for insomnia, 19
for itching, 143
for nausea, 57
for seizure disorders, 25
AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) screening, 68
air travel, 79–81
alcohol, 14
Alexander Technique, 115
Calcium-Rich Savory Mediterranean Yogurt, 40–41
Cocoa with Homemade Almond Milk, 32
Iron Woman Energy Snacks, 43
amniocentesis, 69–70
amniotic fluid, 108
anal sex, 99
Ancient Grain Porridge, 61
androgen, 142
anemia, 137–38
ankylosing spondylitis, 177–78
antacids, 61–62
anxiety, 18
arthritis, rheumatoid, 177–78
Asian Pear, Baked, 106
asthma, 150–51
measuring growth of, 55
position of, prior to birth, 166–67
size of, 185–86
babymoon, 141
baby showers, 117
bacterial vaginosis (BV), 112
Baked Asian Pear, 106
Balanced Morning Porridge, 74
oatmeal, for itchy skin, 143
beans. See also chickpeas
Yam, Ginger, and Adzuki Congee, 195
bed rest, 164
Taking Root Soup, 16
Bell’s palsy, 24–25
Ancient Grain Porridge, 61
Blood Orange Shrub, 195
Cocoa with Homemade Almond Milk, 32
Daily Pregnancy Tea, 16
Hair and Nail Restoration Tea, 177
Milk-Boosting Tea, 196
Milk-Production Tea, 191
Morning Mocktail, 27
Pickle Juice Cocktail, 135
Soothing Thyme and Honey Digestif, 94
Vitamin C–Rich Electrolyte Refresher, 37
biotin, 45
birth. See also labor
baby’s size and, 185–86
choices for, 157–58
interventions, evaluating, 180–83
preparing for, 161–62
readiness for, 179
vaginal, after C-section, 161
birth announcements, 85
birthing centers, 158
birthing classes, 113–15
birth plan, 155–57
black cohosh, 182
gums, 134
vaginal, 21–22
Blood Orange Shrub, 195
blood pressure, high, 139–40
blood sugar, 71–77, 97–98, 124
blue cohosh, 182
BMR (basal metabolic rate), 94
Bone Stock with Post-Partum Herbs, 194
Boosted-Up Chicken Stock, 46–47
boron, 45
Bradley Method, 115
Braxton-Hicks contractions, 170–71
breast cancer, 23–24
breastfeeding, 189–92. See also milk production
changes in, 20
engorgement of, 191
breath, shortness of, 122
breathing, focusing on, 19
breech presentation, 166
Brussels sprouts, juiced, 14
BV (bacterial vaginosis), 112
calcitonin, 95
Calcium-Rich Savory Mediterranean Yogurt, 40–41
Calcium-Rich Sea Vegetable Quinoa Bowl, 40
calories, 36
cancer, 23–24
Candida, 110–11
glycemic index and, 73–74
recommended intake of, 36
carob powder
Cocoa with Homemade Almond Milk, 32
My Heart Burns for You, 93
carpal tunnel syndrome, 153–54
Quick Ginger Carrot Pickles, 78
Taking Root Soup, 16
cell phones, 82
cephalic presentation, 166
cervical cancer, 23–24
cervical dilation, 185
cervical effacement, 184–85
chamomile, 15
month one, 47–48
month two, 85
month three, 106
month four, 117
month five, 129
month six, 148
month seven, 162
month eight, 172–73
month nine, 187
cheese, unpasteurized, 14
chicken pox, 122
Chicken Stock, Boosted-Up, 46–47
Calcium-Rich Savory Mediterranean Yogurt, 40–41
Homemade Hummus, 116
childbirth classes, 113–15
Chinese medicine
general recommendations for, 5
imbalances in, 4
organ systems in, 4
chlorophyll, 80
chocolate, 31
Cocoa with Homemade Almond Milk, 32
choriocarcinoma, 24
chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 69–70
chromium, 45
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 121
Cider, Immune, 101
Cocoa with Homemade Almond Milk, 32
alternative to, 32
decaffeinated, 31
colds, 100–102
cold sores, 186
Congee, Yam, Ginger, and Adzuki, 195
contractions, 170–71
Milk-Boosting Tea and Cookies, 196–97
Quinoa Cookies, 76
copper, 45
cortisol, 71
couvade, 53
CPR, infant, 116
leg, 134
menstrual-like, 22
remedies for, 135
Crohn’s disease, 165
C-section, vaginal birth after, 161
CVS (chorionic villus sampling), 69–70
cystic fibrosis, 151
cystitis, 112
cytomegalovirus, 187
Daily Pregnancy Tea, 16
Daily Saltwater Rinse, 135
dairy products, aversion to, 56
deep venous thrombosis, 79
depression, 18
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), 172
diabetes, gestational, 71–77, 124
diet. See also food; nutrition
beige, 58
for Candida, 110–11
for morning sickness, 58–59
digestive enzymes, 129
dilation, 185
diphtheria, 133
dizziness, 151–52
doulas, 160
dreams, vivid, 154
drooling, 60–62
dropping, 184
DTaP vaccine, 133
dysgeusia, 26
dysuria, 112
eclampsia, 63
eczema, 143
EDD (estimated date of delivery), 179
edema, 139–40
effacement, 184–85
Poached Eggs, 75
raw or undercooked, 14
Electrolyte Refresher, Vitamin C–Rich, 37
electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), 180
Energy Snacks, Iron Woman, 43
environmental concerns, 81–84
epilepsy, 25
Essential Oil Mouthwash for Swollen Gums, 135
estriol, 69
estrogen, 23, 25, 48, 71, 96, 108, 109, 124, 165
evening primrose oil, 182
eyebright, 63
changes in, 62–63
relief for, 63
face, rash on, 102
fainting, 151–52
fats, 45
FBS (fetal blood sampling), 71
feet, swollen, 124
approach to, 3–4
month one, 7–10
month two, 51–52
month three, 87–88
month four, 107–8
month five, 119–20
month six, 131–32
month seven, 149–50
month eight, 163–64
month nine, 175–76
fibromyalgia, 120–21
fifth disease, 102
fish, 14
flatulence, 21
flu, 100–102
flying, 79–81
folate, 42
folic acid, 42
food. See also diet; nutrition
aversions, 56
to avoid, 13–14
flatulence-causing, 21
footling breech, 166
forceps, 181
full term, definition of, 179
Gallbladder (Chinese medicine), 52, 62
gallbladder (Western medicine), 52
gastrointestinal conditions, 165
GBS (group B strep), 183–84
genetic testing, 63–71
gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), 71–77, 124
gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), 24
ginger, 15
Quick Ginger Carrot Pickles, 78
Yam, Ginger, and Adzuki Congee, 195
ginkgo biloba, 82
glucose screening, 124
glucose tolerance test (GTT), 124
glycemic index (GI), 73–74
glycogen, 108
Grain Porridge, Ancient, 61
Grave’s disease, 63
Morning Mocktail, 27
Green Tea Mouthwash, 28
group B strep (GBS), 183–84
guardians, 123
bleeding, 134
swollen, 135
hair, 176–77
Hair and Nail Restoration Tea, 177
Harmony, 67
hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), 48, 66
headaches, 165–66
heartburn, 60–62, 88–89, 90, 92–94
hemorrhoids, 88–89, 125–26, 127
herbal teas, 14–15
herpes, 186
hiccups, fetal, 147–48
high blood pressure, 139–40
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 146–47
holistic pediatricians, 114
home births
choosing, 158–59
enhancing, 159–60
Homemade Hummus, 116
Honey Mask with Nutmeg, 143
Soothing Thyme and Honey Digestif, 94
packing for, 136
hPL (human placental lactogen), 48
Hummus, Homemade, 116
hydration. See water
hygroscopic dilator, 182
hyperemesis gravidarum, 58
hyper-pigmentation, 143–44
hypertension, 139–40
hypothyroidism, 90
IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome), 165
ICP (intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy), 144–45
Immune Cider, 101
impetigo herpetiformis, 145
induction methods, 181–83
inflammation, 177–78
inhibin-A, 69
intercourse, 98–100
in-vitro fertilization (IVF), 9, 69, 71
deficiency, 137–38
Iron-Rich Kale Chips, 44
Iron Woman Energy Snacks, 43
IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction), 54
jaundice of pregnancy, 144–45
jook, 74
Calcium-Rich Sea Vegetable Quinoa Bowl, 40
Iron-Rich Kale Chips, 44
Morning Mocktail, 27
kefir, 77
Kegel exercises, 152–53
kick counts, 147
Kidney (Chinese medicine), 100, 170, 176
kimchi, 77
labor. See also birth
inducing, 181–83
preterm, 171–72
Lamaze, 114
Lamb, Spleen-Boosting Acorn Squash Stuffed with Cinnamon and, 128
Large Intestine (Chinese medicine), 164
large intestine (Western medicine), 21, 164
laxatives, 91
LCPUFAs (long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids), 172
cramps in, 134
pain in, 168
restless leg syndrome, 137
Daily Pregnancy Tea, 16
Vitamin C–Rich Electrolyte Refresher, 37
lethargy, 59–60
leukorrhea, 109
light exposure therapy, 19
linea nigra, 124
Liver (Chinese medicine)
blood deficiency, 62
blood flow and, 62
fetal development and, 8–10
sour and bitter flavor profiles and, 26
wind, 24–25
liver (Western medicine)
acute fatty, 34–35
HELLP syndrome, 29–30
Lung (Chinese medicine), 150
lupus erythematosus, systemic, 177–78
macrosomia, 72
magnesium, 45
manganese, 45
mask of pregnancy, 144
massages, 197
mastitis, 192
maternity leave, 123
measles, 122
aversion to, 56
meditation, 19
melasma, 144
mercury, 14
metallic taste, 26
microalgae, 79
microwave radiation, 82
midwives, 158–59
migraines, 165–66
Mild Mouthwash, 27
milk production
Milk-Boosting Tea and Cookies, 196–97
Milk-Production Tea, 191
tips for, 190
mindfulness, 19
miscarriage, 23
radiation and, 81
molar pregnancy, 24
mold, 84
molybdenum, 45
Mongan Method, 115
Morning Mocktail, 27
morning sickness, 55–59
Daily Saltwater Rinse, 135
Essential Oil Mouthwash for Swollen Gums, 135
Green Tea Mouthwash, 28
Mild Mouthwash, 27
moxibustion, 166–67
MS (multiple sclerosis), 178
mucus plug, 184
multiple marker screening, 68
mumps, 122
My Heart Burns for You, 93
Naegele’s rule, 9
nails, 176–77
nausea, 55–59
nesting, 179
nettle, 15
niacin, 45
nipples, cracked, 191–92
nosebleeds, 95–96
NT (nuchal translucency), 67
nurse midwives, 158
nut butter, 77
nutrition. See also individual nutrients
“companion planting” analogy for, 13
foods to avoid, 13–14
fundamental building blocks of, 36
importance of, 2
postpartum period and, 189, 194–97
principles of, 3
Milk-Boosting Tea and Cookies, 196–97
Oatmeal Bath for Itchy Skin, 143
olive oil, 80
oral sex, 99
Blood Orange Shrub, 195
Vitamin C–Rich Electrolyte Refresher, 37
organ systems, Chinese vs. Western, 4
oxytocin, 99, 170, 181, 182, 193
packing, for hospital, 136
Panorama, 67
pantothenic acid, 45
PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein screening), 67
parenting tips, 162
Taking Root Soup, 16
babymoon with, 141
couvade and, 53
pâtés, 14
pediatricians, holistic, 114
pelvic discomfort, 169
pelvic girdle pain, 168
pemphigoid gestationis, 186
PEP (polymorphic eruptions of pregnancy), 145
Pericardium (Chinese medicine), 88
pertussis, 133
Pesto, Pumpkin Seed, 44
phenylketonuria (PKU), maternal, 121–22
phones, 82
photography, 172
pica, 137
cravings for, 134
Pickle Juice Cocktail, 135
Quick Ginger Carrot Pickles, 78
piercings, 132
pigmentation changes, 143–44
Morning Mocktail, 27
consumption of, 192–94
medical issues involving, 49
role of, 48–49
Poached Eggs, 75
polyhydramnios, 72
porphyria, 137
Ancient Grain Porridge, 61
Balanced Morning Porridge, 74
Yam, Ginger, and Adzuki Congee, 195
postpartum period
placental consumption, 192–94
Postpartum Sitz Bath, 193
support tips for, 197–98
preeclampsia, 24, 39, 63, 139–41
adjusting to change of, 11–13
announcing, 84–85
challenges of, 1–2
confirming, 10–11
length of, 179
mask of, 144
molar, 24
tests, 10–11
as unique personal experience, 1
prenatal checkups
schedule of, 29
testing and, 63–71
ultrasounds and, 53–54
presentation of the fetus, 166–67
preterm labor, 171–72
probiotics, 77–79
Probiotic-Rich Soup, 78
prolactin, 71
prostaglandins, 91
psoriasis, 143
ptyalism, 60–62
pumpkin and pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin Seed Pesto, 44
Pumpkin Soup for You and Your Little Pumpkin, 126–27
Quinoa Cookies, 76
Quick Ginger Carrot Pickles, 78
Balanced Morning Porridge, 74
Calcium-Rich Sea Vegetable Quinoa Bowl, 40
Quinoa Cookies, 76
raspberry leaf, 15
relaxation techniques, 105
restless leg syndrome (RLS), 137
rheumatoid arthritis, 177–78
Rh factor, 28
riboflavin, 43–44
Balanced Morning Porridge, 74
Yam, Ginger, and Adzuki Congee, 195
rose hips, 15
round ligaments, 168
rubella, 122
Saltwater Rinse, Daily, 135
sauerkraut, 79
scoliosis, 178
seafood, 14
seaweeds, 80
seizures, 25
sex, 98–100
Sheehan syndrome, 63
shoe size, enlarged, 124
Shrub, Blood Orange, 195
sickle cell disease (SCD), 138–39
skin conditions, pregnancy-related, 141–45
position for, 113
in postpartum period, 197
vivid dreams during, 154
Slippery Elm Lozenges, Stomach-Soothing, 89
sluggishness, 59–60
smell, heightened sense of, 55–56
snoring, 95–96
Soothing Thyme and Honey Digestif, 94
Soothing Vaginal Soak and Seal, 109
Probiotic-Rich Soup, 78
Pumpkin Soup for You and Your Little Pumpkin, 126–27
Taking Root Soup, 16
spider veins, 133
Spleen (Chinese medicine)
bloating and, 127
fetal development and, 120
hemorrhoids and, 125
Spleen-Boosting Acorn Squash Stuffed with Lamb and Cinnamon, 128
spotting, 21–22
Squash, Spleen-Boosting Acorn, Stuffed with Lamb and Cinnamon, 128
Bone Stock with Post-Partum Herbs, 194
Boosted-Up Chicken Stock, 46–47
Stomach (Chinese medicine), 132
Stomach-Soothing Slippery Elm Lozenges, 89
strep throat, 102
stretch marks, 142
Stretch Mark Oil, 144
sugar, 46
supplements, 3, 35–39, 42–45, 81, 104
Sweet Potato Purée, 47
symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), 169–70
syncope, 151–52
Taking Root Soup, 16
taste, metallic, 26
tattoos, 132
Daily Pregnancy Tea, 16
Green Tea Mouthwash, 28
Hair and Nail Restoration Tea, 177
herbal, 14–15
Milk-Boosting Tea, 196–97
Milk-Production Tea, 191
testing, 63–71
tetanus, 133
thiamin, 43
throat, strep, 102
Thyme and Honey Digestif, Soothing, 94
thyroid, 94–95
thyroxine, 94
tobacco. See smoking
toxoplasmosis, 83–84
TPO (thyroid peroxidase), 95
transverse lie, 166–67
travel, 79–81
trichomoniasis, 112
triiodothyronine, 94
Triple Burner (Chinese medicine), 108
triple screening, 69
trophoblasts, 24
Taking Root Soup, 16
ulcerative colitis, 165
frequent, 20–21
pain during, 112
vaccines, 133
vacuum method, 181
vaginal bleeding, 21–22
vaginal infections, 108–13
varicose veins, 133
vascular changes, 133
VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean), 161
spider, 133
varicose, 133
vena cava, 152
venous thromboembolism, 79
Verifi, 67
vision changes, 62–63
A, 36
B1, 43
B2, 43–44
B9, 42
B12, 45
E, 45
vomiting, 55–59
vulvar pruritis, 109
walking epidurals, 180
water births, 159–60
water breaking, 185
wills, 123
announcing pregnancy at, 85
maternity leave, 123
worry, 18
Yam, Ginger, and Adzuki Congee, 195
yogurt, 79
Calcium-Rich Savory Mediterranean Yogurt, 40–41
zinc, 45