
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


ABMultiValue object, Working with Multiple-Value Objects
ABPerson, Searching
ABRecord, AddressBook, AddressBook
ABSearchElement class, Searching
accessibility functions (Application Kit), Accessibility
accessor methods, Retaining Objects in Accessor Methods
action messages, Event Handling
actions, defined, The Cocoa Development Environment, Outlets and Actions
AddressBook framework, AddressBook, Adding an image to a record, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, AddressBook, Working with Multiple-Value Objects, Defining New Properties, Defining New Properties, Searching, Searching, Notifications, Creating a vCard from a record, Adding an image to a record
access property values, AddressBook
adding a record, AddressBook
adding an image to a record, Adding an image to a record
comparison constants used by ABSearchElement, Searching
create new record, AddressBook
creating a vCard, Creating a vCard from a record
defining new properties, Defining New Properties
getting an array of all groups, AddressBook
getting an array of all people in address book, AddressBook
keys of address dictionary, Working with Multiple-Value Objects
notifications, Notifications
properties applicable to ABRecord objects, AddressBook
property keys specific to ABPerson records, AddressBook
removing a record, AddressBook
saving changes to disk, AddressBook
searching, Searching
set “me”, AddressBook
single- and multiple-value type properties, Defining New Properties
affine transforms, Transformations, NSAffineTransform
alert sheet functions, Sheets
alert sound functions (Application Kit), System Beep
alloc method, Creating Object Instances
API, defined, Data
AppKit controls, NSControl
Apple documentation for Cocoa, Apple Documentation
Apple Event descriptor, NSAppleEventDescriptor
Apple partnering programs, Partnering with Apple
AppleScript, Languages, NSAppleScript, NSCreateCommand
Make command, NSCreateCommand
AppleScript Studio web site, Languages
application controls, Controls
application functions (Application Kit), Applications
application help manager object, NSHelpManager
Application Kit, What Is Cocoa?, The Application Kit, Document-Based Applications, Application Architecture, Managing the view hierarchy, Cells, Drawing and Imaging, Working with Color, Data Types, Enumerations, Enumerations, Global Variables, Exceptions, Application Kit Classes, Application Kit Protocols
architecture, Application Architecture, Managing the view hierarchy
classes, Application Kit Classes (see classes, Application Kit)
colors, Working with Color
control and cell classes, Cells
data types, Data Types (see data types, Application Kit)
defined, What Is Cocoa?
drawing and imaging classes, Drawing and Imaging
enumeration constants, Enumerations (see enumerations, Application Kit)
exceptions, Exceptions (see exceptions, Application Kit)
functions, Enumerations (see functions, Application Kit)
global variables, Global Variables (see variables, global, Application Kit)
protocols, Application Kit Protocols (see protocols, Application Kit)
application menus, NSMenu
application preferences, User Defaults
application programming interfaces, Data (see API)
application resources, Loading Resources
application windows, NSWindow
applicationDidBecomeActive: method, The application delegate
applicationDidFinishLaunching: method, The application delegate
applicationDidUnhide: method, The application delegate
applications, Document-Based Applications, NSProcessInfo, NSQuitCommand
document-based, Document-Based Applications
process information, NSProcessInfo
quitting, NSQuitCommand
applicationWillHide: method, The application delegate
applicationWillResignActive: method, The application delegate
applicationWillTerminate: method, The application delegate
Aqua Human Interface Guidelines, The Cocoa Development Environment
archiving, Archiving Objects, Archiving, NSArchiver, NSCoder, NSKeyedArchiver, NSUnarchiver, NSCoding
data, NSUnarchiver
exception, Archiving
keyed, NSKeyedArchiver
objects, Archiving Objects
retrieving objects from, NSArchiver
arcs, Working with Paths, Working with Paths
constructing, Working with Paths
drawing, Working with Paths
Arithmetic operations, NSDecimalNumber
assertion macros, Assertions, NSAssertionHandler
assistive applications, NSAccessibility
asynchronous background socket communication, NSFileHandle
attributed string, creating, Attributed strings, Attributed strings
audio content, preparing, Preparing audio content
autocompletion behavior, NSComboBoxCellDataSource
autorelease pool, Memory Management, Threaded Programming


base-10 arithmetic operations, NSDecimalNumber
Bezier, Working with Paths, Working with Paths, NSBezierPath
curves, Working with Paths
paths, Working with Paths
vector-based paths, NSBezierPath
binary data, Binary Data
bitmapped raster images, NSBitmapImageRep
Boolean, NSLogicalTest, NSSpecifierTest
expressions, NSSpecifierTest
tests, NSLogicalTest
bounds rectangle, Managing the view hierarchy, Coordinate Systems, Coordinate Systems, How Text Is Laid Out
resizing, Coordinate Systems
buffered communication, NSPipe
bundles, Bundles and Resource Management, Bundles
defined, Bundles and Resource Management
functions, Bundles
burning data to CDs and DVDs, Disc Recording Frameworks
button control, NSButton
byte ordering functions, Byte Ordering


calendar dates, NSCalendarDate
category interface declaration, Categories
category, defined, Categories
cell classes, Cells
changing the flatness of a Bezier path, Path flatness
Character Palette utility, Strings
character sets, modifying contents, Working with strings: character sets and scanners, NSMutableCharacterSet
checking that an object conforms to a protocol, Protocols
class clusters, Creating Object Instances
class methods, Class Methods
class-cast exceptions, Static Typing
classes, Classes, The Root Class, Defining a Class, Defining a Class, Defining a Class, The interface, Immutable Versus Mutable Classes, Immutable Versus Mutable Classes, Strings, Attributed strings, NSCharacterSet, NSScanner, Numbers, Arrays, Enumerators, Archiving Objects, Archiving Objects, Keyed Archiving, Notifications, Tasks, Threaded Programming, NSRecursiveLock, NSConditionLock, The Application, The Window, The View, The View, The View, Controls, Cells, Cells, Menus, Menus, Toolbars, Toolbars, The Responder Chain, Document-Based Applications, Document-Based Applications, Document-Based Applications, Graphics Contexts, Line Attributes, Drawing Text, Working with Color, NSImage, NSImageRep, NSImageRep, NSImageRep, NSBitmapImageRep, Text System Architecture, NSLayoutManager, Working with URLs, NSFileHandle, Interapplication Communication, Distributed Notifications, NSColorPanel (Mode Masks), NSEvent (Action Flags), NSOutlineView (Drop on Index), NSText (Important Unicodes), NSFont (Keys to the AFM Dictionary), NSPasteboard (Names), NSPrintInfo (Dictionary Keys), NSPrintPanel (Job Style Hints), NSAppleEventDescriptor, NSAppleEventManager, NSAppleScript, NSArray, NSAssertionHandler, NSAutoreleasePool, NSBundle, NSCalendarDate, NSClassDescription, NSCloneCommand, NSCloseCommand, NSCoder, NSConnection, NSConnection, NSCountCommand, NSCountedSet, NSCreateCommand, NSData, NSDate, NSDateFormatter, NSDecimalNumberHandler, NSDeleteCommand, NSDeserializer, NSDictionary, NSDirectoryEnumerator, NSDistantObject, NSDistantObjectRequest, NSDistributedLock, NSDistributedNotificationCenter, NSException, NSExistsCommand, NSFileManager, NSGetCommand, NSHost, NSIndexSpecifier, NSInvocation, NSKeyedArchiver, NSKeyedUnarchiver, NSLock, NSLogicalTest, NSMachBootstrapServer, NSMachPort, NSMessagePort, NSMessagePortNameServer, NSMethodSignature, NSMiddleSpecifier, NSMoveCommand, NSMutableAttributedString, NSMutableCharacterSet, NSMutableData, NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableSet, NSNameSpecifier, NSNetService, NSNetServiceBrowser, NSNotificationQueue, NSNull, NSNumber, NSNumberFormatter, NSObject, NSPort, NSPortMessage, NSPortNameServer, NSPositionalSpecifier, NSProcessInfo, NSPropertyListSerialization, NSPropertySpecifier, NSProtocolChecker, NSProxy, NSQuitCommand, NSRandomSpecifier, NSRangeSpecifier, NSRelativeSpecifier, NSRunLoop, NSScriptClassDescription, NSScriptCoercionHandler, NSScriptCommand, NSScriptCommandDescription, NSScriptExecutionContext, NSScriptObjectSpecifier, NSScriptSuiteRegistry, NSScriptWhoseTest, NSSerializer, NSSet, NSSetCommand, NSSocketPort, NSSocketPortNameServer, NSSpecifierTest, NSSpellServer, NSTimer, NSUndoManager, NSUniqueIDSpecifier, NSURL, NSURLHandle, NSUserDefaults, NSValue, NSWhoseSpecifier, NSActionCell, Subclasses, NSAffineTransform, NSBox, NSBrowser, NSBrowserCell, NSButton, Subclasses, NSButtonCell, Subclasses, NSColorList, NSColorPicker, NSColorWell, NSComboBox, NSComboBoxCell, NSCursor, NSCustomImageRep, NSCustomImageRep, NSDrawer, NSEPSImageRep, NSFileWrapper, NSFontManager, NSFontPanel, NSForm, NSFormCell, NSGlyphInfo, NSHelpManager, NSImageCell, NSImageView, NSInputManager, NSInputServer, NSMenuItemCell, NSMenuView, NSMovie, NSMovieView, NSMutableParagraphStyle, NSNibConnector, NSNibControlConnector, NSNibOutletConnector, NSOpenGLContext, NSOpenGLPixelFormat, NSOpenGLView, NSOpenPanel, NSPageLayout, NSPanel, NSParagraphStyle, NSPDFImageRep, NSPopUpButton, NSPopUpButtonCell, NSPrintOperation, NSProgressIndicator, NSProgressIndicator, NSQuickDrawView, NSRulerMarker, NSRulerView, NSSavePanel, NSScreen, NSSecureTextField, NSSecureTextField, NSSecureTextFieldCell, NSSimpleHorizontalTypesetter, NSSlider, NSSliderCell, NSSound, NSSpellChecker, NSSplitView, NSStatusBar, NSStatusItem, NSStepper, NSStepperCell, NSTableColumn, NSTableHeaderCell, NSTableHeaderView, NSTableView, Subclasses, NSTabViewItem, NSText, NSTextAttachment, NSTextAttachmentCell, NSTextContainer, NSTextField, NSTextFieldCell, NSTextStorage, NSTextTab, NSTypesetter, NSWorkspace
Application Kit, The Application, The Window, The View, The View, The View, Controls, Cells, Cells, Menus, Menus, Toolbars, Toolbars, The Responder Chain, Document-Based Applications, Document-Based Applications, Document-Based Applications, Graphics Contexts, Line Attributes, Working with Color, NSImage, NSImageRep, NSImageRep, NSImageRep, NSBitmapImageRep, Text System Architecture, NSLayoutManager, NSColorPanel (Mode Masks), NSEvent (Action Flags), NSOutlineView (Drop on Index), NSText (Important Unicodes), NSFont (Keys to the AFM Dictionary), NSPasteboard (Names), NSPrintInfo (Dictionary Keys), NSPrintPanel (Job Style Hints), NSActionCell, Subclasses, NSAffineTransform, NSBox, NSBrowser, NSBrowserCell, NSButton, Subclasses, NSButtonCell, Subclasses, NSColorList, NSColorPicker, NSColorWell, NSComboBox, NSComboBoxCell, NSCursor, NSCustomImageRep, NSCustomImageRep, NSDrawer, NSEPSImageRep, NSFileWrapper, NSFontManager, NSFontPanel, NSForm, NSFormCell, NSGlyphInfo, NSHelpManager, NSImageCell, NSImageView, NSInputManager, NSInputServer, NSMenuItemCell, NSMenuView, NSMovie, NSMovieView, NSMutableParagraphStyle, NSNibConnector, NSNibControlConnector, NSNibOutletConnector, NSOpenGLContext, NSOpenGLPixelFormat, NSOpenGLView, NSOpenPanel, NSPageLayout, NSPanel, NSParagraphStyle, NSPDFImageRep, NSPopUpButton, NSPopUpButtonCell, NSPrintOperation, NSProgressIndicator, NSProgressIndicator, NSQuickDrawView, NSRulerMarker, NSRulerView, NSSavePanel, NSScreen, NSSecureTextField, NSSecureTextField, NSSecureTextFieldCell, NSSimpleHorizontalTypesetter, NSSlider, NSSliderCell, NSSound, NSSpellChecker, NSSplitView, NSStatusBar, NSStatusItem, NSStepper, NSStepperCell, NSTableColumn, NSTableHeaderCell, NSTableHeaderView, NSTableView, Subclasses, NSTabViewItem, NSText, NSTextAttachment, NSTextAttachmentCell, NSTextContainer, NSTextField, NSTextFieldCell, NSTextStorage, NSTextTab, NSTypesetter, NSWorkspace
NSActionCell, NSActionCell, Subclasses
NSAffineTransform, NSAffineTransform
NSApplication, The Application (see NSApplication class)
NSBezierPath, Line Attributes (see NSBezierPath class)
NSBitmapImageRep, NSBitmapImageRep (see NSBitmapImageRep class)
NSBox, NSBox
NSBrowser, NSBrowser
NSBrowserCell, NSBrowserCell
NSButton, NSButton, Subclasses
NSButtonCell, NSButtonCell, Subclasses
NSCachedImageRep, NSImageRep (see NSCachedImageRep class)
NSCell, Cells (see NSCell class)
NSClipView, The View (see NSClipView class)
NSColor, Working with Color (see NSColor class)
NSColorList, NSColorList
NSColorPanel, NSColorPanel (Mode Masks) (see NSColorPanel class)
NSColorPicker, NSColorPicker
NSColorWell, NSColorWell
NSComboBox, NSComboBox
NSComboBoxCell, NSComboBoxCell
NSControl, Controls (see NSControl class)
NSCursor, NSCursor
NSCustomImageRep, NSCustomImageRep, NSCustomImageRep
NSDocument, Document-Based Applications (see NSDocument class)
NSDocumentController, Document-Based Applications (see NSDocumentController class)
NSDrawer, NSDrawer
NSEPSImageRep, NSEPSImageRep
NSEvent, NSEvent (Action Flags) (see NSEvent class)
NSFileWrapper, NSFileWrapper
NSFont, NSFont (Keys to the AFM Dictionary) (see NSFont class)
NSFontManager, NSFontManager
NSFontPanel, NSFontPanel
NSForm, NSForm
NSFormCell, NSFormCell
NSGlyphInfo, NSGlyphInfo
NSGraphicsContext, Graphics Contexts (see NSGraphicsContext class)
NSHelpManager, NSHelpManager
NSImage, NSImage (see NSImage class)
NSImageCell, NSImageCell
NSImageRep, NSImageRep (see NSImageRep class)
NSImageView, NSImageView
NSInputManager, NSInputManager
NSInputServer, NSInputServer
NSLayoutManager, NSLayoutManager (see NSLayoutManager class)
NSMatrix, Cells (see NSMatrix class)
NSMenu, Menus (see NSMenu class)
NSMenuItem, Menus (see NSMenuItem class)
NSMenuItemCell, NSMenuItemCell
NSMenuView, NSMenuView
NSMovie, NSMovie
NSMovieView, NSMovieView
NSMutableParagraphStyle, NSMutableParagraphStyle
NSNibConnector, NSNibConnector
NSNibControlConnector, NSNibControlConnector
NSNibOutletConnector, NSNibOutletConnector
NSOpenGLContext, NSOpenGLContext
NSOpenGLPixelFormat, NSOpenGLPixelFormat
NSOpenGLView, NSOpenGLView
NSOpenPanel, NSOpenPanel
NSOutlineView, NSOutlineView (Drop on Index) (see NSOutlineView class)
NSPageLayout, NSPageLayout
NSPanel, NSPanel (see NSPanel class)
NSParagraphStyle, NSParagraphStyle
NSPasteboard, NSPasteboard (Names) (see NSPasteboard class)
NSPDFImageRep, NSPDFImageRep (see NSPDFImageRep class)
NSPictImageRep, NSImageRep (see NSPictImageRep class)
NSPopUpButton, NSPopUpButton
NSPopUpButtonCell, NSPopUpButtonCell
NSPrinter, NSProgressIndicator
NSPrintInfo, NSPrintInfo (Dictionary Keys) (see NSPrintInfo class)
NSPrintOperation, NSPrintOperation
NSPrintPanel, NSPrintPanel (Job Style Hints) (see NSPrintPanel class)
NSProgressIndicator, NSProgressIndicator
NSQuickDrawView, NSQuickDrawView
NSResponder, The Responder Chain (see NSResponder class)
NSRulerMarker, NSRulerMarker
NSRulerView, NSRulerView
NSSavePanel, NSSavePanel (see NSSavePanel class)
NSScreen, NSScreen
NSScroller, NSSecureTextField
NSScrollView, The View (see NSScrollView class)
NSSecureTextField, NSSecureTextField
NSSecureTextFieldCell, NSSecureTextFieldCell
NSSimpleHorizontalTypesetter, NSSimpleHorizontalTypesetter
NSSlider, NSSlider
NSSliderCell, NSSliderCell
NSSound, NSSound
NSSpellChecker, NSSpellChecker
NSSplitView, NSSplitView
NSStatusBar, NSStatusBar
NSStatusItem, NSStatusItem
NSStepper, NSStepper
NSStepperCell, NSStepperCell
NSTableColumn, NSText
NSTableHeaderCell, NSTableHeaderCell
NSTableHeaderView, NSTableHeaderView
NSTableView, NSTableView, Subclasses
NSTabView, NSTableColumn
NSTabViewItem, NSTabViewItem
NSText, NSText (Important Unicodes) (see NSText class)
NSTextAttachment, NSTextAttachment
NSTextAttachmentCell, NSTextAttachmentCell
NSTextContainer, NSTextContainer (see NSTextContainer class)
NSTextField, NSTextField
NSTextFieldCell, NSTextFieldCell
NSTextStorage, NSTextStorage (see NSTextStorage class)
NSTextTab, NSTextTab
NSTextView, Text System Architecture (see NSTextView class)
NSToolbar, Toolbars (see NSToolbar class)
NSToolbarItem, Toolbars (see NSToolbarItem class)
NSTypesetter, NSTypesetter
NSView, The View (see NSView class)
NSWindow, The Window (see NSWindow class)
NSWindowController, Document-Based Applications (see NSWindowController class)
NSWorkspace, NSWorkspace (see NSWorkspace class)
defined, Classes
defining, Defining a Class
Foundation framework, Strings, Attributed strings, NSCharacterSet, NSScanner, Numbers, Arrays, Enumerators, Archiving Objects, Archiving Objects, Keyed Archiving, Notifications, Tasks, Threaded Programming, NSRecursiveLock, NSConditionLock, Drawing Text, Working with URLs, NSFileHandle, Interapplication Communication, Distributed Notifications, NSAppleEventDescriptor, NSAppleEventManager, NSAppleScript, NSArray, NSAssertionHandler, NSAutoreleasePool, NSBundle, NSCalendarDate, NSClassDescription, NSCloneCommand, NSCloseCommand, NSCoder, NSConnection, NSConnection, NSCountCommand, NSCountedSet, NSCreateCommand, NSData, NSDate, NSDateFormatter, NSDecimalNumberHandler, NSDeleteCommand, NSDeserializer, NSDictionary, NSDirectoryEnumerator, NSDistantObject, NSDistantObjectRequest, NSDistributedLock, NSDistributedNotificationCenter, NSException, NSExistsCommand, NSFileManager, NSGetCommand, NSHost, NSIndexSpecifier, NSInvocation, NSKeyedArchiver, NSKeyedUnarchiver, NSLock, NSLogicalTest, NSMachBootstrapServer, NSMachPort, NSMessagePort, NSMessagePortNameServer, NSMethodSignature, NSMiddleSpecifier, NSMoveCommand, NSMutableAttributedString, NSMutableCharacterSet, NSMutableData, NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableSet, NSNameSpecifier, NSNetService, NSNetServiceBrowser, NSNotificationQueue, NSNull, NSNumber, NSNumberFormatter, NSObject, NSPort, NSPortMessage, NSPortNameServer, NSPositionalSpecifier, NSProcessInfo, NSPropertyListSerialization, NSPropertySpecifier, NSProtocolChecker, NSProxy, NSQuitCommand, NSRandomSpecifier, NSRangeSpecifier, NSRelativeSpecifier, NSRunLoop, NSScriptClassDescription, NSScriptCoercionHandler, NSScriptCommand, NSScriptCommandDescription, NSScriptExecutionContext, NSScriptObjectSpecifier, NSScriptSuiteRegistry, NSScriptWhoseTest, NSSerializer, NSSet, NSSetCommand, NSSocketPort, NSSocketPortNameServer, NSSpecifierTest, NSSpellServer, NSTimer, NSUndoManager, NSUniqueIDSpecifier, NSURL, NSURLHandle, NSUserDefaults, NSValue, NSWhoseSpecifier
NSAppleEventDescriptor, NSAppleEventDescriptor
NSAppleEventManager, NSAppleEventManager
NSAppleScript, NSAppleScript
NSArchiver, Archiving Objects (see NSArchiver class)
NSArray, NSArray (see NSArray class)
NSAssertionHandler, NSAssertionHandler
NSAttributedString, Attributed strings (see NSAttributedString class)
NSAutoreleasePool, NSAutoreleasePool
NSBundle, NSBundle (see NSBundle class)
NSCalendarDate, NSCalendarDate (see NSCalendarDate class)
NSCharacterSet, NSCharacterSet (see NSCharacterSet class)
NSClassDescription, NSClassDescription
NSCloneCommand, NSCloneCommand
NSCloseCommand, NSCloseCommand
NSCoder, NSCoder
NSConditionLock, NSConditionLock (see NSConditionLock class)
NSConnection, NSConnection, NSConnection (see NSConnection class)
NSCountCommand, NSCountCommand
NSCountedSet, NSCountedSet
NSCreateCommand, NSCreateCommand
NSData, NSData (see NSData class)
NSDate, NSDate (see NSDate class)
NSDateFormatter, NSDateFormatter
NSDecimalNumber, Numbers (see NSDecimalNumber class)
NSDecimalNumberHandler, NSDecimalNumberHandler
NSDeleteCommand, NSDeleteCommand
NSDeserializer, NSDeserializer
NSDictionary, NSDictionary (see NSDictionary class)
NSDirectoryEnumerator, NSDirectoryEnumerator
NSDistantObject, NSDistantObject
NSDistantObjectRequest, NSDistantObjectRequest
NSDistributedLock, NSDistributedLock
NSDistributedNotificationCenter, NSDistributedNotificationCenter
NSEnumerator, Enumerators (see NSEnumerator class)
NSException, NSException
NSExistsCommand, NSExistsCommand
NSFileHandle, NSFileHandle (see NSFileHandle class)
NSFileManager, NSFileManager (see NSFileManager class)
NSGetCommand, NSGetCommand
NSHost, NSHost (see NSHost class)
NSIndexSpecifier, NSIndexSpecifier
NSInvocation, NSInvocation
NSKeyedArchiver, NSKeyedArchiver (see NSKeyedArchiver class)
NSKeyedUnarchiver, NSKeyedUnarchiver (see NSKeyedUnarchiver class)
NSLock, NSLock (see NSLock class)
NSLogicalTest, NSLogicalTest
NSMachBootstrapServer, NSMachBootstrapServer
NSMachPort, NSMachPort
NSMessagePort, NSMessagePort
NSMessagePortNameServer, NSMessagePortNameServer
NSMethodSignature, NSMethodSignature
NSMiddleSpecifier, NSMiddleSpecifier
NSMoveCommand, NSMoveCommand
NSMutableArray, Arrays (see NSMutableArray class)
NSMutableAttributedString, NSMutableAttributedString
NSMutableCharacterSet, NSMutableCharacterSet
NSMutableData, NSMutableData
NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableDictionary
NSMutableSet, NSMutableSet
NSMutableString, Strings (see NSMutableString class)
NSNameSpecifier, NSNameSpecifier
NSNetService, NSNetService (see NSNetService class)
NSNetServiceBrowser, NSNetServiceBrowser (see NSNetServiceBrowser class)
NSNotification, Distributed Notifications (see NSNotification class)
NSNotificationCenter, Notifications (see NSNotificationCenter class)
NSNotificationQueue, NSNotificationQueue
NSNull, NSNull
NSNumber, NSNumber (see NSNumber class)
NSNumberFormatter, NSNumberFormatter
NSObject, NSObject
NSPipe, Interapplication Communication (see NSPipe class)
NSPort, NSPort
NSPortCoder, Keyed Archiving (see NSPortCoder class)
NSPortMessage, NSPortMessage
NSPortNameServer, NSPortNameServer
NSPositionalSpecifier, NSPositionalSpecifier
NSProcessInfo, NSProcessInfo
NSPropertyListSerialization, NSPropertyListSerialization
NSPropertySpecifier, NSPropertySpecifier
NSProtocolChecker, NSProtocolChecker
NSProxy, NSProxy
NSQuitCommand, NSQuitCommand
NSRandomSpecifier, NSRandomSpecifier
NSRangeSpecifier, NSRangeSpecifier
NSRecursiveLock, NSRecursiveLock (see NSRecursiveLock class)
NSRelativeSpecifier, NSRelativeSpecifier
NSRunLoop, NSRunLoop (see NSRunLoop class)
NSScanner, NSScanner (see NSScanner class)
NSScriptClassDescription, NSScriptClassDescription
NSScriptCoercionHandler, NSScriptCoercionHandler
NSScriptCommand, NSScriptCommand
NSScriptCommandDescription, NSScriptCommandDescription
NSScriptExecutionContext, NSScriptExecutionContext
NSScriptObjectSpecifier, NSScriptObjectSpecifier
NSScriptSuiteRegistry, NSScriptSuiteRegistry
NSScriptWhoseTest, NSScriptWhoseTest
NSSerializer, NSSerializer
NSSet, NSSet (see NSSet class)
NSSetCommand, NSSetCommand
NSSocketPort, NSSocketPort (see NSSocketPort class)
NSSocketPortNameServer, NSSocketPortNameServer
NSSpecifierTest, NSSpecifierTest
NSSpellServer, NSSpellServer
NSString, Drawing Text (see NSString class)
NSTask, Tasks (see NSTask class)
NSThread, Threaded Programming (see NSThread class)
NSTimeZone, NSTimer
NSUnarchiver, Archiving Objects (see NSUnarchiver class)
NSUndoManager, NSUndoManager
NSUniqueIDSpecifier, NSUniqueIDSpecifier
NSURL, Working with URLs (see NSURL class)
NSURLHandle, NSURLHandle
NSUserDefaults, NSUserDefaults (see NSUserDefaults class)
NSValue, NSValue
NSWhoseSpecifier, NSWhoseSpecifier
immutable, Immutable Versus Mutable Classes
implementation, Defining a Class
interface, Defining a Class, The interface
mutable, Immutable Versus Mutable Classes
root class, The Root Class
cloning objects, NSCloneCommand
Cocoa, defined, What Is Cocoa?
collections, Collections, Memory management in collections, Collections, Collections, Collections, Arrays, Sets, Sets, Dictionaries, Enumerators, Enumerators, Memory management in collections, NSEnumerator, NSMutableDictionary, NSRangeSpecifier, NSSet, NSWhoseSpecifier
altering contents, NSMutableDictionary
dictionaries, Dictionaries
enumerated, Enumerators
enumerating contents, NSEnumerator
memory management, Memory management in collections
NSArray class, Collections
NSDictionary class, Collections
NSEnumerator class, Enumerators
NSMutableArray class, Arrays
NSSet class, Collections, Sets
range of objects within, NSRangeSpecifier
unordered, Sets
color list, NSColorList
color objects, creating, Working with Color
color panel, NSColorPanel
color pickers, NSColorPicker, NSColorPickingCustom
color space, Working with Color, Color Space Names
classes, Working with Color
names global variables, Color Space Names
color-picker panel, NSColorPickingCustom
colors, Working with Color
colorspace, NSColor
column display, NSBrowserCell
column headers in a table view, NSTableHeaderView
communication, Handling communication failures, NSConnection, NSMachBootstrapServer, NSMessagePortNameServer, NSPortMessage
failures, Handling communication failures
interapplication, NSPortMessage
interprocess, NSConnection
ports, NSMachBootstrapServer, NSMessagePortNameServer
comparing objects, NSComparisonMethods, NSScriptingComparisonMethods
composite images, Compositing
CompositeLab, Compositing
compositing, Compositing, Compositing
operations and constants, Compositing
concat, Transformations
connecting to a remote object, Connecting to a remote object
Connection exception, Connection
constants, NSDecimalMaxSize, NSDecimalNoScale, NSNotAnIntMapKey, NSNotAPointerMapKey
Foundation framework, NSDecimalMaxSize, NSDecimalNoScale, NSNotAnIntMapKey, NSNotAPointerMapKey
NSDecimalMaxSize, NSDecimalMaxSize
NSDecimalNoScale, NSDecimalNoScale
NSNotAnIntMapKey, NSNotAnIntMapKey
NSNotAPointerMapKey, NSNotAPointerMapKey
constraining a variableÕs scope, Scoping instance variables
construct a complex shape using NSBezierPath, Working with Paths
construct arcs, Working with Paths
constructing and performing searches in the AddressBook framework, Searching
content view, The View, Drawers
contextual menus, Menus
controller, defined, Model-View-Controller
coordinate system, Coordinate Systems
copying a parameter to enforce encapsulation, Retaining Objects in Accessor Methods
counting objects, NSCountCommand
creating an empty image data buffer, NSBitmapImageRep
currentContext method, Graphics Contexts
custom drawing code, NSCustomImageRep


data content, preparing, Preparing data content
data display, NSCachedImageRep
data object, altering, NSMutableData
data types, Objects, Basic Types, Basic Types, NSCalculationError, NSZone, Data Types
Application Kit, Data Types
Foundation framework, NSCalculationError, NSZone
id, Objects
numbers, Basic Types
strings, Basic Types
date and time as an absolute reference, Dates and Time, NSDate
date and time classes, Dates and Time, Dates and Time, Dates and Time, Dates and Time
NSCalendarDate, Dates and Time
NSDate, Dates and Time
NSTimeZone, Dates and Time
dealloc method, Deallocating Objects
decimal functions, Decimals
defaultCenter method, Notifications
defaults, user, User Defaults
defining a category interface, Categories
delegation, defined, Cocoa Design Patterns
deleting objects, NSDeleteCommand
deliverMessage: methods, The Message Framework
design patterns, Cocoa Design Patterns, Objective-C
defined, Cocoa Design Patterns
designated initializer, Designated initializers
determinate progress indicator, NSProgressIndicator
dictionaries, Dictionaries
directory contents, NSDirectoryEnumerator
DiscRecording framework, Disc Recording Frameworks, How to record, DRBurn, DRBurn, DRErase, DRTrack, Preparing audio content, Preparing data content
burn properties dictionary keys, DRBurn
DRBurn class, DRBurn
DRErase class, DRErase
DRTrack class, DRTrack
preparing audio content, Preparing audio content
preparing data content, Preparing data content
DiscRecordingUI framework, The DiscRecordingUI Framework, How to record, How to record, How to record, How to record
DRBurnProgressPanel class, How to record
DRBurnSetupPanel class, How to record
DREraseSetupPanel class, How to record
using setup panels, How to record
Display Device class global variables, Display Device (Descriptions)
distributed lock object, NSDistributedLock
distributed notifications, Distributed Notifications, NSDistributedNotificationCenter
center, NSDistributedNotificationCenter
distributed objects, Distributed Notifications, Distributed Objects, DO architecture, DO and threads, Making DO more efficient and reliable, NSDistantObject, NSPortMessage
API, NSPortMessage
applications, NSDistantObject
architecture, DO architecture
efficiency and reliability, Making DO more efficient and reliable
threads and, DO and threads
Dock menu, Menus
document factory, Document-Based Applications
document-based application architecture, NSDocumentController
document-based applications, Document-Based Applications
domains, User Defaults, User Defaults, User Defaults
defined, User Defaults
persistent, User Defaults
volatile, User Defaults
drag operations, NSDraggingDestination
dragging session, NSDraggingInfo
drawer interface, NSDrawer
drawers, Drawers, Drawers
drawing and imaging, Drawing and Imaging, Transformations
drawing and imaging classes, Drawing and Imaging
drawing arcs, Working with Paths
drawing commands, NSGraphicsContext
drawing text, Drawing Text
DRBurn class, DRBurn
DRErase class, DRErase
DRTrack class, DRTrack
dynamic binding, Messaging, Messaging
defined, Messaging
late binding vs., Messaging
dynamic typing, defined, Dynamic Typing


encapsulation, defined, Scoping instance variables
enumerating the contents of an array, NSArray
enumerations, NSNotFound, String Encodings, Enumerations
Application Kit, Enumerations
Foundation framework, NSNotFound, String Encodings
enumerators, Enumerators
event descriptor objects, NSAppleEventDescriptor
events, The run loop, Event Handling, Event Handling, Event Objects, Event Objects, Event Objects, Events
functions (Application Kit), Events
handling, Event Handling
keyboard, Event Objects
loops, The run loop
messages, Event Handling
mouse, Event Objects
objects, Event Objects
exception-handling, NSException
exceptions, Archiving, NSString Handling, Uncaught Exceptions, Exceptions
Application Kit, Exceptions
Foundation class, Archiving, NSString Handling
uncaught, Uncaught Exceptions
executable binaries, NSBundle


File Attribute Keys global variable, File Attribute Keys
file save dialog, NSSavePanel
File Type Attribute Keys global variable, File Type Attribute Keys
Filesystem Attribute Keys global variable, Filesystem Attribute Keys
filesystem interaction, NSFileManager
fill method, Working with Paths
first-class objects, NSObject
flatness, defined, Path flatness
focus, Drawing to Views
font, NSFont
font functions (Application Kit), Fonts
font, ligature, NSLayoutManager
for-loops, Enumerators
Foundation framework, What Is Cocoa?, Foundation, NSConditionLock, Foundation Functions, Foundation Classes, NSWhoseSpecifier, NSURLHandleClient
classes, Foundation Classes, NSWhoseSpecifier
defined, What Is Cocoa?
functions, Foundation Functions (see functions, Foundation framework)
protocols, NSURLHandleClient (see protocols, Foundation)
frame rectangle, Coordinate Systems
frame, region of a superview, Managing the view hierarchy
frameworks, Other Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks, Other Frameworks, The Message Framework, Disc Recording Frameworks, How to record, The DiscRecordingUI Framework, Third-Party Frameworks
additional, Other Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks
DiscRecording, Disc Recording Frameworks, How to record
DiscRecordingUI, The DiscRecordingUI Framework
Message, The Message Framework
Objective-C, Other Frameworks
third-party, Third-Party Frameworks
functions, Foundation Functions, Zones, Assertions, Bundles, Byte Ordering, Decimals, Java Setup, Hash Tables, HFS File Types, Map Tables, Object Allocation, Objective-C Runtime, Path Utilities, Points, Ranges, Rects, Sizes, Uncaught Exceptions, Zones, Application Kit Functions, System Beep, Accessibility, Applications, Events, Fonts, Graphics: General, Graphics: Window Depth, Interface Styles, OpenGL, Panels, Pasteboards, System Beep
Application Kit, Application Kit Functions, System Beep, Accessibility, Applications, Events, Fonts, Graphics: General, Graphics: Window Depth, Interface Styles, OpenGL, Panels, Pasteboards, System Beep
accessibility, Accessibility
alert sounds, System Beep
application, Applications
events, Events
fonts, Fonts
graphics, Graphics: General, Graphics: Window Depth
interface style, Interface Styles
OpenGL, OpenGL
panel, Panels
pasteboard, Pasteboards
Foundation, Foundation Functions, Zones, Assertions, Bundles, Byte Ordering, Decimals, Java Setup, Hash Tables, HFS File Types, Map Tables, Object Allocation, Objective-C Runtime, Path Utilities, Points, Ranges, Rects, Sizes, Uncaught Exceptions, Zones
assertion macros, Assertions
bundle, Bundles
byte ordering, Byte Ordering
decimal, Decimals
hash table, Hash Tables
HFS file type, HFS File Types
Java setup, Java Setup
map table, Map Tables
memory zones, Zones
object allocation, Object Allocation
Objective-C runtime, Objective-C Runtime
path utilities, Path Utilities
point, Points
range, Ranges
rect, Rects
size, Sizes
uncaught exceptions, Uncaught Exceptions


General Foundation Exception Names exception, General Foundation Exception Names
global variables, Application Kit, Global Variables (see variables, global, Application Kit)
glyphs, NSLayoutManager
graphics contexts, Graphics Contexts, Graphics Contexts
defined, Graphics Contexts
multiple, Graphics Contexts
graphics functions (Application Kit), Graphics: General, Graphics: Window Depth
grids, NSMatrix


hasDeliveryClassBeenConfigured method, The Message Framework
hash table functions, Hash Tables
HFS file type functions, HFS File Types
hierarchical data display, NSBrowser
host name lookup, NSHost
hosts, Hosts


id data type, Objects
images, Working with Images, Compositing, Compositing, Drawing into an image
composite, Compositing
drawing, Compositing
drawing into, Drawing into an image
immutable classes, Immutable Versus Mutable Classes
implementation, Defining a Class, The implementation, The implementation, Categories
defined, Defining a Class
of a category, Categories
of a class, The implementation
indeterminate progress indicator, NSProgressIndicator
Info.plist file, Menus, Document-Based Applications
init method, Creating Object Instances
initialization method for a class, Creating Object Instances
instance variables, scoping, Scoping instance variables
instances, Scoping instance variables, Scoping instance variables, Scoping instance variables, Creating Object Instances
@private, Scoping instance variables
@protected, Scoping instance variables
@public, Scoping instance variables
creating object, Creating Object Instances
inter-process communication, NSConnection
interapplication and interthread communication, Interapplication Communication, Handling communication failures
Interface Builder, The Cocoa Development Environment, Nibs
defined, The Cocoa Development Environment
interface header (.h) files, Protocols
interface style functions (Application Kit), Interface Styles
interface, defined, Defining a Class
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority catalog web site, Initializing NSNetService for publication
IP address translation, NSHost


Java Bridge, Languages
Java setup functions, Java Setup


key-value coding, Cocoa Design Patterns, Key-Value Coding, NSClassDescription, NSScriptKeyValueCoding
defined, Cocoa Design Patterns, Key-Value Coding
key-value pairs, NSDictionary
keyboard events, Event Objects
keyed archiving, Keyed Archiving, Keyed Archiving, NSKeyedArchiver
exception, Keyed Archiving
keys, address dictionary, Working with Multiple-Value Objects
keys, defined, Key-Value Coding
keys, property (AddressBook framework), AddressBook
keystrokes, NSInputServer


Language-Dependent Date/Time Information global variable, Language-Dependent Date/Time Information
Language-Dependent Numeric Information global variable, Language-Dependent Numeric Information
late binding, Messaging
layout managers, NSTextContainer
ligature, font, NSLayoutManager
line, Line Attributes, Line Attributes, Line Attributes, Line Attributes, Line dashes and phase, Line cap style, Line join styles
cap style, Line Attributes, Line cap style
dashes and phase, Line Attributes, Line dashes and phase
join style, Line Attributes
join styles, Line join styles
width, Line Attributes
line attributes, Line Attributes
line movement direction, How Text Is Laid Out
line sweep direction, How Text Is Laid Out
loading code with NSBundle, Loading Code
loadNibName:owner: method, Outlets and Actions
locally represent objects, NSDistantObject
lock objects, NSLocking
lockFocus message, Drawing to Views
locking, NSRecursiveLock
locks, Locks, Locks
explained, Locks


Mach IPC ports, NSMachPort
mailing lists for Cocoa developers, Mailing Lists
MainMenu.nib file, Nibs
manipulating an imageÕs data on a byte level, NSBitmapImageRep
map table functions, Map Tables
matrixes, NSMatrix
measuring angles, Working with Paths
memory management, Memory Management, Retaining Objects in Accessor Methods, Retaining Objects in Accessor Methods, Memory management in collections, NSAutoreleasePool
and collections, Memory management in collections
in accessor methods, Retaining Objects in Accessor Methods
web site, Retaining Objects in Accessor Methods
memory zones, Zones
menu targets, NSMenuValidation
menus, NSMenu
menus, contextual, Menus
Message framework, The Message Framework, The Message Framework, The Message Framework, The Message Framework, The Message Framework
NSMailDelivery class, The Message Framework, The Message Framework, The Message Framework, The Message Framework
deliverMessage:headers:format:protocol: method, The Message Framework
deliverMessage:subject:to: method, The Message Framework
hasDeliveryClassBeenConfigured method, The Message Framework
messages, Messaging, Selectors, Messaging, Structure of a Message, Structure of a Message, Structure of a Message, Nested messages, Messaging nil, How Messages Are Resolved into Methods, NSInvocation
arguments, Structure of a Message
defined, Messaging
multiple arguments, Structure of a Message
nested, Nested messages
nil, Messaging nil
resolved into methods, How Messages Are Resolved into Methods
selector and target, NSInvocation
structure of, Structure of a Message
methods, signature, NSMethodSignature
MiscKit (Object Foundation) web site, Third-Party Frameworks
miter limit, Line Attributes, Miter limit
model, defined, Model-View-Controller
Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, Cocoa Design Patterns, Model-View-Controller, Text System Architecture
defined, Cocoa Design Patterns
mouse cursors, NSCursor
mouse events, Event Objects, NSInputServerMouseTracker
move operations, NSMoveCommand
multiple-value objects, Working with Multiple-Value Objects
mutable copies, NSMutableCopying
mutable subclass, Immutable Versus Mutable Classes


naming conventions, Naming Conventions
network domains, NSNetServiceBrowser
network services, Rendezvous Network Services, NSNetService, Initializing NSNetService for publication, NSNetService
creating and publishing, Initializing NSNetService for publication
networking, Networking, NSFileHandle
nib files, Nibs
notifications, Cocoa Design Patterns, Notifications, Notifications, Notifications, Notifications, Notifications, Distributed Notifications, Suspending delivery, NSNotification, NSNotification, NSNotificationCenter, NSNotificationQueue
center, Notifications, NSNotification, NSNotificationCenter
defined, Notifications
changing delivery behavior, Notifications
defined, Cocoa Design Patterns
distributed, Distributed Notifications
observers, Notifications
removing, Notifications
suspended, Suspending delivery
NSAccessibility class, NSAccessibility (Actions), NSAccessibility (Attributes), NSAccessibility (Exception Error Code Key), NSAccessibility (Notifications), NSAccessibility (Orientations), NSAccessibility (Roles), NSAccessibility (Subroles), NSAccessibility
global variables, NSAccessibility (Actions), NSAccessibility (Attributes), NSAccessibility (Exception Error Code Key), NSAccessibility (Notifications), NSAccessibility (Orientations), NSAccessibility (Roles), NSAccessibility (Subroles)
protocol, NSAccessibility
NSAccessibilityPostNotification function, Accessibility
NSAccessibilityUnignoredAncestor function, Accessibility
NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren function, Accessibility
NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildrenForOnlyChild function, Accessibility
NSAccessibilityUnignoredDescendant function, Accessibility
NSActionCell class (Application Kit), NSActionCell, Subclasses
NSAffineTransform class, Transformations, Transformations, NSAffineTransform
Application Kit, NSAffineTransform
NSAffineTransformStruct data type, NSAffineTransformStruct
NSAllHashTableObjects function, Hash Tables
NSAllMapTableKeys function, Map Tables
NSAllMapTableValues function, Map Tables
NSAllocateMemoryPages function, Zones
NSAllocateObject function, Object Allocation
NSAppleEvent Timeouts global variable, NSAppleEvent Timeouts
NSAppleEventDescriptor class, NSAppleEventDescriptor
NSAppleEventManager class, NSAppleEventManager
NSAppleScript class, NSAppleScript
NSApplication class, The Application Kit, Application Architecture, The application delegate, NSApplication (Modal Session Return Values), NSApplication (Shared Application Object), NSApplication
Application Kit, NSApplication
delegate object, The application delegate
enumeration, NSApplication (Modal Session Return Values)
global variables, NSApplication (Shared Application Object)
NSApplicationLoad function, Applications
NSApplicationMain function, NSApplicationMain, Applications
NSApplicationTerminateReply data type, NSApplicationTerminateReply
NSArchiver class, Archiving Objects, NSArchiver
NSArgumentDomain class, User Defaults
NSArray class, Collections, NSArray
NSAssert function, Assertions
NSAssert1 through NSAssert5 functions, Assertions
NSAssertionHandler class, NSAssertionHandler
NSAttributedString class, Attributed strings, Attributed strings, NSAttributedString (Underlining), NSAttributedString (Attributes), NSAttributedString (Character Shape Attribute), NSAttributedString (Document Type), NSAttributedString (Glyph Info Attribute), NSAttributedString (Underline Masks), NSAttributedString
attributes, Attributed strings
enumeration, NSAttributedString (Underlining)
global variables, NSAttributedString (Attributes), NSAttributedString (Character Shape Attribute), NSAttributedString (Document Type), NSAttributedString (Glyph Info Attribute), NSAttributedString (Underline Masks)
NSAutoreleasePool class, NSAutoreleasePool
NSAvailableWindowDepths function, Graphics: Window Depth
NSBackingStoreType data type, NSBackingStoreType
NSBeep function, System Beep
NSBeginAlertSheet function, Panels
NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet function, Panels
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet function, Panels
NSBestDepth function, Graphics: Window Depth
NSBezelStyle data type, NSBezelStyle
NSBezierPath class, Working with Paths, Working with Paths, Line Attributes, NSBezierPath
Application Kit, NSBezierPath
constructing complex shape, Working with Paths
NSBezierPathElement data type, NSBezierPathElement
NSBitmapImageFileType data type, NSBitmapImageFileType
NSBitmapImageRep class, NSImageRep, NSBitmapImageRep, NSBitmapImageRep (Attributes), NSBitmapImageRep
Application Kit, NSBitmapImageRep
global variables, NSBitmapImageRep (Attributes)
subclass, NSImageRep
NSBitsPerPixelFromDepth function, Graphics: Window Depth
NSBitsPerSampleFromDepth function, Graphics: Window Depth
NSBorderType data type, NSBorderType
NSBox class (Application Kit), NSBox
NSBoxType data type, NSBoxType
NSBrowser class (Application Kit), NSBrowser
NSBrowserCell class (Application Kit), NSBrowserCell
NSBundle class, Bundles and Resource Management, Loading Resources, Loading Code, NSBundle
loading code, Loading Code
loading resources, Loading Resources
NSButton class (Application Kit), NSButton, Subclasses
NSButtonCell class (Application Kit), NSButtonCell, Subclasses
NSButtonType data type, NSButtonType
NSCachedImageRep class (Application Kit), NSCachedImageRep
NSCachedImageRep subclass, NSImageRep
NSCalculationError data type, NSCalculationError
NSCalendarDate class, Dates and Time, NSCalendarDate
NSCaseInsensitiveSearch, Comparing strings
NSCAssert function, Assertions
NSCAssert1 through NSCAssert5 functions, Assertions
NSCell class, Cells, NSCell (Data Entry Types), NSCell (State Masks), NSCell, Subclasses
Application Kit, NSCell, Subclasses
enumeration, NSCell (Data Entry Types), NSCell (State Masks)
NSCellAttribute data type, NSCellAttribute
NSCellImagePosition data type, NSCellImagePosition
NSCellState data type, NSCellState
NSCellType data type, NSCellType
NSChangeSpelling protocol (Application Kit), NSChangeSpelling
NSCharacterCollection data type, NSCharacterCollection
NSCharacterSet class, NSCharacterSet, NSCharacterSet
NSClassDescription class, NSClassDescription
NSClassFromString function, Objective-C Runtime
NSClipView class, The View, NSClipView
Application Kit, NSClipView
NSCloneCommand class, NSCloneCommand
NSCloseCommand class, NSCloseCommand
NSCoder class, Archiving Objects, NSCoder
NSCoding protocol, NSCoding
NSColor class, User Defaults, Working with Color, NSColor (Grayscale Values), NSColor
Application Kit, NSColor
global variables, NSColor (Grayscale Values)
NSColorList class (Application Kit), NSColorList
NSColorPanel class, NSColorPanel (Modes), NSColorPanel (Mode Masks), NSColorPanel
Application Kit, NSColorPanel
enumeration, NSColorPanel (Modes), NSColorPanel (Mode Masks)
NSColorPicker class (Application Kit), NSColorPicker
NSColorPickingCustom protocol (Application Kit), NSColorPickingCustom
NSColorPickingDefault protocol (Application Kit), NSColorPickingDefault
NSColorSpaceFromDepth function, Graphics: Window Depth
NSColorWell class (Application Kit), NSColorWell
NSComboBox class (Application Kit), NSComboBox
NSComboBoxCell class (Application Kit), NSComboBoxCell
NSComboBoxCellDataSource protocol (Application Kit), NSComboBoxCellDataSource
NSComboBoxDataSource protocol (Application Kit), NSComboBoxDataSource
NSCompareHashTables function, Hash Tables
NSCompareMapTables function, Map Tables
NSComparisonMethods protocol, NSComparisonMethods
NSComparisonResult data type, NSComparisonResult
NSCompositingOperation data type, NSCompositingOperation
NSConditionLock class, NSConditionLock, NSConditionLock
NSConnection class, Keyed Archiving, Setting up a server, NSConnection
NSConnectionReplyMode global variable, NSConnectionReplyMode
NSContainsRect function, Rects
NSControl class, Controls, NSControl
Application Kit, NSControl
NSControlSize data type, NSControlSize
NSControlTint data type, NSControlTint
NSConvertGlyphsToPackedGlyphs function, Fonts
NSConvertHostDoubleToSwapped function, Byte Ordering
NSConvertHostFloatToSwapped function, Byte Ordering
NSConvertSwappedDoubleToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSConvertSwappedFloatToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSCopyBits function, Graphics: General
NSCopyHashTableWithZone function, Hash Tables
NSCopying protocol, NSCopying
NSCopyMapTableWithZone function, Map Tables
NSCopyMemoryPages function, Zones
NSCopyObject function, Object Allocation
NSCountCommand class, NSCountCommand
NSCountedSet class, NSCountedSet
NSCountHashTable function, Hash Tables
NSCountMapTable function, Map Tables
NSCountWindows function, Graphics: General
NSCountWindowsForContext function, Graphics: General
NSCParameterAssert function, Assertions
NSCreateCommand class, NSCreateCommand
NSCreateFileContentsPboardType function, Pasteboards
NSCreateFilenamePboardType function, Pasteboards
NSCreateHashTable function, Hash Tables
NSCreateHashTableWithZone function, Hash Tables
NSCreateMapTable function, Map Tables
NSCreateMapTableWithZone function, Map Tables
NSCreateZone function, Zones
NSCursor class (Application Kit), NSCursor
NSCustomImageRep class, NSImageRep, NSCustomImageRep
Application Kit, NSCustomImageRep
subclass, NSImageRep
NSData class, Binary Data, NSData
NSDate class, Dates and Time, NSDate, NSDateFormatter
convert to human-readable date and time string, NSDateFormatter
NSDateFormatter class, NSDateFormatter
NSDeallocateMemoryPages function, Zones
NSDeallocateObject function, Object Allocation
NSDecimal data type, NSDecimal
NSDecimalAdd function, Decimals
NSDecimalCompact function, Decimals
NSDecimalCompare function, Decimals
NSDecimalCopy function, Decimals
NSDecimalDivide function, Decimals
NSDecimalMaxSize constant, NSDecimalMaxSize
NSDecimalMultiply function, Decimals
NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10 function, Decimals
NSDecimalNormalize function, Decimals
NSDecimalNoScale constant, NSDecimalNoScale
NSDecimalNumber class, Numbers, NSDecimalNumber, NSDecimalNumber
exception, NSDecimalNumber
NSDecimalNumberBehaviors protocol, NSDecimalNumberBehaviors
NSDecimalNumberHandler class, NSDecimalNumberHandler
NSDecimalPower function, Decimals
NSDecimalRound function, Decimals
NSDecimalString function, Decimals
NSDecimalSubtract function, Decimals
NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero function, Object Allocation
NSDefaultMallocZone function, Zones
NSDefaultRunLoopMode global variable, NSDefaultRunLoopMode
NSDeleteCommand class, NSDeleteCommand
NSDeserializer class, NSDeserializer
NSDictionary class, Collections, NSDictionary
NSDirectoryEnumerator class, NSDirectoryEnumerator
NSDistantObject class, NSDistantObject
NSDistantObjectRequest class, NSDistantObjectRequest
NSDistributedLock class, NSDistributedLock
NSDistributedNotificationCenter class, NSDistributedNotificationCenter
NSDivideRect function, Rects
NSDocument class, Document-Based Applications, NSDocument
Application Kit, NSDocument
NSDocumentChangeType data type, NSDocumentChangeType
NSDocumentController class, Document-Based Applications, NSDocumentController
Application Kit, NSDocumentController
NSDottedFrameRect function, Graphics: General
NSDragging (Operations) enumeration, NSDragging (Operations)
NSDraggingDestination protocol (Application Kit), NSDraggingDestination
NSDraggingInfo protocol (Application Kit), NSDraggingInfo
NSDraggingSource protocol (Application Kit), NSDraggingSource
NSDragOperation data type, NSDragOperation
NSDrawBitmap function, Graphics: General
NSDrawButton function, Graphics: General
NSDrawColorTiledRects function, Graphics: General
NSDrawDarkBezel function, Graphics: General
NSDrawer class, Drawers, NSDrawer
Application Kit, NSDrawer
NSDrawerState data type, NSDrawerState
NSDrawGrayBezel function, Graphics: General
NSDrawGroove function, Graphics: General
NSDrawLightBezel function, Graphics: General
NSDrawTiledRects function, Graphics: General
NSDrawWhiteBezel function, Graphics: General
NSDrawWindowBackground function, Graphics: General
NSEndHashTableEnumeration function, Hash Tables
NSEndMapTableEnumeration function, Map Tables
NSEnumerateHashTable function, Hash Tables
NSEnumerateMapTable function, Map Tables
NSEnumerator class, Enumerators, NSEnumerator
NSEPSImageRep class, NSImageRep, NSEPSImageRep
Application Kit, NSEPSImageRep
subclass, NSImageRep
NSEqualPoints function, Points
NSEqualRanges function, Ranges
NSEqualRects function, Rects
NSEqualSizes function, Sizes
NSEraseRect function, Graphics: General
NSEvent class, NSEvent (Action Flags), NSEvent (Function Key Unicodes), NSEvent (Modifier Flags), NSEvent (Types Defined by the Application Kit), NSEvent (Types Defined by the System), NSEvent
Application Kit, NSEvent
enumeration, NSEvent (Action Flags), NSEvent (Function Key Unicodes), NSEvent (Modifier Flags), NSEvent (Types Defined by the Application Kit), NSEvent (Types Defined by the System)
NSEventMaskFromType function, Events
NSEventType data type, NSEventType
NSException class, NSException
NSExistsCommand class, NSExistsCommand
NSExtraRefCount function, Object Allocation
NSFileHandle class, File Handles, NSFileHandle, NSFileHandle, NSFileHandle, NSFileHandle, NSFileHandle, NSFileHandle
client side, NSFileHandle
exception, NSFileHandle
methods, NSFileHandle
server socket communication, NSFileHandle
NSFileManager class, The File Manager, NSFileManager
NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode function, HFS File Types
NSFileWrapper class (Application Kit), NSFileWrapper
NSFocusRingPlacement data type, NSFocusRingPlacement
NSFont class, NSFont (Traits), NSFont (Keys to the AFM Dictionary), NSFont (PostScript Transformation Matrix), NSFont
Application Kit, NSFont
enumeration, NSFont (Traits)
global variables, NSFont (Keys to the AFM Dictionary), NSFont (PostScript Transformation Matrix)
NSFontAction data type, NSFontAction
NSFontManager class (Application Kit), NSFontManager
NSFontPanel class (Application Kit), NSFontPanel
NSFontTraitMask data type, NSFontTraitMask
NSForm class (Application Kit), NSForm
NSFormatter class, NSFormatter
NSFormCell class (Application Kit), NSFormCell
NSFrameRect function, Graphics: General
NSFrameRectWithWidth function, Graphics: General
NSFrameRectWithWidthUsingOperation function, Graphics: General
NSFreeHashTable function, Hash Tables
NSFreeMapTable function, Map Tables
NSFullUserName function, Path Utilities
NSGetAlertPanel function, Panels
NSGetCommand class, NSGetCommand
NSGetCriticalAlertPanel function, Panels
NSGetFileType function, Pasteboards
NSGetInformationalAlertPanel function, Panels
NSGetSizeAndAlignment function, Objective-C Runtime
NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler function, Uncaught Exceptions
NSGetWindowServerMemory function, Graphics: General
NSGlobalDomain class, User Defaults
NSGlyph data type, NSGlyph, NSGlyph (Reserved Glyph Codes)
enumeration, NSGlyph (Reserved Glyph Codes)
NSGlyphInfo class (Application Kit), NSGlyphInfo
NSGlyphInfoAtIndex function, Fonts
NSGlyphInscription data type, NSGlyphInscription
NSGlyphLayoutMode data type, NSGlyphLayoutMode
NSGlyphRelation data type, NSGlyphRelation
NSGradientType data type, NSGradientType
NSGraphics (Alpha Values) enumeration, NSGraphics (Alpha Values)
NSGraphicsContext class, Graphics Contexts, NSGraphicsContext (Attributes), NSGraphicsContext
Application Kit, NSGraphicsContext
global variables, NSGraphicsContext (Attributes)
NSHashEnumerator data type, NSHashEnumerator
NSHashGet function, Hash Tables
NSHashInsert function, Hash Tables
NSHashInsertIfAbsent function, Hash Tables
NSHashInsertKnownAbsent function, Hash Tables
NSHashRemove function, Hash Tables
NSHashTable Callbacks global variable, NSHashTable Callbacks
NSHashTable data type, NSHashTable
NSHashTableCallBacks data type, NSHashTableCallBacks
NSHeight function, Rects
NSHelpManager class (Application Kit), NSHelpManager
NSHFSTypeCodeFromFileType function, HFS File Types
NSHFSTypeOfFile function, HFS File Types
NSHighlightRect function, Graphics: General
NSHomeDirectory function, Path Utilities
NSHomeDirectoryForUser function, Path Utilities
NSHost class, Hosts, NSHost
NSHostByteOrder function, Byte Ordering
NSIgnoreMisspelledWords protocol (Application Kit), NSIgnoreMisspelledWords
NSImage class, Working with Images, NSImage, NSImage
Application Kit, NSImage
NSImageAlignment data type, NSImageAlignment
NSImageCacheMode data type, NSImageCacheMode
NSImageCell class (Application Kit), NSImageCell
NSImageFrameStyle data type, NSImageFrameStyle
NSImageInterpolation data type, NSImageInterpolation
NSImageLoadStatus data type, NSImageLoadStatus
NSImageRep class, Working with Images, NSImageRep, NSImageRep, NSImageRep (Display Device Matching), NSImageRep
Application Kit, NSImageRep
enumeration, NSImageRep (Display Device Matching)
subclasses, NSImageRep
NSImageRepLoadStatus data type, NSImageRepLoadStatus
NSImageScaling data type, NSImageScaling
NSImageView class, NSImage, NSImageView
Application Kit, NSImageView
subclass, NSImage
NSIncrementExtraRefCount function, Object Allocation
NSIndexSpecifier class, NSIndexSpecifier
NSInputManager class (Application Kit), NSInputManager
NSInputServer class (Application Kit), NSInputServer
NSInputServerMouseTracker protocol (Application Kit), NSInputServerMouseTracker
NSInputServiceProvider protocol (Application Kit), NSInputServiceProvider
NSInsertionPosition data type, NSInsertionPosition
NSInsetRect function, Rects
NSIntegralRect function, Rects
NSInterfaceStyle data type, NSInterfaceStyle, Interface Styles
NSInterfaceStyleDefault global variables, NSInterfaceStyleDefault
NSIntersectionRange function, Ranges
NSIntersectionRect function, Rects
NSIntersectsRect function, Rects
NSInvocation class, NSInvocation
NSIsEmptyRect function, Rects
NSJavaBundleCleanup function, Java Setup
NSJavaBundleSetup function, Java Setup
NSJavaClassesForBundle function, Java Setup
NSJavaClassesFromPath function, Java Setup
NSJavaNeedsToLoadClasses function, Java Setup
NSJavaNeedsVirtualMachine function, Java Setup
NSJavaObjectNamedInPath function, Java Setup
NSJavaProvidesClasses function, Java Setup
NSJavaSetup, NSJavaSetup Information, Java Setup
function, Java Setup
global variable, NSJavaSetup Information
NSJavaSetupVirtualMachine function, Java Setup
NSKeyedArchiver class, Keyed Archiving, NSKeyedArchiver
NSKeyedUnarchiver class, Keyed Archiving, NSKeyedUnarchiver
NSKeyValueCoding, Key-Value Coding, NSKeyValueCoding
protocol, NSKeyValueCoding
NSLayoutDirection data type, NSLayoutDirection
NSLayoutManager class, Text System Architecture, NSLayoutManager, Assembling the Text System, NSLayoutManager Delegation, NSLayoutManager
Application Kit, NSLayoutManager
NSLayoutStatus data type, NSLayoutStatus
NSLineBreakMode data type, NSLineBreakMode
NSLineCapStyle data type, NSLineCapStyle
NSLineJoinStyle data type, NSLineJoinStyle
NSLineMovementDirection data type, NSLineMovementDirection
NSLineSweepDirection data type, NSLineSweepDirection
NSLiteralSearch, Comparing strings
NSLocalizedString function, Bundles
NSLocalizedStringFromTable function, Bundles
NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle function, Bundles
NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue function, Bundles
NSLocalNotificationCenterType global variable, NSLocalNotificationCenterType
NSLocationInRange function, Ranges
NSLock class, Locks, NSLock, NSLock
NSLocking protocol, NSLocking
NSLog function, Objective-C Runtime
NSLogicalTest class, NSLogicalTest
NSLogPageSize function, Zones
NSLogv function, Objective-C Runtime
NSMachBootstrapServer class, NSMachBootstrapServer
NSMachPort class, NSMachPort
NSMailDelivery class, The Message Framework
NSMakePoint function, Points
NSMakeRange function, Ranges
NSMakeRect function, Rects
NSMakeSize function, Sizes
NSMapEnumerator data type, NSMapEnumerator
NSMapGet function, Map Tables
NSMapInsert function, Map Tables
NSMapInsertIfAbsent function, Map Tables
NSMapInsertKnownAbsent function, Map Tables
NSMapMember function, Map Tables
NSMapRemove function, Map Tables
NSMapTable, NSMapTable, NSMapTable Key Call Backs, NSMapTable Value Callbacks
data type, NSMapTable
Key Call Backs global variable, NSMapTable Key Call Backs
Value Callbacks global variable, NSMapTable Value Callbacks
NSMapTableKeyCallBacks data type, NSMapTableKeyCallBacks
NSMapTableValueCallBacks data type, NSMapTableValueCallBacks
NSMatrix class, Cells, NSMatrix, Subclasses
Application Kit, NSMatrix, Subclasses
subclass, Cells
NSMatrixMode data type, NSMatrixMode
NSMaxRange function, Ranges
NSMaxX function, Rects
NSMaxY function, Rects
NSMenu class, Menus, NSMenu
Application Kit, NSMenu
NSMenuItem class, Menus, NSMenuItem, NSMenuItem
Application Kit, NSMenuItem, NSMenuItem
protocol, NSMenuItem
NSMenuItemCell class (Application Kit), NSMenuItemCell
NSMenuValidation protocol (Application Kit), NSMenuValidation
NSMenuView class (Application Kit), NSMenuView
NSMessagePort class, NSMessagePort
NSMessagePortNameServer class, NSMessagePortNameServer
NSMethodSignature class, NSMethodSignature
NSMiddleSpecifier class, NSMiddleSpecifier
NSMidX function, Rects
NSMidY function, Rects
NSMinX function, Rects
NSMinY function, Rects
NSModalSession data type, NSModalSession
NSMouseInRect function, Rects
NSMoveCommand class, NSMoveCommand
NSMovie class (Application Kit), NSMovie
NSMovieView class (Application Kit), NSMovieView
NSMultibyteGlyphPacking data type, NSMultibyteGlyphPacking
NSMutableArray class, Arrays, NSMutableArray
NSMutableAttributedString class, NSMutableAttributedString
NSMutableCharacterSet class, NSMutableCharacterSet
NSMutableCopying protocol, NSMutableCopying
NSMutableData class, NSMutableData
NSMutableDictionary class, NSMutableDictionary
NSMutableParagraphStyle class (Application Kit), NSMutableParagraphStyle
NSMutableSet class, NSMutableSet
NSMutableString class, Strings, Strings, NSMutableString
appending, inserting, deleting, replacing, Strings
NSNameSpecifier class, NSNameSpecifier
NSNetService class, NSNetService, NSNetService delegate methods, Errors, NSNetService
delegate methods, NSNetService delegate methods
error codes, Errors
NSNetServiceBrowser class, NSNetServiceBrowser, NSNetServiceBrowser
NSNetServices Errors global variable, NSNetServices Errors
NSNetServicesError data type, NSNetServicesError
NSNextHashEnumeratorItem function, Hash Tables
NSNextMapEnumeratorPair function, Map Tables
NSNibAwaking protocol (Application Kit), NSNibAwaking
NSNibConnector class (Application Kit), NSNibConnector
NSNibControlConnector class (Application Kit), NSNibControlConnector
NSNibOutletConnector class (Application Kit), NSNibOutletConnector
NSNotAnIntMapKey constant, NSNotAnIntMapKey
NSNotAPointerMapKey constant, NSNotAPointerMapKey
NSNotFound, Strings, NSNotFound
enumeration, NSNotFound
NSNotification class, Notifications, Distributed Notifications, NSNotification
NSNotificationCenter class, Notifications, Distributed Notifications, NSNotificationCenter
NSNotificationCoalescing data type, NSNotificationCoalescing
NSNotificationQueue class, NSNotificationQueue
NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior data type, NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior
NSNull class, NSNull
NSNumber class, Numbers, NSNumber
NSNumberFormatter class, NSNumberFormatter
NSNumberOfColorComponents function, Graphics: Window Depth
NSObjCTypeSerializationCallBack protocol, NSObjCTypeSerializationCallBack
NSObjCValue data type, NSObjCValue
NSObject class, NSObject, NSObject
protocol, NSObject
NSOffsetRect function, Rects
NSOpenGLContext class (Application Kit), NSOpenGLContext
NSOpenGLContextAuxiliary data type, NSOpenGLContextAuxiliary
NSOpenGLContextParameter data type, NSOpenGLContextParameter
NSOpenGLGetOption function, OpenGL
NSOpenGLGetVersion function, OpenGL
NSOpenGLGlobalOption data type, NSOpenGLGlobalOption
NSOpenGLPixelFormat class (Application Kit), NSOpenGLPixelFormat
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute data type, NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAuxiliary data type, NSOpenGLPixelFormatAuxiliary
NSOpenGLSetOption function, OpenGL
NSOpenGLView class (Application Kit), NSOpenGLView
NSOpenPanel class (Application Kit), NSOpenPanel
NSOpenStepRootDirectory function, Path Utilities
NSOpenStepUnicodeReservedBase enumeration, NSOpenStepUnicodeReservedBase
NSOutlineView class, NSOutlineView (Drop on Index), NSOutlineView
Application Kit, NSOutlineView
enumeration, NSOutlineView (Drop on Index)
NSOutlineViewDataSource protocol (Application Kit), NSOutlineViewDataSource
NSPageLayout class (Application Kit), NSPageLayout
NSPageSize function, Zones
NSPanel class, NSPanel (Alert Panel Return Values), NSPanel (Modal Panel Return Values), NSPanel (Style Mask), NSPanel
Application Kit, NSPanel
enumeration, NSPanel (Alert Panel Return Values), NSPanel (Modal Panel Return Values), NSPanel (Style Mask)
NSParagraphStyle class (Application Kit), NSParagraphStyle
NSParameterAssert function, Assertions
NSPasteboard class, NSPasteboard (Names), NSPasteboard (Types for Sound Data), NSPasteboard (Types for Standard Data), NSPasteboard
Application Kit, NSPasteboard
global variables, NSPasteboard (Names), NSPasteboard (Types for Sound Data), NSPasteboard (Types for Standard Data)
NSPDFImageRep, NSImageRep
subclass, NSImageRep
NSPDFImageRep class, NSPDFImageRep
Application Kit, NSPDFImageRep
NSPerformService function, Applications
NSPictImageRep, NSImageRep
subclass, NSImageRep
NSPictImageRep class, NSPICTImageRep
Application Kit, NSPICTImageRep
NSPipe class, Interapplication Communication, NSPipe
NSPlanarFromDepth function, Graphics: Window Depth
NSPoint data type, NSPoint, Points
NSPointArray data type, NSPointArray
NSPointFromString function, Points
NSPointInRect function, Rects
NSPointPointer data type, NSPointPointer
NSPopUpArrowPosition data type, NSPopUpArrowPosition
NSPopUpButton class (Application Kit), NSPopUpButton
NSPopUpButtonCell class (Application Kit), NSPopUpButtonCell
NSPort class, NSPort
NSPortCoder class, Keyed Archiving, NSPortCoder
NSPortMessage class, NSPortMessage
NSPortNameServer class, NSPortNameServer
NSPositionalSpecifier class, NSPositionalSpecifier
NSPostingStyle data type, NSPostingStyle
NSPrinter class (Application Kit), NSProgressIndicator
NSPrinterTableStatus data type, NSPrinterTableStatus
NSPrintInfo class, NSPrintInfo (Dictionary Keys), NSPrinter
Application Kit, NSPrinter
global variables, NSPrintInfo (Dictionary Keys)
NSPrintingOrientation data type, NSPrintingOrientation
NSPrintingPageOrder data type, NSPrintingPageOrder
NSPrintingPaginationMode data type, NSPrintingPaginationMode
NSPrintOperation class (Application Kit), NSPrintOperation
NSPrintPanel class, NSPrintPanel (Job Style Hints), NSPrintPanel
Application Kit, NSPrintPanel
global variables, NSPrintPanel (Job Style Hints)
NSProcessInfo class, Operating System Interaction, NSProcessInfo (Operating Systems), NSProcessInfo
enumeration, NSProcessInfo (Operating Systems)
NSProgressIndicator class (Application Kit), NSProgressIndicator
NSProgressIndicatorStyle data type, NSProgressIndicatorStyle
NSProgressIndicatorThickness data type, NSProgressIndicatorThickness
NSPropertyListFormat data type, NSPropertyListFormat
NSPropertyListMutabilityOptions data type, NSPropertyListMutabilityOptions
NSPropertyListSerialization class, NSPropertyListSerialization
NSPropertySpecifier class, NSPropertySpecifier
NSProtocolChecker class, NSProtocolChecker
NSProxy class, NSProxy
NSQTMovieLoopMode data type, NSQTMovieLoopMode
NSQuickDrawView class (Application Kit), NSQuickDrawView
NSQuitCommand class, NSQuitCommand
NSRandomSpecifier class, NSRandomSpecifier
NSRange data type, Strings, NSRange, Ranges
NSRangeFromString function, Ranges
NSRangePointer data type, NSRangePointer
NSRangeSpecifier class, NSRangeSpecifier
NSReadPixel function, Graphics: General
NSRealMemoryAvailable function, Zones
NSRect data type, NSRect, Rects
NSRectArray data type, NSRectArray
NSRectClip function, Graphics: General
NSRectClipList function, Graphics: General
NSRectEdge data type, NSRectEdge
NSRectFill function, Graphics: General
NSRectFillList function, Graphics: General
NSRectFillListUsingOperation function, Graphics: General
NSRectFillListWithColors function, Graphics: General
NSRectFillListWithColorsUsingOperation function, Graphics: General
NSRectFillListWithGrays function, Graphics: General
NSRectFillUsingOperation function, Graphics: General
NSRectFromString function, Rects
NSRectPointer data type, NSRectPointer
NSRecursiveLock class, NSRecursiveLock, NSRecursiveLock
NSRecycleZone function, Zones
NSRegisterServicesProvider function, Applications
NSRegistrationDomain class, User Defaults
NSRelativePosition data type, NSRelativePosition
NSRelativeSpecifier class, NSRelativeSpecifier
NSReleaseAlertPanel function, Panels
NSRequestUserAttentionType data type, NSRequestUserAttentionType
NSResetHashTable function, Hash Tables
NSResetMapTable function, Map Tables
NSResponder, The Responder Chain
NSResponder class, The View, Event Handling, NSResponder, Subclasses
Application Kit, NSResponder, Subclasses
NSReturnAddress function, Zones
NSRoundDownToMultipleOfPageSize function, Zones
NSRoundingMode data type, NSRoundingMode
NSRoundUpToMultipleOfPageSize function, Zones
NSRulerMarker class (Application Kit), NSRulerMarker
NSRulerOrientation data type, NSRulerOrientation
NSRulerView class (Application Kit), NSRulerView
NSRunAlertPanel function, Panels
NSRunCriticalAlertPanel function, Panels
NSRunInformationalAlertPanel function, Panels
NSRunLoop class, The run loop, NSRunLoop (Ordering Modes for NSApplication), NSRunLoop (Ordering Modes for NSWindow), NSRunLoop (Modes), NSRunLoop
enumeration, NSRunLoop (Ordering Modes for NSApplication), NSRunLoop (Ordering Modes for NSWindow)
global variables, NSRunLoop (Modes)
NSSaveOperationType data type, NSSaveOperationType
NSSaveOptions data type, NSSaveOptions
NSSavePanel class, NSSavePanel (Tags for Subviews), NSSavePanel
Application Kit, NSSavePanel
enumeration, NSSavePanel (Tags for Subviews)
NSScanner class, NSScanner, NSScanner
NSScreen class (Application Kit), NSScreen
NSScreenAuxiliaryOpaque data type, NSScreenAuxiliaryOpaque
NSScriptClassDescription class, NSScriptClassDescription
NSScriptCoercionHandler class, NSScriptCoercionHandler
NSScriptCommand class, NSScriptCommand (General Command Execution Errors), NSScriptCommand
enumeration, NSScriptCommand (General Command Execution Errors)
NSScriptCommandDescription class, NSScriptCommandDescription
NSScriptExecutionContext class, NSScriptExecutionContext
NSScriptingComparisonMethods protocol, NSURLHandleClient
NSScriptKeyValueCoding, NSScriptKeyValueCoding, NSScriptingComparisonMethods
exception, NSScriptKeyValueCoding
protocol, NSScriptingComparisonMethods
NSScriptObjectSpecifier class, NSScriptObjectSpecifier (Specifier Evaluation Errors), NSScriptObjectSpecifier
enumeration, NSScriptObjectSpecifier (Specifier Evaluation Errors)
NSScriptObjectSpecifiers protocol, NSScriptObjectSpecifiers
NSScriptSuiteRegistry class, NSScriptSuiteRegistry
NSScriptWhoseTest class, NSScriptWhoseTest
NSScrollArrowPosition data type, NSScrollArrowPosition
NSScroller class (Application Kit), NSSecureTextField
NSScrollerArrow data type, NSScrollerArrow
NSScrollerPart data type, NSScrollerPart
NSScrollView class, The View, NSScrollView
Application Kit, NSScrollView
NSSearchPathDirectory data type, NSSearchPathDirectory
NSSearchPathDomainMask data type, NSSearchPathDomainMask
NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains function, Path Utilities
NSSecureTextField class (Application Kit), NSSecureTextField
NSSecureTextFieldCell class (Application Kit), NSSecureTextFieldCell
NSSelectionAffinity data type, NSSelectionAffinity
NSSelectionDirection data type, NSSelectionDirection
NSSelectionGranularity data type, NSSelectionGranularity
NSSelectorFromString function, Objective-C Runtime
NSSerializer class, NSSerializer
NSServicesRequests protocol (Application Kit), NSServicesRequests
NSSet class, Collections, Sets, NSSet
NSSetCommand class, NSSetCommand
NSSetFocusRingStyle function, Graphics: General
NSSetShowsServicesMenuItem function, Applications
NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler function, Uncaught Exceptions
NSSetZoneName function, Zones
NSShouldRetainWithZone function, Object Allocation
NSShowsServicesMenuItem function, Applications
NSSimpleHorizontalTypesetter class (Application Kit), NSSimpleHorizontalTypesetter
NSSize data type, NSSize, Sizes
NSSizeArray data type, NSSizeArray
NSSizeFromString function, Sizes
NSSizePointer data type, NSSizePointer
NSSlider class (Application Kit), NSSlider
NSSliderCell class (Application Kit), NSSliderCell
NSSocketPort class, Sockets, NSSocketPort
NSSocketPortNameServer class, NSSocketPortNameServer
NSSound class (Application Kit), NSSound
NSSpecifierTest class, NSSpecifierTest
NSSpellChecker class (Application Kit), NSSpellChecker
NSSpellServer class, NSSpellServer
NSSplitView class (Application Kit), NSSplitView
NSStatusBar class (Application Kit), NSStatusBar
NSStatusItem class (Application Kit), NSStatusItem
NSStepper class (Application Kit), NSStepper
NSStepperCell class (Application Kit), NSStepperCell
NSString class, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Comparing strings, Drawing Text, NSString Handling, NSString
append a format, Strings
append a string, Strings
check for prefix or suffix, Strings
comparing strings, Comparing strings
create a string using printf style formatting, Strings
create a string with a character array, Strings
create one string from another string, Strings
determine the length of a string, Strings
extract strings, Strings
get a C string from, Strings
handling exception, NSString Handling
initializing, Strings
literal syntax, Strings
release, Strings
retain, Strings
return 6 characters starting at index 7, Strings
return capitalization, Strings
return characters from beginning to character 5, Strings
return lowercase, Strings
return uppercase, Strings
search substrings, Strings
Unicode and, Strings
using text file to initialize a string, Strings
NSStringEncoding data type, NSStringEncoding
NSStringFromClass function, Objective-C Runtime
NSStringFromHashTable function, Hash Tables
NSStringFromMapTable function, Map Tables
NSStringFromPoint function, Points
NSStringFromRange function, Ranges
NSStringFromRect function, Rects
NSStringFromSelector function, Objective-C Runtime
NSStringFromSize function, Sizes
NSSwapBigDoubleToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapBigFloatToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapBigIntToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapBigLongLongToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapBigLongToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapBigShortToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapDouble function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapFloat function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostDoubleToBig function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostDoubleToLittle function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostFloatToBig function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostFloatToLittle function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostIntToBig function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostIntToLittle function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostLongLongToBig function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostLongLongToLittle function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostLongToBig function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostLongToLittle function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostShortToBig function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapHostShortToLittle function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapInt function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLittleDoubleToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLittleFloatToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLittleIntToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLittleLongLongToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLittleLongToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLittleShortToHost function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLong function, Byte Ordering
NSSwapLongLong function, Byte Ordering
NSSwappedDouble data type, NSSwappedDouble
NSSwappedFloat data type, NSSwappedFloat
NSSwapShort function, Byte Ordering
NSTableColumn class (Application Kit), NSText
NSTableDataSource protocol (Application Kit), NSTableDataSource
NSTableHeaderCell class (Application Kit), NSTableHeaderCell
NSTableHeaderView class (Application Kit), NSTableHeaderView
NSTableView class (Application Kit), NSTableView, Subclasses
NSTableViewDropOperation data type, NSTextAlignment
NSTabState data type, NSTabState
NSTabView class (Application Kit), NSTableColumn
NSTabViewItem class (Application Kit), NSTabViewItem
NSTabViewItemAuxiliaryOpaque data type, NSTabViewItemAuxiliaryOpaque
NSTabViewType data type, NSTabViewType
NSTask class, Tasks, NSTask
NSTemporaryDirectory function, Path Utilities
NSTestComparisonOperation data type, NSTestComparisonOperation
NSText class, NSText (Important Unicodes), NSText (Movement Codes), NSText, Subclasses
Application Kit, NSText, Subclasses
enumeration, NSText (Important Unicodes), NSText (Movement Codes)
NSTextAlignment data type, NSTextAlignment
NSTextAttachment (Attachment Character) enumeration, NSTextAttachment (Attachment Character)
NSTextAttachment class (Application Kit), NSTextAttachment
NSTextAttachmentCell class (Application Kit), NSTextAttachmentCell
NSTextAttachmentCell protocol (Application Kit), NSTextAttachmentCell
NSTextContainer class, Text System Architecture, NSTextContainer, Assembling the Text System, NSTextContainer
Application Kit, NSTextContainer
NSTextField class (Application Kit), NSTextField
NSTextFieldBezelStyle data type, NSTextFieldBezelStyle
NSTextFieldCell class (Application Kit), NSTextFieldCell
NSTextInput protocol (Application Kit), NSTextInput
NSTextStorage class, Text System Architecture, NSTextStorage, Assembling the Text System, NSTextStorage (Editing), NSTextStorage
Application Kit, NSTextStorage
enumeration, NSTextStorage (Editing)
NSTextStorage subclass, NSTextStorage
NSTextStorageScripting protocol (Application Kit), NSTextStorageScripting
NSTextTab class (Application Kit), NSTextTab
NSTextTabType data type, NSTextTabType
NSTextView class, Text System Architecture, NSTextView, NSTextView
Application Kit, NSTextView
NSThread class, Threaded Programming, Threaded Programming, NSThread
sleepUntilDate: method, Threaded Programming
NSTickMarkPosition data type, NSTickMarkPosition
NSTIFFCompression data type, NSTIFFCompression
NSTimeInterval data type, NSTimeInterval
NSTimer class, NSURL
NSTimeZone class, Dates and Time, NSTimer
NSTitlePosition data type, NSTitlePosition
NSToolbar class, Toolbars, NSToolbar
Application Kit, NSToolbar
NSToolbarDisplayMode data type, NSToolbarDisplayMode
NSToolbarItem class, Toolbars, NSToolbarItem (Standard Identifiers), NSToolbarItem
Application Kit, NSToolbarItem
global variables, NSToolbarItem (Standard Identifiers)
NSToolbarItemValidation protocol (Application Kit), NSToolbarItemValidation
NSToolbarSizeMode data type, NSToolbarSizeMode
NSToolTipOwner protocol (Application Kit), NSToolbarItemValidation
NSToolTipTag data type, NSToolTipTag
NSTrackingRectTag data type, NSTrackingRectTag
NSTypesetter class (Application Kit), NSTypesetter
NSTypesetterBehavior data type, NSTypesetterBehavior
NSTypesetterGlyphInfo data type, NSTypesetterGlyphInfo
NSUnarchiver class, Archiving Objects, NSUnarchiver
NSUncaughtExceptionHandler data type, NSUncaughtExceptionHandler
NSUndoCloseGroupingRunLoopOrdering enumeration, NSUndoCloseGroupingRunLoopOrdering
NSUndoManager class, NSUndoManager
NSUnionRange function, Ranges
NSUnionRect function, Rects
NSUniqueIDSpecifier class, NSUniqueIDSpecifier
NSUnRegisterServicesProvider function, Applications
NSUpdateDynamicServices function, Applications
NSURL class, URL Resources, Working with URLs, Working with URLs, NSURL Schemes, NSURL
global variable, NSURL Schemes
methods, Working with URLs
NSURLHandle class, URL Resources, URL Handles, NSURLHandle
NSURLHandle FTP Property Keys global variable, NSURLHandle FTP Property Keys
NSURLHandle HTTP Property Keys global variable, NSURLHandle HTTP Property Keys
NSURLHandleClient protocol, NSURLHandleClient
NSURLHandleStatus data type, NSURLHandleStatus
NSUsableScrollerParts data type, NSUsableScrollerParts
NSUserDefaults class, User Defaults, NSUserDefaults Domains, NSUserDefaults
global variable, NSUserDefaults Domains
NSUserInterfaceValidations protocol (Application Kit), NSUserInterfaceValidations
NSUserName function, Path Utilities
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol (Application Kit), NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem
NSValue class, NSValue
NSView class, Application Architecture, The View, Managing the view hierarchy, NSView (Resizing), NSView, Subclasses
Application Kit, NSView, Subclasses
enumeration, NSView (Resizing)
NSWhoseSpecifier class, NSWhoseSpecifier
NSWhoseSubelementIdentifier data type, NSWhoseSubelementIdentifier
NSWidth function, Rects
NSWindingRule data type, NSWindingRule
NSWindow class, Application Architecture, The Window, NSWindow (Border Masks), NSWindow (Sizes), NSWindow (Window Levels), NSWindow, Subclasses
Application Kit, NSWindow, Subclasses
enumeration, NSWindow (Border Masks)
global variables, NSWindow (Sizes), NSWindow (Window Levels)
NSWindowAuxiliaryOpaque data type, NSWindowAuxiliaryOpaque
NSWindowButton data type, NSWindowButton
NSWindowController class, Document-Based Applications, NSWindowController
Application Kit, NSWindowController
NSWindowDepth data type, NSWindowDepth
NSWindowList function, Graphics: General
NSWindowListForContext function, Graphics: General
NSWindowOrderingMode data type, NSWindowOrderingMode
NSWindowScripting protocol (Application Kit), NSWindowScripting
NSWorkspace class, NSWorkspace (File Operation Constants), NSWorkspace (File Types), NSWorkspace
Application Kit, NSWorkspace
global variables, NSWorkspace (File Operation Constants), NSWorkspace (File Types)
NSWritingDirection data type, NSWritingDirection
NSZone data type, NSZone
NSZoneCalloc function, Zones
NSZoneFree function, Zones
NSZoneFromPointer function, Zones
NSZoneMalloc function, Zones
NSZoneName function, Zones
NSZoneRealloc function, Zones
number precision, NSDecimalNumberBehaviors
numeric data types, Numbers


object allocation functions, Object Allocation
object specifiers, defined, NSScriptObjectSpecifier
object tree, NSArchiver
object-oriented programming (OOP), Preface
Objective-C, Languages, Objective-C, Naming Conventions, Naming Conventions, Objective-C Runtime
naming conventions, Naming Conventions
runtime functions, Objective-C Runtime
objects, Objects, Creating Object Instances, Deallocating Objects, Protocols, Archiving Objects, Distributed Notifications, Distributed Objects, Connecting to a remote object, DO and threads, Working with Multiple-Value Objects, NSArray, NSCloneCommand, NSCloseCommand, NSCoder, NSCountCommand, NSDeleteCommand, NSDistantObject, NSDistributedLock, NSMutableArray, NSMutableArray, NSMutableData, NSMutableSet, NSPortCoder, NSPositionalSpecifier, NSPropertyListSerialization, NSProtocolChecker, NSScanner, NSSerializer, NSComparisonMethods, NSCopying, NSLocking, NSMutableCopying, NSObject, NSScriptingComparisonMethods, NSHelpManager, NSMutableParagraphStyle
archiving, Archiving Objects, NSCoder
arrays, NSMutableArray
checking that conforms to protocol, Protocols
cloned, NSCloneCommand
closing, NSCloseCommand
collection, NSArray, NSPositionalSpecifier
comparing, NSComparisonMethods, NSScriptingComparisonMethods
copying, NSCopying
counting, NSCountCommand
creating instances, Creating Object Instances
data, altering, NSMutableData
deallocating, Deallocating Objects
defined, Objects
deleting, NSDeleteCommand
distributed, Distributed Notifications, Distributed Objects
distributed, threads and, DO and threads
first-class, NSObject
help manager, NSHelpManager
locally representing, NSDistantObject
lock, NSLocking
modifying sets, NSMutableSet
multiple-value, Working with Multiple-Value Objects
mutable copies, NSMutableCopying
ordered collections, NSMutableArray
paragraph style, NSMutableParagraphStyle
property list, NSPropertyListSerialization, NSSerializer
proxies, NSPortCoder
proxy for, NSProtocolChecker
remote, connecting to, Connecting to a remote object
scanner, NSScanner
used by multiple applications, NSDistributedLock
observers (notification center), Notifications
Omni Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks
OmniAppKit, Third-Party Frameworks
OmniBase, Third-Party Frameworks
OmniFoundation, Third-Party Frameworks
OmniHTML, Third-Party Frameworks
OmniNetworking, Third-Party Frameworks
OWF, Third-Party Frameworks
Omni Group, The web site, Third-Party Frameworks
Open panel, NSOpenPanel
OpenGL API, NSOpenGLContext
OpenGL functions (Application Kit), OpenGL
outlets, The Cocoa Development Environment, Outlets and Actions, Outlets and Actions
actions and, Outlets and Actions
defined, The Cocoa Development Environment, Outlets and Actions
outline view, NSOutlineView
overriding a superclass method, Overriding Superclass Methods


Page Layout panel, NSPageLayout
page-view, Paginating text
paginating text, Paginating text
panel functions (Application Kit), Panels
paragraph style, NSMutableParagraphStyle
parent window, defined, Drawers
pasteboard functions (Application Kit), Pasteboards
pasteboard server, NSPasteboard
path flatness, Line Attributes
path utilities functions, Path Utilities
PDF image rendering, NSPDFImageRep
persistent domains, User Defaults
point functions, Points
pop-up button interface, NSPopUpButton
port name servers, NSMessagePortNameServer, NSSocketPortNameServer
port registration services, NSPortNameServer
PPD file, NSPrinter
presentation layer, NSTextView
primary identifier, Working with Multiple-Value Objects
print job information, NSPrintInfo
Print panel, NSPrintPanel
Print Preview window, Multicolumn text
printf-style formatting web site, Strings
process discovery, Operating System Interaction
Project Builder, defined, The Cocoa Development Environment
property keys (AddressBook framework), AddressBook
property list objects, NSDeserializer, NSPropertyListSerialization, NSSerializer
proposed rectangle, How Text Is Laid Out
protocols, Protocols, Protocols, Foundation Protocols, Application Kit Protocols
Application Kit, Application Kit Protocols
defining, Protocols
Foundation, Foundation Protocols
proxies, NSProtocolChecker


Quartz, Application Architecture, The Role of Quartz, The Role of Quartz, The Role of Quartz, Working with Paths, Compositing
2D API, The Role of Quartz
composite images and, Compositing
Compositor, The Role of Quartz
defined, The Role of Quartz
path-based drawing API, Working with Paths
querying the contents of the array, NSArray
quick reference, how it was generated, How the Quick Reference Was Generated
QuickDraw drawing commands, NSQuickDrawView
QuickTime movie data, NSMovie


range functions, Ranges
rect functions, Rects
reference counting mechanism, Memory Management
Rendezvous network services, Rendezvous Network Services, Rendezvous Network Services
web site, Rendezvous Network Services
resources for Cocoa developers, Appendix: Resources for Cocoa Developers, Partnering with Apple, Apple Documentation, Related Books, Web Sites, Mailing Lists, Partnering with Apple
Apple documentation, Apple Documentation
Apple partnering programs, Partnering with Apple
mailing lists, Mailing Lists
related books, Related Books
web sites, Web Sites
resources, application, Bundles and Resource Management, Loading Resources
loading resources, Loading Resources
responder chain, Cocoa Design Patterns, Event Handling, The Responder Chain
pattern, defined, Cocoa Design Patterns
retrieve objects from an archive, NSArchiver
root class, The Root Class, NSObject
rotating, Transformations
ruler view, NSRulerView
run loops, The Application, The run loop, NSRunLoop, NSTimer
defined, The Application


scalar data items, NSValue
scaling, Transformations
scanners, NSScanner, NSScanner
scoping instance variables, Scoping instance variables
screen readers, NSAccessibility
script suites, NSScriptSuiteRegistry
scriptable classes, NSScriptClassDescription
scripting, NSMiddleSpecifier, NSScriptCoercionHandler, NSScriptCommand, NSScriptCommandDescription, NSSetCommand, NSScriptObjectSpecifiers, NSWindowScripting
commands, NSScriptCommandDescription
data types, NSScriptCoercionHandler
language reference form, NSMiddleSpecifier
statements, NSScriptCommand
scroll view, The View, NSScroller
scrolling, NSClipView
Search Types enumeration, Search Types
secure text, NSSecureTextField
selectors, defined, Selectors
serialization and deserialization operations, NSObjCTypeSerializationCallBack
server setup, Setting up a server
set, Transformations
setAction: method, Target/Action
setTarget: method, Target/Action
sheet funtions, Sheets
sheets, Sheets
single inheritance language, Classes
singleton design pattern, defined, Cocoa Design Patterns
size functions, Sizes
sleepUntilDate: method, Threaded Programming
slider controls, NSSlider
socket file descriptors, NSSocketPort
sockets, Sockets
sound file player, NSSound
special variables, Special Variables
spellchecking, NSSpellServer, NSSpellChecker
Spelling panel, NSChangeSpelling, NSIgnoreMisspelledWords
static typing, defined, Static Typing
status bars, NSStatusBar
Stepwise (Softtrak) web site, Third-Party Frameworks
String Encodings enumeration, String Encodings
strings, Comparing strings, Attributed strings, NSAttributedString, NSMutableAttributedString, NSMutableString, NSString
altering contents and attributes, NSMutableAttributedString
altering portions of, NSMutableString
attributes, Attributed strings, NSAttributedString
comparing, Comparing strings
manipulating, NSString
subprocesses, Operating System Interaction
subviews, The View
superclass methods, overriding, Overriding Superclass Methods
superview, The View
symbolic marker display, NSRulerMarker


target/action pattern, Cocoa Design Patterns, Target/Action, NSActionCell
defined, Cocoa Design Patterns
tasks, Tasks
text, Drawing Text, Assembling the Text System
drawing, Drawing Text
manual assembly of components, Assembling the Text System
text attachments, NSTextAttachmentCell
text handling, Text Handling, NSLayoutManager Delegation, Text System Architecture, How Text Is Laid Out, Assembling the Text System, NSTextStorage
assembling, Assembling the Text System
classes, Text System Architecture
layout, How Text Is Laid Out
text input, NSInputManager
text layout, Layout Scenarios, Simple layout, Paginating text, Multicolumn text, Multiple simultaneous layouts
multicolumn text, Multicolumn text
multiple simultaneous layouts, Multiple simultaneous layouts
paginating, Paginating text
scenarios, Layout Scenarios
simple, Simple layout
text storage, NSTextStorageScripting
textual representations of cells, NSFormatter, NSNumberFormatter
third-party frameworks, Third-Party Frameworks
thread communication, NSPort
thread locking, NSConditionLock
thread locks, NSLock
threaded programming, Threaded Programming
threads, input resources, NSRunLoop
time zones, NSCalendarDate, NSTimeZone
toolbars, Toolbars, Toolbars, Toolbars, NSToolbar
item identifiers, Toolbars
methods, Toolbars
tracking rectangles, Managing the view hierarchy
transform convenience constructor, Transformations
transformations, Transformations
translating, Transformations


uncaught exceptions, Uncaught Exceptions
undo and redo system, NSUndoManager
Unicode characters, Strings, NSTextStorage, NSCharacterSet, NSString
catalog web site, Strings
unique ID, NSUniqueIDSpecifier
Unix pipes, NSPipe
unordered collections, Sets
URL resources, URL Resources, NSURL
user defaults, User Defaults, NSUserDefaults


web sites for Cocoa developers, Web Sites
winding rule, Line Attributes, Winding rule, Winding rule, Winding rule
even-odd, Winding rule
non-zero, Winding rule
window class, The Window
workspace services, NSWorkspace
wrapper, around a C data buffer, NSData
wrappers, file, NSFileWrapper


Zero Constants global variable, Zero Constants
zero-configuration networking (zeroconf), Rendezvous Network Services
zones, memory, Zones