Bradley Tolppanen and Janice Derr
Successfully operating a library during a time of staff shortage is a significant challenge for library managers. A shortage in the number of staff members can result from, among other examples, hiring freezes, medical leaves, or military leaves. We have found that during a staff shortage the goal should always be to strive to maintain optimal services for the patrons regardless of problems behind the scenes with the staffing levels.
In cases where the shortage has been caused by reasons other than budget, the manager can investigate hiring new staff or assigning more hours to current staff. Explaining the impact of the shortage to the library’s administration or library board could result in being allowed to hire more people or give out more hours. In general, shortages can be addressed through temporary employees, overtime, and volunteers.
Temporary Employees
If a staff member is expected to be away for several months, the library could hire a temporary employee, either full-time or part-time, to help cover the absence. A temporary employee may require significant training before getting fully up to speed and contributing, by which time the absent employee may be close to returning. To get the most from a temporary employee from day one, the manager should try to hire a person familiar with libraries. We had great success hiring a retired staff member back as a temporary employee, whereas hiring those without experience was less effective since they took much longer to train. The manager should work out duties for temporary employees that allow them to contribute at the earliest point in their employment. The simplest duties of an absent staff member could be assigned to the temporary employee, with more complicated tasks assigned to current members of the staff.
Another method to cover the absence of a staff member, if funds are available, is to extend overtime to present full-time staff or give more hours to present part-timers. If the shortage persists over several months, however, the current staff could become burned out.
Recruiting volunteers can provide assistance in overcoming a shortage. Though enthusiastic and ready to help, volunteers are best used on the most basic tasks, such as shelving.
When you are trying to overcome a staff shortage, it is essential to maintain excellent patron service and achieve the core goals of the department. Customer service should never suffer. Shortages can be overcome by concentrating on the core duties. A core duty is one that needs to be done in order for patrons to use the library and access information resources—anything from opening the doors in the morning, to cataloging newly purchased materials, to maintaining the library website. Additionally, every department has duties that are not entirely necessary to the core mission, such as a shifting project in circulation or processing gift donations in acquisitions; these types of tasks can be tabled in times of shortages.
After determining the core duties as well as what tasks can be suspended or delayed, the library manager should assign the duties to the remaining staff members. Care should be taken to not give too much extra work to one person. The work should be distributed evenly throughout the department.
A focus on cooperation within the library helps make things run more smoothly during a shortage. In large institutions, cooperation could take place among departments; in smaller libraries, cooperation among the staff members is essential. Staff members from a fully staffed department can be loaned for all or part of their work day to assist the department that is operating below normal staffing levels. Such cooperation ensures that people are available to get the most important tasks done. Examples of such sharing: acquisitions staff assist with opening the library; cataloging staff cover lunch breaks at a circulation point; staff from circulation help out in cataloging. Assigning tasks to people from other departments has the bonus of generating a greater respect for the work being done by other people. Cross-training allows staff members to contribute outside their normal areas. Flexibility and an understanding of why cooperation is necessary are required on the part of the shared employee for such sharing to be successful.
A time of staff shortage is an excellent opportunity for the library manager to review thoroughly the workflow and the work processes being used by the staff. Take the time to do this positive step. It will be useful not only in the short term but in the future as well. You may find that there are quicker and easier ways of doing things or ways to apply technology that had previously been overlooked. A different staff member completing a task may discover a more efficient way to get the work done. As always, encourage staff members to bring their ideas forward to their supervisor. We have been able in the past to streamline the work of positions that had been unfilled. Outdated steps were removed from the workflow and technology was introduced to maximize efficiency. This streamlining allowed the work to be completed during the time of the shortage as well as when the position was filled. Implement these time-saving (and often money-saving) changes now.
One thing that may suffer during a staff shortage is morale. Employees may be apprehensive about working with fewer people. They may worry that, even though they are working the same number of hours per week, they will have to take on significantly more work. As with most staffing issues, the most important principle is communication. Speak to staff and let them know the situation. Relay information as you receive it, and ask staff for their input. Keeping them in the loop makes them feel like part of the team. Even when busy, managers should take the time to listen to each comment and complaint. You may get some good suggestions. Making sure that everyone feels they are being heard keeps the lines of communication open. In what can be a stressful situation, the last thing a manager needs is an upset staff member.
Library managers should recognize the achievements of the people working for them. Showing appreciation for the staff during a trying and busy time raises morale. Be sure to let everyone know that you recognize their hard work and appreciate their willingness to pull together. A thank-you to someone working out of their normal area or taking on a new task shows an understanding of their efforts. No one expects you to throw a party, but who doesn’t like cake.
The library manager should be available to help the staff get the work completed. From a morale point of view, it is important for the manager to be seen pitching in. Without a full staff, the manager should be available, for example, to come in early to open or help cover lunch breaks at a service desk. The manager should frequently check to make sure that tasks are being completed and help out as needed.
Staff shortages can be difficult times, but they need not have devastating effects on your library. If you as a library manager choose to think of them as a time to assess work flow and efficacy, the library may even come out of it better than before the shortage. And if you go into it willing to communicate with staff and roll up your sleeves and work along with them, you will probably create an even stronger department.