1     Men don’t find me attractive.

1.1   This is not my neurotic imagining.

1.2   Men don’t don’t find me attractive.

2     Though they are small, the breasts look down.

2.1   “Where’s your ass?” a boy once jeered. “Steamroller accident?”

2.2   A stocky pygmy, I shop in the children’s section.

2.3   Like a child, I swell at the waist.

3     Round as a bowl, my face is still fat when I am thin.

3.1   The features are puny and lost in a plain of cheek.

3.2   Women tell me I have beautiful eyes.

4     I’m cute like a guinea pig.

4.1   Torrid sex doesn’t spring to mind.

5     Among the Yanomamo, I might be a belle.

5.1   I would make anyone do, I was not proud, I slept with Heinrich.

5.2   Once, after watching the babe lifeguard pull his trunks up, tensing his ass to settle the testicles, I had to go hide in the ladies’ room and cry.

5.3   I am not above blaming my unpopularity on racism.