2001: A Space Odyssey (Clarke), 118
Adorno, Theodor, 80 ; and Max Horkheimer, 112– 13
advertising, 154 , 155 , 160 , 161 , 164– 65
Alberto, Maria: and Elizabeth Swanstrom, 8
Allan, Kathryn, 119
alternate history, 133– 34 , 147
artificial intelligence, 170– 74
Ascher, Ivan, 204
Augé, Marc, 98– 99 , 101 , 104 , 108
Avent, Ryan, 196
Azerrad, Michael, 23
Babbage, Charles, 137 ; in The Difference Engine , 81 , 84 , 137
Back to the Future 3 (Zemeckis), 83
Badiou, Alain, 78
Benjamin, Walter, 15 , 73 , 148 , 149
Berlant, Lauren, 216n12
biopunk, 83
Bloch, Ernst, 78
Boluk, Stephanie: and Patrick Lemieux, 209
Bould, Mark, 108
Bratton, Benjamin, 133 , 139 , 140– 41 , 144 , 148 , 149
Briggs, Robert, 216n12
Brouillette, Sarah, 42
Brown, Nicholas, 79
Burges, Joel: and Amy J. Elias, 51– 53
Burroughs, William S., 131– 32
Bush, George W., 45 . See also 9/11
Butler, Andrew M., 4
Carr, Terry, 42
cognitive mapping, 25 , 32– 33 , 40
comics, 11
cyberpunk, 2 , 36 , 71 , 125 ; and the body, 119– 20 , 121 ; and feminism, 218n26 ; in film, 1 , 98 , 102 ; and Gibson’s short fiction, 68 ; and New Wave, 42 ; and postmodernism, 27 , 42 ; as realism, 30 ; Samuel R. Delany on, 221n51 ; and Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (Delany), 41 ; and steampunk, 3 , 82– 83
cyberspace, 15 , 97– 98 , 107 , 180– 81 , 185– 87
Debord, Guy, 154– 55 , 159 , 160 , 161– 62 , 236n30
Delany, Samuel R., 36 , 38– 39 ; and cyberpunk, 41 ; on cyberpunk, 221n51 ; Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand , 26– 27 , 36– 40
The Difference Engine (Gibson and Sterling), 3 , 15– 16 , 81– 85 , 87 , 90– 92 , 93 , 94 , 131 , 132 , 134 , 135– 39 , 143 , 147 . See also Gibson, William; Sterling, Bruce
digital humanities, 8 , 113– 15 , 121– 23 , 143 , 231n11
Elias, Amy J., 15 ; and Joel Burges, 51– 53
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 92 , 93– 94
Ernst, Wolfgang, 132– 33 , 135– 36 , 138
fantasy, 11
Feher, Michel, 202
finance, 165– 66 , 196– 97 , 201 , 208
Franklin, Benjamin, 84– 85 , 87– 88 , 89– 90
Franklin, Seb, 208
Frelik, Paweł, 103
Fukuzawa, Yukichi, 85 , 92 ; in The Difference Engine (Gibson and Sterling), 90– 92
gaming, 199 , 200 ; disorder, 195– 97 ; and finance, 197 , 201 ; in The Peripheral (Gibson), 197– 98 , 199– 200 , 202 –03
Gernsback, Hugo, 100
Gibson, William: Agency , 6 , 144 ; Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) , 4– 5 ; Alien III , 99– 100 ; Blue Ant trilogy, 5 , 153 , 157 , 160 , 161– 62 , 179 , 180– 81 , 185– 87 ; Bridge trilogy, 3 , 55– 57 , 144 ; Burning Chrome , 2 , 67 , 68 ; Count Zero , 172 ; on cyberpunk, 10 , 143 ; Distrust That Particular Flavor , 54 , 57 ; “The Gernsback Continuum,” 14 , 69– 73 , 77– 78 , 190 ; Idoru , 12– 13 ; Mona Lisa Overdrive , 112 , 172 , 182– 83 ; Neuromancer , 1 , 11 , 13 , 26– 27 , 30– 31 , 32– 33 , 34– 36 , 42– 43 , 55 , 112 , 116 , 122 , 171 , 181 , 193 ; Pattern Recognition , 5 , 14 , 22 , 49– 50 , 57 , 58– 60 , 69 , 112 , 155– 57 , 160 , 164– 65 , 186– 87 ; The Peripheral , 60 , 61– 64 , 65 , 132 , 133 , 139 , 141– 43 , 144– 48 , 168– 70 , 172– 73 , 174– 76 , 178 , 197– 200 , 204 , 205– 10 ; and postmodernism, 12 , 26– 27 ; on science fiction, 9 ; screenwriting, 4 ; short fiction, 2– 3 , 14 , 68 , 76 ; Spook Country , 163 , 187 ; Sprawl trilogy, 2 , 168 , 172 ; on temporality, 61 , 64 ; Virtual Light , 55– 56 ; “The Winter Market,” 119– 21 ; Zero History , 157 , 158– 59 , 180 , 189 , 192– 93 . See also Sterling, Bruce
Gold, Matthew K., 113
Google, 191
Haines, Christian P., 16
Harvey, David, 185
Hayles, N. Katherine, 118– 19 , 120
Hoberek, Andrew, 9 , 11– 12 , 218n26
Hollinger, Veronica, 7 , 27 , 58 , 188
Jameson, Fredric: on cyberpunk, 27 ; on ideology, 33 ; on Neuromancer (Gibson), 13 , 30– 31 , 32– 33 , 34 , 181– 82 ; The Political Unconscious , 135 , 145 ; Postmodernism , 12 , 13 , 30 , 40 , 41 , 181 ; on postmodernism, 23– 24 , 25
Japan, 3 ; in The Difference Engine (Gibson and Sterling), 90– 93
Johnny Mnemonic (Longo), 101 –03
Jones, Steven, 143
Jovanovic, Damjan, 185
Kant, Immanuel, 85
Kippner, Greta, 196
Kirschenbaum, Matthew, 132
Kittler, Friedrich, 183 , 184– 85
Koolhaas, Rem, 189
Korsnack, Kylie, 16
Kroker, Arthur: and Marilouise Kroker, 101 –02
Kross, Karin L., 176
labor, 34– 35 , 137 , 140 , 157 , 182 , 195– 96
Lacan, Jacques, 33
Lawrence, D. H., 88
Le Guin, Ursula K., 30 , 39 , 43 , 67
Lefebvre, Henri, 183– 84 , 193
Lukács, Georg, 33
many-worlds interpretation, 168 , 238n4
Martin, Randy, 196 , 201 , 202
Marx, Karl, 182 ; Capital , 140 , 149 ; theory of labor, 140 , 182
McCaffrey, Larry, 28 , 30 , 31 , 217n14
McDonagh, Maitland, 104
McGann, Jerome, 139
McGurl, Mark, 28
Metronome (Jones and Ginzel), 50– 51
modernism, 30
Morgan, Glyn, 61
Morgan, Robert C., 50
Moylan, Tom: on Neuromancer , 34 ; on Kim Stanley Robinson, 222n73
Narkunas, J. Paul, 206
New Rose Hotel (Ferrara), 103 –04
New Wave science fiction, 21– 22 , 27 ; and cyberpunk, 42 , 43
Nilges, Mathias, 14
ontology, 15 , 168 , 171– 72 , 178
Osborne, Peter, 75
Pias, Claus, 208
Pier, John, 61
Pynchon, Thomas, 170
Rancière, Jacques, 52– 53 , 60 , 64– 65
realism, 5 , 14 , 30 , 31– 32 , 69
Robinson, Kim Stanley, 43 , 44– 47
Rosen, Jeremy, 9
Ross, Andrew, 36
Russ, Joanna, 21
science fiction studies, 10– 11 , 217n20
Shaw, Joe: and Mark Graham, 191
Shelley, Mary, 84 ; Frankenstein , 84 , 85– 87
Siivonen, Timo, 7
Snow, C. P., 115
Sponsler, Claire, 217n14
Sterling, Bruce, 67– 68 , 100 , 131 , 134 . See also Gibson, William
Tatsumi, Takayuki, 3
television, 11 ; cyberspace in, 107
The Time Machine (Wells), 61
time travel, 6 , 61 , 169 ; in The Peripheral (Gibson), 197– 98 , 205 –06
Todorov, Tsvetan, 18, 19
Tomberg, Jaak, 153– 54 , 188 , 216n13
video games, 197 , 199 . See also gaming
Vint, Sherryl, 14