9/11, 45 , 49

1984, 22– 23 , 26– 27

2001: A Space Odyssey (Clarke), 118

Adkins, Lisa, 20506

Adorno, Theodor, 80 ; and Max Horkheimer, 112– 13

advertising, 154 , 155 , 160 , 161 , 164– 65

Alberto, Maria: and Elizabeth Swanstrom, 8

Alien franchise, 99– 100

Allan, Kathryn, 119

allegory, 25– 26

alternate history, 133– 34 , 147

Anderson, Perry, 23 , 220n23

apocalypse, 43–44 , 168

Arac, Jonathan, 78– 79

art, 14 , 25 , 161– 62

artificial intelligence, 170– 74

Ascher, Ivan, 204

Augé, Marc, 98– 99 , 101 , 104 , 108

Avent, Ryan, 196

Azerrad, Michael, 23

Babbage, Charles, 137 ; in The Difference Engine , 81 , 84 , 137

Back to the Future 3 (Zemeckis), 83

Badiou, Alain, 78

Bakhtin, M. M., 55 , 56

Benjamin, Walter, 15 , 73 , 148 , 149

Berlant, Lauren, 216n12

biopunk, 83

Bloch, Ernst, 78

Boluk, Stephanie: and Patrick Lemieux, 209

Bould, Mark, 108

Bratton, Benjamin, 133 , 139 , 140– 41 , 144 , 148 , 149

Briggs, Robert, 216n12

Brouillette, Sarah, 42

Brown, Nicholas, 79

Brown, Wendy, 20102

Burges, Joel: and Amy J. Elias, 51– 53

Burroughs, William S., 131– 32

Bush, George W., 45 . See also 9/11

Butler, Andrew M., 4

Carr, Terry, 42

Chaplin, Sarah, 97– 98

cognitive mapping, 25 , 32– 33 , 40

Cold War, 44 , 83

comics, 11

computers, 116– 18

cyberpunk, 2 , 36 , 71 , 125 ; and the body, 119– 20 , 121 ; and feminism, 218n26 ; in film, 1 , 98 , 102 ; and Gibson’s short fiction, 68 ; and New Wave, 42 ; and postmodernism, 27 , 42 ; as realism, 30 ; Samuel R. Delany on, 221n51 ; and Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (Delany), 41 ; and steampunk, 3 , 82– 83

cyberspace, 15 , 97– 98 , 107 , 180– 81 , 185– 87

data, 132 , 141

Debord, Guy, 154– 55 , 159 , 160 , 161– 62 , 236n30

Delany, Samuel R., 36 , 38– 39 ; and cyberpunk, 41 ; on cyberpunk, 221n51 ; Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand , 26– 27 , 36– 40

The Difference Engine (Gibson and Sterling), 3 , 15– 16 , 81– 85 , 87 , 90– 92 , 93 , 94 , 131 , 132 , 134 , 135– 39 , 143 , 147 . See also Gibson, William; Sterling, Bruce

digital humanities, 8 , 113– 15 , 121– 23 , 143 , 231n11

dystopia, 45 , 71

Easterbrook, Neil, 7 , 58

Elias, Amy J., 15 ; and Joel Burges, 51– 53

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 92 , 93– 94

Ernst, Wolfgang, 132– 33 , 135– 36 , 138

fantasy, 11

Feher, Michel, 202

finance, 165– 66 , 196– 97 , 201 , 208

Foucault, Michel, 20102

Franklin, Benjamin, 84– 85 , 87– 88 , 89– 90

Franklin, Seb, 208

Freedman, Carl, 10 , 27

Frelik, Paweł, 103

Fukuzawa, Yukichi, 85 , 92 ; in The Difference Engine (Gibson and Sterling), 90– 92

gaming, 199 , 200 ; disorder, 195– 97 ; and finance, 197 , 201 ; in The Peripheral (Gibson), 197– 98 , 199– 200 , 20203

genre turn, 9– 13 , 217n20

Gernsback, Hugo, 100

Gibson, William: Agency , 6 , 144 ; Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) , 4– 5 ; Alien III , 99– 100 ; Blue Ant trilogy, 5 , 153 , 157 , 160 , 161– 62 , 179 , 180– 81 , 185– 87 ; Bridge trilogy, 3 , 55– 57 , 144 ; Burning Chrome , 2 , 67 , 68 ; Count Zero , 172 ; on cyberpunk, 10 , 143 ; Distrust That Particular Flavor , 54 , 57 ; “The Gernsback Continuum,” 14 , 69– 73 , 77– 78 , 190 ; Idoru , 12– 13 ; Mona Lisa Overdrive , 112 , 172 , 182– 83 ; Neuromancer , 1 , 11 , 13 , 26– 27 , 30– 31 , 32– 33 , 34– 36 , 42– 43 , 55 , 112 , 116 , 122 , 171 , 181 , 193 ; Pattern Recognition , 5 , 14 , 22 , 49– 50 , 57 , 58– 60 , 69 , 112 , 155– 57 , 160 , 164– 65 , 186– 87 ; The Peripheral , 60 , 61– 64 , 65 , 132 , 133 , 139 , 141– 43 , 144– 48 , 168– 70 , 172– 73 , 174– 76 , 178 , 197– 200 , 204 , 205– 10 ; and postmodernism, 12 , 26– 27 ; on science fiction, 9 ; screenwriting, 4 ; short fiction, 2– 3 , 14 , 68 , 76 ; Spook Country , 163 , 187 ; Sprawl trilogy, 2 , 168 , 172 ; on temporality, 61 , 64 ; Virtual Light , 55– 56 ; “The Winter Market,” 119– 21 ; Zero History , 157 , 158– 59 , 180 , 189 , 192– 93 . See also Sterling, Bruce

globalization, 24 , 159

Gold, Matthew K., 113

Google, 191

Haines, Christian P., 16

Harvey, David, 185

Hayles, N. Katherine, 118– 19 , 120

Heinlein, Robert, 117 , 118

Hoberek, Andrew, 9 , 11– 12 , 218n26

Hollinger, Veronica, 7 , 27 , 58 , 188

ideology, 33– 34 , 148

Jameson, Fredric: on cyberpunk, 27 ; on ideology, 33 ; on Neuromancer (Gibson), 13 , 30– 31 , 32– 33 , 34 , 181– 82 ; The Political Unconscious , 135 , 145 ; Postmodernism , 12 , 13 , 30 , 40 , 41 , 181 ; on postmodernism, 23– 24 , 25

Japan, 3 ; in The Difference Engine (Gibson and Sterling), 90– 93

Johnny Mnemonic (Longo), 10103

Jones, Steven, 143

Jovanovic, Damjan, 185

Kant, Immanuel, 85

Keogh, Brendan, 199 , 207

Kippner, Greta, 196

Kirschenbaum, Matthew, 132

Kittler, Friedrich, 183 , 184– 85

Konstantinou, Lee, 7 , 188

Koolhaas, Rem, 189

Korsnack, Kylie, 16

Kroker, Arthur: and Marilouise Kroker, 10102

Kross, Karin L., 176

labor, 34– 35 , 137 , 140 , 157 , 182 , 195– 96

Lacan, Jacques, 33

Lawrence, D. H., 88

Le Guin, Ursula K., 30 , 39 , 43 , 67

Lefebvre, Henri, 183– 84 , 193

Lukács, Georg, 33

many-worlds interpretation, 168 , 238n4

Martin, Randy, 196 , 201 , 202

Marx, Karl, 182 ; Capital , 140 , 149 ; theory of labor, 140 , 182

McCaffrey, Anne, 117– 18

McCaffrey, Larry, 28 , 30 , 31 , 217n14

McDonagh, Maitland, 104

McGann, Jerome, 139

McGurl, Mark, 28

McHale, Brian, 28 , 99

McInerney, Jay, 26 , 36

media archaeology, 133– 35

Metronome (Jones and Ginzel), 50– 51

modernism, 30

Morgan, Glyn, 61

Morgan, Robert C., 50

Moylan, Tom: on Neuromancer , 34 ; on Kim Stanley Robinson, 222n73

Narkunas, J. Paul, 206

neoliberalism, 20102

New Rose Hotel (Ferrara), 10304

New Wave science fiction, 21– 22 , 27 ; and cyberpunk, 42 , 43

New York City, 26 , 38– 39

Nilges, Mathias, 14

ontology, 15 , 168 , 171– 72 , 178

Osborne, Peter, 75

Parikka, Jussi, 133 , 136

Pease, Aron, 14– 15

Pias, Claus, 208

Pier, John, 61

postmodernism, 27 , 42

punk, 23 , 36

Pynchon, Thomas, 170

Rancière, Jacques, 52– 53 , 60 , 64– 65

Reagan, Ronald, 83 , 89

realism, 5 , 14 , 30 , 31– 32 , 69

Robinson, Kim Stanley, 43 , 44– 47

Rosen, Jeremy, 9

Ross, Andrew, 36

Russ, Joanna, 21

science fiction studies, 10– 11 , 217n20

Shaviro, Steven, 102 , 104

Shaw, Joe: and Mark Graham, 191

Shelley, Mary, 84 ; Frankenstein , 84 , 85– 87

Siivonen, Timo, 7

Snow, C. P., 115

Sponsler, Claire, 217n14

steampunk, 3 , 82– 83

Sterling, Bruce, 67– 68 , 100 , 131 , 134 . See also Gibson, William

Suvin, Darko, 7 , 45 , 216n13

Tatsumi, Takayuki, 3

television, 11 ; cyberspace in, 107

Terdiman, Richard, 75 , 78

The Time Machine (Wells), 61

time travel, 6 , 61 , 169 ; in The Peripheral (Gibson), 197– 98 , 20506

Todorov, Tsvetan, 18, 19

Tomberg, Jaak, 153– 54 , 188 , 216n13

utopia, 35 , 44– 45

video games, 197 , 199 . See also gaming

Vint, Sherryl, 14

Virilio, Paul, 186 , 187

Wark, McKenzie, 170 , 204

Wegner, Phillip E., 10 , 11 , 71 , 133 , 147

Westfahl, Gary, 100 , 172

White, Hayden, 22 , 74

Whitson, Roger, 15– 16

The X-Files , 10407 , 108

Yu, Charles, 11 , 17

Žižek, Slavoj, 41– 42