TSINCE MOVING TO THE EAST COAST, RHUBARB HAS become my personal indicator that spring is finally on the way. When it arrives, I buy it by the armload and make butters, jams, compotes, and this ruby-colored jelly. It tastes tart and clean, just as a new season should.


1½ pounds/680 g rhubarb, chopped

3 cups/600 g granulated sugar

1 (1.75 ounce/50 g) packet powdered pectin

Combine the chopped rhubarb and 3 cups/720 ml water in a pot. Cover and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the rhubarb has completely broken down and the water is tinted a vivid pink.

Line a large, fine-mesh sieve with cheesecloth and place it over a large bowl. Pour the cooked rhubarb through. Let it sit and drip for at least 30 minutes. Do not press the rhubarb pulp, as that will make your jelly cloudy. Discard the solids in the sieve and measure out 4 cups/960 ml of rhubarb juice.

Prepare a boiling water bath and 4 half-pint/250 ml jars according to the process on page 10. Place the lids in a small saucepan, cover them with water, and simmer over very low heat.

Measure the sugar into a bowl. Whisk the powdered pectin into the sugar to blend.

In a large, nonreactive pot, combine the rhubarb juice and the pectin-spiked sugar.

Bring to a boil and cook over high heat for 15 to 25 minutes, stirring frequently, until the volume in the pot is greatly reduced. While you continue to stir, clip a candy thermometer to the pot and watch until the pot reaches 220°F/105°C. There will be a great deal of foaming and bubbling before it reaches this point. It should look thick and syrupy and the bubbles should look glossy.

Test the set of the jelly using the saucer test described on page 77. If it doesn’t pass, return the pot to the heat and cook for an additional 5 minutes before repeating the test.

When the jelly has reached the desired consistency, pour it into the prepared jars. Wipe the rims, apply the lids and rings, and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes (see page 11).