A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Academy, tracks on, 434
Adam, Paul, 564
Advision Studios, 85, 125, 146, 329, 334, 368
‘Age of Consent’, 133, 201, 243, 426
Aherne, Caroline, 546–56, 557–9, 561–3
and alcohol, 546, 547, 549, 557
and Biba, 553
Granada’s documentary about, 556
Hook marries, 548
Hook meets, 546
Hook name taken by, 549
and Hook’s drugs consumption, 550
Hook’s last night with, 555–6
Hook’s post-break-up visits to, 557
Hook’s post-breakup sightings of, 558
humour and generosity of, 552
on Durutti tour, 558
overdose taken by, 563
and The Royle Family, 649
splits from Hook, 556
and Sticky Fingers incident, 561–2
therapist visited by, 554
and Walliams, 552
albums (see also Peel sessions):
The Best of . . . , 592
tracks on, 593–5
A Collection, tracks on, 714
The Complete BBC Recordings, tracks on, 619
Control soundtrack, tracks on, 721
Get Ready, 622–3
Heart and Soul, tracks on, 609–12
International, tracks on, 697–8
Les Bains Douches 18 December 1979, tracks on, 632–3
Live in Concert, tracks on, 511
Lost in Translation, tracks on, 709
Lost Sirens, 654
Love.Angel.Music.Baby., 661
Monaco, tracks on, 618
Music for Pleasure, tracks on, 605
No Pain No Gain, tracks on, 706
One True Passion:
One True Passion V2.0, tracks on, 702–3
Permanent, tracks on, 598
Power, Corruption & Lies, 55, 196
Preston 28 February 1980, tracks on, 615–16
Radio One Sessions, tracks on, 704
Republic, 523–5, 529, 566, 569
The Rest of . . . , tracks on, 599
Retro, tracks on, 699–701
Salvation!, tracks on, 396
Singles, tracks on, 716–17
Still, tracks on, 77–8
Taras Shevchenko, tracks on, 174
Technique, 45, 193, 382, 385, 468, 485, 492, 564
Twisted Tenderness, 577
recording of, 11
Waiting for the Sirens’ Call, 651, 653
Yes, Please, 487
Allen, Keith, 186, 444, 446–7, 449, 450–1, 524–5, 664–5
Almond, Marc, 191
Altman, Robert, 177
Anderson, Edward, 177
Anderson, Joe, 688
Andrew, Prince, Duke of York, 370, 372
Armstrong, Rollo, 581
Aspden, Gary, 683
Atencio, Tom, 187, 198–9, 204, 205, 292, 295, 297, 329, 344, 345, 457, 504, 518–19, 685
‘Atmosphere’, 373, 454, 629, 688
Australia and NZ tours, 115–19, 239–40, 324 (see also timelines)
and spider incident, 115–16 (see also timelines)
Bad Lieutenant, 452–3
Bailey Brothers, 448
Baker, Arthur, 2, 53, 138–40, 153–4, 177, 286
Baker, Steven, 206
Barnes, John, 447, 448, 449, 450
Bates, Heather, 457
Bates, Iris, 12, 28, 43, 98, 188, 246
Bauhaus, 52
Baywatch, 529
Be Music, 186
‘The Beach’, and Qwest, 205
The Beach, 581–2
Beat Club, 575
Beatles, 470
Beatrice, Princess, 673
Beckett, Phil, 662
Beckham, David, 695
Bell, Colin, 505, 506, 507, 544
Bellingham, Paul ‘Twinny’, 2, 12, 29, 142, 311, 402, 501, 579, 651, 668 (see also New Order)
Benitez, John ‘Jellybean’, 140–1
Bennett, Tracy, 505, 506, 507, 544
Berg, Karen, 206
The Best of . . . , 592
tracks on, 593–5
Best, George, 353
Best & Marsh, 353
Beswick, Jim, 501
‘Big Bang’, 460
Big Day Out, 324, 630–1, 644–7
Big Tiny, 684
Bigelow, Kathryn, 53, 204, 341–2
Birthday Party, 104–5
Bit Stu, 667
‘Bizarre Love Triangle’, 53, 270, 283, 372, 671
Blackie (crew member), 389–90
‘Blue Monday’, 3, 49, 111–14, 143–7, 201, 373, 628, 630
‘Blue Monday 88’, 373
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, 584
Book of Love, 384
Boon, Clint, 688
Boulton, Rebecca, 568, 622, 677, 687, 690
becomes New Order co-manager, 576
Bow Wow Wow, 470
Bowers, Matt, 561–2
Bowery, Leigh, 191
Bowser (roadie), 423, 453, 557, 562, 669
Boyce, Frank Cottrell, 649
Boyle, Danny, 582
Brand, Russell, 672
Brierley, John, 454
Brit Awards, 674
1994, 544–5
Britannia Row Studios, 66, 67, 109, 110, 113, 115, 144, 177, 188, 190, 197
British Comedy Awards, 550
Bruno (engineer), 585
‘Brutal’, 581
Burman, Dave, 205
Byrne, David, 3
CAA, 518–19
Cale, John, 493
Callari, Frank, 247, 300, 408–10
Cameo, 384
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 339
Care, Peter, 522
Cargo Studios, 454 (see also Suite 16)
Carman, George, 485
Carroll, Francis ‘Fran’, 560, 668
Carroll, Paul, 567
Cassidy, David, 456
Caulfield, Mike ‘Corky’, 95, 103
‘Ceremony’, 11, 13, 18, 70, 75
A Certain Ratio, 15, 25, 30, 95, 200, 390, 506
at Haçienda opening, 101
Chameleons, 468
Chappell, Richard ‘Dickie’, 445, 525
Charlatans, 564
Charlie (sound technician), 416–17
‘Chemical’, 523
Cher, 627
‘In the City’ project, 498–9
CJ (engineer), see Jones, Chris
Clarke, John Cooper, 110, 116–17
at miners’ benefit, 186
Clash, 20–1
Clinton, Bill, 490
CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), 339
Coatesy (bass roadie), 626, 644–5
cocaine, 247, 248, 250–1, 272, 276, 300, 301, 378, 388, 390–1, 408–9, 446, 461, 668–9
Cockney Rebel, 10
Colclough, Gerry, 625, 629, 678–9, 684
A Collection, tracks on, 714
Communards, 330
The Complete BBC Recordings, tracks on, 619
Considine, Paddy, 650
Control soundtrack, tracks on, 721
Coogan, Steve, 649
The Cook Report, 567
Cook, Roger, 567
Coppola, Sofia, 677
Corbijn, Anton, 156–7, 373, 681–2,
Corgan, Billy, 180, 585, 624–5, 627, 636
Costage, Craig, 206
‘Cramp’, 125
‘Crazy’, 660
Cream, 568
Creme, Richard, 272
Cribs, 674
Crowley, Aleister, 445
Cruise, Tom, 582
tracks on, 637–8
CTS Studios, 197
Cunningham, Phil, 624, 625, 630, 644, 652, 663, 675, 685
Cure, 470
Curtis, Ian:
Daily Mail, 555
DaSilva, Jon, 387
Davis, Miles, 340
de Chirico, Giorgio, 178
de Freitas, Peter, death of, 435
De Koning, Jan, 579
Dead or Alive, 325
‘Dead Souls’, 454
‘Death Rattle’, 57
Decouflé, Philippe, 53, 339, 345
Def Leppard, 342
Delta 5, 28
Demme, Jonathan, 53
Denver, John, 440–1
Desmond, Dennis, 284
Devine, Tim, 453
Diamond, Debbie, 264
Dixon, John, 466
Donelly, Tanya, 411
‘Dreams Never End’, 18, 56, 70, 630
Dry 201 bar, 452, 458, 487, 507, 567
and Gretton funeral, 575
Durutti Column, 200, 389, 403, 557–8
Duval, Michel, 49
Eagle, Roger, 267
Eavis, Emily, 338
Echo and the Bunnymen, 4, 287–8, 425
Eckert, Todd, 681
Edmonds, Noel, 545
Einstein, Albert, 664
Electronic, 153, 286, 318, 330, 350, 373, 383, 424, 451, 496, 515, 566 (see also Sumner, Bernard ‘Barney’)
fizzling-out of, 577
‘Elegia’, 197
in Pretty in Pink, 4
‘Elephant Stone’, 463, 465, 466–8, 471
Elisofon, Eliot, 662
Ellis, Mark ‘Flood’, 47, 622–3
England national football side:
equipment described, see under explanations
Erasmus, Alan, 12, 200–1, 270, 294, 350, 498, 649
Eugenie, Princess, 673
European tours, 247–50, 324, 527 (see also timelines)
first, 44
Eurythmics, 144
‘Every Second Counts’, 368
‘Everyone Everywhere’, 504
‘Everything’s Gone Green’, 45, 48, 49, 51, 58, 72
The Evil Genius of a King (de Chirico), 178
FAC 251, 691
‘Face Up’, 193
Factory Australasia, 239
A Factory Outing, 174
Factory Records, 14, 59–61, 159–60
and Channel 4 film, 200–1
dependence of, on New Order, 328
dire financial troubles of, 485, 487, 498
few remaining assets of, 505
Hannett’s legal dispute with, 177
and Inland Revenue, 182–4
in liquidation, 506–7
and London Records, 505–6
and Low-Life licence, 205
Mantos buys building of, 507
Nice’s book on, 502
Revenge plays part in downfall of, 460
and Substance profit split, 328–9
and 24 Hour Party People, see main entry
US meeting of, 350
writ against, 60
Factory USA, 53
‘Factus 8 – 1981–1982’, 351
Faithless, 582
Fall, 104
Fast Breeder, 79
The Fast Show, 550
Faver, Colin, 70
Ferry, Bryan, 384
Festival of the Tenth Summer, 309–10
Fielding, Noel, 673
‘First Time’, 381
‘5.8.6.’, 130
recording of, 96–7
Fletcher, Paul, 662
Flood, see Ellis, Mark ‘Flood’
Flowers, Brandon, 638
Foetus, 444
Franz Ferdinand, 673
Fry, Martin, 109
‘Full Fathom Five’, 465
Gabriel, Pascal, 493–4
Gabriel, Peter, 382, 445, 499, 501
Gascoigne, Paul ‘Gazza’, 446, 447, 448–9
Geek Alerts (equipment described), see under explanations
Geffen Records, 472
Geldof, Pixie, 673
Gene Loves Jezebel, 345–6
Germany tours, 178–80
Get Ready, 622–3
Getty, John Paul, 530–1
Gilbert, Gillian (see also New Order; timelines):
absences of, 583
‘Ceremony’ re-recorded with, 30
changed character of, 491
changed life of, 573
daughters born to, 573
decides not to play live, 622
distractedness of, in revived New Order, 572–3, 577
fades away, 574
and Making Out, 383
New Order joined by, 30
out of tune, 79
production by, 69
in public falling-out with Morris and Sumner, 568
and Reportage, 444
rumours of Gretton’s phone calls to, 275
squaddie cousin of, 226–7
and Sumner, 242–3
as weak link, 32
Gillespie, Bobby, 126, 165, 585, 635
Gilmour, Dave, 584
Gio-Goi, 568
‘Glass’, 454
Glastonbury Festival, 73, 338–9, 359, 501, 511, 678
Granada Television, Aherne life-story documentary produced by, 556
Grandmaster Flash, 646–7
Gretton, Lesley, 159, 274, 275, 576, 689, 690
Gretton, Rob (see also New Order; timelines):
and accidentally wiped vocal track, 383
alcohol consumption of, 276
and band’s remuneration, 98–9, 158–60, 246, 326–7, 375
banknote trick played on, 54–5
becomes Joy Division manager, 10
bollockings administered by, 247, 271–2
coke consumption of, 247, 248, 250–1, 272, 276
Considine’s portrayal of, 650 (see also 24 Hour Party People)
contact-lens accident of, 248
death and funeral of, 575–6
and Denver, 441
and diamond dealer, 248–9
dilemma of, as Factory director, 328
and end of New Order, 566
at Festival of the Tenth Summer, 310
and finding money, 88
frustration of, over New Order status, 568–9
and Glastonbury fee, 339
and Groucho’s, 488
and Haçienda’s uncertain future, 566–7
in hospital, 274–5
increasingly outlandish behaviour of, 247, 270–1, 273–4
and ‘invisible shirt’, 272
memorial event for, 704–5
New Order revival suggested by, 566
NYT cover mocked up by, 26
office trashed by, 273
on Wilson’s achievements, 328
at Polsky funeral, 292
post-hospitalisation appearance of, 275
and Qwest negotiations, 203
reggae loved by, 249
resumes band management after hospitalisation, 276
and Revenge TV appearance, 405
and song titles, deciding on, 403
as talent spotter, 575
vocals role of, 18
weird stories concerning, 275
‘Guilt is a Useless Emotion’, 655
‘Guilty Partner’, 385
‘Gun World Porn’, 461
Haçienda, 1, 59–60, 158, 383, 566–8
acid house at, 387
band’s money consumed by, 246, 375
cancelled birthday party at, 247
closure of, 567
demolition of, 649
dire financial troubles of, 485, 487
failed management co-operative at, 270
and Gretton funeral, 575
Hook and Gretton buy name of, 567–8, 662, 689
Hook’s book about, 690
‘Hot’ night at, 387
and Inland Revenue, 182–3
licence wrangle concerning, 485
Morris and Gilbert turned away by, 169, 452
‘Nude’ night at, 387
opening night of, 101
problems with, 82
reopening of, 488
security costs at, 515
sold-out nights at, 387
‘Temperance Club’ night at, 387
tenth-birthday party of, 515
and The Tube, 211
and United States of the Haçienda Tour of America, 459
work begins on, 75–6
Haçienda: How Not to Run a Club (Hook), 690
Hague, Stephen, 329–32, 333, 352, 419, 444–6, 447, 448, 492–3, 499, 501, 502, 504, 505, 507, 508, 525
Hale Leisure, 567
Hannett, James, 487
Hannett, Martin, 11, 14–15, 30, 45, 59–60, 67, 69, 87, 691
Happy Mondays, 69, 357, 358, 381, 387, 390, 459, 468, 487, 498, 512
and New York seminar, 457
‘The Happy One’, 404–5
Harrison, Steve, 564
Hasselhoff, David, 529
Hatton, Derek, 307
‘Haystack’, 14
Heart and Soul, tracks on, 609–12
Heather (Hook’s daughter), see Bates, Heather
Hendrix, Jimi, 424
‘Here to Stay’, 586
tracks on, 694
Hewitt, Chris, 454–5
and ‘7 Reasons’, 452
Hira, Naru, 455
Hirst, Damien, 677
Hollywood Bowl, 530–1
Holton, Gary, 265
‘Homage’, 18
Curtis’s relationship with, 11
Hook, Chris, 578
Hook End Studios, 584–5
Hook, Jessica, 675
Hook, Paul, 578
Hook, Peter (see also New Order; timelines):
absence of, from Substance track, 332–3
alcohol consumption of, 501, 558, 583, 624, 658, 660–1, 664–7
Anderson portrays, 688 (see also Control)
arrest of, 520–1
Bates’s exposé on, 555
clinical depression diagnosed in, 556–7
coke consumption of, 276, 300, 301, 378, 388, 390–1, 408–9, 446, 461, 669–670
DJ work of, 656–9, 671–2, 674–5, 680, 684–5, 686
and double-booked New Order gigs, 676
drugs turning point for, 390
at early Pistols gig, 10
ecstasy consumption by, 379–81
food poisoning suffered by, 118–19
guitar-burning attempt of, 424
and Haçienda’s uncertain future, 566–7
and huntsman spider, 115–16
IBS suffered by, 581
and Iris, drifting apart from, 375
Little’s portrayal of, 649 (see also 24 Hour Party People)
mid-tour virus suffered by, 626–7
and mother’s death, 578–80
at New York seminar, 455–8
and visit to exclusive restaurant, 457–8
NYT cover mocked up by, 26
panic attacks suffered by, 557
production by, 69
Revenge co-formed by, 374 (see also Revenge)
Roberts sets up house with, 423
Robie nutted by, 5–6
and song titles, deciding on, 403
and Stefani track, 661
Sumner’s row with, over Sirens’ Call tracks, 658–9
therapist visited by, 554
toenails problem of, 414
traffic cops stop, 251–2
Wilson berates, 460
‘Hooky’s Tune’, 558
Huffan, Ian, 628
Hugo, Jonny, 348, 349, 412–13, 425, 514, 537, 646–7
The Hurt Locker, 341
Hutchence, Michael, 644
‘I Told You So’, 655
Iggy Pop, 627
Inspiral Carpets, 461, 468, 551
International, tracks on, 697–8
Iris (Hook’s partner), see Bates, Iris
‘As It Is When It Was’, 267, 288
‘I’ve Got a Feeling’, 655
Jack (Hook’s son), see Bates, Jack
Jaggers, Kerry, 151
James, Alex, 490
James, Stuart ‘Jammer’, 412–13
Japan tours, 233–9, 323–4 (see also timelines)
Jaws, 294
‘Jesus I Love You’, 373
‘Jetstream’, 3, 670, 673–4, 684
tracks on, 711
Jilted John, 329
JJ72, 628
Jobson, Curly, 347
Jobson, Richard, 191
Johansson, Tore, 654
John, Elton, 524
Johnson, Holly, 330
Johnson, Mike, 113, 144, 188, 197, 283, 286–7, 376, 377, 381, 492, 635
Johnston, Craig, 446–7
The Jonathan Ross Show, 674
Jones, Chris (‘CJ’), 373, 374–5, 405
and ‘7 Reasons’, 452
Jones, Howard ‘Ginger’, 66
Haçienda sacks, 174
Jones, Quincy, 187, 203, 205, 289, 390, 526
Joy Division (see also New Order):
become leading punk band, 10
and comic-book story, 515
from cult college band to major mainstream success, 470
featured on The Short Circuit, 10
Hook’s book about, 691
and Inland Revenue, 182
perfect balance in, 32
previous names of, 10
songs and albums of, see individual titles
and T-shirts, 184
transition to New Order from, 32–3
Jupitus, Phil, 679
Kaiser Chiefs, 673
Kajagoogoo, 214
Kalima, 238
Kamins, Mark, 247
Katrina and the Waves, 547
Kelly, Ben, 691
Killing Joke, 419
Kinski, Nastassja, 390
Kinzel, Carol, 518–19
and ‘Blue Monday’, 144
‘Krafty’, tracks on, 707
Laine, Denny, 324
Larry ‘Niceman’, 457
Lavolta Lakota, 373
Leckie, John, 654
Lee, Alvin, 584
Les Bains Douches 18 December 1979, tracks on, 632–3
‘Let’s Go’, 341
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 582
L’Homme, 272
Liddle, Andrew, 118–19, 170, 347–8, 453, 671, 677
Life, 186
Light, 691
Limp Bizkit, 582
Little, Ralf, 649
Live Aid, 14
Live in Concert, tracks on, 511
Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 544
London Records, 505–6
New Order’s first single for, 521
‘In a Lonely Place’, 11, 18, 70, 125, 201
‘Lonesome Tonight’, 177–8
Longo, Robert, 53
Lost in Translation, 677
tracks on, 709
Lost Sirens, 654
‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’, 11, 37, 95, 515, 629
Love.Angel.Music.Baby., 661
The Loveless, 342
Lydon, John (Johnny Rotten), 180, 419–21
Lyons, Roger, 628
Mac (of Bunnymen), see McCulloch, Ian ‘Mac’
McCall, Davina, 586–7
McCulloch, Ian ‘Mac’, 180, 245, 288, 347, 425
McCulloch, Lorraine, 346–7
McIntyre, Phil, 274–5
Mackenzie, Billy, 192
Mackintosh, Anthony, 488
McMahon, Steve, 447
The Mad Fuckers, 448
Mad Tee, 285
becomes ‘Gunchester’, 498
Magazine, 419
Major, Ash, 374
Malaria, 71
Manchester City FC, 273
Mani (of Stone Roses), see Mounfield, Gary Manny ‘Mani’
Marion, 625
Marr, Angie, 317
Marr, Johnny, 286, 317, 350, 452, 578
Marsh, Rodney, 353
Martha and the Muffins, 351
Martin, George, 289
Mason, Paul, 649
Mason, Rob, 270
Mason, Terry (see also New Order):
Matthews, Angie, 459
Mayfair Studios, 564
Mediterraneo Studio, 376–8, 381–2
Mellor, Aaron, 691
Melody Maker, 43
Mercury, Freddie, 584
‘Mesh’, 18
Meyerson, Alan, 564–5
joins band as sound engineer, 384
Michael, George, 375
Michaelides, Tony, 452–3
Millins, Kevin, 70, 76, 190, 191, 192
Minnelli, Liza, 25
Minny Pops, 68
Mission: Impossible II, 582
‘Mr Disco’, 404
Mitchell, Bruce, 647
Monaco, 52, 454, 485, 549, 569
Monaco, tracks on, 618
Monnow Valley Studio, 583–4
Montreux Jazz Festival, 526
Moog, Robert, 112
Morley, Paul, 309
Morricone, Ennio, 660
Morris, Steve (see also New Order; timelines):
absences of, 583
and Baker, 140
and Big Day Out, 630–1
changed character of, 491
changed life of, 573
daughters born to, 573
distractedness of, in revived New Order, 577
drum machines programmed by, 19, 112
and Making Out, 383
production by, 69
in public falling-out with Gilbert and Sumner, 568
and Reportage, 444
Treadaway portrays, 688 (see also Control)
and Warsaw, first gig with, 10
Mosimann, Roli, 444
Moss, Kate, 678
Most, Mickie, 504
Mötley Crüe, 342
Mounfield, Gary Manny ‘Mani’, 463, 657, 687
The Mrs Merton Show, 341, 552, 553, 560 (see also Aherne, Caroline)
Music for Pleasure, tracks on, 605
Musik, 640
National Union of Mineworkers, 186
Near Dark, 342
Never Mind the Buzzcocks, 559–60
‘New Dawn Fades’, 628
New Order (see also Joy Division; timelines; individual band members, roadies, helpers):
Australia and NZ tours of, 115–19, 239–40, 324 (see also timelines)
and spider incident, 115–16 (see also timelines)
and backing vocals, 101
and Baywatch, 529
best bass riffs of, 84
Boulton–Robinson co-management of, 576
Brazil tour of, 387–90
at Brit Awards, 1994, 544–5
and Bunnymen, healthy competition between, 346
car buying by, 247
changing set lists of, 44
Clash clash with, 20–1
comeback gigs arranged for, 571
comeback song of, 581
from cult college band to major mainstream success, 470
at Danish jazz festival, 339–41
democracy within, 101
and ‘dictatorship’, 351
disbanding of, 424–5
and back together, 425–6
and drum machines, 18–19, 48, 112–13, 140
ecstasy consumption by, 380–1
and equipment breakdowns, 224–6
European tours of, 44, 247–50, 324, 527 (see also timelines)
Factory’s dependence on, 328
and fan mail, 99–100
fascism accusations against, 43
fights at gigs of, 32
final split of, 688–9
first Canada gig of, 80
first cancelled gig of, 421
first electronic tracks of, 48
first gig of, as No Names, 15
first interview given by, 43
first video release of, 81
France tour of, 404
Germany tours of, 178–80
glasses thrown at, 32
at Glastonbury, 73, 338–9, 359, 678
Greece tour of, 104–8 (see also timelines)
and venue brawl, 107
Gretton suggests revival of, 566
groupies discovered by, 151–2
Hawaii gig of, 239
hiatus for, 373
and reconvening, 376
at Hollywood Bowl, 530
Hong Kong tour of, 226–32 (see also timelines)
and China visit, 227–31
Hook calls Japan meeting of, 676–7
and Hook–Sumner row over Sirens’ Call tracks, 658–9
Hook’s role in both Monaco and, 571–2
and Ibiza car crashes, 381
and Inland Revenue, 182–5
fines imposed by, 185
and inter-crew relations, 412–14
Ireland tour of, 280–1
and car alarm, 280–1
Italy tour of, 102–3 (see also timelines)
Japan tours of, 233–9, 323–4 (see also timelines)
last proper gig of, 531
and male–female audience split, 255
and Mediterraneo Studio, 376–8, 381–2
MIDI technology adopted by, 193–6
at miners’ benefit, 186
and missing van, 23–5
found, 27
Musik award for, 640
naming of, 17
new cars for, 33
new gear acquired in NY by, 25
new rehearsal space for, 95–7
at NME Awards, 673–4
and old name, difficulty in shaking off, 32
on Big Day Out tour, 630–1, 644–7
Other Side of Midnight invitation to, 404
outside production work by members of, 186
at Q Awards, 586–7
and Qwest, 187, 203, 205–6, 469
re-formation of, without Hook, 567
at Reading Festival, 422, 424, 527, 531, 572
and record titles, origins of, 110
recordings of, see individual titles
religious affiliations among, 334
and remuneration, 98–9, 158–60, 246, 326–7, 375, 507–8
revival agreed by, 570–1
rock–electronic dichotomy in, 270, 283, 385
and Rotterdam brawl, 90–1
and song titles, deciding on, 403–4
South America tour of, 683–6
Spain tour of, 324–7 (see also timelines)
special-needs benefit gig of, 677
spoof heavy-metal video performed by, 342–4
Sumner suggests revival of, 566
Sweden tour of, 142–3
and T-shirts, 184
technical revolution of, 85–8
ten best songs of, 176
and This Morning with Richard and Judy, 450
and Top of the Pops, 145–6, 160, 523, 525
California shoot for, 529
transition from Joy Division to, 32–3
and UK/LA Week, 370–2
US tours by, 19–29, 51–4, 149–57, 204–5, 241–5, 292–300, 324, 407–23, 527–31, 675 (see also timelines)
weak links in, 32
World Cup song of (‘World in Motion’), 426–7, 444–51
year-long tour of, 625–9
News of the World, 285
Niblock, Ken, 491, 556, 585, 668
Nice, James, 502, 505 (see also Factory Records)
Nicks, Stevie, 266
NME, Curtis on cover of, 11
NME Awards, 672–3
No Pain No Gain, tracks on, 706
Oakenfold, Paul, 581
O’Barr, James, 515
The Old Grey Whistle Test, 267
One True Passion:
One True Passion V2.0, tracks on, 702–3
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD), 4, 5, 214, 330
Orgy, 145
Osborne, Steve, 581–2, 583, 584, 585, 654
Osbourne, Kelly, 675
Osbourne, Ozzie, 348
Ostin, Mo, 205
The Other Side of Midnight, 404–5
Other Two, 383, 451, 491, 568, 583
Ozzy (sound technician), 56, 90–1, 131, 216, 225, 410
and Greece brawl, 107
Page, Jimmy, 445
Pagoda studio, 499
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 678
Panebianco, Julie, 299
Paradise Factory, 507
Parkes, Alan, 663
Patterson, Sylvia, 294–6
Pattinson, Les, 347
Paxton, Bill, 342
Pearson, James Anthony, 688
Peel, John, 705 (see also Peel sessions)
Peel sessions, 65, 67, 101, 130, 312, 314, 358–9, 364, 480, 620
Pellow, Marti, 673
Penhallow, Andrew, 239
Pere Ubu, 330
‘The Perfect Kiss’, 53, 193, 197
Perfecto Records, 581
Permanent, tracks on, 598
Pet Shop Boys, 144, 284, 330, 351, 445
Pickering, Mike, 41, 82, 273, 387
Pickering, Stewart, 36
Pils, Dave (see also New Order):
‘Pineapple Face’, tracks on, 477–8
Planet Patrol, 138
Polsky, Ruth, 11, 15, 25, 28, 51–2, 105, 141, 151, 152, 155–6, 247
Polydor, 564–5
Pop Idol, 564
Potts, David ‘Pottsy’, 454, 490, 514, 549, 552, 553, 555, 556, 563–4, 569, 572
Powell, Cozy, 294
Powell, Michael, 425–6
death of, 444
Power, Corruption & Lies, 55, 196
Preston 28 February 1980, tracks on, 615–16
premiere of, 4
Price, Stuart, 671
Prince, 289
‘Procession’, 18, 19, 45, 48, 58, 70, 75, 125
recording of, 68
Prodigy, 646
Public Image Ltd, 330, 407, 419–20, 422
Pulp, 498
Pumped Full of Drugs, 233, 288
tracks on, 310
Q Awards, 586–7
Quayle, Mac, 655
Queen, 584
Quinn, Marc, 315
Qwest Records, 187, 203, 205–6, 469
Radcliffe, Mark, 201
Radio One Sessions, tracks on, 704
Reading Festival, 422, 424, 527, 531, 572
‘The Real Thing’, 661
Real World Studios, 310, 382–3, 444, 498–9, 501, 581, 586, 654, 655
‘Recoil’, 655
Reed, Lou, 502
Reilly, Vini, 557–8
Reni (of Stone Roses), see Wren, Alan ‘Reni’
Reportage, 444
Republic, 523–5, 529, 566, 569
The Rest of . . . , tracks on, 599
Retro, tracks on, 699–701
Revenge, 374–5, 383, 424, 425, 452–3, 454–5, 460–1, 487, 496, 564
Reznor, Trent, 516
Rhodes, Bernie, 21
Richardson, Leroy, 561–2
Riley, Sam, 688
Roberts, Jane, 325, 326, 375, 382, 389, 415
Roberts, Smug, 555
Robie, John, 53, 329, 368, 408–9
Robinson, Andy, 190, 234, 284, 285, 376, 378–9, 417, 430, 528, 583, 586, 587, 622, 623–4, 626, 653, 658, 659–60, 664, 676
Rob’s Records, 575 (see also Gretton, Rob)
Robson, Bobby, 449
Rock Around the Clock, 200, 201–3
Rodrigues, Phillippe, 407, 460
Rollo (of Faithless), see Armstrong, Rollo
Ross, Jonathan, 674
Rotten, Johnny, see Lydon, John
‘Round and Round’, 385
Rowetta, 691
Rowland, Neil, 43
The Royle Family, 649
‘Ruined in a Day’, 504
‘Run’, 385
Russell, Marcus, 566
Ryder, Shaun, 357, 358, 512, 672
Sabottka, Scumeck, 696
Salvation!, tracks on, 396
Sarah, Duchess of York, 370, 372
Sarge (security man), 413, 453, 627, 648, 677
Savage, John, 309
Saville, Peter, 12, 53, 58, 73, 147, 168, 178, 192, 198–9, 521–2, 663
Sawyer, Miranda, 294
Scargill, Arthur, 186
Scheider, Roy, 294
Scissor Sisters, 503
‘Scott Walker’ (later ‘Recoil’), 655
‘7 Reasons’, 451
Sex Pistols, 309
emerging, 10
‘Shadowplay’, 11
Shadowplayers (Nice), 502, 505 (see also Factory Records)
‘Shake It Up’, 655
Shallow Grave, 582
Shamberg, Michael, 52–3, 81, 247, 341, 425–6, 522
‘Shine’, tracks on, 608
The Short Circuit, 10
Shuttleworth, John, 537
Simm, John, 648
Simonon, Paul, 20
Simple Minds, 79
Singles, tracks on, 716–17
Sioux, Siouxsie, 502–3
Siouxsie and the Banshees, 419, 502
‘60 Miles an Hour’, 583
tracks on, 642
Skids, 191
‘Skullcrusher’, 341
Slim (roadie), 90, 91, 165, 180 (see also New Order)
Smash Hits, 294–5
Smith, Gill, 191–2
Smith, Mark E., 551–2
Sol Studio, 445
‘Someone Like You’, tracks on, 642
Something Wild, 270
songs and EPs, 642
‘Age of Consent’, 133, 201, 243, 426
‘Atmosphere’, 373, 454, 629, 688
‘The Beach’, and Qwest, 205
‘Big Bang’, 460
‘Bizarre Love Triangle’, 53, 270, 283, 372, 672
‘Blue Monday’, 3, 49, 111–14, 143–7, 201, 373, 628, 630
‘Brutal’, 581
‘Chemical’, 523
‘Cramp’, 125
‘Crazy’, 660
tracks on, 637–8
‘Dead Souls’, 454
‘Death Rattle’, 57
‘Digital’, 454
‘Doubts Even Here’, 58
‘Dreams Never End’, 18, 56, 630
‘Elegia’, 197
in Pretty in Pink, 4
‘Elephant Stone’, 463, 465, 466–8, 471
‘Every Second Counts’, 368
‘Everyone Everywhere’, 504
‘Everything’s Gone Green’, 45, 48, 49, 51, 58, 72
‘Face Up’, 193
‘Factus 8 – 1981–1982’, 351
‘First Time’, 381
‘5.8.6.’, 130
recording of, 96–7
‘Full Fathom Five’, 465
‘Glass’, 454
‘Guilt is a Useless Emotion’, 655
‘Guilty Partner’, 385
‘Gun World Porn’, 461
‘The Happy One’, 404–5
‘Haystack’, 14
‘Here to Stay’, 586
tracks on, 694
‘The Him’, 57
‘Homage’, 18
‘Hooky’s Tune’, 558
‘I Told You So’, 655
‘ICB’, 57
‘As It Is When It Was’, 267, 288
‘I’ve Got a Feeling’, 655
‘Jesus I Love You’, 373
‘Jetstream’, 3, 670, 673–4, 684
tracks on, 711
‘Krafty’, tracks on, 707
‘Let’s Go’, 341
‘Little Dead’, 58
‘In a Lonely Place’, 11, 18, 125, 201
‘Lonesome Tonight’, 177–8
‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’, 11, 37, 95, 515, 629
‘Mesh’, 18
‘Mr Disco’, 404
‘New Dawn Fades’, 628
‘The Perfect Kiss’, 53, 193, 197
‘Pineapple Face’, tracks on, 477–8
‘Procession’, 18, 19, 45, 48, 58, 75, 125
recording of, 68
‘The Real Thing’, 661
‘Recoil’, 655
‘Round and Round’, 385
‘Ruined in a Day’, 504
‘Run’, 385
‘Scott Walker’ (later ‘Recoil’), 655
‘7 Reasons’, 451
‘Shadowplay’, 11
‘Shake It Up’, 655
‘Shine’, tracks on, 608
‘60 Miles an Hour’, 583
tracks on, 642
‘Skullcrusher’, 341
‘Someone Like You’, tracks on, 642
‘Sooner Than You Think’, 193, 201
tracks on, 541
‘Sputnik’, 341
‘State of the Nation’, 270, 288
track lists, 266
‘Sugarcane’, 654
‘Sweet Lips’, tracks on, 602–3
‘Temptation’, 49, 75, 87–8, 125, 201
‘Tender’, 607
‘Thieves Like Us’, 141, 146, 177–8, 368
‘This Time of Night’, 193
‘Touched by the Hand of God’, 53, 204, 341
‘True Faith’, 53, 329–30, 333, 334, 492, 499, 504, 505
and band’s technical revolution, 85
‘Turn the Heater On’, 130
‘Turn My Way’, 585
‘Vanishing Point’, 383
‘Way of Life’, 243
‘What Do You Want From Me’, 565
‘World in Motion’ (World Cup song), 426, 444–51, 492, 499, 586
‘World (The Price of Love)’, 504, 523, 526
‘Young Offender’, 526
‘Sooner Than You Think’, 193, 201
Sound Factory, 459
Sounds, 10
Sparks, 85
Spice Girls, 565
Spike Island, 471
tracks on, 541
Springsteen, Bruce, 44, 353, 627
‘Sputnik’, 341
‘State of the Nation’, 270, 288
Stefani, Gwen, 661
Stewart, Dave, 144
Sticky Fingers, 561–2
Stiff Kittens, see Joy Division
Still, tracks on, 77–8
Stockholm Monsters, 66, 67, 89, 90, 201
Strange, Steve, 191
Strawberry Studios, 3, 15, 45, 95, 143,
374, 466
Street, Stephen, 654
Strummer, Joe, 21
Advision, 85, 125, 146, 329, 334, 368
Britannia Row, 66, 67, 109, 110, 113, 115, 144, 177, 188, 190, 197
Cargo, 454 (see also Suite 16)
CTS, 197
Hook End, 584–5
Mayfair, 564
Monnow Valley, 583–4
Pagoda, 499
Real World, 310, 382–3, 444, 498–9, 501, 581, 586, 654, 655
Sol, 445
Strawberry, 3, 15, 45, 95, 143, 374, 466
Sturridge, Charles, 153
track lists, 266
Sub Sub, 575
‘Sugarcane’, 654
Suite 16, 159, 373, 375, 454–5, 487
Sultan, David, 675
Summer, Donna, 85
Sumner, Bernard ‘Barney’, 31, 48, 107–8, 350 (see also Electronic; New Order; timelines)
absence of, from Hannett funeral, 487
absence of, from soundchecks, 416 and return, 417
accidentally wiped vocal track of, 383–4
announces wish to work with other people, 350
and apple-throwing incident, 106
autocue system of, 528
band managed by, 159
becomes New Order singer, 15, 30
Big Day Out terrible mood of, 644
bucket-of-water trick played on, 142–3
and chair incident, 2–7 passim
coke consumption of, 378
at Control opening, 688
documentary interview of, 201
at early Pistols gig, 10
Elvis get-up of, 449
and Evans, 472
frontman duties prove testing for, 242
and Gilbert, 242–3
and Groucho’s, 489
and Haçienda name row, 689
and Haçienda’s uncertain future, 566–7
Hook refuses to work with, 687
and Hook’s Boon interview, 688
Hook’s increasing annoyance with, 683–4
Hook’s row with, over Sirens’ Call tracks, 658–9
lack of cooperation exhibited by, 491–2
lyric writing by, 577
makes bid for leadership, 276–7
mid-tour hospitalisation of, 421
moaning and complaining by, 416
New Order revival suggested by, 569
parsimony of, 578
Pearson portrays, 688 (see also Control)
production by, 69
in public falling-out with Gilbert and Morris, 568
and Ross, 674
Simm’s portrayal of, 648 (see also 24 Hour Party People)
and Sioux, 503
and Smash Hits interview, 295–6
and sound levels, 677–8
and Stefani track, 661
sunnier personality displayed by, 571
as weak link, 32
Sumner, Dylan, 538
Swans, 444
‘Sweet Lips’, tracks on, 602–3
Swinton, Tilda, 426
Sylvester, 112
T in the Park, 678
Talbot, Fred, 561
tracks on, 174
Technique, 45, 193, 382, 385, 468, 485, 492, 564
‘Temptation’, 49, 75, 87–8, 125, 201
Ten Years After, 584
‘Tender’, 607
That Petrol Emotion, 444
Thatcher, Margaret, 186
The The, 444
Thick Pigeon, 69
‘Thieves Like Us’, 141, 146, 177–8, 368
This Morning with Richard and Judy, 450, 609
‘This Time of Night’, 193
Throwing Muses, 411, 419, 503 timelines:
Top of the Pops, 145–6, 160, 329, 523, 525, 565
California shoot for, 529
Tottenham Hotspur FC, 273
‘Touched by the Hand of God’, 53, 204, 341
tours (see also timelines):
Townshend, Cenzo, 654
Trainspotting, 582
Travis (counsellor), 669
Treadaway, Harry, 688
‘True Faith’, 53, 329–30, 333, 334, 492, 499, 504, 505
and band’s technical revolution, 85
‘Turn the Heater On’, 130
‘Turn My Way’, 585
Tusk, 2
24 Hour Party People, 276, 586, 648–51
advance screening of, 650
Twisted Tenderness, 577
UK/LA Week, 370–2
United States of the Haçienda Tour of America, 459
recording of, 11
Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division (Hook), 691
US tours, 19–29, 51–4, 149–57, 204–5, 241–5, 292–300, 324, 407–23, 527–31, 675 (see also timelines)
Usher, Margin, 87
‘Vanishing Point’, 383
Volpeliere-Pierrot, Ben, 52
Vorderman, Carol, 553
Waddle, Chris, 447
Waiting for the Sirens’ Call, 651
Walliams, David, 552
Warsaw, see Joy Division
Watkins, Tom, 545
‘Way of Life’, 243
‘What Do You Want From Me’, 565
Williams, Mark, 170
Williams, Mikey, 578
Williams, Orian, 681
Williams, Robbie, 490, 586, 628, 655
Wilson, Isabel, 457
Wilson, Oliver, 233, 275, 310, 457, 662
Wilson, Tony, 12, 13, 14, 25, 88, 133, 144, 160, 233, 373, 382, 388, 448, 449, 450–1, 563
and Aherne, 546
and Carman, 485
and ‘In the City’ project, 498–9
Coogan’s portrayal of, 649 (see also 24 Hour Party People)
eager to release Revenge remix, 460
and Factory’s few assets, 505
Gretton’s allegations against, 275
Hook berated by, 460
and London Records, 505–6
new car for, 327
at New York seminar, 455–9
and visit to exclusive restaurant, 457–8
and Power . . . artwork, 168
and Technique advertising, 403
and This Morning with Richard and Judy, 450
TV arts programme of, 404
Windmill Lane studios, 282, 284, 285, 304
Winterbottom, Michael, 648–9, 650
Wise, Alan, 192, 339, 341, 357–8, 582, 625, 687
Hannett eulogy by, 487
Wood, Ronnie, 379
Woolliscroft, Peter, 87
World Cup 1990, 444–51, 492, 499, 586
World Cup 2009, 695
‘World in Motion’ (World Cup song), 426, 444–51, 492, 499, 586
‘World (The Price of Love)’, 504, 523, 526
Wren, Alan ‘Reni’, 464, 466, 471
Wylie, Pete, 559–60
Wyman, Bill, 561
Yellow Two Studios, 3, 48, 329
Yes, Please, 487
Young, Neil, 635
‘Young Offender’, 526