Chapter Seven


Natural Clairaudience

Communing with Nature

Every so often my dog Honey shows up in a dream barking. He does this when I’m out of town. You see, when I’m home he wakes me at 4 a.m. to go outside. I suppose he doesn’t see any reason to stop prompting me into action just because I’m traveling.

Clairaudience is one of the most enjoyable and productive tools for communicating with beings from nature, and not only our companion animals. There are nearly infinite types of natural beings, including beings from this earth and other planets, constellations, and dimensions. After briefly describing a few of these different sources, I’ll organize them in two basic categories: earthly and otherworldly. I’ll then walk you through two exercises.

The first exercise will link you with beings of the earth, such as animals and plants, as well as fantastical beings, such as unicorns and fairies. The second exercise will throw open the universal door and enable connection with sources as far-flung as off-world aliens. Two additional tips will bolster the exercises and your ability to communicate with nature.

Beings of Nature

The Diversity Around You

Our ancestors knew that nature teems with conscious beings. They understood that a rock can project a personality as strong as a person’s and that a talented shaman can be equally conversant in the languages of trolls, Plutonians, and daffodils. These spiritually aware shamans, intuitives, and healers assumed that natural beings could interconnect across time and space, and that a gifted intuitive could request information and healing from a variety of multidimensional beings, whether they occupied the past, present, or future.

Whether or not they consciously knew it, our nature-based ancestors employed their tenth chakra to commune with the living world. As shown on Figure 2 on page 202, this energy center located under the feet connects us all to the environment. Unfortunately, over the centuries we have forgotten how to talk with natural beings, restricting our conversations to other humans. Even then, they—we—haven’t done a very good job at corresponding truthfully or openly. What if we decided to return to our earlier interactions, relating to the amazing array of natural beings, whether they are living or deceased? Think of how much we could learn—and become.

We’re already almost completely dependent on the environment and natural beings. We are part of the skein of animals, plants, trees, and stars, while natural elements compose every part of our body. For example, recent research suggests that our bodies rely on sunlight, even absorbing it during our earliest of embryonic stages through the melanin and neuromelanin to form pathways for our energetic and physical body (Bynum 2012, 4).

As well, thousands of medicines are plant derivatives, with about 80 percent of the world’s people employing herbs as their main medicines and about 40 percent of the medicines used in the United States made of plant spin-offs (Medicine Hunter, n.d.). There are other sorts of medicines, however—ones that we can draw upon through physical and subtle processes.

For instance, a cat’s purr improves bone density and also helps heal tendons and ligaments (Lyons 2003). A dog’s saliva contains proteins that heal wounds twice as fast than if the injury was left alone, and some types of snake venom dissolve blood clots (Goodnet, n.d.).

How about our winged friends? The presence of birds alleviates symptoms of dementia in the elderly, reducing agitation and confusion (ASA Staff, n.d.). And reptiles aren’t to be left out. In fact, scientists have figured out that certain types of frog skin contain antimicrobial peptides, which enhance wound healing (Advanced Tissue, n.d.).

To me, the most exciting application of these and other discoveries related to nature is the exponential gains we can create through clairaudience. We don’t have to spread our skin with frog peptides or actually pet a cat to reap the gains. Clairaudience is a vibrational activity. By sensing or “hearing” a frog, cat, tree, or any other being, we reap all the benefits I’ve just outlined, plus so many more.

I’ve actually used clairaudience to connect with—and learn from—hundreds of different nature beings. For example, I once worked with a natural medicine healer in the Amazonian basin who grows all the medicinal plants of that particular Peruvian region on his land.

One day I wandered the farm with him. Using my empathic skills and clairaudience, which you learned about in the last chapter, I only had to touch a plant to hear it “talk.” It was as if my inner self could translate plant language. For their part, the plants were delighted to tell me the services they could perform for humans. Examples included alleviating nausea, healing wounds, and blocking the spread of cancer cells. In every case, the shaman told me I was accurate.

There are beings beyond those on earth, however. During the same trip to Peru, I was awakened one night by a star being. It shared a song of love and beauty. The next day, the shaman told me that I had once lived on the Blue Planet, as had he, and he’d also been visited by this being.

“Why do these beings bother with us immature humans?” I wondered.

“Because we are all of the same family,” the being said.

And so we are—every plant, animal, rock, and star, including fantasy characters.

As you’ll determine in this chapter, you can communicate with all “normal” earthly beings, whether alive or deceased, but also fantastical earthly beings. I remember when a client brought her son in to see me. He was five or six and had huge blue glasses, which he insisted on wearing even when asleep or in the bathtub. His mother was beside herself. If she forced him to remove them, he’d scream at the top of his lungs and shut his eyes, refusing to open them until his glasses were back on.

I asked his mother to leave the office and asked the boy what he could see with his glasses on. He blinked and answered.

“Dragons,” he replied.

“Can you only see them with your eyeglasses on?” I asked.

“No,” he admitted. “I can see dragons no matter what. I can only HEAR them with my glasses on.”

For some reason, this precious child had always been able to see dragons with his psychic and visible eyes. And then, one day, he could hear them. Because it was the same day on which he put his first set of eyeglasses on his nose, he decided that the glasses were key to his clairaudience. It took a couple of sessions, but I was able to show him that he could communicate with the dragons without eyeglasses. You see, he was clairaudient. As we worked together, I encouraged him to write books about his dragons so as to best use his gift. Some day these books might make it into the hands of children everywhere.

How do we communicate with all these natural beings, from plants to dragons? From a quantum perspective, subtle energy interconnects everything and everyone across time and space. In order to relate to a natural being—alive or dead, earthly or otherworldly, normal or fantastical—we’ve only to use our clairaudience.

While there are limitless numbers of natural beings, there are two basic categories. Knowing about these groups can help you qualify natural sources and direct questions to the correct beings.

Major Types of Natural Beings

There are two main categories of natural beings: earthly and otherworldly. Within the earthly category are everyday and fantastical beings. Everyday earthly beings include your house pets, plants, and flowers. Fantastical earthly beings are whimsical and usually known about through legends. These include fairies, dragons, and griffons, to name a few. Otherworldly natural beings are from non-earth planets, spaces, and places.

That’s about as straightforward as these categories get. Within each distinction are beings that might be living or deceased or dwell in the past, current time period, concurrent reality, and possible future. There are beings that are immaterial and material—and sometimes natural beings that can be a little of everything.

I have a perfect example.

For years, my family has owned dogs named Honey, all male golden retrievers. The first Honey, which I’ll call Honey I, lived a generation back. I raised my sons with Honey II, who died a few years ago. A couple of years after his passing, I heard a voice.

“I’m coming back.” That voice was Honey II.

After Honey II told me he was going to incarnate again soon, I was bombarded with signs of and dreams about honey nectar and also tanks—G.I. Joe tanks, Sherman tanks, toilet tanks, and more. The latter only made sense when my son found an image of a puppy on the internet named Tank. He declared that this was Honey. Tank soon became Honey III. Shortly after Honey III arrived, he went through all the health crises that had taken out Honey II. This time, however, Honey survived.

I believe that all the Honeys are the same soul. Honey is most obviously a natural earthly being when in his living dog form, but he can also speak when he’s deceased. I’ve known Honey as material and immaterial, and who knows what concurrent reality he was hanging out in between reincarnations? On top of that, after Honey II died, I asked him who or what he really was. That night I had a dream. In it I perceived Honey’s soul as a huge cloaked figure. He shared that he was a master from a different dimension. I do have to say that he is one of the wisest and most fun-loving beings I’ve ever met.

The two exercises in this chapter will provide you slightly different ways to connect with beings from the two overarching categories and cope with the blurring between lines. Now have fun exploring the basic subsets of natural beings.

Natural Earthly Beings

The following beings, whether everyday or fantastical, originate on earth. I have listed the most basic categories and provided a few insights about what you can gain by connecting with members of each.

Everyday Beings

You can connect with the following everyday beings, whether they are deceased or alive:

Animals: Mammals can grant insight, warnings, protection, powers, healing, and direction. In fact, each species is bestowed with certain abilities that they can lend or teach us. Besides delivering specific healing energies, dogs provide companionship, cats represent individuality, and bears symbolize strength. You don’t have to be in the presence of an animal to benefit from its healing powers. You can request that a dog lick you ethereally to assist with wound healing.

Birds: Birds show which direction to take or avoid. As well, their songs provide vibrational healing and deliver spiritual messages.

Insects: Insects point out details. For instance, an ant can indicate what burden to carry or set down. A buzzing mosquito can reveal a “stinging” person or situation.

Reptiles: Reptiles represent transformation and reveal shadow issues. If a snake shows up in real life or a dream, you’ll want to ask it what you must shed or how you need to change.

Amphibians: Water is the medium of amphibians and symbolizes emotions and intuition. If a frog hops into your world, ask what intuitive leaps you need to make.

Plants, Trees, and Flowers

The greenery of this good earth is a vital source of information, inspiration, and medical data. Following are a few of the blessings we can access from this grouping through clairaudience.

Plants: This category includes plants in general, from algae to shrubbery. Each specific species generates physical and subtle energies that are curative. Plants are also aware of the environment and can clue us in to weather patterns and other environmental shifts.

Trees: Each tree species engenders its own medicinal properties and also conveys additional vital information. Science is just beginning to remember the holistic nature of trees, as is being revealed through the research wing of the HeartMath Institute, which has been monitoring the circadian rhythms and electrical patterns of trees. To date, early results are suggesting that the electrical activity of trees is intertwined with the patterns of the sun, moon, stones, and earth. We can monitor tree activity and predict upcoming weather patterns, such as impending earthquakes. It also seems that trees respond to human emotions (HeartMath Institute 2016). I personally find that trees can also illuminate someone’s true nature, connect a person to the Spirit, and provide soothing and calming energies.

Flowers: Every blossom holds data deposited in it by birds, bees, and other messengers. You can retrieve this information and find out the secrets of nature. Poetry and songs also emanate from flowers, and every type of flower species generates unique vibrations that can attune a person to a specific psychological and physical concern.

Natural Elements

Elements compose every aspect of physical reality. Subtle elements are tiny versions of the basic elements, such as fire and wood, and make up the subtle universe.

You can communicate with the beings attached to the various subtle elements. Called elementals, they are characterized by the same features as their corresponding elements, which they can summon, organize, dissipate, and eliminate. The easiest way to connect and communicate with an elemental is through your clairaudience. (More information about elements is available in the first book of this series, Subtle Energy Techniques.)

Snapshots follow that describe what each element provides and how each elemental can assist you.

What might an elemental confer through clairaudience? During a sojourn to Wales a few years ago, I “heard” a set of stone elementals calling me from a field I was driving by. The sounds were like a whisper, which I could interpret with my inner mind. I pulled off the road, and my friends and I sat in the field, listening to the stones.

They conveyed stories about the various communities that had occupied that land, including people and animals. They also shared stories from the stars, telling of the beginning of the cosmos and the Creator. My inner fifth chakra self simply translated the stone elemental language into my own, and I knew without a doubt that the words being pasted together were accurate.

A few days later, I was hiking up a cliff not far away from the stone field. The path was narrow. Near the top, the wind began wrapping around me. I felt frightened. Would it push me off the mountain? Instead, the wind seemed to guide me to a cave at the top of the cliff. There I “heard” the wind elementals remind me about a life I had led in this very place. At the end of that life, in which I was killed defending my people, I returned to my soul form and ran with the wind elementals for a while. Remembering all of this through the assistance of the air elementals in the cave reminded me that I had nothing to fear from death. That was an important message, as my father was dying from lung cancer at the time.

Fantastical Earthly Beings

The earthly realm has existed for a long time and evolved over several epochs. At different times, the earth has been occupied by beings that most of us only know about through myths and legends, such as dragons and trolls. I believe that these beings lived on this earth in earlier eras and that many still occupy this land, though in a different dimension.

I’ve connected with various fantastical beings since I was a child. When I was young, I talked with fairies and a unicorn would appear in my dreams, instructing me on higher matters. As an adult I was able to hear dragons for a couple of years. They revealed different ways to employ my spiritual powers.

In the next listing, I organize the main groups of earthly fantastical beings as per their relationship with four of the major elements—earth, water, fire, and air. Know that while I put fairies and dragons under “sylphs,” which are air beings, there are fairies and dragons associated with all elements and aspects of life. No matter what other element the fairies and dragons interact with, however, they always relate to air because they fly.

Gnomes/Earth Dwellers

Gnomes are earth dwellers. There are many types of gnomes, each of which relates to a specific vibratory band of the earth, such as stones, gems, metals, and minerals. Gnomes will build houses specific to their vibratory rates, such as with alabaster, iron, marble, or the like. Most are smaller than human beings, but some can be as large as giants.

Clairaudient communication with a gnome will enable you to command magic. However, never turn the magic against a gnome or it will turn on you.

These earth dwellers can conduct the following tasks:

Pygmies: Work with stones, gems, and metals and help you find lost treasures.

Dwarves: Assist you in getting work done and unearthing knowledge from previous earth epochs.

Tree and Forest Sprites: Also called devas, these live in or attend the trees, plants, and regions of wooded areas. Specific types include the following:

Brownies or Elves: These bearded beings are twelve to eighteen inches tall. They can maneuver the invisible worlds and help you do the same upon request. (The females don’t have beards.)

Pixies: Pranksters that reveal what is hidden.

Leprechauns: Pagan cobblers. If you find their wealth, they will give you three wishes.

Dryads: Spirits that live in the trees. There are specific types as well. For instance, the Meliades are nymphs of the fruit trees; the Daphaie are nymphs of the laurel trees.

Green Man: An ancient deity representing the union between humans and nature. Links you to the Divine Masculine.

Green Lady: Partner to the Green Man. Links you to the Divine Feminine.

Undines/Water Beings

Water elementals can be consulted about your own or others’ emotions and for intuitive advice. They also help create beauty. Most undines resemble humans but are more ethereal, taking on the characteristics of the lakes, spray, oceans, or whichever body of water they occupy. Names include the water sprites, sea maids, and mermaids. As well, there are nereids, which are tall nymphs, and limoniades, which are small nymphs that live off flowers.

Salamanders/Fire Activators

Nothing can come alive without the salamanders, as they activate life energy. Salamanders can be summoned through smoke, fire, or vapors. Some look like small balls of light; others appear as large and glowing spheres. The Djin is their ruler and can grant wishes or help you meet your goals.

Sylphs/Air Beings

Considered sacred, air is within everything. The most famous air beings are the fairies, which can sculpt the snowflakes, clouds, plants, and flowers. Fairies live hundreds of years and are really the magical gardeners of nature. Fairies can also assume human form, but only for a while. Specific types of fairies and other air beings include:

Will-o’-Wisp: Rare fairies that travel in fog and appear as flickering lights. If asked politely, they will tell you a truth.

Peat Fairies: Mud-covered fairies that deliver ill will on the lazy.

Unicorns: White horse-like beings with magical horns. They dwelled in Lemuria and Atlantis, ancient human societies that are described in the next section. Unicorns can connect you to other realms, provide healing, and forgive evil. Their horn is made of stardust. If they sprinkle you with the dust, consider yourself blessed.

Sidhe: A supernatural fairy race that grants wishes. I believe that they are the same as the shining ones, angels that I described in the last chapter.

Peris: Fairies descended from spirits denied paradise. They can tell you if your efforts will produce good or evil.

Centaurs: Beings with a human torso and horse body that advise on warriorism and nobility.

Pookas: Fairies that live near ancient stones and convey ancient information.

Hippogriffs: Winged horses with the upper bodies of eagles that can transport you to other realms.

Dragons: There are many types of these winged beings. They can fly, breathe fire or other elements, and travel the magical lands. If they choose, they can help dreams come true and reveal hidden treasures.

Genies: Bring luck and wealth.

Griffins: Flying beings that blend eagle and lion traits and can help you journey to various time zones.

Light Elves: Fairies in charge of light and rainbows.

Otherworldly Natural Beings

This category is more complicated than it might seem at first blush. Technically, it features natural beings from non-Earth worlds and dimensions. Sometimes we call members of this community extraterrestrials, which means “non-earthlings” or “aliens.” You can potentially connect with otherworldly beings that come from this or other galaxies.

One of my first experiences with aliens occurred years ago when I was invited to watch several mediums channel extraterrestrials (ETs). As the ETs entered the channels’ bodies, the hosts’ voices changed. Their bodies appeared bigger and their voices fell in pitch. When the process was finished, the ETs exited and the hosts’ souls returned. Their bodies shook and then deflated. Their voices rose in pitch, and the channelers were so tired that they had to eat immediately.

The ETs’ messages were beautiful, composed of pleas for peace. The entire experience left me worried about the effects of full transmediumship on a channel’s body, however, which is one of the reasons I offered protection techniques in Chapter Three.

The otherworldly category is actually quite complex. For one, certain types of otherworldly beings inhabit or once inhabited Earth, though they originally came from somewhere else. The following list hints at a few of these alien kingdoms. The other complication is that many of us are probably descendants of interplanetary beings and perhaps even angels, which I consider divine, not natural, beings. In fact, many of the cultures I’ve studied or interacted with believe that their ancestors came from other planets and settled on Earth. For example, some Cherokee tribes state that they came from the Pleiades, and the African Dogons believe they are descended from an interplanetary race from the Sirius star system.

The biblical book of Genesis presents a story that fits with this assumption, sharing that the Nephilim mated with humans to produce the “Giants in the Earth,” or tall and strong people. Many people believe that the Nephilim were fallen angels; still others assert that they were extraterrestrials. If you have alien or angelic blood, it could be relatively easy for you to link with these beings and use clairaudience to communicate and also activate genetically bestowed spiritual gifts.

Following is an outline of the major types of otherworldly beings I’ve connected with or know that others are familiar with.

Agharians: Asiatic or Nordic humans, originally alien, who established a kingdom under the Gobi Desert thousands of years ago. Some people believe that they still live there. Connect with them to learn about magic and cosmological history.

Anakim: Descendants of the “Giants in the Earth,” who were birthed by intercourse between the Nephilim, or fallen angels/aliens, and earth women. It is said that they currently live in cavern systems under Africa and other areas. From these sites they conduct interstellar flights. Connect with them to activate your spiritual powers and warrior abilities, undergo soul journeys, and activate any gifts inherited through your bloodline.

Andromedans: An extraterrestrial council that keeps track of all aliens living on or off this planet, whether they are well-intentioned or not. You can connect with this council to get suggestions about which beings to interact with or to qualify a being that has contacted you.

Anunnaki: Aliens from the Nibiru planet that served as deities in ancient Mesopotamia. Some experts equate them with the Nephilim. Interact with the positive members of this race to learn how to use power wisely.

Arcturians: The most advanced civilization in our galaxy. Arcturians can raise your vibrational level to that of love and help you use subtle energies wisely.

Atlanteans: On earth, this ancient civilization was known for its advanced energy technology, levitating objects and directing power through crystals. I believe that they once inhabited the Pleiades and brought this technology, including faster-than-light travel, to Earth from their home planet. Some people believe that they still live underground on Earth.

Draconians: Reptilian (or negative) aliens from Alpha Draconis that are attempting to take over the earth. Some are disguised as humans and aim for leadership positions so they can cause evil and destruction. You don’t need to deliberately speak with them, but it’s important to know about their existence because you don’t want to be fooled by—or connect with—a Draconian if you can help it. If we know that a certain type of being exists, we can avoid being manipulated. In general, manipulative beings, whether physical or subtle in form, will create an upset stomach, a churning sensation, or extreme hot and cold. Ask for protection from the Spirit if something like this occurs.

Greys: Group of extraterrestrials that feed off human and animal fluids and abduct people. You don’t want to contact them. Just know that they exist, for the same reason that you want to know about Draconians. If physical or emotional upsets alert you to the presence of a Grey, simply ask the Spirit for cleansing and protection.

Lemurians: Members of a “lost land” on Earth that were originally from the Pleiades. In fact, I believe that they are related to the original off-world Atlanteans but came to Earth before the Atlanteans did. The Lemurians lived in concert with the land. Most likely, many indigenous communities are descendants of the Lemurians. Communicate with them to bond with any natural being and volunteer as a peacemaker.

Lyrans: Inhabitants of what is probably the first planet inhabited by human beings. I equate this planet with the Garden of Eden. Communicate with them for knowledge of good and evil and other spiritual matters.

Nephilim: Group of winged beings that are either fallen angels or beings from Orion that inexcusably mated with Earth women to create the Giants and their descendants, the Anakim. The “good” Anakim may have helped humans evolve, showing them how to build the pyramids, cook with fire, and perform healing. The evil Anakim became a set of ruling Aryans, cold, hard, and cruel. Connect with the positive beings to gain keen insight and help. If you believe you carry Nephilim blood, ask the beneficial Nephilim to activate your powers for beneficial reasons.

Orions: Beings from the Orion Belt. Some are noble and some are untrustworthy but all hold knowledge about infinity and the Creator.

Pleiadians: Multidimensional beings originally from the Pleiadian stars. Some came to this planet thousands of years ago to create the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations. They can teach you about your divine nature.

Sirians: Beings from Sirius that taught the Mayans, African Dogons, and Egyptians. They can provide data about math, astronomy, time, and other advanced knowledge.

Now it’s time to connect with both earthly and otherworldly natural beings, which you’ll learn how to do in the next two exercises.




Communicating with
Natural Earthly Beings

Do you want to connect with an everyday or a fantastical natural being or leave the choice to the Spirit? Maybe you have a specific being in mind, such as a house pet or a tree from your backyard. Maybe you feel called to discuss life matters with a fairy or dragon. Or maybe you want to see what the Spirit blows in.

This exercise will use a blend of clairaudient empathy and channeling. Why empathy? Natural beings are very emotive and sensory based, so it’s important to relate to them via the empathic abilities we explored in the last chapter. As you learned, empathic sensations can be transformed into clairaudient sounds, and this is the process you’ll employ in the following exercise. Many natural beings are also quite heart-based; the heart is located in the fourth chakra and is the center of higher emotional connections and healing. Know that you might be quite aware of your heart during an interaction with a natural earthly being.

Step 1: Prepare. Find a quiet place in which to concentrate or choose a place in nature that will support your connection to a natural being, whether it’s earthly or fantastical. You might already have an earthly being in mind; focus on that being or an important topic.

Step 2: Conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Affirm your own spirit and the helping spirits. If you’re already thinking about a specific spirit, affirm its spirit. Then acknowledge the presence of the Spirit in its most natural form. Some people use the word Creator to describe the Spirit in the context of the natural world.

Step 3: Connect. Clear your mind and ask the Spirit to forge healing streams between you and the natural being you are to interact with. These streams will serve as pathways of communication between you and that being. On your part, they will link to your empathic chakras, including your heart chakra as well as your fifth chakra. If the Spirit connects this being to your seventh chakra, you might also find your sixth or visual chakra involved with your communication.

Now qualify the source using the techniques you’ve already been working with in this book. What type of natural being is it? Is it an earthly or fantastical being? Do you already have (or have you had) an association with this being or not? Ask all the questions that make sense to ask, and then request that the Spirit help this being send you a message.

Step 4: Receive and Interpret the Message. Because you’ve interconnected empathically, any of your empathic chakras might perceive a message. You might be struck with a physical sensation (first chakra), an emotion (second chakra), an idea (third chakra), a spiritual knowing (seventh chakra), or even a clairvoyant image (sixth chakra via the seventh chakra). Your heart might also open you to a feeling of love. All these empathically received energies will flow to your fifth chakra, and the Spirit or another higher source will transform them into verbal information. Your fifth chakra will also directly hear from the natural being and note internal or external sounds. Ask any questions you’d like and continue to interrelate.

Step 5: Close. When you sense that your communication is complete, ask the Spirit to help you lovingly disconnect from the natural being. Streams of grace provide each of you what is needed, and you can return to your everyday life when you’re ready.

Additional Tip

Communicating with a Family Pet

Each animal species has its own language, and all animals have a fifth chakra through which they can translate your message into their personal language. You have to conduct the communiqué with a genuine heartfelt emotion, however, so they can receive it. Pets are love-based and will most easily link with you through an already established heart/fourth chakra bond.

You can start your interaction for two reasons. Maybe your animal has been acting differently or speaking verbally and you’d like to understand what’s happening. Or you might desire to send them a message. The instructions work either way.

If your animal has been communicating at you, ask the Spirit to bring its message through your empathic centers and into your fifth chakra, where the Spirit will translate that energy into verbally understood information. To send a message, concentrate on your heart and your love for the animal. Then create a statement in your mind (fifth chakra) and either think it or say it aloud. Ask the Spirit to send that message through your heart chakra to the animal’s fifth chakra. You can also picture, sense, feel, and think about that message. You can continue with this back-and-forth flow as long as you desire.




Connecting with
Otherworldly Beings

This exercise is intended to help you communicate with an otherworldly being. This being might already have reached out to you; either that or it will show up during the exercise in response to your focus. To conduct it, you’ll combine guided writing and receptive channeling.

What kind of help can an otherworldly being provide? Just about anything. Review the list provided in the section “Otherworldly Natural Beings” to check their individual expertise.

For example, I once worked with a client who had a chronic autoimmune dysfunction. Who showed up to share data and healing but a Nephilim? Declaring that it was one of my client’s long-ago ancestors, the Nephilim stated that my client had unconsciously rejected her alien genetics as being evil. However, this Nephilim ancestor, which had begun its earthly interactions as an evil being, had evolved and could now stimulate the genetics that could heal my client. The Nephilim did this—and over the next six months, my client’s illness slowly disappeared.

With this story in mind, get ready to let a cosmic connection make a real difference in your life.

Step 1: Prepare. Settle into a quiet area with writing instruments. Choose an issue, concern, or opportunity you’d like to focus on and frame it into a statement. Write this statement down.

Step 2: Conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Affirm your personal spirit, others’ spirits, and the Spirit.

Step 3: Request an Otherworldly Helper. Ask that Spirit adjust your brain state so you can connect with an otherworldly being that can benefit you. One might appear that you’ve already met before or the Spirit will assign a new one.

Step 4: Assess the Being. Who or what has appeared? Where are they from? Ask the Spirit, your gatekeeper, or some other trusted source—such as the Andromedans, who regulate on- and off-world aliens—to assess this being for you. Is it to be trusted? Is this a Spirit-approved source? Let the Spirit provide you clairaudient insights until you feel safe with this being.

Step 5: Relate to the Otherworldly Being. Grab your writing instruments and ask questions to enable a flow of written communication. I recommend that you employ receptive channeling, asking questions like the following:

Spend a few more minutes asking all other pertinent questions, and then write a summary about what you’ve learned.

Step 6: Close. When ready, ask the Spirit to release the otherworldly being and use healing streams to rebalance yourself. Return to your everyday life when you’re ready.

Additional Tip

Working the Eighth and Tenth Chakras

In the first book in the Essential Energy Library series (of which this is the third book), I introduced you to five chakras beyond the seven in-body chakras. Two of these are especially useful to work with when connecting with natural beings, whether they are earthly or otherworldly.

The tenth chakra is found about two feet underneath your feet (see Figure 2 on page 202). It mainly accesses your physical body through your bones. The tenth chakra links you to all earthly connections and keeps you grounded while you’re acting clairaudiently.

Your eighth chakra is located a few inches above your head and is anchored in the thymus (see Figure 2). It regulates mystical connections and can enhance your ability to bond with fantastical earthly and otherworldly beings across all time periods.

Here is how to more clearly perceive—and be safe in—the presence of any type of natural being. While conducting Spirit-to-Spirit in either of the two exercises in this chapter, also ask the Spirit to send healing streams upward through your tenth chakra. These streams will flow into your feet and upward through all your bones, nourishing your entire body elementally. This stream will continue to move beyond the top of your head and keep your entire energetic and physical system clear while you are interacting clairaudiently. You can run this elemental stream during an entire clairaudient session.

If you are linking with an otherworldly being, you can add an additional step. First, set up the tenth chakra stream of energy. Then, while conducting Spirit-to-Spirit in exercise 16, let the tenth chakra stream of energy momentarily pause and percolate in your eighth chakra. This action will bolster your energetic field and serve as a radar for beings from the farthest regions of time and space. Then continue with step 4, “Assess the Being,” and the rest of the exercise.

When closing, know that the Spirit will readjust all your chakras through healing streams. You are now more than ready for our final sojourn into clairaudience. It’s time to adapt clairaudience to healing and manifesting.

Questions for Assessing a
Clairaudient Communication

You can add these questions to the list you are developing throughout this book’s progression.


Clairaudience is an ideal method for interacting with natural beings, of which there are two main varieties. One category consists of earthly beings, which are subdivided into everyday and fantastical beings. Besides interacting with earthly beings, you can also converse with otherworldly beings, such as beings from other planets or dimensions. All in all, there is much more to this world than you might have thought.
