Appendix C


As Recorded by Frederick Dalcho

The following are the inscriptions on the monuments according to their date:

To the Memory of/JOHN GARRARD , ESQ ./Merchant at Havanna,/Third Son of Sr. Samuel Garrard, Bart./and Senior Alderman of London;/who for the recovery of his Health/Came to this Place;/But died the night he/Landed on the 18th of/May 1722,/And in the 22d year/of his age./In Calo Salus est .

Near this Place lyes the Body of his Excellency/ROBERT JOHNSON , Esquire, His Majesty’s/First Captain General, Governor and Commander/in Chief and Vice-Admiral of this Province,/After the Purchase thereof from the/Lords Proprietors./Who Dyed the 3d day of May/Annoque Domini 1735, aged 58 years./To whose Memory The General Assembly gave/This Marble to be Erected as a Mark of Peculiar/Esteem and Gratitude for his Mild, Just/and Generous Administration./And beside him lyes his Beloved Consort,/Mrs. MARGARET JOHNSON , an amiable, sensible Lady,/Of Exemplary Piety, Charity and Oeconomy,/Who Dyed the 5th day of July/Annoque Domini 1732, aged 45 years .

In the Cemetery of this Church/lie the Remains/of/HECTOR BERENGER DE BEUFAIN , ESQ ./Born at Orange in France, in the year of our Lord, 1697; He came/from London to South-Carolina in 1733, where he resided/the Remainder of his Life; in 1742 He was appointed/Collector of His Majesty’s Customs, and in 1747 Member/of His Majesty’s Council for this Province./He died Oct. 13, 1766,/deservedly Regretted./A Man/Of unshaken Integrity in the discharges of his Public Trust,/Never relaxed to the Prejudice of the Crown Revenue,/Never rigorously enforced to the oppression of the Innocent;/Of most benevolent humanity;/Always ready to relieve the distressed/without ostentation;/Of humblest manners, tho’ possessed of eminent Talents./Master of the Learned Languages,/And tho’ a Foreigner, a profound critic in the English Tongue,/Tho’ humble, inflexibly adhering to the Rules/Of Justice, honor and politeness;/Complacent in his behaviour to all;/Thus meriting he thus acquired/Universal Esteem./His fellow citizens of this Province,/For many years the Witnesses and Admirers/Of his virtues uniformly practiced thro’ life,/have erected this Monument/Sacred to the Memory/of his Merit and their Love./MDCCLXVII .

Ultima Ratio./Sacred to the Memory/Of a Patriot Soldier eminent for his/Defense of the Rights of Mankind in General/and these United States in Particular; and who sealed/With his Blood the contract of/Fidelity to his Country./At the commencement of the American opposition/To British Usurpation,/PHILIP NEYLE , ESQUIRE ,/Devoted himself to the support of the/Just claims of his native Land./Which with alacrity and inviolate attachment,/He was performing the duties of a/Good Citizen and Gallant Officer,/At the siege of Charlestown,/A cannon ball deprived his country of his services/His friends of an ingenious, benevolent & amiable companion,/And his Infirm Parents of the comfort and support/Afforded by his Filial Piety./It was the Dying request of his aged Father,/That this Marble should be Inscribed/To his much loved Son./The country in whose cause he fell/Will long cherish his Memory with/Gratitude and Affection./Occidit die Aprilis Anno Domini 1780, Ætatisque 29./Honor et Honestas .

To the Memory/of/ISAAC MOTTE , ESQ . and ELIZABETH his Wife./He/Discharged the Duties/In a Public Character,/of/Treasurer of this Province/For Thirty years;/And in a Private Station/Of a Citizen, Husband and Father,/To the age of Seventy years,/With Integrity, Benevolence/and the utmost/Affection./She/As a Wife, a Mother, a Friend,/Appeared not less/Amiable./Beati in Domino Morientes .

Ye that Peruse his Name who living shin’d/Oh! bear the Merits of the Dead in Mind!/How skill’d he was in each engaging Art,/The Mildest Manners with a generous Heart./He was—but Heav’n how soon ordain’d his End,/In Death a Hero, as in Life a Friend./Sacred to the Memory of/MAJOR BENJAMIN HUGER ,/Who fell before the Lines of Charlestown,/On the 11th day of May 1779,/In the thirty-second year of his Age,/This Memorial of her affection/Was caused to be erected by his Widow/1786 .

In the Cemetery of this Church, entombed, lie the Remains of/The Honorable OTHNIEL BEALE ,/A Member of the King’s Council of South-Carolina,/And 27 years Colonel of the Charlestown Regiment./Through the vicissitudes of a long Life,/he manifested an attention to the Service of God/that was constant, and exemplary:/In the discharge of his public Duties, Firmness, Integrity and Diligence,/And of his private, Justice, Cheerfulness, Benevolence./He died the 22d day of March 1773, in the 84th year of his age./By his side lie the Remains of KATHARINE , his Wife,/Who died the 4th of January 1774./She was pious, affectionate and charitable./By her he had two children: John, married to Mary Ross;/And Hannah, married to the Honorable William Bull,/Appointed in 1759 Lieut. Govr. of South-Carolina./Sacred to the Memory of his honored Parents,/this Monument is erected by their Son, MDCCLXXXVIII .

Sacred to the Memory/Of THOMAS RADCLIFFE , Esq./A virtuous, amiable Man:/Six years a Member of the [Senate]; a sincere adherent of the Church;/And for some years, a Faithful Warden of the Poor in this Parish;/Who died on the 15th of September 1806/aged 66 years and two months:/also/Of THOMAS RADCLIFFE , Jun. His only Son,/Who died April 20th , 1804, in his 25th year:/And his Grandsons,/THOMAS and JOHN -TRACEY ,/Children of the said Thomas Radcliffe, Jun./Who died 3d May, 1804, and 10th March, 1806,/In early Infancy!/This monument was erected by the Disconsolate/Lucretia Constantia Radcliffe,/Widow, Parent and Grandmother of the Deceased .

Quanto Minus est cum aliis/Versari, Quam Tui Meminisse./This Monument is erected to the Memory/Of CHARLES DEWAR SIMONS , Esq./Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry,/In the College of South-Carolina;/Who was drowned near Columbia,/On the 21st day of Jan. 1812, in the 26th year of his age./His intense application to the Study of Nature,/Was crowned with uncommon success,/And promised, if his life had been prolonged,/To have extended that Boundaries of Science,/And added largely to the Stock/Of Human Happiness./His mind was energetic, his Perception Quick,/And his Heart enriched with the Virtues,/And elevated by the Hopes,/Of Christianity./Long will his Family cherish the Recollection of his Worth;/The tears of his Pupils consecrate this offering of Affection;/And Science, Genius and Patriotism,/Mourn their Common Loss .

The following inscriptions are from the monuments and tablets on the walls of the church:

In the hopes of a Joyful Resurrection,/Here or near this Place lies/the Body of Mrs. SARAH WHITAKER ,/the Wife of Benjamin Whitaker, Esq./She was a pious, virtuous and good Woman,/A tender, constant and affectionate Wife,/A sincere friend, innocent and inoffensive./She was married on the 20th day of May 1719,/in the bloom of youth./But in a few years she was afflicted/with a severe Indisposition,/Which she bore patiently, and even cheerfully./She died on the 29th day of Dec., 1747,/generally lamented./When under the serenity and calmness/Of a good and quiet conscience, she meekly/And humbly, with a perfect Resignation/to the Will of God,/Yielded her Soul to Him who gave it./In Heaven is Health .

Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. ALICIA POWELL ,/Wife of Robert Wm. Powell, Merchant,/Who died the 25th of February 1781,/aged 30 years./She was a Woman of real merit and exemplary virtue/in every Relation of Life./In Death’s soft slumbers lull’d to Rest,/She sleeps, by smiling Vision’s blest,/That gently whisper Peace;/Till the last Morn’s fair op’ning Ray,/Unfolds the bright ethereal Day/Of active Life and Bliss .

To the Memory/of/Mrs. MARY CHAMPNEYS ,/Wife of/John Champneys,/who died 2d April 1800/aged 49./Having discharged/Through life, with fidelity,/and affection, all the/Relative duties of/Daughter, Sister, Wife,/Mother and Friend .

Sacred to the Memory/of/Mr. JOHN VICARS , who died May 8th /1806, in the 70th year of his age./Mr. Vicars was a native of England,/and had been 26 years a/respectable merchant of Charlestown,/and one of the most regular/And devout worshippers in this Church./With an Ardour/for the advancement of Religion,/And a peculiar/Attachment to this Congregation,/At his death he willed a Legacy/Of 500£sterling to/St. Philip’s Church:/The Vestry and Wardens of which have with gratitude and respect erected/this Monument to his Memory .

This Perishing Monument/Can but weakly express/The Virtues of her/To whose Memory it is erected./MARTHA CANNON /Who was born on the 2d of October 1760/And died on the 2d of November 1814./Aged Fifty-four years and one month./She had long been a member of this Church,/Respected and Beloved,/By all who knew her,/For her Exemplary Piety,/Her Amiable Deportment,/And her Unbounded Charity./The Poor never left her Empty,/The Orphan never saw her but with gratitude./Her life was the life of the Righteous,/Her death was that of the Christian./“Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord.”/As a poor testimony of his pious gratitude/And the Veneration/In which he holds her Memory;/(Being one of nine children/Left by three of her Sisters at a tender age/Each of whom/Received from her/All the kindness of a Mother’s care);/This Marble is Inscribed/By/Daniel Cannon Webb .

The following is from a monument in the vestibule of the church:

P.M./EDWARDI POST , Chirurgi:/Ob Scientiam, Europoe clarrisimis Gymnasiis, comparatam,/et in/Proelectionibus Anatomicis, Academia Neo-Eborac, habitis,/jam ornate et honorifice ostemsam, insignis;/Foris ob ingenium, industriam, gratiam, dilecti,/Domi tam omnibus propter suavitatem, humanitatis, jucundi,/quam suis ob pietatem carissinui;/Hoc marmor ponendum dedit/Pater moerens,/prope locum, quo, cum effugerat anima,/Corpus morbo insanabili confectum,/Anno aetatis quatuor et vicessimo./Spe resurrectionis laeta, sepultum,/Die Quarto Kalend, Feb. A.D. MDCCCXVI . 280