Rook Corvus frugilegus

41–49 cm

ID Similar to Carrion Crow in size and general coloration, but adult distinguished by pale bare skin around bill base, head with a peaked crown and plumage appearing glossier in good light. Juv lacks pale bill base and therefore very like Carrion Crow, but differs in more pointed and straighter bill, suggestion of peaked crown, and call. Voice A dry cawing kraaa, harsher than call of Carrion Crow. Habitat Nests in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests and parks adjacent to open feeding habitats. Behaviour Nests colonially in tree-top ‘rookeries’. Gregarious with other crow species when foraging, often in open natural and agricultural fields. Status Rather uncommon and local resident breeder and passage migrant throughout Mongolia, nesting mainly in highlands and other forested regions, late April to mid-September; occasionally winters in larger Mongolian cities. C. f. pastinator, in most of Mongolia except the west, has less extensive bare skin around the bill base. [Alt: Eurasian Rook]

Carrion Crow Corvus corone

44–51 cm

ID Most likely to be confused with two other all-black crows in Mongolia. Northern Raven is significantly larger with a much heavier bill, wedge-shaped tail and distinctive flight profile and call (see below). For distinctions from imm Rook, see that species. Voice Similar to Rook but stronger and less harsh; caws repeatedly. Habitat Nests in all forest types in proximity to open foraging habitats; will also nest on rocky ledges, on ground (rarely) and in city parks. Behaviour Less gregarious than Rook, not breeding in colonies. Forages mainly on ground. Like other corvids, omnivorous and opportunistic. Status Common resident breeder across Mongolia, especially where trees and adjacent open habitats provide ideal nesting and feeding conditions.

Hooded Crow Corvus cornix

44–51 cm

ID Similar to Carrion Crow except for distinctive grey plumage of nape, back and belly contrasting with black of head, wings, tail and ‘bib’. General pattern similar to much smaller Daurian Jackdaw, in which adult is white where Hooded Crow is ‘dirty’ grey. Voice As Carrion Crow. Habitat As Carrion Crow. Behaviour As Carrion Crow. Status Vagrant. Recorded in Hentii and Mongol-Altai mountain ranges. Singles photographed in Khovd and Buyant River valleys and Khovd town, Khovd province; and Bogd Uul and Ulaanbaatar, winters of 2013–16. Taxonomy Considered a colour morph of Carrion Crow by many authorities, including BirdLife International; hybrids of intermediate appearance occur.

Northern Raven Corvus corax

54–67 cm

ID The largest of the three all-black crows in Mongolia. In addition to overall size this species differs from Carrion Crow and Rook in notably heavier bill; distinctive flight profile with proportionally longer, more pointed wings; a wedge-shaped (not rounded) tail; a more pronounced head projection; and call. Voice Distinctive very deep, resonant croak, gives other higher-pitched calls from time to time. Habitat Nests on cliffs, in trees, and on utility poles, city buildings and other artificial structures. Behaviour Agile and apparently playful on the wing, pairs often performing dramatic tumbles and rolls. Not as gregarious as other crows. Omnivorous. Status Very common resident breeder throughout Mongolia. [Alt: Common Raven]