Abel, 391

Abigail, 357

Abihu, 377

Abimelech, 153, 340, 357

Abraham, 153, 154, 169, 170, 188

Achan, 176, 214, 327, 328

Adam, 169, 245, 275, 294, 295–296

adoption, by God, 64, 323

affections, 27–28, 154, 248, 251, 254; aversation in, 264–265; decay of, 303–305; entangling of by temptation/sin, 64–65, 176, 181, 281–282, 291, 295, 298, 315–316, 327–331, 336; and performance of duties, 318; proper object of, 28, 331–332

afflictions, 72–73, 80, 90, 152, 182, 207, 222, 292, 360

Ahab, 177, 334, 338

Amalek, 381

Antaeus, 400, 400n34

apostasy, 365–366, 393–394

arguments: “ab honesto,” 356; “ab incommodo,” 355; “ab inutili,” 355–356

Aristotle, 47, 47n6, 122, 122n71

Asa, 290, 339

Assyrians, the, 259

Augustine, 333, 333n120

Babel, 345–346

baptism, into death, 137–138, 139

Baxter, Richard, 61n49

believers, 46–47; as captives to the law of sin, 287–288; habitual inclination of their wills unto good, 236–237; necessity of belief for mortification, 79–86; presence of evil within, 237–239

body, the, 47–48; deeds of, 48

Cain, 391

Calvin, John, 27–28, 34, 34n43, 113n64, 173n11

causes, Aristotelian types of, 47n6

chastisement of God, 88–80, 94, 99–100, 222

cogitatio morosa cum delectatione, 327–328

Communion with God (1657), 42, 42n5

conditionality, 45–46; and certainty, 46; and uncertainty, 46

conscience, the, 72, 106, 251, 315, 384, 399, 404

conversion, 81, 82, 84, 374–375

conviction, 62, 80, 81, 105, 122, 138, 353, 360, 394–396, 400

Corinthians, the, 218

cross of Christ, 332

David, 53, 64, 76, 90, 91, 97, 99, 100, 107, 109, 124, 125, 161, 163, 169–170, 174, 176, 180, 188, 197, 201, 202, 203, 255, 258, 275, 285, 289, 290, 308, 325–326, 330, 338–339, 345, 357, 358–359, 363, 364, 364–365, 366, 383, 384, 387

death, 297

deceit, 295–296

Demas, 169, 176

devil, the. See Satan

Dionysius the Areopagite, 358

Diotrephes, 176

disciples, the, 198, 201, 311–312, 375

Doctrine of the Saints’ Perseverance, The (1654), 31n30

duties, 60, 264, 266, 368, 374; mindless performance of, 314; the mind’s attending unto the ends of, 318–320; neglect of, 190–192; omission of, 190–192; as one of the ways God tempts, 154; the rule of duties, 316–318. See also meditation; prayer

Egyptians, the, 270

Eli, 367

Ephesus, church of, 366

Ephraim, 65, 82, 97, 217, 282, 286–287

Epictetus, 79, 79n17

Esau, 267, 353, 357

eternal destruction, 100–101

eternal life, 46, 49

Eve, 294, 295–296, 297, 321, 330, 338

evil, 153; presence of within believers, 237

faculties of the soul, 213n43

faculty psychology, 26

faith, 83, 115–116, 216–217, 317–318; and the expectation of relief from Christ, 133–139; and God’s promises, 195–196; and the killing of sin, 131–133; secret instinct in, 126; views of Christ, 120, 206

fall, the, 27, 107

false prophets, 153

Felix, 313, 355

“flesh,” the, 271

fruits of the flesh, 61, 397

fruits of the Spirit, 61, 65–66

Galatians, the, 163, 170

God: being of, 114; faithfulness of, 212; glory of, 318–319; how we know him, 114–116; love of, 322–323; majesty of, 110, 111; meditation on, 307; renunciation of by unbelievers, 397–398; sovereignty of, 321; worship of, 318. See also temptation, God’s tempting

Goodwin, Thomas, 34, 34n43

Goold, William, 141n1

gospel, the, 301, 337, 356; provisions of as the greatest preservative against temptation, 204–205. See also keeping the word of Christ’s patience

government. See magistracy

grace, 31, 32, 133, 207, 277–278, 301–303, 334–335, 343, 360, 371–372, 406; and believers’ wills, 236–237; in the heart of men, 153; mystery of, 336, 357–358; renewing grace, 94, 153–154, 153n5, 357–360; restraining grace, 94, 153, 291–292, 352–357; sanctifying grace, 273; as a “treasure,” 250. See also preservation of the saints

Habakkuk, 110

Hagar, 370

hardening of one’s heart, 53, 57, 98–99, 197, 198

Hazael, 109, 171, 172, 190

heart, the, 27; corruption in, 153; as deceitful, 253–255; habitual inclination of toward evil, 272–275; as unsearchable, 251–253; use of the term in Scripture, 250–251; watching of, 201–208. See also affections; conscience, the; mind, the; will, the

heaven, hope of, 396

hell, fear of, 396

Heman, 63

Herod, 354

Hezekiah, 153, 170, 176, 188, 190, 363, 364, 365, 377, 384

Hobab, 298

holiness: God’s call to, 26; perfection of, 55–57

Holy Spirit, 33, 33n36; continuing work of in the life of the believer, 33–34; and the conviction of sinners, 395; efficacy of, 213; grief of caused by sin, 101–102; love of, 356; and prayer, 308–309; the sin against, 397; work of in mortification, 47, 53–54, 57–63, 80, 138–139

Horace, 170, 170n6

Horatius, 173, 173n11

humility, 26, 268–269, 282–283, 300, 368

Hymeneus, 162, 173, 216

hypocrisy, 70, 87, 92, 279, 311, 382, 404

ignorance, of the will of God, 340–341

illumination, 116, 122

indwelling sin, 27, 50–53, 187; actings and operations of, 262–360; —, aversation, 263–270, 311; —, opposition, 263–293; as always abiding, 50–51; danger of, 98–101; deceitfulness of, 293–306; effect of in the lives of believers, 363–387; effect of in the lives of unbelievers, 388–398; enticing and entangling role of, 326–331, 394; evils of, 101–103; as fighting and warring, 276–283; as found in believers, 235; foundational text on, 233–239; guilt of, 97–98; the heart as its seat and subject, 249–256; how it endeavors to stop or taint the springs of gospel obedience, 376–387; as a law, 233–235, 245–249; 277–293; natural properties of: —, as constant, 262; —, as enmity, 257–259; —, as enmity against God, 259–260; —, as universal, 260–262; and the production of soul-destroying sins, 52–53; rage and madness of, 288–293; resistance of to the power of law, 398–407; as still acting, 51–52; success of in leading the soul captive, 284–288. See also lust; mortification; temptation

inveterateness, 90–91

Isaac, 376

Jacob, 267, 296, 353

Jehoshaphat, 347

Jehu, 189, 202

Jeroboam, 346

Jesus Christ, 348; blood of, 356; as crucified and slain, 136–138; deliverance of believers from temptation, 207–208; and gospel revelation, 117; grace of, 212–213; as our High Priest, 134–135, 373; as our life, 317–318, 371; temptation of, 183, 216, 274–275. See also cross of Christ

Jews: as “Abraham’s children,” 91; and performance of duties, 312, 320

Job, 110, 115, 120, 198, 321–322

Jonah, 188, 202

Joseph, 90, 93, 204, 300, 321, 357

Joseph’s brothers, 95, 339, 348–349, 355–356

Josiah, 345

Judah, 65

Judas Iscariot, 155, 169, 173, 181, 188, 190, 391

judgment. See chastisement of God

justification, 64

keeping the word of Christ’s patience, 208; cautions to take in order to do so, 219–220; coming short of doing so, 218; and knowledge, 210; —, as a word of consolation, 211; —, as a word of grace and mercy, 210; —, as a word of holiness and purity, 210; —, as a word of liberty and power, 210–211; as a means of preservation, 212–218; and personal obedience, 211; and valuation, 211

knowledge: carnal knowledge, 286–287; knowledge that “puffs up,” 386

Laban, 353

Laodicea, 119, 174

law, 233–234; dominion of, 243–244; efficacy of to provoke, 244–245

law of God, 103–104; pedagogical function of, 117; provisions of as a preservative against temptation, 204; resistance of indwelling sin to, 398–407

law of nature, 234, 388–391

law of sin. See indwelling sin, as a law

legalism, 62

living things, Aristotelian types of, 122, 122n71

Lot, 170, 363, 364, 365

love: of God, 322–323, 356; to the saints, 217

Lucian of Samosata, 79, 79n18

lust, 51, 73–76, 86, 88, 270–276, 286, 294, 310, 383–384; dangerous symptoms attending or accompanying it, 89–96; of the eyes, 327; and temptation, 176–177, 179–181

“lusts of the flesh.” See lust

magistracy, 351–352

Manton, Thomas, 61n49

Marcus Tullius Cicero, 79, 79n17

meditation, 31, 136, 307; neglect of, 385

mercies, 292

metonymy, 48n9

mind, the, 251, 253–254; aversation in, 265–266; darkening of, 74, 175–177, 290–291, 340, 341, 378, 384; duty of, 299–306; as our spirit, 316; sin’s effect on, 295–296, 298–326, 336; spiritual slothfulness of, 324–325; steadfastness of, 315

mortification, 33, 34, 95, 244, 281; as the daily work of believers, 49–57, 255; directions for the work itself, 131–139; exhortations to, 62–63; foundation of, 45–49; general (preparatory) directions for, 79; —, be a believer, 79–86; —, be obedient, 86–89; particular (preparatory) directions for, 89; —, consider the occasions and advantages your distemper has taken to exert and put forth itself, and watch against them all, 109; —, consider what dangerous symptoms your lust has attending or accompanying it, 89–96; —, consider whether the distemper is rooted in your nature and increased by your constitution, 107–109; —, constantly long and breathe after deliverance from the power of sin, 106–107; —, do not speak peace to yourself before God speaks it, but hearken to what he says to your soul, 118–127; —, get a clear and abiding sense of the guilt, danger, and evil of your sin, 97–103; —, load your conscience with the guilt of sin, 103–106; —, rise mightily against the first actions and conceptions of your distemper, 109–110; —, use and exercise yourself to such meditations as may serve to fill you at all times with self-abasement and thoughts of your vileness, 110–118; results of neglecting it, 54–55, 56–57; and the spiritual life of believers, 63–66; what it is, 73–78; what it is not, 69–73. See also Holy Spirit, work of in mortification

Moses, 111, 112, 244, 329

Murray, John, 33

Naaman, 92, 124

Nadab, 377

Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalency of Indwelling Sin, The (1667), 25; outline of, 225n1, 425–434; overview of, 225; text of the book, 229–407

Nero, 391

“new man,” 53–54, 78, 290

Nicodemus, 85

Noah, 170, 363, 364, 365

obedience, 31, 62, 86–89, 211, 299, 305, 356, 368; declension of, 384–386; as a means to prevent aversation, 267; reward for, 168; and the will of doing good, 237–239

Of Communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (1657), 32n32

Of Temptation (1658), 25; outline of, 141n1, 417–423; overview of, 141–142; text of the book, 145–223

Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers (1656), 25; outline of, 411–415; overview of, 37–38; text of the book, 41–139

“old man,” 48, 49, 77, 271

ordinances of the gospel, 369

Owen, John, 24–25; book-length studies on his thought, 24n2; comparison of his thought with Calvin’s thought, 34n43; published biographies on, 24n2

Paul, 59, 70, 89, 112–113, 132, 139, 153–154, 161, 199, 206, 207, 212–213, 214, 358, 383

peace, 66, 173–174; false peace, 174; of God, 204–205; God’s speaking of, 118–127; loss of, 99–100

Peter, 89, 151–152, 161, 168, 170, 171, 172, 176, 188, 198, 199, 200–201, 203, 222, 267, 325, 334, 339, 348, 375, 387

Pharaoh, 270, 296, 343, 380–381, 401, 403

Pharisees, 81, 354–355

Philadelphia, church of, 168, 208, 212

Philetus, 162, 179, 216

prayer, 31, 136, 164, 167–168, 194, 196, 267–268, 279, 307, 308–310; neglect of, 384–386

preaching of the gospel, 80, 84–85, 95, 138, 168, 169, 392–393, 394

preservation of the saints, 31–32, 194–195, 212–218, 369

prodigal son, the, 131

providence, 154, 207, 292–293, 343–352

punishment. See chastisement of God

queen of Sheba, 113

reformation, 394–396

religiosity, 56–57

repute/esteem, love of, 172–173, 188–190

revelation, special, 117

Roman Catholicism, 58–60, 83, 85–86, 108, 206, 286, 406; doctrine of opera supererogationis, 58n18

Romans, the, 390

Samson, 239, 373, 384, 395

sanctification, 31, 32–35, 139; and God’s preservation, 31–32. See also mortification; vivification

Sardis, church of, 174, 191, 199, 222

Satan, 74, 204, 274–275; and God’s permission, 177; and the prevalency of sin upon the soul, 285–286; returns of to the soul of the believer, 379–380. See also temptation, Satan’s tempting

Saul, 313, 317, 319, 320, 348, 349

Scripture, 95, 117–118, 270, 370; and the conviction of sinners, 395; meditation on, 307

seasons, the, 197; a season of great spiritual enjoyments, 199–200; a season of self-confidence, 200–201; a season of the slumber of grace, of neglect in communion with God, of formality in duty, 198–199; a season of unusual outward prosperity, 197–199; seasons for the exercise of doing good, 237

security. See peace

self-examination. See mortification, particular (preparatory) directions for

self-knowledge, 29–31, 76, 201–208

Seneca, 79, 79n17

Sennacherib’s army, 343, 346

Shakespeare, William, 190, 190n5

shame and reproach, 173

Simon Magus, 71

sin. See indwelling sin

Sodomites, the, 346

Solomon, 324

Song of Solomon, seventeenth-century interpretation of, 126n77, 191n8, 273n59

sufferings. See afflictions

synecdoche, 48n10

temperaments, 202–203

temptation, 74, 297, 337; conditions for entering temptation, 160–162; definitions of, 156; degrees of, 187–188; entering into temptation, 168–170; foundational text on, 151–152; general nature of, 152; great danger of, 192–194; God’s tempting, 177; —, the end for which God tempts, 153–154; —, the way God tempts, 154–155; and the great duty of all believers not to fall into it, 167–184; the “hour of temptation,” 161; —, how we know when temptation is in its hour, 162–164; how we know we have entered into temptation, 187–192; and human weakness, 171–172; means of preventing temptation prescribed by our Savior, 192–196; —, pray, 164, 167–168, 194, 196, 267–268; —, watch, 109, 164, 197–208, 220–223, 256, 267–268; power of, 175–177; private temptations, 179–181; public temptations, 177–179; Satan’s tempting, 160, 161, 163, 200, 285, 289; —, the way Satan tempts, 30, 155–156, 193, 198, 206, 295–296, 330, 380–381; special nature of, 152–156; what “entering temptation” is and is not, 159–160. See also Jesus Christ, temptation of; keeping the word of Christ’s patience

Tertullian, 61, 61n49

trials, 153, 154, 183

unbelievers, 236–237, 288–289

unrepentance, 387

Uzziah, 348

Virgil, 163, 163n14

vivification, 34

will, the, 248, 251, 253–254, 286; consent of to sin, 333–337; effect of sin and temptation on, 291, 298, 384

works of the flesh, 48, 53, 379, 391

Zimri, 102