. When you realize the changes you’ve made, it will come as a surprise, but you will feel as if you’re one with the secret knowledge of the universe. Silkworm means you will attract like-minded individuals to your calm serenity. You may begin to experience deeper intuitive impressions, powerful dreams, and strong psychic abilities. Silkworm reminds you that difficult situations always pass in time, and it is up to you to see the beauty in the outcome. Silkworm works in silence and then awakens as a beautiful new being. You are doing the same right now. Let silkworm guide you to the light. Silkworm can lay three to four hundred eggs at a time. This indicates that anything you attempt right now will be fertile and successful. Silkworm warns against hiding from your own emotions. Don’t hide your feelings away but instead deal with them in the now. How you handle the moments of your life will always affect your personal and spiritual growth. Deal with emotions now to avoid a meltdown later. Silkworm reminds you to do for yourself instead of letting others take care of your needs. When you give someone else complete power and control over your care, you could ultimately lose the ability to care for yourself.
Assists When: You need to be more creative. Silkworm means you have the capability of seeing situations from your own unique perspective. You can come up with innovative solutions to problems that others may not see. Silkworm can help you find the silver lining in every situation. Where others may see only darkness and negativity, you always see light and positivity. You listen closely to what is being said and are able to intuit the secret knowledge hidden within words and emotions. When you’re experiencing complications, you remain calm, focused, and determined. You have faith things will work out as they should, so you continue moving forward with hope and joy. Silkworm can help you feel more confident if your self-esteem is low. It will show you the positive qualities that make you so popular and endearing to others, which you may have forgotten. While you don’t like to toot your own horn, there are times when you have to recognize your strengths and the positive impact you make on others so you can move forward on your path.
Frequency: Silkworm energy sounds like soft, delicate, faraway chewing noises. It feels cool, supple, and silky. It spins around you at a slow pace, wrapping you in the warmth of a cocoon, where you will grow and transform into the beautiful essence of your soul.
Imagine …
You’re leaving class one night and pass a moth sitting on a bush. You’ve never seen one like it before, so you quickly look it up on your phone. You discover that it is a silk moth, so you take a picture of it. After a few minutes, the silk moth starts to vibrate, warming up its flight muscles. Then it takes off, flying up into the sky and out of sight.
Traits: Society finch symbolizes good times with friends and family. This is a time of celebration, fun, and happiness. Society finch joyfully flies in an up and down bouncy motion instead of flying in a straight line as it enjoys the freedom of flight. Society finch is a very social bird that likes the company of others. This means you are able to find joy in the ups and downs of life.
Talents: Cheerfulness, colorful, creativity, diverse, freedom, grateful, happiness, high energy personality, journey, joyful, lively, optimistic, positivity, quick-witted, resourceful, simplicity, upbeat personality, variety, zealous
Challenges: Fanatical, lack of focus, overly enthusiastic, too chatty, unsystematic
Element(s): Air
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, red, white
Appearances: When society finch appears, it means there will be more opportunities for livelihood, mingling, and social events. Your life may become quite busy, and your social calendar will fill up with events for you to attend. Society finch is a songbird, which means to sing your own unique song while enjoying the changes and activity around you. Society finch amplifies the positives in your life, allowing you to leave any negative situations in the past. Society finch changes your outlook to one of positivity, happiness, and joy. Life is a journey, and society finch implores you to live it with passion and vitality. It can help you navigate the twists and turns of your life as if it’s an adventure instead of looking at them as obstacles. Society finch means not to waste time on negative situations or people. It can help you find balance in situations and in dealing with people who are always procrastinating or complaining. Your joyful attitude can rub off on them, allowing them to change their point of view. Society finch is like a smile. When someone smiles at you, their happiness rubs off and you want to smile back. Life is too short to dwell on things you can’t change, unconstructive behavior, or living in a rut. Lift your wings and fly with enthusiasm. If you’re in a career where you have to promote your work, make public speaking appearances, or attend social events, society finch can give you the presence and courage to put yourself out there for all to see. You are positive in your outlook, and people see you as a leader in your field. You encourage interaction from others and enjoy vibrant discussions.
Assists When: You need to appreciate what you have instead of coveting what you don’t have. Society finch makes the best use of the things at their disposal and will create a nest just about anywhere. It would be just as happy in a cardboard box as it would in the expensive nest you bought for it. This means material things aren’t a driving force in your life. You’re happy with the simple things and make the most of what you have. You live in the moment, appreciating all of the gifts you’ve been given. If your energy levels have been low, society finch can help you elevate them so you begin each day in good spirits and with a song in your heart. Society finch can help you with communication. It enables you to speak clearly and to use words that will make a positive impact on the lives of the people around you.
Frequency: Society finch energy zips and zings around you in a brightly colored stream of ribbons. It feels buoyant and bouncy, as if you’re jumping on a trampoline, spinning and flipping in the air. It sounds like the ping-ping of a coin dropped on a glass table, clear in tone and high in pitch.
Imagine …
At the pet store, you want to pick out a society finch, but you can’t decide which one you want as your new pet. The little birds are jumping around so fast you barely see them move. Then you notice a brown and white one clinging to the cage, watching you. You point it out to the salesperson helping you. The salesperson catches it, you pet it for a few minutes, and then you decide to buy it. You’re thankful you noticed the little bird’s energy reaching out to you.
Traits: Squirrel monkey symbolizes balance, working in a group, and leaping over obstacles. Squirrel monkey doesn’t have a prehensile tail, which means it can’t use its tail to hang from branches or hold objects; instead it uses it for balance. Squirrel monkey is a social animal that lives in groups of twelve to a hundred individuals. It can usually leap over eight feet but has been known to leap up to twenty feet. This means you work well in a group atmosphere, are able to balance work and your home life, and overcome obstacles with ease.
Talents: Acrobatics, cleverness, communication, community, curiosity, emotions, feelings, games, gentleness, imaginative, ingenuity, intelligent, loving, mischievous, playful, protective, resourceful, speed, understanding
Challenges: Easily bored, overly chatty, reactive, unpredictable
Element(s): Air, earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, green (olive), red, yellow
Appearances: When squirrel monkey appears, it means to connect to your senses in a deeper, more intuitive way. Instead of just looking, see with your clairvoyance. Instead of just hearing, listen with clairaudience. Squirrel monkey means you have the ability to travel between worlds. It lives between earth and sky in the middle part of the tops of trees. Because of its small size, it rarely goes to the treetops or down to earth. This means you also have the ability to travel between worlds and are a medium that can connect with those who have passed to the other side. Squirrel monkey reminds you to keep balance between these realms. It’s easy to get drawn into communication with the other side so much that you ignore the human existence you’re living in. Squirrel monkey uses its tail and feet to keep it stabilized and balanced on the branches of trees. It urges you to maintain this same balance when you’re moving between worlds. Squirrel monkey urges you to look at all situations from multiple points of view before making decisions about the situation. Squirrel monkey agilely moves from tree to tree by twisting, turning, hanging, and jumping. It is quite acrobatic, and it’s this constant changing motion that gives it the ability to see all sides of a situation. When it arrives at its destination, it will sit and look around, seeing everything before deciding to stay put or continue on. This is the same lesson for you. Look at and see everything before you decide anything. Change your perspective to get a clearer vision of what’s happening around you.
Assists When: You need to keep quiet. Squirrel monkey makes very little noise even though it moves through the forest canopy at fast speeds. When a warning call is given, the females and youth get very still and quiet while the males check things out. If you’re studying a new topic, squirrel monkey can help you remember the material. It has one of the largest brains compared to its body size and is the cleverest. If you’re unsure where you’re headed in your life, if you feel lost or stuck in the past, squirrel monkey can show you how to move forward and the best future route to take. It encourages you to never give up, stay focused on your destination, and move with graceful ease until you get where you want to go.
Frequency: Squirrel monkey energy sounds like a chirp, purr, squeak, shriek, click all intermingled together. It leaps and swings around you and feels coarse and scratchy as it brushes against your skin.
Imagine …
You’re visiting a zoo and come to a walk-through squirrel monkey exhibit. You’ve never seen one in the flesh and can’t believe how small they are. Suddenly a little one jumps onto your arm and presses its face against your cheek. You’re utterly amazed. You lift it off of your arm and hold it in your hands for a moment before placing it back on a tree limb. You thank it for the special gift of physically connecting with you before moving to the next exhibit.
Traits: Sugar glider is a marsupial that symbolizes flying high, leaping without fear, knowing where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. Sugar glider lives with a sense of purpose. It has focused energy. It must know exactly where it’s going to land before it leaps. You share this same sense of purpose in your life. You know where you’re going and what you need to do to achieve the results you want. Sugar glider urges you to apply this same focus to any decisions you are about to make. Look at all of the possibilities and where you’ll end up before you take that leap. You soar with focused determination, which will make you successful.
Talents: Affectionate, bonding, comfort, flight, focused, high energy, physically soaring, trust, wisdom
Challenges: Acceptance issues, hostility, impatience, sugar addiction
Element(s): Air, earth
Primary Color(s): Brown, white
Appearances: When sugar glider appears, it means to look at how you’re interacting with people. A male sugar glider marks the members of its group with his scent. If any others try to become part of the group, he will violently chase them away. Sometimes you will experience personal and spiritual growth by meeting and interacting with new people. Sugar glider warns against being cliquish. Sugar glider sleeps all day and is up at night. It does this to protect itself from predators. You may also do your best work at night, so consider nighttime careers. The sugar glider is a marsupial gliding opossum that keeps its young in its pouch. This means you have all you need within you. The creative ideas you come up with will grow into successful ventures if you nurture them. When you take note of the little things and apply them to your ideas, you will come up with phenomenal inventions or new ways of doing things. You’re very much an inventor at heart. You feel energized by the creative process. It doesn’t matter what you’re making—art, books, or buildings—you’re able to create unique and interesting projects.
Assists When: You want to bond with others in more meaningful ways. If your relationships are lacking feelings of closeness, sugar glider can show you how to deepen your interactions to develop the intimacy you desire. While this could be sexual in nature, it applies to platonic relationships as well. Oftentimes relationships lack the trust needed for extreme closeness. Sugar glider can teach you how to trust others but most importantly how to trust yourself. If you aren’t connected to your own inner truth and believe in that truth, then how can you expect others to trust you or open up to you? Starting within yourself, overcome any insecurities you may feel or fears that need facing. Are you blocking others from getting too close to you because you see comfort as weakness? You’re already strong. Giving or receiving comforting words or gestures is a sign of inner strength, not weakness. You’ll be amazed with the changes you’ll experience in your relationships as you make changes within yourself.
Frequency: Sugar glider energy feels like you’re sliding along ice with slick shoes on, moving with fluidity and grace. It is a raspy barking sound that quickly moves up and down in pitch and tone. It feels cozy, warm, and cuddly.
Imagine …
At the pet store, you’re interacting with three sugar gliders, trying to decide which one you want to buy. As they crawl over your lap, you hold them close together, looking at each of them. One starts to climb up your shirt, so you put it back in your lap. It does it again, so you let it go. It climbs to the top of your head and sits there, playing with your hair. You take it down and put it back in your lap, but it heads up to your shoulder this time and puts its hands on your cheek, trying to see your face. The other two are content to hang out in your lap. Then it crawls up to your shoulder and cuddles beside your neck. The little climber is yours.
Traits: Tortoise symbolizes home, family, and simple abundance. Tortoise doesn’t need a lot to survive, and most of what it needs it carries around with it. Tortoise’s home is its body. Its shell is an exoskeleton. It can retreat inside and close up tight any time it feels threatened. A tortoise’s spine and ribs are fused to its shell, which is made up of bone and keratin. When danger threatens, tortoise pulls its legs and head inside. The head will either be in a vertical S shape or folded to the side. This means you can easily retreat back home when you feel threatened. There you can regroup until you’re ready to face the world again.
Talents: Abundance, deeply connected to the earth, determination, endurance, graceful, grounded, harmony, inner wisdom, longevity, observant, pacing, patience, progress, resourceful, secure, self-protection, sensible, simplicity, steady, travel
Challenges: Insensitive, slow movement, uninspired
Element(s): Earth, water
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, yellow
Appearances: When tortoise appears, it means to slow down. If you’ve been going at a fast pace for a while, now is the time to stop and really look at what is happening around you. Pay attention to both the big events and the small details. When you’re constantly on the go, you often overlook things you really should see and be aware of. Tortoise means to slow down your own pace so you don’t burn out. Tortoise has a long life (the longest living one known to date was 225 years old), so it lives it simply and to the fullest. It gets enough sleep (up to sixteen hours a day) and takes its time as it moves from place to place. It can live alone or in a herd of other tortoises. Because of its connection to the earth, tortoise is grounded and in balance. Tortoise means to use your resources wisely, not wastefully, and to make the most of the things you have. Tortoise is patient, persistent, and easygoing. It doesn’t have drama in its life and can help you eliminate the things that make you feel overwhelmed or stressed, or that cause you worry. On the other hand, if you’ve been moving in slow motion, are unmotivated, or feel you don’t have purpose, tortoise can help you move a little faster, pick up the pace a bit, set goals, and move forward at a steady rate to accomplish them.
Assists When: You need lasting progress. When you’re pursuing a long-term goal, tortoise can help you find the best path to take to reach it. By taking small, steady steps and building on a solid foundation, you can pace yourself to accomplish your task. If the task at hand seems complicated, tortoise can help you break it down into smaller pieces so you can see how it all fits together. If you need to do investigative work to find more information about a subject, tortoise can help you dig deeply to find what you need. When it’s hot, tortoise will dig a burrow in the dirt and bury down into it to cool off. This is also a sign for you to keep your cool in hot (or volatile) situations.
Frequency: Tortoise energy sounds like a deep, low, grating noise. It feels hard, cool, and rough. It moves slowly yet steadily beside you, bumping against you in an evenly paced rhythm.
See Also: Turtle
Imagine …
You’re visiting a local zoo that has a Galápagos giant tortoise exhibit. You learn the history and care of these giant tortoises. You observe them moving slowly around the pen, nibbling on leaves or approaching the caregiver for a treat. The tortoise stretches its neck nearly straight up to reach vegetation or to see what’s in the handler’s hand. Its skin is rough and scaly yet moves smoothly near the shell when the tortoise walks. One comes close to where you’re standing, stretches out its neck to see if you have a carrot or other treat, then continues on. It moves very well for a 150-year-old animal. You think of how the world has changed since it was born.
Traits: Turkey symbolizes sacrifice, abundance, and prosperity. Turkey is connected to sacrificing oneself to ensure the prosperity of harvesting and the abundance of nature. To you this means that through hard work and personal sacrifice you will harvest the fruit of your labor. Turkey reminds you to remember the importance of connecting to the energy of earth and to have respect for and to honor the land.
Talents: Abundance, awareness, blessings, community, connection to earth, cooperation, fertility, generosity, harvest, higher purpose, practicality, pride, prosperity, renewal, sacrifice, satisfaction, sharing, spirit, understanding, virility
Challenges: Aggressive, arrogant, overconfident, vanity
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, white, and red and blue on its neck
Appearances: When turkey appears, it means you’re about to reap rewards of some kind. This may be a raise in your wage at work, the successful completion of a project that is praised by others, or achieving a goal you are trying to attain. Turkey isn’t only about receiving monetary wealth for the good things you do but to receive both intellectual and spiritual rewards. Turkey is connected to the earth and the gifts received from the harvest. If you enjoy gardening, turkey ensures you’ll have a plentiful harvest of food. If you own a business, you are coming into a time when you’ll see an increase in sales. Turkey means you give from the heart and go out of your way to help others. Turkey is connected to the spiritual realm and the knowledge that all life is connected and sacred. You give and work with others not out of a sense of what you’ll receive in return but because you feel it is the right thing for you to do on your spiritual path. Turkey also means to honor yourself and the gifts you receive from others whether it is emotional support or assistance with your own spiritual awakening. Spiritually, turkey means you have risen above indulging in doing things for yourself and have moved into a higher frequency where you acknowledge and strive toward universal oneness. At this level, turkey gives you feelings of contentment and satisfaction as you live in harmony with all that is.
Assists When: You need to enhance your feelings of community and want to manifest abundance in your life. In the winter, turkeys group into flocks of males and females. When breeding season comes, they mix together again. This sense of community can help you work in small and large groups. Turkey doesn’t mate for life. In fact, it is very promiscuous. Turkey urges you to look at your sexual behavior. If you want to improve upon your self-defense, ask turkey to guide you. If it feels threatened, a turkey will chase you or fly at you (even if you’re not really a threat) and attack with the spurs on the back of its feet and peck with its beak. This means any type of self-defense using your feet and hands for protection will be beneficial to you. It also means your attitude with others may be too defensive and needs adjusting. Turkey is connected to the third eye and can help you see life with a sense of integrity, high morals, and self-respect.
Frequency: Turkey energy moves slowly, almost like it’s stalking, but then moves quickly without warning. It slinks around you, hot and intense. It can also feel cool, relaxed, and distant. It sounds like a flurry of feathers shaking in a quick stiletto.
Imagine …
You’re on a rescue mission to save some animals for the local shelter. You go into a barn on a property and are surprised to find several turkeys inside. It takes you a while, but you round them up and cage them so you can take them to the shelter. There’s only one left, and it’s a young turkey that is freaking out in the corner of a stall. You quietly go inside and explain that you’re only trying to help it find a new place to live where it will have plenty of food. It takes about twenty minutes of making a frequency connection, but the juvenile finally calms down enough that you can pick it up.
Traits: Yak symbolizes survival, pacing, and longevity. Yak lives in elevations between 9,800 and 18,000 feet in the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet and surrounding regions. To survive the cold temperatures, yak has a thick, shaggy coat with a matted undercoat; a thick layer of subcutaneous fat; larger lungs and heart, which enable it to transport more oxygen through its blood; and almost no sweat glands. It has difficulties at lower elevations, and if the temperature is above fifty-nine degrees Fahrenheit, it can suffer from heat exhaustion. Yaks can live up to twenty-five years. When moving around, they walk slowly and at a steady pace.
Talents: Connection to ancient wisdom, dedication, dependable, determination, forward motion, hard work, healing, higher purpose, longevity, routines, steadiness, steady pace, stillness, survival
Challenges: Change, lack of emotional control, numbness, self-doubt, stubborn, unwilling to compromise
Element(s): Earth
Primary Color(s): Black, brown, gray, red, white
Appearances: When yak appears, it means to get in touch with your spiritual essence and your higher self, and to understand and connect with your life purpose. Yak is closely tied to ancient wisdom and universal knowledge. This is a sign you too should learn from the past. Yak urges you to familiarize yourself with the customs of your family and to connect with your personal heritage. Yak means you never give up, you see things in black and white, and you know there is always a means to an end. Yak reminds you to live in the moment. Yak doesn’t rush and urges you to take your time. Yak is a social animal that lives in groups. In the harsh temperatures, it will huddle close together with the rest of the herd to combine body heat. It relies on the herd for its survival. This means while you like to do things your own way, sometimes you need the closeness of family or friends to see you through difficult times. Yak eats grass and will not eat grain like most bovine animals. Now is a good time to pay attention to your diet. If you have a layer of fat like yak and you want to lose weight, stay away from the grains and graze on fresh greens for sustenance.
Assists When: You need to gain control over your emotions. If your emotions are all over the place or out of sync with how you usually feel, yak can help you find balance by helping you see the positives and negatives you’re dealing with. Once aware, you can reign in your emotions and get them under control. If you feel like crying, then cry. Release any negative feelings you’re holding inside. They’re holding you back and blocking your understanding. If you’re happy, express your happiness and joy by sharing your feelings with others. Yak means productivity and accomplishments in life. If you are having problems staying on task or achieving your goals, yak can show you the clear and steady way to reach your desired results. Yak encourages you to consider multiple points of view on subjects in addition to your own.
Frequency: Yak energy sounds like a grunt that is clear in tone and medium in pitch. It is warm and feels soft yet rough to the touch. It moves in a steady blump-blump-blump pace.
See Also: Buffalo (Bison)
Imagine …
While vacationing in the Himalayan Mountains, you ride a yak to get to a remote destination. The yak wears a brightly colored saddle pad, a leather saddle, and another brightly colored pad on top. You sit in the saddle, which is different from a horse’s saddle, and realize just how wide the yak’s back is. After traveling for an hour, you switch one leg over to ride sidesaddle because you can already feel the soreness starting. You feel the animal’s sides against your calves, the power in its walk, and his massive presence. You feel connected to this yak, as if you’ve known it all of your life. You have a vision of living in this area a couple of hundred years earlier, and in the vision, the yak you’re riding was with you. When the day is over, you say goodbye to your old friend from a past life.