
Tanya Plibersek

Foreword: unfinished business

Louise Swinn


Abortion laws across Australia

Claudia Karvan

Free and relieved

Shirley Barrett

Doctor Marshall

Angela Williamson

The Apple Isle

Caroline de Costa

Who are the abortion providers, and what does the future hold?

Caroline de Costa

Out of the shadows: abortion in Queensland

Melissa Lucashenko

Together we are powerful

Laura Jean

Day of

Clem Bastow

I dreamed I lost my reproductive rights in my Maidenform bra

Meredith Burgmann

For the long haul

Ellena Savage

Unwed teen mum Mary

Gideon Haigh

The racket

Anne Summers

A slice of life, 1965

Sarah Firth

Given the options

Gabrielle Stanley Blair

A Twitter thread: abortion, unwanted pregnancies and irresponsible ejaculation

Brooke Davis


Michelle Law


Monica Dux

My silent scream

Catherine Deveny

How abortion set me free

Jess Scully

Still dancing

Louise Swinn

In conversation: Jenny Kee and Grace Heifetz

Samantha Maiden

RU486 in Australia

Rosie Waterland

The slutty whore from whoresville making us all look bad

Van Badham

Waiting room: a villanelle

Bri Lee

An absurd threshold

Jane Caro

An old story

Tony Birch

The manger

Gina Rushton

From the frontline

Tara June Winch

Letter to my teenage daughter

Eleanor Limprecht

Her history, my silence

Jane Gleeson-White

My womb is not terra nullius

Emily Maguire

The abortions I have known

Zoya Patel

Provision: an interview with Dr Kamala Emanuel

Maxine Beneba Clarke


Amy Gray

Against choice

Melanie Cheng

A test unlike any other

