How much do they love their daughters? THIS much!
FAILED. All Caroline McNeal of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, wanted for her daughter, Brittany, was for her to get ahead…of her classmates. So Caroline, the high-school secretary, used stolen passwords over the course of three years to improve more than 200 of Brittany’s grades and test scores—and even lowered the grades of two of her daughter’s classmates. Brittany would have been the 2008 valedictorian, but a guidance counselor found a 360-point discrepancy in the school’s record of her SAT score. Brittany graduated, though not as valedictorian, and Caroline was convicted of unlawful use of a computer and tampering with public records. She faces seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine.
STUNNING. LeShawn Fisher of Warr Acres, Oklahoma, insists she was just trying to reason with Bethany Lorenz, her daughter’s cheerleading coach, in Putnam City High School’s parking lot. But despite Fisher’s plea, Lorenz wouldn’t add her daughter to the team. So Fisher yelled, “Look over there!” and when the coach turned her head, Fisher zapped her on the neck with a stun gun set at 100,000 volts. Fisher’s lawyer argued that she wasn’t thinking clearly because she was on pain medication for a back injury. Fisher insists it was her “love of children” that inspired the attack. She was sentenced to five years in prison.
AWFUL.COM. After her nine-year-old daughter got in a fight with another girl in Hauppauge, New York, in 2009, Margery Tannenbaum was so enraged that she vowed revenge. Tannenbaum, a licensed social worker, posted an ad on Craigslist: “I need a little affection. I am blond and very cute! I’ll be waiting.” The men who responded to Lacethong23-@***.com were actually e-mailing Tannenbaum, who replied to them with the name and phone number of her daughter’s rival. Nearly two dozen men called the little girl’s house before Tannenbaum was arrested and charged with aggravated harassment and endangering the welfare of a child. In addition, she lost her position as “room mother” at her daughter’s elementary school.
In 2009 a 10-year-old British girl placed her “moaning” grandmother for sale on eBay for 99¢.