Desserts and festive moments


Celebrations, especially birthdays, and festive occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s day and Halloween are associated with sweet things.

Every now and then it’s nice to enjoy a special treat after dinner or for afternoon tea, but sweet and sugar is not a must on these occasions. I will admit, however, that there aren’t many LCHF sweets around that don’t contain sugar or artificial sweetener.

I don’t have any miracle solutions to this, as a low-carb cake without the sweet taste is not the same as the sweet version. If I do choose to make a dessert I always do it the LCHF way, without the sweetness, and I often serve some good cheese after a meal.

If I do bake or prepare a dessert, I use vanilla seeds, coconut or berries. For children I opt for homemade rather than bought sweets and cakes, and find that honey is a better choice of sweetener than sugar. I do, however, have a favourite that even my children enjoy, and that’s my chocolate mousse.

Choose what suits you and your family. The level of sweetness will be determined by your needs and tolerance levels.

Monique’s real chocolate mousse


200 g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa, but preferably above 80%)

1 egg yolk

Pinch of salt

5 ml grated orange zest (optional)

50 ml organic coconut oil

500 ml fresh cream

6 servings



Low-carb cheesecake



100 g butter

250 ml chopped mixed raw nuts

10 ml ground cinnamon

Seeds from 12 vanilla pod

200 ml desiccated coconut


300 g Philadelphia® cream cheese

2 eggs

Seeds from 12 vanilla pod

100 ml desiccated coconut


200 ml crème fraîche


Makes 1 cake (12 servings)


Make sure you use unsweetened vanilla if you choose to use vanilla essence as a substitute for vanilla pods.


Raspberry (or other berry) mousse


5 ml powder or 2 sheets gelatine

400 ml raspberries (or other berries)

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod

400 ml fresh cream

4 servings


Blackcurrants make a great variation of this dessert.


Panna cotta


500 ml fresh cream

15 ml organic coconut oil

200 ml desiccated coconut

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod

5 ml powder or 2 sheets gelatine

Berries and/or coconut flakes for decorating


To make chocolate panna cotta, grate 6 squares of dark (85% cocoa) chocolate and add it to the cream just before you pour the panna cotta into serving glasses. You can also melt the chocolate in the boiling cream for a smoother chocolate panna cotta.

6 servings


Melt dark chocolate and get the kids to help make decorations for the dessert. Make sure you use greaseproof paper so that the chocolate does not stick to the work surface.

Pear and raspberry pie with a dash of lime cream


30 ml butter

300 ml desiccated coconut

45 ml psyllium husk (available from health stores)

5 medium pears

200 ml chopped mixed raw nuts

100 ml sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds

200 ml fresh cream

200 ml crème fraîche

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod

5 ml ground cardamom

100 ml raspberries

8 servings

Lime cream

300–500 ml fresh cream

Grated zest of 12 lime


I have a large pear tree at home, so I usually make this pie in the autumn when I have pears in the garden. You can use apples instead of pears and then add a touch of cinnamon, which is lovely with the apples.

Chocolate lollipops


200 g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa, but preferably 90% cocoa)

1 red chilli, seeded and finely chopped (optional)

15 ml organic coconut oil

Makes 6


Cream cake



300 ml chopped almonds or mixed nuts

200 ml desiccated coconut

4 egg whites

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod


500 ml fresh cream

Berries, fruit or spice

Makes 1 cake


Low-carb cold drink/‘juice’ concentrate


700 ml water

1 cinnamon stick

1 vanilla pod, split lengthways

Juice from 1 orange

300 ml mulberries (blackberries or strawberries can also be used)

300 ml raspberries

100 ml blueberries

Makes 1 litre



Creamy pomegranate with pecan nuts


500 ml fresh cream

1 pomegranate

200 ml pecan nuts, roughly chopped

2 squares dark chocolate, grated

Mint leaves for decorating

4 servings



Low-carb ice cream

Vanilla ice cream –basic recipe

300 ml fresh cream

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod

3 eggs, separated

250 g mascarpone cheese

Strawberry ice cream

1 quantity vanilla ice cream

200 ml strawberries or other berries of your choice

Chocolate ice cream

1 quantity vanilla ice cream

150 g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)

Lemon ice cream

1 quantity vanilla ice cream

2 lemons


4–8 servings


Ice-cream cake


1 quantity vanilla ice cream (see page 171)

300 ml fresh cream

500 ml strawberries or raspberries (save a few for decorating)

8 servings


You can also freeze the ice cream in a bowl. Before serving, remove the bowl from the freezer and leave out for 10–15 minutes to allow it to soften slightly. Using a spoon, scoop out chunks of ice cream and place in individual bowls. Whip the cream and pipe it on top of the bowl of ice cream. Halve the berries and arrange them on top. This is perfect for children’s birthday parties.


Low-carb treats


100 ml blueberries

200 g dark chocolate (85–90% cocoa)

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod

5 ml grated orange zest

30 ml pistachio nuts, coarsely chopped

30 ml cashew nuts, coarsely chopped

15 ml peanuts, coarsely chopped

30 ml pine nuts, coarsely chopped

15 ml desiccated coconut

30–45 ml macadamia nut butter (or unsweetened peanut butter)

1 dried apricot, finely chopped (optional)



Lemon coconut tops


50 g butter

200 g desiccated coconut

2 eggs

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod

Grated zest and juice of 12 lemon

100 g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa, but preferably 90%) (optional)

Makes 15–20


You can also use this recipe for a cake base. Draw circles on baking paper and spread the coconut mixture in the circle. Bake in the oven until golden in colour. Add whipped cream and/or berries on top.

Chocolate balls


100 ml coconut cream

75 g butter

75 g organic coconut oil

100 ml raw mixed nuts, finely chopped (optional)

100 ml desiccated coconut

2 egg yolks

30 ml cocoa powder

Seeds from 1 vanilla pod

extra chopped nuts or desiccated coconut for coating