SYNOPSIS: Denise Aimee Cadwallader

1     The light comes down her face and then the shadow focuses.

1.1   She is five years old, standing on a highway alone.

1.2   It must be when they lived in California: this must be that desert.

1.3   Though it is slithering and skipping on the dull ground, Deesey knows the beacon has found her.

1.4   She can’t move her feet.

2     When she was five years old, Denise was kidnapped by aliens.

2.1   The spaceship was a radiant and mobile lozenge.

2.2   When it zoomed her, she went so fast the stars tailed.

2.3   She fell into the creatures’ overwhelming hearth of love.

2.4   Then her memory goes out.

3     In hypnosis as an adult, Deesey still remembered nothing.

3.1   She tends to the hypothesis that the aliens were a false recollection, a Freudian screen memory meant to shield her from the actual memory of her mother’s death from cancer.

3.2   “It doesn’t doesn’t matter, is my absolute bottom line. It utterly has not been let to change my life.”