Grateful Thanks to a Charitable Man (1750)
Extract from a Decree by…the Inquisition (1750)
In Defense of Milord Bolingbroke (1752)
Dialogue between a Brahmin and a Jesuit (1756)
Dialogues between Lucretius and Posidonius (1756)
Letter from Charles Gouju to His Brothers (1761)
The Sermon of Rabbi Akib (1761)
Extract from the London Gazette (1762)
Prayer to God (from Treatise on Tolerance) (1763)
Catechism of the Honest Man (1763)
Omer de Fleury, Having Entered, Have Said (1763)
Letter from Mr. Clocpicre to Mr. Eratou (1764)
Wives, Submit to Your Husbands (1765)
Republican Ideas by a Member of a Corps (1765)
Dialogue between a Doubter and a Venerator (1766)
Letters to His Highness, the Prince of **** on Rabelais (1767)
Letter I: On François Rabelais
Letter II: On the Predecessors of Rabelais, etc.
Letter IV: On the English Authors
Letter VIII: On the Encyclopedia
Dinner at Count de Boulainvilliers’ (1767)
The Emperor of China and Friar Chuckles (1768)
An Anonymous Character Sketch of Voltaire (1734 or 1735)
Condorcet's Account of Voltaire's Battle
Madame Suard's Visit to Ferney in 1775
The Count de Ségur on Voltaire's Return to Paris in 1778
La Correspondance Littéraire, Philosophique, et Critique on Voltaire's Death (June 1778)
Frederick the Great's Eulogy of Voltaire
Edgar Quinet on The Exterminating Angel (1844)