The Foundation framework provides many services through a small set
of classes that allow developers to interact with the underlying
operating system in several ways. NSTask
is an
object-oriented interface to configure and launch a process as a
subprocess of
the current application.
lets an application discover information
about its current process.
Example 2-35 shows some of the information you can
obtain by using NSProcessInfo
Example 2-35. Using NSProcessInfo
// Get the shared process info object for the current process
NSProcessInfo *proc = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];// The name and PID of the process
NSString *name = [proc processName]; int pid = [proc processIdentifier];// The arguments launched with the process
NSArray *args = [proc arguments];// A dictionary of the environment variables for the process
NSDictionary *env = [proc environment];// The host name for the host running the process
NSString *host = [proc hostName];// The operating system version string
// Note: this string is NOT appropriate for parsing
NSString *ver = [proc operatingSystemVersionString];
is a class that lets a
program configure, launch, and communicate with another program as a
subprocess. This is something you’ll see every time
you execute an application you work on from within Project Builder.
An NSTask
is launched in a fully configurable
execution environment where environment variables, command line
options, and other key points of a task may be set. By default, if no
environment configuration is provided for a new task, the task
inherits the environment of the parent process that launched it.
Setting up and running a task is straightforward. For example, you could run ls on the root directory, as shown in Example 2-36.
Example 2-36. The quick and dirty NSTask
NSArray *args = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"/"]; NSTask *task = [NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:@"/bin/ls arguments:args];
Since no environment was set up for the task, the environment of the parent process is used, which includes sending the standard output of the child process to the standard output of the parent process. The issue of interprocess communication becomes important when working with multiple tasks in an application, since tasks do not share memory space with one another, as do multiple threads of an application. You could improve Example 2-33 so the standard output data can be read from a file handle, rather than being forwarded to the parent processes’ standard output. Example 2-37 illustrates the flexibility Cocoa offers for configuring and launching new processes.
Example 2-37. A more complex use of NSTask
NSData *data;// Instantiate and initialize a new task
NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];// Create a pipe to communicate with the task
NSPipe *pipe = [NSPipe pipe];// Get a file handle to read from the pipe
NSFileHandle *fh = [pipe fileHandleForReading];// Set the path to launch the task at
[task setLaunchPath:@"/bin/ls"];// Set the arguments; ls takes the directory to list
[task setArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"/"]];// Connect the pipe to the task's stdout
[task setStandardOutput:pipe];// Finally, launch it
[task launch];// Once its launched we can read data from the pipe
data = [fh availableData]; NSLog(@"%s", [data bytes]);
If you compile and run this code, you will find the result to be the same as that from Example 2-36. The point of this exercise, however, was to demonstrate how to fine tune a task in every practical manner.