Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus
12–13 cm
ID Adult male distinguished from all other chat-like birds by combination of black throat; bright rufous breast and belly; bluish-grey crown and nape; and rufous tail which it ‘shivers’ conspicuously. Rufous tail also separates otherwise plain female and imm from other chats. For differences from other redstarts, see those species. Voice Song is a variable, sweet, high-pitched warbling. Call is a soft hooeet, similar to that of Willow Warbler; sometimes hooeet-tek-tek when alarmed. Habitat Nests in mixed open montane forest and forest edge and thickly vegetated river valleys. Occurs in shrubbery in steppe and desert on migration. Behaviour Places cup nest in the hollow of tree, or on ledge of building. Flycatches and gleans leaves, in forest canopy, middle levels and on ground. Status Uncommon breeding visitor in forested mountains from Great Lakes Depression and Mongol-Altai to Hövsgöl, Khangai and Hentii ranges, and uncommon passage migrant throughout, late April to late August (early September in the steppe).
Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros
12–14 cm
ID Adult male distinguished from other Mongolian redstarts by black breast (as well as throat) and darker mantle; lacks white wing markings. Adult female and imm are dark sooty-grey with brown tinge. Voice Song is a brief, hurried high warble, followed by a bizarre grating sound. Assorted brief calls include tuc and tsip. Habitat Cliffs and rocks with scattered shrubs in high mountain ranges at 3,000–3,200 m in both dry and relatively moist regions. Occurs at lower altitudes and at desert oases on migration. Behaviour Nests in rocky mountains near water sources. Builds a cup nest in hollow of rock face. Feeds mainly on ground, hopping rapidly and pausing in upright stance. Shivers tail frequently. Status Uncommon breeding visitor to high elevations in Mongol-Altai, Gobi-Altai, Hövsgöl, Khangai and Hentii ranges. Scarce migrant throughout, including eastern Mongolia, late April to late August (early September in the Gobi). The race in Mongolia is P. o. phoenicuroides.
Eversmann’s Redstart Phoenicurus erythronotus
13–14 cm
ID Adult male distinguished from other Mongolian redstarts by unique combination of rufous throat and back; and both a white ‘patch’ at base of primaries and white ‘slash’ across the wing-coverts. Adult female and imm distinguished by buffy double wing-bars. Voice Song is sweet, high, rapid warble, few-eet, largely lacking the harsher sounds of other redstart songs. Calls are a soft tsip and harder and more nasal tcharr. Habitat Moist coniferous and mixed forest with thick undergrowth along wet cliffs or wet hillsides of subalpine zone at 1,800–2,400 m. Behaviour Places cup nest in hollows in banks, or dead snags, under tree roots or in rock crevices. Perches prominently on trees and tall bushes and drops to ground to feed. Jerks rather than shivers its tail. Status Rather rare and local breeding visitor to scattered localities in Mongol-Altai, Hövsgöl and Khangai ranges, and scarce passage migrant elsewhere, late April to late August (early September in the south). [Alt: Rufous-backed Redstart]
Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreus
13–14 cm
ID All plumages similar to Common Redstart, but easily distinguished by conspicuous triangular white wing-patch, which shows as white band in flight, and black (vs. grey) back. The white patch is unique among adult female and imm redstarts in Mongolia. Adult male Güldenstädt’s Redstart is significantly larger, has white cap and is rarely found in same habitat. Adult male Eversmann’s Redstart has rufous (vs. black) throat and back and different pattern of white wing markings. Voice Song is a high, cheery warble interspersed with tweets and scratchy sounds. Calls are either high and sharp or hard, e.g. weet and tak-tak. Habitat Mature coniferous and mixed forest in well-watered areas in a fairly wide altitude range. Also occurs in steppe and gardens and parks on migration. Behaviour Makes cup nest in hollow of tree, rock face or artificial structure in towns and villages. Mainly insectivorous, feeding on ground as well as in trees. Frequently shivers its tail. Status Locally common breeding visitor to mid-elevation mountains in Hövsgöl, Khangai and Hentii ranges, as well as locally in eastern Mongolia (Dornod province). Common passage migrant throughout, late April to late September.