1. Become famous. 2. Act weird. 3. Get mentioned in a Bathroom Reader.
EWW! Actor Ryan O’Neal was the longtime companion of Farrah Fawcett. Moments after Fawcett’s burial service in 2009, O’Neal was taken aback when “a beautiful blond woman” came up and hugged him. Despite having just put the love of his life in the ground, O’Neal asked the woman if she wanted to go get a drink. She did not. “Daddy, it’s me,” replied actress Tatum O’Neal, his estranged daughter.
UNCAGED. Nicolas Cage once collected rare and exotic animals, including an octopus, a saltwater shark, and two king cobras named Moby and Sheba. He would probably still own them today had he not mentioned his collection during an appearance on The Tonight Show. Cage’s neighbors saw the interview and notified animal control, who came and took his pets away.
HEY, BABY. In 2010 workers at the Mondrian Hotel in Los Angeles reported that one of the strangest guests they’d ever had was Britney Spears. While living in the penthouse, she watched the DVD box set of the Fox cartoon Family Guy. For days, Spears would speak only in the voice of Stewie, the sarcastic, football-headed, English-accented baby. “It’s a bit weird,” said a hotel worker, “especially when she’s in the gym speaking like a Brit.”
Two homeowners in Long Branch, New Jersey, called police during an August 2009 rainstorm after spotting a ratty-haired, disheveled man peeking in through the windows of a home for sale across the street. Cops questioned the drifter, who turned out to be Bob Dylan. He said he was just “looking around.”
HE COULD PLAY CENTAUR FIELD. New York Yankees shortstop Alex Rodriguez has two paintings of himself hanging on the wall over his bed. In both, Rodriguez is depicted as a centaur—the half-man, half-horse creature from Greek mythology.
At last count, the U.S. had 612,020 fast-food cooks and only 393,730 farm workers.