Module 39 REVIEW

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. _______ is/are the main female sex hormone(s).
    1. Habituation.
    2. Menopause.
    3. The subcortica.
    4. The estrogens.
    5. Testosterone.
  2. The research of Masters and Johnson found that in the sexual response cycle
    1. resolution is the final phase of the cycle.
    2. orgasm is the final phase of the cycle.
    3. plateau is the final phase of the cycle.
    4. excitement follows the plateau phase.
    5. plateau follows the resolution phase.
  3. Which of the following is true concerning the effect of sex hormones?
    1. Hormone injections can be used to easily manipulate sexual behavior in men but not in women.
    2. Hormone injections can be used to easily manipulate sexual behavior in both men and women.
    3. Sex hormones have a more direct effect on nonhuman animals than on humans.
    4. The levels of sex hormones are more constant in women than in men.
    5. Women’s estrogen levels do not rise during ovulation.

Practice FRQs

  1. As a teenager, Vincent viewed a large amount of violent pornographic material online. Describe two ways that this behavior as a teen may impact his sexual behaviors as an adult.

(2 points)