
Cover    1

Endorsements    2

Half Title Page    5

Title Page    7

Copyright Page    8

Dedication    9

Foreword    13

Introduction    15

Movement    20

1. Making God Your Focal Point    22

2. Staying Steadfast When Dreams Die    32

Emphasis    47

3. Living Out Your Pop of Color for God    48

4. Knowing When to Say Yes or No    59

Pattern    75

5. Sticking to the Instructions God Gives You    76

6. Replacing Negative Patterns in Your Life    92

Contrast    109

7. Seeing God More Clearly    110

8. Embracing Your Reality    124

Balance    143

9. Experiencing Perfect Stability with God    144

10. Loving Others Unconditionally    159

Space    173

11. Filling Yourself with God as You Grieve    174

12. Dying Well    187

A Redesigned Life    203

Come and Sit on the Couch    207

Acknowledgments    211

Notes    214

Contributor Gallery    217

Abbreviations    219

About the Author    221

Back Ads    222

Back Cover    224