The Stars and Color MagIc
We often draw on the power of color in our magic and rituals with candles and gemstones. We also use color as a way to incorporate magic into our everyday lives. Simply put, we could say that color is a tool and leave it at that; however, it can be a more powerful tool when we understand how it works. Color affects us on many levels, both conscious and subconscious. It has a profound effect on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. Color is a universal language that advertisers have used for a long time as a subtle way to spark interest in their products. We can’t touch, smell, or taste color, so what is it? Think rainbow.
Colors are light waves of specific lengths. They are vibrations and a property of light. Remember the cones and rods of our eyes mentioned in Chapter One? They provide a way for our minds to perceive color; however, color is also energy.
Energy is something that we can perceive with our subtle and physical bodies. The seven major chakra energy centers within our bodies vibrate to different wavelengths of color. When they vibrate at the right level, we are in good physical and psychological health. Through the use of color, chakra energy that is out of whack can be brought back into balance. Color therapy isn’t new or New Age; it dates back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. For our purposes in magic and ritual, the wavelengths of color reinforce and boost our intentions, allowing us to draw particular energies toward us or push them away.
In addition to the practices I have introduced for each constellation, working with the colors of their stars can amplify the power of your magical purpose. Most stars may appear white or bluish-white when viewed without binoculars or a telescope, but some stars are more colorful. Actually, the color of some of the brightest stars can be seen with the naked eye. A way to amplify a star’s energy for magic is to coordinate its color with that of a candle, gemstone, or other object that you may use when laying out the star pattern of a constellation.
As we have seen, a star is not always “a” star, as it can be a double or a multiple. This means that without a telescope it may appear as a single star when it is actually more than one. These may be binary stars, two stars that revolve around each other, or a complex star system. Having more than one color for a star provides flexibility for color magic. When laying out a star pattern, you can use the color of the primary star or use multiple objects to represent each component of the star. For example, Regulus, the alpha star in Leo, has three components and each is a different color. You can use the color of Alpha-1, the primary component, which is blue-white, or you can use three objects to represent each of the components. Alternatively, you can choose the color of the Alpha-2 (orange) or the Alpha-3 (red) and use just one of these colors.
Table B.1 provides some of the basic correspondences associated with the colors we find in the stars. In the case of blue-white or yellow-white stars, use a combination of the correspondences listed.
The star color listings that follow are grouped by season. Within each season, the stars are listed according to constellation to make the information easy to find. The graphic listed with each constellation in Chapter Four through Chapter Eight includes the designation for each star. Use these star maps to lay out a constellation’s pattern according to color.
Blue |
Awareness, clarity, communication, emotions, fertility, fidelity, freedom, guidance, harmony, honor, hope, intuition, knowledge, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, relationships, spirituality, transformation, wisdom Especially useful for astral travel and dream work. |
Green |
Abundance, balance, creativity, fertility, growth, kindness, love, luck, prosperity, renewal, success, wealth Especially useful for healing and connecting with spirits. |
Lilac/Purple |
Awareness, enlightenment, happiness, inspiration, manifestation, spirituality, wisdom Especially useful for astral travel, clairvoyance, divination, and psychic work. |
Orange |
Abundance, adaptability, beginnings, confidence, discipline, justice, luck, power, reconciliation, strength, transformation Especially useful for dealing with change and healing. |
Red |
Action, courage, creativity, determination, fertility, leadership, love, loyalty, motivation, passion, power, protection, relationships, renewal, strength, willpower Especially useful for activating energy and breaking hexes. |
White |
Clarity, compassion, enlightenment, gratitude, happiness, harmony, hope, inspiration, peace, protection, purity, spirituality, willpower Especially useful for astral travel, divination, healing, and psychic work. |
Yellow |
Awareness, clarity, communication, creativity, devotion, faith, friendship, happiness, inspiration, wisdom Especially useful for astral travel, clairvoyance, dream work, and contacting spirits. |
The Northern Hemisphere
Spring Star Colors by Constellation
Alpha (Arcturus) |
orange |
Beta (Nekkar) |
yellow |
Delta |
yellow-white |
Epsilon |
orange |
Gamma |
white |
Kappa-1 |
yellow |
Kappa-2 |
blue |
Lambda |
white |
Rho |
orange |
Theta |
yellow-white |
Canes Venatici
Alpha-1 (Cor Caroli) |
yellow |
Alpha-2 (Cor Caroli) |
white |
Beta (Asterion/Chara) |
yellow |
Gamma (La Superba) |
red |
Alpha-1 (Rigil Kent) |
yellow-white |
Alpha-2 (Rigil Kent) |
orange |
Proxima |
red |
Beta (Agena) |
blue-white |
Delta |
blue-white |
Epsilon |
blue-white |
Gamma |
white |
Iota |
white |
Nu |
blue-white |
Theta |
orange |
Zeta |
blue-white |
Corona Borealis
Alpha-1 (Alphecca) |
white |
Alpha-2 (Alphecca) |
yellow |
Beta |
yellow-white |
Delta |
yellow |
Epsilon |
orange |
Gamma |
blue-white |
Iota |
white |
Theta |
blue-white |
Alpha |
white |
Beta |
yellow-white |
Delta-1 (Algorab) |
yellow-white |
Delta-2 (Algorab) |
lilac/purple |
Epsilon |
orange |
Eta |
yellow-white |
Gamma (Gienah) |
blue-white |
Alpha (Alkes) |
orange |
Beta |
white |
Delta (Labrum) |
yellow |
Epsilon |
orange |
Eta |
white |
Gamma |
white |
Theta |
blue-white |
Zeta |
yellow |
Alpha (Alphard) |
red |
Beta |
blue-white |
Chi-1 |
white |
Chi-2 |
blue |
Delta |
white |
Epsilon-1 |
yellow |
Epsilon-2 |
yellow-white |
Epsilon-3 |
yellow-white |
Eta |
blue-white |
Gamma |
yellow |
Iota |
orange |
Kappa |
blue-white |
Lambda |
orange |
Mu |
orange |
Nu |
orange |
Pi |
orange |
Rho |
white |
Sigma |
orange |
Theta |
blue-white |
Upsilon-1 |
yellow |
Zeta |
yellow |
Alpha-1 (Regulus) |
blue-white |
Alpha-2 (Regulus) |
orange |
Alpha-3 (Regulus) |
red |
Beta (Denebola) |
blue |
Delta (Zosma) |
blue-white |
Epsilon |
yellow |
Eta |
white |
Gamma-1 (Algieba) |
orange |
Gamma-2 (Algieba) |
yellow |
Mu |
orange |
Theta |
white |
Zeta |
yellow-white |
Alpha-1 (Zubenelgenubi) |
yellow |
Alpha-2 (Zubenelgenubi) |
blue |
Beta (Zubeneschamali) |
blue-green |
Gamma |
orange |
Sigma |
red |
Ursa Major
Alpha (Dubhe) |
orange |
Beta (Merak) |
blue-white |
Delta |
white |
Epsilon |
white |
Eta |
blue-white |
Gamma |
white |
Nu |
orange |
Omicron |
yellow |
Zeta |
white |
23 Ursae Majoris |
yellow-white |
Ursa Minor
Alpha (Polaris) |
yellow-white |
Beta |
orange |
Delta |
white |
Epsilon |
yellow |
Eta |
yellow-white |
Gamma |
white |
Zeta |
white |
Alpha (Spica) |
blue-white |
Beta |
yellow-white |
Delta |
red |
Epsilon (Vindemiatrix) |
yellow |
Eta |
white |
Gamma (Porrima) |
yellow-white |
Mu |
yellow |
Tau |
white |
Theta |
white |
Zeta |
white |
109 Virginis |
white |
Summer Star Colors by Constellation
Alpha (Altair) |
yellow |
Beta-1 (Alshain) |
yellow |
Beta-2 (Alshain) |
red |
Delta |
yellow-white |
Eta |
yellow-white |
Gamma (Tarazed) |
orange |
Lambda |
blue-white |
Theta |
blue-white |
Zeta |
blue-white |
Alpha |
blue |
Beta |
orange |
Delta-1 |
blue-white |
Delta-2 |
yellow |
Epsilon-1 |
orange |
Eta |
orange |
Gamma |
blue-white |
Zeta |
orange |
Alpha-1 (Algiedi/Prima Giedi) |
yellow |
Alpha-2 (Algiedi/Secunda Giedi) |
yellow |
Beta-1a (Dabih/Dabih Major) |
orange |
Beta-1b (Dabih/Dabih Major) |
blue-white |
Beta-2a (Dabih/Dabih Minor) |
blue-white |
Beta-2b (Dabih/Dabih Minor) |
white |
Delta-1 (Deneb Algedi) |
white |
Delta-2 (Deneb Algedi) |
yellow-white |
Gamma |
blue-white |
Iota |
yellow |
Pi |
blue-white |
Psi |
yellow-white |
Omega |
red |
Theta |
white |
Zeta-1 |
yellow |
Zeta-2 |
white |
24 Capricorni |
red |
Alpha (Deneb) |
blue-white |
Beta-1 (Albireo) |
yellow |
Beta-2 (Albireo) |
blue |
Delta-1 |
blue-white |
Delta-2 |
yellow-white |
Delta-3 |
orange |
Epsilon (Gienah) |
orange |
Eta |
orange |
Gamma |
yellow-white |
Theta |
yellow-white |
Zeta |
yellow |
Alpha (Thuban) |
white |
Beta (Rastaban) |
yellow |
Chi |
yellow-white |
Delta |
yellow |
Epsilon |
yellow |
Eta |
yellow |
Gamma (Eltanin) |
orange |
Iota |
orange |
Kappa |
blue |
Lambda |
red |
Theta |
yellow-white |
Xi |
orange |
Zeta |
blue-white |
Alpha-1a (Rasalgethi) |
orange |
Alpha-1b (Rasalgethi) |
blue-green |
Alpha-2a (Rasalgethi) |
yellow |
Alpha-2b (Rasalgethi) |
yellow-white |
Beta (Kornephoros) |
yellow |
Delta |
white |
Epsilon |
white |
Eta |
yellow |
Iota |
blue-white |
Kappa-1 |
yellow |
Kappa-2 |
orange |
Mu |
yellow |
Omega |
blue-white |
Omicron |
blue-white |
Pi |
orange |
Sigma |
white |
Tau |
blue-white |
Theta |
orange |
Zeta |
yellow-white |
Alpha (Kakkab) |
blue-white |
Beta |
blue-white |
Delta |
blue-white |
Epsilon -1 |
blue-white |
Epsilon-2 |
blue-white |
Epsilon-3 |
white |
Eta |
blue-white |
Gamma (Thusia) |
blue-white |
Phi-1 |
orange |
Zeta |
yellow |
Alpha (Vega) |
blue-white |
Beta (Sheliak) |
blue-white |
Delta-1a |
blue-white |
Delta-1b |
orange |
Delta-2 |
red |
Gamma (Sulafat) |
blue-white |
Zeta |
white |
Alpha-1 (Rasalhague) |
white |
Alpha-2 (Rasalhague) |
orange |
Beta (Cebalrai) |
orange |
Eta |
white |
Gamma |
white |
Kappa |
orange |
Phi |
yellow |
Theta |
blue-white |
Zeta |
blue |
Alpha (Rukbat) |
blue |
Beta-1 (Arkab Prior) |
blue |
Beta-2 (Arkab Posterior) |
yellow-white |
Delta |
orange |
Epsilon-1 (Kaus Australis) |
blue |
Epsilon-2 (Kaus Australis) |
orange |
Gamma (Alnasl) |
orange |
Lambda |
orange |
Omega |
yellow |
Phi |
blue-white |
Psi |
white |
Sigma |
blue-white |
Tau |
orange |
Theta-1 |
blue |
Theta-2 |
white |
Zeta |
white |
Alpha (Antares) |
red |
Beta (Acrab) |
blue-white |
Delta |
blue-white |
Epsilon |
orange |
Eta |
yellow-white |
Iota-1 |
yellow-white |
Lambda (Shaula) |
blue-white |
Pi |
blue-white |
Tau |
blue-white |
Theta |
yellow |
Zeta-1 |
blue-white |
Zeta-2 |
orange |
Serpens Caput
Alpha (Unukalhai) |
orange |
Beta |
white |
Delta |
yellow-white |
Gamma |
white |
Kappa |
red |
Mu |
white |
Serpens Cauda
Eta |
orange |
Theta (Alya) |
white |
Xi |
yellow-white |
Autumn Star Colors by Constellation
Alpha (Alpheratz) |
blue |
Beta (Mirach) |
red |
Delta-1 |
orange |
Delta-2 |
yellow |
Gamma-1 (Almach) |
orange |
Gamma-2 (Almach) |
blue |
Gamma-3 (Almach) |
white |
Mu |
white |
Pi |
blue |
Zeta |
orange |
51 Andromedae |
orange |
Alpha (Sadalmelik) |
yellow |
Beta (Sadalsuud) |
yellow |
Delta (Skat) |
yellow |
Eta |
blue |
Gamma |
white |
Lambda |
red |
Nu |
yellow |
Tau-2 |
red |
Zeta |
yellow-white |
88 Aquarii |
orange |
Alpha (Hamal) |
orange |
Beta-1 (Sheratan) |
white |
Beta-2 (Sheratan) |
yellow |
Delta |
orange |
Epsilon |
white |
Gamma-1 (Mesarthim) |
white |
Gamma-2 (Mesarthim) |
white |
Gamma-3 (Mesarthim) |
orange |
Zeta |
white |
Alpha (Schedar) |
orange |
Beta (Caph) |
yellow-white |
Delta (Ruchbah) |
blue-white |
Epsilon |
blue-white |
Gamma |
blue |
Alpha (Alderamin) |
white |
Beta-1 (Alfirk) |
blue |
Beta-2 (Alfirk) |
white |
Beta-3 (Alfirk) |
white |
Gamma (Errai) |
orange |
Iota |
orange |
Mu (the Garnet Star) |
red |
Zeta |
orange |
Alpha (Menkar) |
red |
Beta (Deneb Kaitos) |
orange |
Delta |
blue |
Eta |
orange |
Gamma |
white |
Iota |
orange |
Lambda |
blue-white |
Mu |
yellow-white |
Omicron-1 (Mira) |
red |
Omicron-2 (Mira) |
white |
Theta |
orange |
Xi-1 |
white |
Xi-2 |
blue-white |
Zeta (Baten Kaitos) |
orange |
Alpha (Sualocin) |
blue-white |
Beta (Rotanev) |
yellow-white |
Delta |
white |
Epsilon (Deneb al Dulfin) |
white |
Gamma-1 |
yellow-white |
Gamma-2 |
orange |
Alpha (Kitalpha) |
yellow |
Beta |
white |
Delta-1 |
yellow |
Delta-2 |
yellow-white |
Gamma |
white |
Alpha (Markab) |
blue-white |
Beta (Scheat) |
red |
Gamma (Algenib) |
blue-white |
Epsilon (Enif) |
orange |
Kappa |
yellow-white |
Pi-2 |
yellow-white |
Theta |
white |
Alpha (Alrescha) |
white |
Chi |
orange |
Delta |
orange |
Eta (Kullat Nunu) |
yellow |
Gamma |
yellow |
Iota |
yellow-white |
Kappa |
white |
Lambda |
white |
Mu |
orange |
Omicron |
yellow |
Tau |
orange |
Theta |
orange |
Upsilon |
white |
Zeta |
white |
7 Piscum |
orange |
Winter Star Colors by Constellation
Alpha-1 (Capella) |
yellow |
Alpha-2 (Capella) |
red |
Beta (Menkalinan) |
blue-white |
Epsilon-1 |
yellow-white |
Epsilon-2 |
blue-white |
Eta |
blue-white |
Gamma |
blue |
Iota |
orange |
Theta-1 |
white |
Theta-2 |
yellow |
Zeta-1 |
red |
Zeta-2 |
blue-white |
Alpha (Acubens) |
white |
Beta (Al Tarf) |
orange |
Delta |
orange |
Eta |
orange |
Gamma |
white |
Iota-1 |
yellow |
Iota-2 |
white |
Mu-1 |
red |
Mu-2 |
yellow |
Theta |
orange |
Canis Major
Alpha (Sirius) |
white |
Beta |
blue-white |
Delta |
white |
Epsilon (Adhara) |
blue-white |
Eta |
blue |
Gamma |
blue-white |
Iota |
blue-white |
Theta |
orange |
Canis Minor
Alpha (Procyon) |
white |
Beta |
blue-white |
Epsilon |
yellow |
Gamma |
orange |
Zeta |
blue-white |
Alpha-1 (Achernar) |
blue |
Alpha-2 (Achernar) |
white |
Beta (Cursa) |
white |
Delta |
orange |
Eta |
orange |
Gamma (Zaurak) |
yellow |
Lambda |
blue-white |
Mu |
blue-white |
Phi |
blue-white |
Tau-1 |
white |
Tau-3 |
white |
Tau-5 |
blue |
Tau-8 |
blue |
Theta |
white |
Upsilon-2 |
yellow |
Upsilon-4 |
blue-white |
Xi |
white |
Zeta |
white |
Alpha-1 (Castor) |
white |
Alpha-2 (Castor) |
white |
Alpha-3 (Castor) |
red |
Beta (Pollux) |
orange |
Delta |
yellow-white |
Epsilon |
yellow |
Gamma |
white |
Iota |
yellow |
Kappa |
yellow |
Lambda-1 |
white |
Lambda-2 |
yellow |
Lambda-3 |
orange |
Mu |
red |
Nu |
blue-white |
Theta |
white |
Xi |
yellow-white |
Zeta |
yellow |
Alpha (Arneb) |
yellow-white |
Beta (Nihal) |
yellow |
Eta |
white |
Epsilon |
orange |
Gamma |
yellow-white |
Kappa |
blue-white |
Lambda |
blue-white |
Mu |
blue-white |
Theta |
white |
Zeta |
white |
Alpha Monocerotis |
orange |
Beta Monocerotis |
blue-white |
Delta Monocerotis |
white |
Gamma Monocerotis |
orange |
Zeta Monocerotis |
yellow |
Alpha (Betelgeuse) |
red |
Beta (Rigel) |
red |
Chi-1 |
yellow |
Delta-1 |
blue-white |
Delta-2 |
blue |
Epsilon |
blue |
Gamma (Bellatrix) |
blue |
Kappa |
blue |
Lambda |
blue |
Nu |
blue |
Pi-1 |
white |
Pi-2 |
white |
Pi-3 |
white |
Xi |
blue |
Zeta |
blue |
Alpha (Mirfak) |
yellow-white |
Beta-1 (Algol) |
blue-white |
Beta-2 (Algol) |
orange |
Beta-3 (Algol) |
white |
Chi |
blue-white |
Epsilon-1 |
blue-white |
Epsilon-2 |
white |
Epsilon-3 |
orange |
Eta |
orange |
Gamma-1 |
yellow |
Gamma-2 |
white |
Kappa |
orange |
Lambda |
blue |
Mu |
yellow |
The Pleiades
Eta-1 (Alcyone) |
blue-white |
Eta-2 (Alcyone) |
white |
Eta-3 (Alcyone) |
white |
Eta-4 (Alcyone) |
yellow-white |
16 Tauri (Celaeno) |
blue-white |
17 Tauri (Electra) |
blue-white |
19 Tauri-1 (Taygeta) |
blue-white |
19 Tauri-2 (Taygeta) |
blue-white |
19 Tauri-3 (Taygeta) |
white |
20 Tauri (Maia) |
blue-white |
21 Tauri (Asterope) |
blue-white |
22 Tauri (Asterope) |
blue-white |
23 Tauri (Merope) |
blue-white |
Alpha (Aldebaran) |
orange |
Beta (Elnath) |
blue |
Epsilon |
orange |
Eta-1 (Alcyone) |
blue-white |
Eta-2 (Alcyone) |
white |
Eta-3 (Alcyone) |
white |
Eta-4 (Alcyone) |
yellow-white |
Gamma |
orange |
Kappa |
white |
Zeta |
blue-white |
The Southern Hemisphere
Star Colors by Constellation
Corona Australis
Alpha (Alphecca Meridiana) |
white |
Beta |
orange |
Delta |
orange |
Epsilon |
white |
Gamma |
yellow-white |
Zeta |
blue-white |
Alpha (Acrux) |
blue-white |
Beta (Mimosa) |
blue-white |
Delta Crucis |
blue-white |
Gamma (Gacrux) |
red |
Alpha (Al Nair) |
blue-white |
Beta (Al Dhanab) |
red |
Delta-1a |
yellow |
Delta-1b |
orange |
Delta-2 |
red |
Epsilon |
white |
Gamma |
blue |
Lambda |
orange |
Rho |
orange |
Zeta |
orange |
Alpha |
yellow-white |
Beta |
yellow |
Delta |
white |
Eta-1 |
blue-white |
Eta-2 |
yellow |
Gamma |
red |
Nu |
orange |
Zeta |
white |
Alpha (Ankaa) |
orange |
Beta |
yellow |
Epsilon |
orange |
Eta |
white |
Gamma |
red |
Iota |
white |
Kappa |
white |
Piscis Austrinus
Alpha (Fomalhaut) |
white |
Beta |
white |
Delta |
yellow |
Epsilon |
blue-white |
Gamma |
white |
Iota |
white |
Lambda |
blue |
Mu |
white |
Theta |
white |