The WInter Quarter of
December, January, February
Summer is a fond memory and autumn’s splendor has withered and faded. As we enter the final night of the year we are compelled to turn inward for a sense of balance that will hold us and carry us through the winter. It is a time for working with our inner power to develop our magical skills as well as a sense of who we are and our place in the web of existence.
The fields are empty and the sky is a monotone gray, but the magic of this season can be seen in the holly. The bright green and red of leaves and berries hold the promise of ongoing life. Like holly, evergreen trees were considered sacred because they didn’t seem to die each year, and so they came to represent the eternal aspect of the Goddess. Holly is a symbol of the winter solstice, a time of joyous transformation as we await the return of the sun/son.
As the final night of the year draws to a close, step outside and reflect on life under the stars. This is the traditional time to take stock of our personal journeys during the previous twelve months and to prepare for the year ahead knowing where we have been and where we intend to travel. Winter storms may howl, but appreciating the beauty of this fierce side of nature means that we can flow with and enjoy the spiral of life energy rather than struggle against it. Just as a storm can be most fierce before it ends, winter can be most brutal just before spring. However, the increasing length of daylight gives us hope. Even with the icy grip still upon us, we can feel the world beginning to awake.
Although stargazing may be a rather chilly prospect for many of us, the crisp winter air seems to make the stars brighter. This time of year has been called the Capella Quarter, named for the alpha star in the Auriga constellation. In addition to Auriga the Charioteer, we will find a set of twins, a hero, a hunter, and seven sisters. Also, the animal kingdom is well represented with two dogs, a hare, a unicorn, a bull, and a crab with a beehive. There is also a river and a region called the Sea.
As in previous chapters, some of the bordering constellations noted here may fall within other seasons. The directions given to locate constellations and stars assumes that the reader is facing south. Don’t forget to look at Chapter Eight as some of the southern constellations listed only in that chapter may be visible to you.
The Winter Constellations
Auriga: The Charioteer/Wild and Wise
Pronunciations: Auriga (oh-RYE-gah); Aurigae (oh-RYE-gay)
Visible Latitudes: 90° North to 40° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Aur
Bordering Constellations: Gemini, Perseus, Taurus
Description: An uneven pentagon shape with a faint triangle of stars.
To Find: Locate Orion’s Belt, and then draw an imaginary line north to find the bright star Capella in Auriga. Capella marks the top anchor point of the Winter Hexagon asterism. The star at the bottom of Auriga’s pentagon shape is actually the beta star in Taurus.
Auriga is usually depicted either as a man sitting on the Milky Way or as a charioteer holding a goat and its young. There is no myth that explains why this figure is carrying goats. The faint triangle of stars in the constellation are called the Kids, which at one time were considered a separate constellation. While the Greek and Arab names for Auriga translate as “the holder of the reins,” Assyrian tablets represented this constellation more like a chariot than a charioteer.
Auriga is most often identified with Erichthonius, a mythical king of Athens who was raised by the goddess Athena. According to legend, he was the first to tame and harness horses for pulling chariots. His abilities impressed Zeus so much that the god placed him among the stars as a tribute. Auriga is also said to represent Hephaestus, the god of crafts and fire, who was lame and unable to get around easily. In order to travel where and when he wanted, he invented the chariot.
According to Ptolemy the stars of Auriga are equated with Mars and Mercury.
Notable Stars in Auriga
Official Designation: Alpha Aurigae
Traditional Name: Capella
Pronunciation: kah-PELL-ah
The sixth brightest star in the sky, Capella is actually a pair of binary stars. The Alpha-1 stars are yellow and Alpha-2 are red. In depictions of the charioteer, Capella marks the heart of the goat he is holding on his left shoulder. The name Capella is Latin, meaning “female goat.” To ancient Romans, this celestial animal represented the she-goat that suckled the infant Jupiter. To Babylonians, Capella was the star of Marduk, their powerful creator god. The Arabs called it the Guardian of the Pleiades. The energy of this star is equated with Mars and the moon. In addition, it was one of Agrippa’s fifteen important fixed stars.
Official Designation: Beta Aurigae
Traditional Name: Menkalinan
Pronunciation: men-KAH-lee-nan
Derived from Arabic, this star’s traditional name means “the shoulder of the rein-holder.” Menkalinan is a blue-white binary star.
Official Designation: Gamma Aurigae/Beta Tauri
Like Alpheratz, the alpha star in Andromeda that is part of the Great Square of Pegasus, this star has a dual function. It marks the charioteer’s right foot in Auriga and the tip of one of Taurus the Bull’s horns. While it is now officially in the Taurus region of the sky, this blue star holds designations in both constellations.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Auriga
Legends from many cultures tell about gods and fairies traveling in chariots that can traverse the land, sea, and sky. I think of Auriga as the Norse god Thor. He is a god of sky and storms, and the clattering wheels of his chariot were said to create thunder. Although we mainly associate thunder with summer storms, thunder-snow (thunder during a snowstorm) is not all that unusual, at least where I live in northern New England. Perhaps a more interesting association between this constellation and Thor is that his chariot was said to be pulled by two goats.
Even though he is formidable, Thor represents good against evil and light against dark. This was significant for the dark months of winter at a time when homes were lit by candlelight. This mighty god maintains the hope of the returning sun that winter solstice brings. In addition to being a sky god, Thor is a protector of the common people and offers protection against winter storms. If you live in a place that gets a lot of snow, you may want to initiate this at the beginning of winter before the white stuff piles up. Draw the Auriga star pattern on four stones and place them at each corner of your house. Use the following incantation as you put them in place: “As winter storms soon will howl; Let protection begin now. No matter what comes, this house stands strong; And keeps us safe all winter long.”
Before storms strike, have enough snowflake obsidian on hand to lay out Auriga’s star pattern. The white snowflake pattern on a black background makes this gemstone symbolic of winter storms. Because snowflake obsidian is also associated with protection, it will help strengthen the energy of your intention. When a storm begins, lay out the Auriga star pattern on your altar and then draw down the energy of the constellation. When you feel it increasing, hold your hands over the pieces of obsidian and then visualize the energy flowing out to each corner of your house where you have placed the Auriga star configuration. Continue working with the energy until you can visualize it rising up and around your house, forming a magical shield over the roof. Hold the vision as you say: “Power of Auriga awake and begin; Rise and shelter all within. Wind may howl and snow may blow; Keep us safe—make it so.”
Let’s look at another side of winter and the charioteer. Snowfall can bring a hush that is deepened by tightly closed windows. This quiet world helps us move inward and have time with our thoughts. In Hindu mythology, a charioteer functioned more as a guide than a servant, and in Celtic lore he had high status as a trusted advisor. Combining this aspect of a charioteer with the depiction of Auriga as a wise man sitting on the Milky Way emphasizes this constellation as the keeper and purveyor of knowledge. This side of Auriga represents any number of gods associated with wisdom, so a quiet winter’s night is a good time to pursue knowledge. It could take the form of reading and studying, working on divination or psychic skills, or spending time in meditation to access the wisdom within. Set aside a time and place for this and make it special “me” time that enriches your soul. As an aid, draw the Auriga star pattern on a piece of paper that becomes your bookmark, a mat for laying out divination tools, or something to hold while meditating. Each time before you begin your session, draw down the energy of Auriga to aid you in your practice.
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Cancer: The Crab/Between the Worlds
Pronunciations: Cancer (KAN-sir); Cancri (KAN-kry)
Visible Latitudes: 90° North to 60° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Cnc
Bordering Constellations: Canis Minor, Gemini, Hydra, Leo
Description: An uneven square at the center with spokes protruding at various angles.
To Find: From the bright star Capella in Auriga, draw an imaginary line southeast toward Castor and Pollux, the heads of the Gemini twins. Continue that line and the next constellation is Cancer. It takes a dark sky to see this constellation.
Cancer is Latin for “crab”; however, instead of a crab, it represented a lobster or crayfish to medieval astronomers in Europe. Despite the fact that it is rather inconspicuous, this constellation was familiar to ancient stargazers. It was occasionally referred to as a “dark sign” because its stars are so faint. While the Babylonians considered Cancer a tortoise, the Egyptians regarded it as a scarab beetle and as such, a symbol of immortality. The Arabs considered Cancer as part of the Leo constellation and said it represented the mouth or muzzle of the lion.
In Greek and Roman mythology, Cancer represented the crab that Hera sent to distract Hercules while he was fighting Hydra the Water Snake. According to one version of the story, Hercules kicked the crab all the way to the stars when it tried to pinch him. In another version, Hercules crushed the crab and Hera placed it in the heavens for its efforts. However, she placed the crab in an area with no bright stars because it had not successfully fulfilled its task.
Similar to the southern Tropic of Capricorn, the Tropic of Cancer is an imaginary line north of the equator that marks the northernmost point at which the sun appears overhead at noon on the summer solstice. When this was noted two thousand years ago, Cancer was in position as a backdrop to the sun and the line was named for this constellation. Because modern astrology uses the traditional dates for the zodiac, Cancer is still the sign that begins summer; however, Gemini is the actual constellation in position on the other side of the sun on the solstice.
The Beehive is an open cluster of stars within the constellation Cancer. Since ancient times, the Beehive has been described as a mist or a cloud and it is one of the seven nebulae (clouds) noted by Ptolemy. Also known as Praesepe, the Beehive is a Messier object. The Beehive has been regarded as a cradle of life, which may come from the Chaldean belief that souls passed through a gateway located in the constellation of Cancer as they descended to earth. The Chaldeans called the position of Cancer the Gate of Men.
According to Ptolemy, most of the stars were equated with Mercury and Mars and those in the claws with Saturn and Mercury. In modern astrology, Cancer is equated with the moon. Culpeper determined that Cancer influences the breast, stomach, esophagus, and left side of the body. This constellation is associated with perseverance and life-force energy.
Notable Stars in Cancer
Official Designation: Alpha Cancri
Traditional Names: Acubens; Sertan
Pronunciations: ACK-you-benz; sir-TAN
Acubens is a white binary star that marks one of the crab’s claws. The name is Arabic and means “the claw.” Also from Arabic, Sertan means “the crab” and was the name for the entire constellation. Ptolemy equated this star with Saturn and Mercury.
Official Designation: Beta Cancri
Traditional Name: Al Tarf
Pronunciation: al TARF
Al Tarf is an orange binary star and the brightest in the constellation. Its name comes from Arabic and means “the end,” in reference to this star marking one of the crab’s back legs.
Official Designation: 44M Cancri
Traditional Name: Beehive
The Beehive looks like a fuzzy, oval glow. There are at least one thousand stars in the Beehive cluster, none of which have names or individual designations. Their colors run the gamut from red to orange, yellow, white, and blue.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Cancer
As an inhabitant of the shoreline, the crab is a creature that is at home between the worlds because it dwells both in the water and on the land. As a result, this constellation can aid us in astral travel, in psychic and dream work, and for reaching into the imagination to stoke creativity. These endeavors require us to step outside of our mundane mindsets. Moving sideways like a crab is a good analogy as we sidestep our daily routines to tap into the subconscious.
To do this, use water from the ocean if you can or create some seawater yourself. For this you will need a cup of fresh spring water and a tablespoon of sea salt. Boil the water, add the salt, and stir until it dissolves. After it cools, pour the water into a small bowl and place it on your altar. If you happen to have a little beach sand, spread it evenly on your altar or a plate and use your finger to make indentations to create Cancer’s star pattern. If you don’t have sand, use small seashells, or anything that you feel is appropriate.
Draw down the energy of Cancer as you focus your attention on your three celestial chakras. As you do this, dip a finger in the saltwater and touch it to your third eye chakra, located slightly above and between your eyebrows. Draw the energy from the celestial chakras to your third eye chakra. Briefly review the activity that you are planning for the evening. Later when you are finished with your activity, be sure to ground your energy and thank Cancer for support.
Honey was a valuable commodity in ancient times. It was used as food, medicine, and as an offering to deities. Bees were regarded as harbingers of wealth, and keeping bees symbolized abundance. With this association in mind, we can use the energy of the Beehive to boost the power of prosperity spells. Arrange a cluster of tea light candles on your altar to represent the Beehive. Place a small bowl or saucer with a spoonful or two of honey in front of the candles. Draw down the energy of the stars as you hold your hands above the bowl. Release it into the honey as you visualize prosperity coming to you, and then say: “Honey from a bee and honey from a star; Bring prosperity from near and far.”
Dip a finger into the honey and then put it in your mouth as you visualize prosperity coming into your life. Then say: “Stars of yellow, white, orange, red, and blue; Hear my wish and make it true.” Take more honey as you continue your visualization. Repeat this two more times. Hold the images and ideas of prosperity in your mind another moment or two, and then let them fade. Sit quietly in the light of the candles as you ground your energy. Blow out the candles, go outside, and look at the stars as you say: “Star light, star bright, I call the Beehive Cluster tonight. This spell I send with all my might, may the spark of prosperity now ignite.”
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Canis Major and Canis Minor: The Great Dog and the Little Dog/
Guardians and Guides
Pronunciations: Canis Major (KAY-niss MAY-jer); Canis Majoris (KAY-niss mah-JOR-iss)
Visible Latitudes: 60° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: CMa
Bordering Constellations: Lepus, Monoceros
Description: To the left of and below the bright star Sirius, there are two triangle shapes. One marks the dog’s head; the other its hindquarters.
To Find: Locate Orion and draw an imaginary line through his belt to the southeast. This will bring you to the star Sirius, which marks the southern anchor point for the Winter Triangle asterism.
Pronunciations: Canis Minor (KAY-niss MY-ner); Canis Minoris (KAY-niss my-NOR-iss)
Visible Latitudes: 90° North to 75° South
Constellation Abbreviation: CMi
Bordering Constellations: Cancer, Gemini, Hydra, Monoceros
Description: A straight line with a zigzag at one end.
To Find: From Sirius in Canis Major, draw an imaginary line to the northeast to the next bright star, Procyon, the little dog’s alpha star. Procyon marks the eastern anchor point for the Winter Triangle asterism.
According to Greek myth these are the hunting dogs of Orion. Canis Major means “the great [big] dog” in Latin. Canis Major was sometimes known as the Dog with the Blazing Face because the star figure was often shown with Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, in its mouth. Modern depictions place Sirius closer to the dog’s heart. Because of Sirius, Canis Major was one of the most important constellations in ancient times. Only the moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars are brighter than Sirius.
In Greek mythology, Canis Major is associated with Laelaps, the fastest dog in the world that could catch anything it pursued. Ownership of the dog differs in the numerous versions of the story. In one version, it was a gift from Artemis to Procris, the daughter of the king of Athens, and in another it was Amphitryon of Troezen. Whomever the owner, Laelaps met his match with a fox that could not be caught. Zeus eventually intervened and put a stop to the endless chase by turning both animals to stone. He then placed them in the night sky.
Ptolemy equated all but the star Sirius with Venus.
The name Canis Minor means “lesser [small] dog” in Latin. Informally it has been called the Puppy. According to one legend, it represented the dog Maera whose owner was Icarius the winemaker (not to be confused with Icarus who flew too close to the sun). In grief at finding his master dead, Maera threw himself in a river. It is unknown whether this story has any connection to Canis Minor having been known as the Water Dog in the Euphrates region. The Chinese also associated this constellation with water. In another myth, Canis Minor was identified as the Teumessian Vixen, the fox that the dog Laelaps (Canis Major) could not run down.
According to Ptolemy the stars of Canis Minor are equated with Mercury and Mars.
Notable Stars in Canis Major
Official Designation: Alpha Canis Majoris
Traditional Name: Sirius
Pronunciation: SEER-ee-us
Sirius is a white binary star and the brightest in the sky. The smaller component has been referred to as the Pup. The name Sirius comes from Greek and means “scorching” or “searing.” In ancient times, this star rose just before the sun during the hottest period of the year, which is the source of the phrase “the dog days of summer.” In Egypt, the rising of Sirius marked the annual flooding of the Nile, an occasion linked with the return from the dead of the god Osiris. The Egyptians called this star Sirius Isis, while the Greeks associated it with Pan.
Ptolemy equated the energy of Sirius with Jupiter and Mars. In medieval medicine, this star was believed to provide a cure for dropsy and to aid against the plague. Sirius was one of Agrippa’s fifteen fixed stars. In both the Winter Triangle and the Winter Hexagon asterisms, Sirius is the southernmost anchor point.
Official Designation: Epsilon Canis Majoris
Traditional Name: Adhara
Pronunciation: ahd-HAR-ah
This blue-white star is the second brightest in the constellation. The name Adhara comes from Arabic and means “virgin.” Along with Adhara, the delta and eta stars form a triangle on the dog’s rear flank and were collectively known as the Virgins for reasons that are no longer known.
The Notable Star in Canis Minor
Official Designation: Alpha Canis Minoris
Traditional Name: Procyon
Pronunciation: PRO-see-on
This white binary star is the seventh brightest in the sky. Its name is derived from Greek and means “before the dog.” It was also occasionally called Antecanis, which means the same thing in Latin. This star is one of the anchor points in the Winter Hexagon and the easternmost anchor in the Winter Triangle. Procyon was one of the important fifteen fixed stars.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Canis Major and Minor
These celestial dogs of winter fulfill their dual role with the springtime dogs of Canes Venatici. Canes Venatici is associated with life-force energy; Canis Major and Minor with death. As a guardian of the underworld, we may think of a dog as protecting the dead; however, it is more likely that it is guarding the new life to come. Throughout time and around the world, dogs have served as guardians. The Babylonians considered even the image of a dog to be magically protective. Howling at the moon and growling at nothing has earned them the reputation of possessing supernatural powers and being able to see what people cannot.
To call on these powers as guardian for your home, buy a new welcome mat for your front door. Before putting it in place, consecrate it with sandalwood oil and draw the star patterns of Canis Major and Minor on the underside of the mat as you say: “Big dog, little dog, bring your powers here; Ward off danger, chase away fear. Bark loud to warn of trouble; Bark soft to share in play. Canis Major, Canis Minor, help me every day.”
Dogs held a great deal of significance for Celtic people, so much so that author and scholar Miranda Green categorized them together with the horse and bull as domestic animals with sacred significance. Whether god or human, hunters take dogs along to serve as guides, guardians, and fetches. In this way canines aid in bringing food to the table and earn their place by the hearth. Of course, they have made their way into our hearts as well. With Canis Major and Minor in the night sky, winter is a good time to honor pets that have passed on to the next world. Place a picture of your pet on your altar or somewhere special. Cut out a white star shape, or place a white candle in a star-shaped candleholder next to the picture as you say: “Sirius, Sirius, most famous dog of all; On your strength and wisdom I call. Hold and protect my beloved friend; Until such a day when I see him/her again.”
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Eridanus: The River/Flowing Sacred Waters
Pronunciations: Eridanus (eh-RIHD-uh-nuss); Eridani (eg-IHD-uh-nee)
Visible Latitudes: 32° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Eri
Bordering Constellations: Cetus, Hydrus, Lepus, Orion, Phoenix, Taurus
Description: A long meandering trail of stars that runs from the Northern to Southern Hemisphere.
To Find: Locate Orion’s Belt, and follow an imaginary line southwest to the bright star Rigel that marks Orion’s left foot. Cursa, the beta star in Eridanus, is to the west of Rigel. Follow the trail of stars west and then south. If you are located far enough south you can see the river meander east, and then south again.
Eridanus is a southern constellation of which only the top portion can be viewed by most people in the Northern Hemisphere. It is believed to be of Euphratean origin because of its depiction on cylinder seals from that region. On later star maps, it was often depicted as a river flowing from the waters poured by Aquarius. Eridanus has represented the river of life as well as a river leading to the otherworld.
Egyptian and Babylonian astronomers associated this constellation with the Nile and Euphrates Rivers, respectively. In Britain it was considered to be the River Avon. Greek poet Aratus referred to it as Eridanus, while others called it Potamos, which simply means “the river.” Even though the Greeks generally associated it with the River Phasis, which was near the place where Jason and the Argonauts found the golden fleece, Homer regarded it as the ocean stream that encircled the world. Eridanus is most often regarded as Italy’s River Po.
This constellation is associated with the story of Phaeton, the mortal son of Helios, and his friend Cycnus. After much wrangling with his father, Phaeton was allowed to drive the chariot of the sun. Helios warned him to stay on the circle of the zodiac and although Phaeton tried, he lost control of the chariot. The boys were thrown from the vehicle and fell to Earth. Cycnus, who became Cygnus the Swan, survived the fall, but Phaeton plunged into the River Eridanus and was lost. The Heliades, daughters of Helios, grieved over the loss of their brother “until they turned into amber-dropping poplar trees alongside the river.” 30 This story, plus the fact that the River Po was an important trade route for transporting amber from the Baltic to Europe, strengthens its link to this constellation.
Except for the star Achernar, Ptolemy equated this constellation with Saturn. Eridanus is associated with changes and authority.
Notable Stars in Eridanus
Official Designation: Alpha Eridani
Traditional Name: Achernar
Pronunciation: ACK-er-nar
Achernar is a binary star consisting of a blue primary with a white companion. Its name is Latin and means “the end of the river,” which describes its location at the southern end of the constellation. It is not visible in the Northern Hemisphere. Ptolemy equated the energy of Achernar with Jupiter.
Official Designation: Beta Eridani
Traditional Name: Cursa
Pronunciation: COOR-sah
Cursa is a white star near the northern beginning of the river. Its name comes from an Arabic phrase meaning “the footstool of the central one,” the name of a small (now extinct) constellation of which it was a part. The “central one” refers to Orion. Cursa is the brightest star in the northern part of the constellation.
Official Designation: Gamma Eridani
Traditional Name: Zaurak
Pronunciation: ZAW-rahk
The name of this yellow star is derived from Arabic and means “the bright star of the boat.” Historians believe that at one time several stars may have represented a boat on the river Eridanus.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Eridanus
The term “life-giving” does not only refer to giving birth, it also means to sustain life and provide nourishment. Recognizing that water ensures life, health, and abundance, people in ancient times associated these blessings and the power of water with deities. The water of springs and rivers seemed to flow from Gaia herself and was regarded as especially blessed. To the Celts, water was the boundary between our world and the otherworld. They also considered it a boundary between the earth and the sky, and thus, it was a magical in-between place.
In many cultures, rivers were thought to have special powers or were used for worship. As a result, we find many goddesses associated with rivers. Some of these associations include Boann and Siann with the Rivers Boyne and Shannon, respectively, in Ireland; Danu with the Danube in Germany and Central Europe; Sequana with the Seine in France; Ganga with the Ganges of India; Oshun with the Osun in Nigeria; and Anuket with the Nile of Egypt.
The goddesses and their rivers represent power, wisdom, and transformation. We can call on the energy of river goddesses with the help of the celestial river Eridanus for ritual, spellwork, or meditation. To begin, place a blue cloth on your altar to represent both water and the sky. Lay out the Eridanus star pattern with silvery glitter/confetti or whatever you feel is appropriate to represent the stars. After drawing down the energy of this constellation, stand in front of your altar for a moment. Slowly raise your arms out to the sides as you chant the word “awen” (pronounced AH-OO-EN) three times. I think of this as the Celtic version of Om. Awen is a Welsh word that is usually translated as meaning “inspiration.” While it is generally associated with bardic poets, it refers to the type of inspiration that is deeply spiritual and transformative, providing access to the source from which all creative possibilities flow. After chanting, slowly lower your arms and take a few moments to feel the power of Eridanus and the river goddesses flow over and through you before moving on to ritual, meditation, or other practice.
As a goddess of fire, Brigid’s sabbat is Imbolc, when we celebrate the strengthening power of the sun. However, she also presides over sacred waters as the numerous springs and wells dedicated to her throughout Ireland attest. Fire and water are elements of purification and healing, and both stimulate new growth. An Imbolc ritual wouldn’t seem complete without a lot of candles, and balancing the fire energy with water can actually strengthen the ritual. To incorporate Eridanus into your ritual, you will need a wide, shallow bowl and tea light candles. If possible, melt some snow or ice to fill the bowl. Before floating the candles on the water, draw down the energy of Eridanus. With your hands above the bowl, release the star energy to charge the water as you say: “Eridanus, may your starry waters shine blessings on this altar. So mote it be.”
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Gemini: The Twins/Power Doubled
Pronunciations: Gemini (JEM-in-eye); Geminorum (JEM-eh-NOR-um)
Visible Latitudes: 90° North to 60° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Gem
Bordering Constellations: Auriga, Cancer, Canis Minor, Monoceros, Orion, Taurus
Description: A pair of stick figures side by side.
To Find: Locate Orion’s Belt and then draw an imaginary line toward the northeast. Look for the two bright stars, Castor and Pollux. These stars represent the heads of the twins, while fainter stars stretching to the southwest form two stick-figure bodies.
The name Gemini means “the twins” in Latin. The ancient Greeks regarded this constellation as Castor and Pollux, sons of the Spartan queen Leda. The Romans considered the twins as Romulus and Remus, the brothers who founded Rome.
In Greek mythology, Castor and Pollux were also known as the Dioscuri, which means “the sons of Zeus.” However, in many versions of their story the twins are not twins with each other, nor is Castor a son of Zeus. Polydeuces (Pollux) and Helen (later to become Helen of Troy) were twins from the union of Leda and Zeus. Queen Leda was raped by the lusty god who visited her in the form of a swan. That myth is associated with the constellation Cygnus. King Tyndareus of Sparta, Leda’s husband, fathered Castor and his sister Clytaemestra. Castor was mortal; Polydeuces was immortal.
Castor and Polydeuces grew up together and further legends include them with the Argonauts’ expedition to attain the golden fleece. In addition, the twins were said to have been given the power to rescue shipwrecked sailors. Like most twins of legend, they represented a polarity of light (Castor) and dark (Polydeuces). This occurs in Celtic myth with the sons of Arianrhod; Lleu as the light and Dylan as the dark. It also holds true in Egyptian legend with Horus representing light and Seth, the dark.
According to Ptolemy, the stars of Gemini are equated with Mercury, Venus, or Saturn, depending on their location. Modern astrologers equate Gemini with Mercury. For medicinal purposes, Culpeper determined that Gemini influenced the lungs, shoulders, arms, hands, and sympathetic nervous system.
Notable Stars in Gemini
Official Designation: Alpha Geminorum
Traditional Name: Castor
Pronunciation: KASS-ter
Despite its alpha designation, Castor is the second-brightest star in the constellation. It is a multiple star system composed of three spectroscopic binary stars, making it a sextuplet. How perfect that one of the mythological twins should have his name on a star system with three sets of twins. Both Alpha-1 and Alpha-2 sets of stars are white and the Alpha-3 stars are red. Ptolemy equated Castor with Mercury. This star is associated with success in legal matters.
Official Designation: Beta Geminorum
Traditional Name: Pollux
Pronunciation: POL-lucks
Pollux is an orange star and the brightest in the constellation. In Arabic it is known as the “Head of the Second Twin.” Ptolemy equated this star with Mars. Pollux is associated with bravery and craftiness.
Both Castor and Pollux mark the twins’ heads and serve as an anchor point in the Winter Hexagon asterism. Their traditional names are actually ancient Greek names. Ptolemy associated these two stars with Apollo and Hercules, who were half-brothers and both sons of Zeus.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Gemini
The number two represents anything of a binary nature and serves as a dynamic symbol of opposites: light/dark, sun/moon, male/female, and good/evil. Because Gemini is the actual backdrop for the sun at the summer solstice and is visible in the night sky at the winter solstice, we can draw a parallel with the legend of the Oak and Holly Kings. These two sacred trees represent the dual aspect of nature. Oak rules the waxing half of the year beginning at Yule and the Holly King rules the waning half starting at summer solstice. To honor this cycle of change, mark a holly leaf with the Gemini star pattern, and draw down the power of this constellation to enhance the energy of your Yule altar or household decorations.
New Year’s Eve is another occasion to call on the energy of the twins because it is a night of looking back at what has been and of looking forward to what will be. The energy of Gemini can aid in balancing this transition from old to new year. If you are celebrating at home and want to be discreet, decorate your table with star glitter/confetti. This can look festive with the stars sprinkled randomly across the tabletop. Before your guests arrive, choose a spot on the table that won’t be disturbed where you can lay out the Gemini star pattern. As you do, say: “From your place in the sky; Shine your light, Gemini. Illuminate the past, let us see it anew; Then on to the future and all we’ll pursue.”
While the number two can represent division, it also represents the strength of unity. Because of this, the Gemini constellation can double the power of your spells. To do this, prepare two green candles by carving half of the Gemini star pattern into one and the other half into the second candle. Anoint the candles with bergamot, lavender, peppermint, or yarrow oil or a combination of these, and then set them side-by-side to form the constellation. Light the candles and draw down the energy of the constellation as you say: “Candles burn, cauldron bubble; Castor and Pollux this spell to double. Carry my wishes, increase my will; Castor and Pollux this spell fulfill.” Proceed with your spellwork and when you are finished blow out the candles.
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Lepus: The Hare/Magical Moon Energy
Pronunciations: Lepus (LEE-pus); Leporis (lee-POR-iss)
Visible Latitudes: 63° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Lep
Bordering Constellations: Canis Major, Eridanus, Monoceros, Orion
Description: A stick figure animal with three stars forming a V shape for its ears.
To Find: Lepus is directly south of Orion and west of the bright star Sirius in Canis Major.
Lepus is a constellation of the Southern Hemisphere. Its name means “hare” in Latin. Lepus is usually portrayed as being chased by the hunter Orion and his dogs toward the River Eridanus. According to Greek legend, Hermes, the messenger of the gods, admired the swiftness of this animal and placed the hare among the stars as tribute. The Arabs called this constellation the “Throne of the Great One” due to its position underneath Orion. Because the Egyptians associated the Orion constellation with Osiris, they considered Lepus as the boat that carried his soul in the afterlife.
According to Ptolemy, the stars of Lepus are equated with Saturn and Mercury. In medieval medicine, the constellation was believed to guard against madness. The constellation is associated with abundance, fertility, and a quick wit.
Notable Stars in Lepus
Official Designation: Alpha Leporis
Traditional Name: Arneb
Pronunciation: ARE-neb
The traditional name of this yellow-white star comes from Arabic and means “the hare.”
Official Designation: Beta Leporis
Traditional Name: Nihal
Pronunciation: nih-HALL
The traditional name of this yellow binary star means “quenching their thirst.” This is a holdover from the time when it was part of an older constellation that the Arabs regarded as camels drinking from the nearby celestial river of Eridanus.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Lepus
Hares are different from rabbits. They tend to be larger, with longer ears and bigger feet. Hares live above ground, while rabbits burrow. Unlike rabbits, hares have not been domesticated. They represent the abundance and wildness of the forest and symbolize fertility and swiftness. The Celts considered the hare a powerful spirit animal and associated it with their war goddess Andraste. Queen Boudicca was said to have invoked the power of Andraste to divine the outcome of a battle by observing how a hare ran when it was released from a cage. Likewise, we can call on the energy of Lepus for aid in our divination practices.
To boost the energy of divination tools, create a special cloth in which to wrap them when not in use. Buy a gray or brown piece of fabric large enough to wrap your tools. If necessary, stitch a hem around the edges to prevent the fabric from unraveling. Use a silver or white gel pen or silver or white thread to create the Lepus star pattern in the center of the fabric. When it is finished, wrap your tools in the cloth and draw down the energy of the constellation to charge them and the cloth.
The hare is associated with the moon, and in many cultures it is a hare, not a man’s face, that people see on the lunar surface. Like the moon, the hare is a shape-shifter representing transformation and hidden knowledge. The energy of Lepus can enhance esbat rituals and boost moon magic. It also aids in working with the energy of the new moon. To do this, infuse a little bit of olive oil with ginger, juniper, lemon, or rosemary for use when preparing altar candles. These plants are associated with lunar energy. Place a few short stems and leaves of juniper or rosemary, pieces of ginger root, or lemon rind in a small jar and then pour in enough oil to cover them. Set the jar in a cool, dark place for at least a week, and then prepare a white or silver candle. Because it will be used to draw down the energy of the stars, put a little oil on the tip of your finger and run it from top to bottom four times around the candle to represent the cardinal directions.
After lighting the candle, lay out the Lepus star pattern on your altar with moonstone, selenite, or turquoise gemstones. Draw down the energy of the constellation to charge the candle and the gemstones as you say: “Lepus, Lepus, magical hare; Mysteries of the moon with me share.” Gaze at the candle and visualize a hare. Reach out with your energy to sense its wildness and wisdom. Slowly bring your attention back to the candle flame and then extinguish it. On the next full moon, go outside and look at the moon to see if you can discern the hare. Once you do, you will have a special bond with this animal and the Lepus constellation for working moon magic.
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Monoceros: The Unicorn/Power of the Crone
Pronunciations: Monoceros (mon-OSS-sir-us); Monocerotis (mon-oss-er-OH-tiss)
Visible Latitudes: 75° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Mon
Bordering Constellations: Canis Major, Canis Minor, Gemini, Hydra, Lepus, Orion
Description: This constellation looks like a wide and somewhat flat letter W.
To Find: Monoceros is a relatively faint constellation to the northeast of the bright star Sirius in Canis Major. It is located between the two dogs Canis Major and Minor and east of Orion.
Located on the celestial equator, this constellation’s name is Greek for “unicorn,” and it represents the mythical horselike creature. Like most modern constellations, it was created to fill in an area of sky and is not associated with any particular myth. Because of its location below Canis Minor, Monoceros is sometimes depicted like a circus pony with a dog on its back.
The unicorn constellation made its debut in 1612 on a globe created by the Dutch cartographer Petrus Plancius (1552–1622). He called it Monoceros Unicornis, using both the Greek and Latin words for unicorn. In 1624, German astronomer Jakob Bartsch (circa 1600–1633) included it in his star atlas, but he shortened the name to Unicornus. When it was made an official constellation in 1922, the Greek name was used.
Although this constellation is not linked with any particular myth, unicorns are legendary creatures that have appeared in folklore, art, medicine, literature, and magic. While their descriptions differ slightly, unicorns are almost universally known. Traces of their history can be found as far back as 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia.
Notable Stars in Monoceros
Official Designation: Alpha Monocerotis
Official Designation: Delta Monocerotis
Official Designation: Gamma Monocerotis
Despite its rank as third, Gamma Monocerotis is the second-brightest star in the constellation. The alpha star marks the belly of the unicorn, and the gamma star a forefoot. Both the alpha and gamma stars are orange. Delta is a triple white star and it is notable because its three components form a triangle, which is the shape of this Greek letter capitalized. Discovered in 1781 by Sir William Herschel, it was described as one of the most beautiful sights in the sky. The delta star marks the unicorn’s shoulder.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Monoceros
Although the unicorn has been well known for thousands of years, its popularity reached a zenith during the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe when it was widely used in literature, heraldry, art, and medicine. Finely ground powder from a unicorn horn was believed to be a potent aphrodisiac, however, according to many myths only a virgin was capable of capturing the animal. A captive unicorn was said to bring luck and love to its keeper. Such a creature is the subject of the famous, medieval unicorn tapestries. The mystery of the woman featured with the unicorn has fascinated writers, artists, and poets for centuries. I was also captivated by these tapestries, and as a teenager I would take the long train ride to the Cloisters Museum in upper Manhattan to see them as often as I could.
The unicorn has served as a symbol of beauty, enchantment, freedom, love, luck, spiritual revelation, transformation, and wisdom. In earlier times, it was considered a powerful and dangerous animal, although today it is ascribed a more gentle nature and associated with virgins. However, I agree with D. J. Conway’s interpretation that instead of the maiden, the unicorn carries the power of the crone in that purity and transformation come from destroying the old to make way for the new.31 There is no glitter or fluffy bunnies with the celestial unicorn because it represents the cycle of elemental power. The vitality of summer is dead and gone, but this is the time of incubation in the dark womb of winter. That is the wisdom and enchantment of this legendary beast and the power of the crone.
Call on this constellation to deepen spiritual meditations, to stoke the flame of creativity, and to initiate self-transformation. Carve the Monoceros star pattern into a white candle or lay out the pattern with pieces of white quartz. Draw down the energy of these stars and concentrate it in your third eye chakra. Hum the sound of the letter M for a moment or two and let it vibrate through this chakra. Visualize what you want to incubate and manifest into your life, and then allow the images to slowly fade. Give thanks to Monoceros and end the session.
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Orion: The Hunter/Artemis the Huntress
Pronunciations: Orion (oh-RYE-un); Orionis (OH-rye-OH-niss)
Visible Latitudes: 85° North to 75° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Ori
Bordering Constellations: Eridanus, Gemini, Lepus, Monoceros, Taurus
Description: An uneven hourglass shape with three bright stars across the narrow middle.
To Find: The distinctive arrangement of three bright stars in a straight line marking Orion’s Belt makes this constellation easy to find. Located southwest of the belt is the bright star Rigel, which represents a foot of the hunter.
Orion is one of the best-known constellations and contains two of the ten brightest stars in the sky. In addition to associating this constellation with the myths of Tammuz, the Babylonians called it the Heavenly Shepherd. The early Greeks equated the star figure with the beautiful Adonis and called it the Lord of the River Bank, in reference to the nearby Eridanus constellation. Later Greek legends tell of Orion bragging about his prowess and his ability to kill any wild beast on earth. This, of course, offended the goddess Gaia, mother of all animals. In retaliation, she sent one of her deadliest creatures, the scorpion, to kill him.
There is another myth about his death that does not involve a scorpion. Who better to fall in love with the mighty hunter, Orion, than Artemis, the goddess of hunting. To prevent his sister from giving up her vow of chastity (of which she was fiercely protective), Apollo presented Artemis with an archery challenge. Not knowing that the target was Orion, she inadvertently killed him. In her sorrow, she placed him in the sky and gave him one of her dogs, Sirius, to keep him company.
The Celts of Ireland called this constellation the Armed King. The Syrians called it the Giant. In South Africa, the three stars of Orion’s Belt are known as the Three Kings as well as the Three Sisters. The Egyptians associated Orion with Osiris, the god of death, afterlife, and rebirth. They believed that Osiris’s soul rested in the constellation and regarded the Lepus constellation underneath Orion as the god’s boat.
Except for Betelgeuse, Ptolemy equated the stars of this constellation with Jupiter and Saturn. Orion is associated with self-confidence, strength, and victory.
Notable Stars in Orion
Official Designation: Alpha Orionis
Traditional Name: Betelgeuse
Pronunciation: BEET-el-jooz
This famous red star is the second brightest in Orion. Located on the hunter’s right shoulder, Betelgeuse is one of the largest stars known to astronomers. It is also one of the anchor points for the Winter Triangle asterism. The name Betelgeuse is the result of mistranslations from Arabic into medieval Latin. As mentioned in Chapter One, Arab astronomers saw this constellation as a female figure they called al-Jauza and often referred to it as the Central One. The Arabic name for Betelgeuse yad al-Jauza meant “the hand of al-Jauza.” In medieval times when it was translated into Latin it became bad al-Jauza meaning “the armpit of al-Jauza.” A later mistake during the Renaissance changed it to bat al-Jauza and it eventually became Betelgeuse. According to Ptolemy, this star is equated with Mars and Mercury.
Official Designation: Beta Orionis
Traditional Name: Rigel
Pronunciation: RYE-jel
Rigel is another red star and the brightest in this constellation. It also ranks as the sixth brightest star in the sky. Rigel marks the left foot of Orion. This star’s traditional name comes from an Arabic phrase rijl al-Jauza, “the foot of al-Jauza.” As mentioned in chapter 1, the word “rijl” evolved into “rigel” and this remained as the star’s name. The alternate spelling “rigil” is used in the alpha star in the Centaurus constellation.
Official Designation: Gamma Orionis
Traditional Name: Bellatrix
Pronunciation: BEL-lah-tricks
Bellatrix is a blue star located on Orion’s left shoulder. Its traditional name is Latin and means “the female warrior.” Because of this, it has been nicknamed the Amazon Star.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Orion
This constellation is associated with male hunter gods such as Herne, Cernunnos, Gwyn ap Nudd, Odin, Woden, and Nodens. Legends of the spectral Wild Hunt persist in Europe and tell of a cavalcade of hunters and dogs that thunder across the sky in a wild chase. There are many and varied interpretations of the Wild Hunt, one of which simply equates it with the wildness and unpredictability of nature. Additionally, from Greece to Persia and to India, Orion was regarded as a stormy constellation and so we can call on Orion to aid us in connecting with the power of tempestuous winter storms.
A winter storm can be used to boost a spell. Also, as an archer Orion can empower us to target and reach goals. Lay out the Orion star pattern on your altar with pieces of agate, beryl, or jet at the beginning of a storm. Draw down energy from the constellation and call on any of the hunter gods for protection. Dress appropriately and go outside, but only if you can do so safely. Otherwise, watch from a window where you can observe the weather and its effects. Reach out with your energy to feel the force of the storm, and then close your eyes and experience the raw wildness of nature. When the intensity of the energy feels at a crescendo, return to your altar and proceed with your spellwork, directing the strength of the storm toward your goal.
Because her story is intertwined with Orion’s, I like to think of this constellation as Artemis herself. Besides, when the star figure is depicted with the hourglass shape it looks more feminine than masculine. This also fits with the constellation having represented a female figure known as al-Jauza.
Artemis is known as a goddess of the hunt, forests, and animals as well as a moon goddess. On the night of a full moon, lay out the star pattern on your altar with pieces of moonstone. Hold a small amount of dried mugwort in your hands. This herb’s botanical name, Artemisia vulgaris, was derived from the goddess’s name. The silvery color of its leaves gives the plant an ethereal, moonlike, and frosty appearance quite appropriate for winter.
Visualize coming into your own power, developing your independence, and goals you want to achieve. Do this as you draw down the energy of the constellation. Release the energy into the mugwort, and then burn it in your cauldron or other safe place. Raise your arms with your palms facing upward as you say: “Mistress of the moon, who runs with the wild creatures of the forest, grant me your blessings so I may come into my power and attain what I seek.” When the mugwort ashes have cooled, take them outside and scatter them near a tree. If there is a breeze, release the ashes into the air and allow the wind to carry them away.
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Perseus: The Hero/Returning God of Light
Pronunciations: Perseus (PURR-see-us); Persei (PURR-see-eye)
Visible Latitudes: 90° North to 35° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Per
Bordering Constellations: Andromeda, Aries, Auriga, Cassiopeia, Taurus
Description: A crooked, upside-down letter Y.
To Find: From Orion’s Belt, draw an imaginary line north to Capella, the bright star in Auriga, the Charioteer. Perseus is west of Auriga.
Although Perseus is part of Andromeda’s story, his constellation actually falls into the winter quadrant. In addition, we will see how he is equated with sun gods, which makes him more appropriate to the season of Yule. Also called the Champion, this constellation was known as Parash, “a horseman,” to the ancient Hebrews.
In Greek mythology, Perseus was the hero who slew Medusa and hitched a ride on the winged horse Pegasus that was formed at her death. Finding himself in the right place at the right time, Perseus was able to rescue Andromeda from the sea monster.
The Greek Perseus has been equated with the solar deity Mithras of Persia. To the Iranians, this god was known as Mithra as well as Zarathustra, and in India he was Mitra. Central to a mystery religion that lasted for almost 500 years, the Roman Mithras was a fusion of the Greek Perseus and the Persian Mithras. It didn’t take a great stretch of imagination to find similarities between gorgon slayer and bull slayer, especially when legends about both of them begin with their births taking place in a cave.
Perseus and the Celtic Lugh also have parallels in their stories. When a prophecy revealed to Perseus’s grandfather that his grandson would kill him, he imprisoned his daughter in an attempt to prevent her from having a child. In Celtic legend, after Balor heard a prophecy that his grandson would kill him, he locked up his daughter Eithne. In both stories the daughters manage to get free and have sons, who through happenstance kill their grandfathers.
Ptolemy equated the stars of Perseus with Jupiter and Saturn. In medieval medicine, these stars were believed to free a person from the influences of witchcraft. This constellation is associated with protection and breaking hexes.
Notable Stars in Perseus
Official Designation: Alpha Persei
Traditional Names: Mirfak; Algenib
Pronunciations: MERE-fahk; al-JEN-nib
This yellow-white star is one of the brightest in the sky. Both of its traditional names come from Arabic. Mirfak means “elbow” and Algenib means “flank” or “side.” If the second name is familiar, it is because the gamma star in Pegasus is also called Algenib.
Official Designation: Beta Persei
Traditional Name: Algol
Pronunciation: AL-gahl
The traditional name of this eclipsing binary star is derived from Arabic and means “the head of the demon.” In many depictions of this constellation it represents Medusa’s eye because the star seems to wink. When the dimmer companion star, Beta-2, passes in front of the bright Beta-1, the effect is a decrease in brilliance, which produces a winking effect. Algol is actually a triple star. Beta-1 is blue-white, Beta-2 is orange, and Beta-3 is white. The Hebrews equated this star with Lilith, and in sixteenth-century Europe it was known by the Latin name Caput Larvae, “the specter’s head.” It was also called Caput Medusae, which means “the head of Medusa.” Algol was one of Agrippa’s important fifteen fixed stars.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Perseus
As we have seen, Perseus has been equated with both sun gods Mithras and Lugh, making it the perfect constellation to incorporate into a Yule celebration. Lugh is the Shining One who represents the sun as nourisher of the earth. As for Mithras, his bull slaying represented a shift in the ancient night sky as the constellation marking the spring equinox changed from the bull (Taurus) to the ram (Aries). With the power to change the heavens, Mithras also represented the invincible sun. Whether Mithras, Lugh, or Perseus, this constellation represents the young god whose birth brings hope and light to the world.
Because we generally burn extra candles to mark our Yule sabbat, adding more to represent the Perseus star pattern may be less effective than desired. Instead, use a pine or fir bough trimmed to resemble the Y shape of the constellation. Alternatively, mistletoe berries can be used to lay out the star pattern. These serve a dual purpose as the white juice of the berries is often used to represent the seed of the god. After setting up your altar, draw down the energy of the Perseus constellation to enhance your sabbat ritual.
Some of my favorite Yule celebrations have taken place outdoors with the traditional jumping of a bonfire as we expressed our wishes for the coming year. Consider incorporating the following into your bonfire ritual. Trim small pine or fir boughs into the shape of the Perseus star pattern. Have enough for all participants to toss one into the fire when they make their jumps. The Perseus constellation is best seen during the month of December, so find him in the sky before jumping the bonfire and say: “Perseus, Perseus, shining above; Increase light, hope, and love. As I jump this bright bonfire; Hear my wish and bring my desire.”
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The Pleiades: Seven Sisters/Bringers of Peace and Wisdom
Messier Object: 45
Official Designation: 45M Tauri
Traditional Name: Pleiades
Pronunciation: PLEE-uh-deez
Visible Latitudes: 90° North to 65° South
Bordering Constellations: The Pleiades is an open cluster of stars within the Taurus constellation.
Description: Six of the seven stars form a semi-circle surrounded by a soft glow and nebulous haze.
To Find: Draw an imaginary line from the three bright stars of Orion’s Belt northwest just beyond Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus. The next bright star is Alcyone in the Pleiades.
The Pleiades is the brightest open cluster of stars in the sky. Unlike most star clusters, it has a discernible pattern and is one of the most identifiable celestial objects. Ancient depictions of these stars have been found in the Lascaux Cave in France and on the Nebra sky disc. An early reference to the Pleiades comes from China and dates to approximately 2357 BCE. The earliest European written references are in a poem by Hesiod (circa 700 BCE) and in Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey, written in the eighth century BCE.
Throughout time and in most cultures worldwide, the Pleiades have been observed, commented upon, and honored. Innumerable poets have written of their charm and mystery and described them as drops of dew, diamonds, pearls, and doves. The myth of the lost or invisible Pleiad is also universal, and it is believed that one of the stars may have been brighter in the past. The cluster contains hundreds of stars, but only six are easily visible to the unaided eye. You may see two other bright stars to the left of the Seven Sisters. These represent Atlas and Pleione, their parents.
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were also known as the Atlantides, the daughters of Atlas, and were considered the virgin companions of Artemis. As the story goes, Orion saw the beautiful sisters and fancied them. After being pursued for seven years, Zeus answered the sisters’ prayers for relief and transformed them into doves among the stars. These stars were also called Aphrodite’s Doves. Both the astronomer Eudoxus and the poet Aratus considered the Pleiades a constellation and called it the Clusterers. The Romans called these stars the Bunch of Grapes. The Egyptians called them Atauria, which means “the stars of Athyr” (Hathor). The Latin translation of this name is Taurus.
Since very early times, the Pleiades served as calendar markers for plowing and harvesting. Abundant crops and green pastures were attributed to these Rainy Stars, as they were sometimes called. There is a wide range of legends from Native Americans, and many tribes referred to them as the Dancers. In addition, the Iroquois addressed prayers for happiness to the Pleiades. The Hindus of India called them the Flame of Agni, the god of fire. Additionally, in some Hindu myths they were equated with the seven wives of the Rishis or sages. In Japan they are called Subaru, which means “to unite.” And yes, that starry emblem on these cars represents the Pleiades.
According to Ptolemy, the Pleiades are equated with Mars and the moon. Collectively, they were regarded as one of the important fifteen fixed stars.
The Stars of the Pleiades
Official Designation: Eta Tauri
Traditional Name: Alcyone
Pronunciation: al-SYE-oh-nee
This is the third-brightest star in the Taurus constellation and the brightest of the Pleiades. Alcyone is actually a five-star system. The primary component, Alcyone-1, is a blue-white binary star. Alcyone-2 and Alcyone-3 are white, and Alcyone-4 is yellow-white. At one time Alcyone was regarded as the central star in our galaxy, which the Arabs called the Bright One.
In one myth, Alcyone’s liaison with Poseidon produced a daughter, Aethusa, who became the beloved of Apollo. In another myth, she and her husband Ceyx were transformed into kingfisher (halcyon) birds after they died. As a bird, Alcyone laid her eggs on the beach around the time of the winter solstice and her father, a god of the winds, subdued all breezes and calmed the waves to allow her peace. December 15 marks her feast day and the beginning of the halcyon days, which are the seven days before and after the winter solstice.
Official Designation: 16 Tauri
Traditional Name: Celaeno
Pronunciation: keh-LAY-no
This blue-white star is sometimes called the Lost Pleiad because it is the most difficult of the seven to find. Several other stars are also considered the lost sister. Despite Alcyone’s liaison with Poseidon, in most legends it is Celaeno who married the sea god. Their union produced a son, Lycos, who ruled the Isle of the Blessed, which was also called Elysian Fields. In some stories it is said to be the lost continent of Atlantis. In other legends, Celaeno was associated with Prometheus.
Official Designation: 17 Tauri
Traditional Name: Electra
Pronunciation: ee-LECK-tra
This blue-white star is the third brightest in the cluster. In myth, her liaison with Zeus produced the son Dardanus, who became the founder of Troy. Electra married King Corythus of Tuscia, and with him bore a second son, Iasion. In some versions of Electra’s story the paternity of her sons is switched. Nevertheless, when both sons died, her grief was so great that she wore a veil of mourning for the rest of her life.
Official Designation: 19 Tauri
Traditional Name: Taygeta
Pronunciation: TAY-geht-a
This is a triple star system in which Taygeta-1 and -2 are blue-white and Taygeta-3 is white. According to legend, Taygeta was unwilling to yield to Zeus and was disguised by Artemis as a female red deer to elude him. Of course, Zeus was a wily shape-shifter and took the guise of a stag. The outcome of their union was a son, Lacedaemon, who became the founder of Sparta. Taygeta was the city’s patron goddess.
Official Designation: 20 Tauri
Traditional Name: Maia
Pronunciation: MY-ya
This blue-white star was named for the eldest of the sisters. First born and most beautiful, she was also the shyest. She was the third sister with whom Zeus dallied, and she gave birth to Hermes. Later, she became foster-mother to Arcas, son of Callisto, before they were placed in the heavens as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. In Roman legend, she married Jupiter and was the mother of Mercury. She was also the goddess of their springtime festivals.
Official Designations: 21 Tauri and 22 Tauri
Traditional Names: Asterope; Sterope
Pronunciations: AS-ter-oh-pee; STER-oh-pee
This double star has the distinction of having Flamsteed numbers for each of its blue-white components. However, they share the same traditional names, which are derived from the Greek word for “star.” Occasionally, a distinction is made with Asterope the name for 21 Tauri and Sterope 22 Tauri. In some legends, Ares was Asterope’s lover and she gave birth to Oenomaus, who became king of Pisa. In other versions of her story, Oenomaus was her husband and they had a daughter named Hippodameia.
Official Designation: 23 Tauri
Traditional Name: Merope
Pronunciation: MURR-oh-pay
This blue-white star represents the only sister to marry a mortal, Sisyphus, who by some accounts was the founder of Corinth.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for the Pleiades
Through the ages, the Pleiades have been associated with mysticism and power. Some people claim that attunement to them aids in reaching a higher level of consciousness, while others use these stars to channel knowledge. For our purposes, we can use the Pleiades for a chakra alignment that will vitalize the flow of magical energy. It is also a nice way to start the New Year and set our intentions for the twelve months ahead.
We can activate and move chakra energy by using sounds. Conveniently, there are seven chakras within the body and seven Pleiades. Writer Amorah Quan Yin assigns the stars to the chakras as follows: Maia, root; Alcyone, sacrum; Electra, solar plexus; Celaeno, heart; Taygeta, throat; Asterope, third eye; and Merope, crown.32 However, I suggest that three of them be switched for the following lineup: Merope, root; Maia, sacrum; Electra, solar plexus; Celaeno, heart; Taygeta, throat; Asterope, third eye; and Alcyone, crown. I put the powerful Alcyone at the crown chakra since this is our highest physical chakra and it leads to the celestial gateway. I put Merope at the root, as she was the sister who married an earthbound mortal. This left Maia in the position of the sacrum. As the goddess of Roman springtime festival, the sacral chakra, seat of creativity and procreation seemed the right place for her. That said, I also suggest trying it both ways or if your intuition leads you to a different arrangement, use it.
Lay out the Pleiades star pattern on your altar with tea light candles or dove-shaped glitter/confetti. Spend a minute or two to ground and center your energy. Chant the sound of Om three times. As you do this, focus your awareness on the energy of each chakra beginning at the root and moving upward from one to the next as energy flows supported from personal foundation into passion, into strength, and then into compassion and communication, to awareness and finally into cosmic consciousness. At the crown chakra, release your energy up through the three celestial chakras.
Next, draw the energy of the Pleiades down by chanting the star names. This time, start at the crown chakra and chant: “Alcyone, Asterope, Taygeta, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope.” Do this slowly several times and visualize each chakra growing brighter as you chant the star names. Once you feel a shift in energy, cease chanting and sit in silence. Take time to simply be with the experience and open for any messages that the cosmos may send you. When it feels appropriate, end the session and ground your energy.
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Taurus: The Bull/Horns of Consecration
Pronunciations: Taurus (TOR-us); Tauri (TOR-eye)
Visible Latitudes: 90° North to 65° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Tau
Bordering Constellations: Aries, Auriga, Cetus, Eridanus, Gemini, Orion, Perseus
Description: An elongated, sideways letter V with the open end pointing toward the east.
To Find: Draw an imaginary line from the three bright stars of Orion’s Belt toward the northwest to Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus. The bull’s horns are formed by the V shape.
This constellation’s name is Latin for “bull.” As noted in the entry for the Pleiades, it was derived from the name Atauria, which means “the stars of Athyr” (Hathor). Taurus has been known since at least the early Bronze Age, when it marked the sun’s location during the spring equinox. Depictions of Taurus and the Pleiades have been found in Lascaux Grotto in France and date back to approximately 15,000 BCE. In Mesopotamia this constellation was known as the Bull of Light, and it was equated with the god Marduk. The bull was a prominent animal in cults of Babylon and Persia. Both Taurus and the Pleiades have been known in many indigenous cultures and referred to as the Bull and the Seven Sisters.
In Greek mythology, Taurus is associated with Zeus, who shape-shifted into a bull and offered himself as transportation for the Phoenician princess Europa. When she climbed onto his back, he abducted her and carried her to Crete. They eventually had three sons, one of whom became King Minos of Crete. Minos commissioned the palace at Knossos, where annually seven maidens and youths were sacrificed to the Minotaur, a creature that was half man and half bull. Archeological excavations of the palace revealed fabulous murals of bull-leaping games and horn emblems.
In Egypt, Taurus represented Apis, the bull of Memphis, who was a servant to Osiris. The constellation was also regarded as Horus, the son of Osiris, and represented the eternal return to life. Ptolemy equated the stars of Taurus with Venus, Saturn, Mercury, or Mars, depending on their location. Culpeper determined that this constellation influences the neck, ears, lower jaw, throat, and thyroid gland.
Notable Stars in Taurus
Official Designation: Alpha Tauri
Traditional Name: Aldebaran
Pronunciation: al-DEB-a-rahn
The traditional name of this orange star comes from Arabic and means “the follower” or “attendant.” It was so called because of its proximity to the Pleiades. Also known as the Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran was one of the four royal stars of Persia and called the Guardian of the East. In addition, Aldebaran was one of Agrippa’s important fifteen fixed stars. Ptolemy equated it with Mars.
Official Designation: Beta Tauri/Gamma Aurigae
Traditional Name: Elnath
Pronunciation: EL-noth
This blue star is common to Taurus and Auriga the Charioteer, where it is the gamma star. In Taurus it is positioned at the tip of one of the bull’s horns. Its traditional name comes from Arabic and means “the butting one.” It was also called the Bull’s North Horn. Along with the Pleiades, the Hindus associated this star with Agni, the god of fire. According to Ptolemy, Elnath is equated with Mars and Mercury.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Taurus
As the paintings in the hall of bulls of Lascaux Grotto attest, this animal has been vital to humans for food as well as an important symbol. The bull represented power, strength, and potency for many thousands of years. It personified the forces of the sun, representing fertility and abundance. The bull was sacred to the Great Goddess, and later it became a symbol of power for the mightiest gods such as Amun, Jupiter, Mars, Mithras, Osiris, Poseidon, Shiva, and Zeus. The bull was an emblem of life, and its blood represented regeneration. Bull slaying was believed to release the life-giving forces of the animal, ensuring the continuance of nature’s cycles. The symbolism of power and protection rested within the bull’s horns, which became the sacred horns of consecration. On the palace of Knossos these were represented by a stylized U shape, which adorned the top of the palace and other places throughout the complex.
In a similar vein, altars in the temples of Luxor and Karnak in Egypt had raised corners, which were called the horns of the altar. The altars of the Hebrews also had horns, and these were considered the most sacred part. Using the energy of the Taurus constellation, we can consecrate and empower our altars as sacred space. Also, just as offerings took the place of sacrifice, we can use the star pattern of Taurus to honor deities and the eternal cycles of nature.
Clear everything from your altar and then burn frankincense or myrrh to begin the process of consecrating your space. Waft the smoke over and around the altar, and then set the incense aside. Light one red candle and set it on the opposite side of the altar from where you are standing or sitting. Lay out the Taurus star pattern in the center of the altar using pieces of lapis lazuli, and/or malachite, and three pieces of red carnelian. Draw down the star energy and then hold your hands above the gemstones as you say: “Mighty Taurus, bull of the heavens, I call on you to empower this altar and make it worthy to serve the Great Mother Goddess and the gods of power. Make this sacred, consecrated space. As above, so below.”
After releasing the energy into the gemstones, take the star pattern apart and move one piece of lapis or malachite to each corner to symbolically become the horns of the altar. Move the candle to the center of the altar, and then place the three pieces of carnelian in front of it to symbolize the blood of the bull as you say: “Life-giving energy of Taurus, of the Great Mother Goddess and the God. May the Wheel of the Year turn and cycles continue in the never-ending spiral of life. So mote it be.” Take some time to honor your special deities, and then leave the gemstones in place for three days. Put them back on your altar during ritual or magic work for energetic support.