
 1   A Great Divergence?
Kori Schake and Jim Mattis

 2   Civil-Military Paradoxes
Rosa Brooks

 3   Is Civilian Control of the Military Still an Issue?
Mackubin Thomas Owens

 4   Thanks for Your Service: Civilian and Veteran
Attitudes after Fifteen Years of War

Jim Golby, Lindsay P. Cohn,
and Peter D. Feaver

 5   Public Opinion, Military Justice,
and the Fight against Terrorism Overseas

Benjamin Wittes and Cody Poplin

 6   Public Opinion and the Making of Wartime Strategies
Nadia Schadlow

 7   Testing the “Flournoy Hypothesis”:
Civil-Military Relations in the Post-9/11 Era

Thomas Donnelly

 8   The “Very Liberal” View of the US Military
Tod Lindberg

 9   Young Person’s Game: Connecting with Millennials
Matthew Colford and Alec J. Sugarman

10   A Model for Connecting Civilians and the Military
Jim Hake

11   Ensuring a Civil-Military Connection
Kori Schake and Jim Mattis

