World Federation of Societies in Biological Psychiatry Guidelines
Table 8.1.
External Controls
A fragile assumption of many treatment approaches is that atypical sexual interests, such as pedophilia, can be managed when the individual is not motivated to change their sexual behavior. For example, the relapse prevention model assumes the individual is motivated to refrain from sexual fantasies, thoughts, urges, and behavior involving children, and is therefore willing to monitor sexual fantasies about children and avoid risky situations, such as being alone with a child (Laws, Hudson, & Ward, 2000). However, some pedophilic men are not motivated to refrain from future sexual offenses; they are motivated to engage in this behavior without getting caught. Such men may be more likely to view their sexual contacts with children as part of ongoing romantic relationships rather than sexual abuse. They may also be more likely to view children as benefiting from the experience and to see societal reactions, rather than the sexual contact itself, as the cause of any negative effects that the child experiences. Hudson, Ward, and McCormack (1999), and others, have also noted a distinction between offenders who actively seek sexual contacts with children ( approach pathways ) and those who report they were motivated to avoid sexual contacts with children, but nonetheless did so when they were depressed, stressed, or otherwise less able to restrain their behavior ( avoidance pathways ). Motivational enhancement techniques become essential as a means of moving someone to a willingness to engage in treatment and to apply the knowledge and skills that are learned (McMurran, 2009).
Ideally, individuals are intrinsically motivated to change. However, external incentives may also be needed, including the possibilities of lighter sentences, more comfortable institutional placements, and the chance of earlier release to the community. External controls become even more important for sex offenders who do not want to refrain from sexual offending. These controls can include sentencing, supervision of sex offenders living in the community, and sex offender registration with police. The intensity of such external controls might vary according to the risk posed by sex offenders, with long sentences or even indefinite incapacitation for the highest risk offenders, and less expensive or intrusive interventions for lower risk offenders.
Sentencing and Supervision
Correctional research has shown that criminal sanctions do not reduce recidivism. Criminal sanctions include regular sentencing, restitution programs, police cautioning, and probation. In fact, evidence suggests that criminal sanctions can increase the likelihood of new offenses (Andrews et al., 1990; Lipsey, 1998). Another problem with criminal sanctions is that the detection rate for any particular sexual offense is usually quite low, because many victims do not report the crime to police, and some guilty individuals are not successfully prosecuted. Thus, two of the key elements of effective punishment of unwanted behavior (speed and certainty) are almost never met by criminal sanctions. Nonetheless, criminal sanctions serve other purposes as well, including punishment for its own sake, signaling community outrage, and incapacitation. Even if punishment is ineffective, criminal sanctions can reduce sexual offending against children by incapacitating those who are the most likely to commit such offense, most likely to reoffend against multiple victims, or most likely to cause serious harm. Because of the high costs of imprisonment, long sentences are most efficiently and effectively reserved for those who are high in risk to sexually offend again. I have discussed the reliable and valid methods by which risk to reoffend can be assessed among sex offenders in the previous chapter .
Spelman (2000) suggested that approximately one quarter of the crime reduction observed in the 1990s in the United States could be attributed to increasing incarceration since the 1980s, thereby removing offenders who would otherwise reoffend in the community. However, other analyses suggest that a similar reduction in crime has been observed in countries that do not have the same high incarceration rates and that have not increased spending on policing and corrections to the same extent as the United States (Mishra & Lalumière, 2009). This does not preclude the possibility that increased incarceration can lead to reduced crime in one country but other changes led to reduced crime in other countries.
Another criminal sanction involves supervision in the community under probation or parole conditions. Regular supervision is unlikely to have a positive effect because of the typically high caseloads and the resulting low frequency of contacts and reliance on self-report and office appointments, which are less likely to detect changes in dynamic risk factors and to be able to effectively intervene. Intensive supervision differs from typical probation or parole supervision in having more unannounced home visits, more frequent contacts, urinalysis, home confinement, electronic monitoring, and/or regular polygraph testing (Gendreau, Cullen, & Bonta, 1994; Paparozzi & Gendreau, 2005). Intensive supervision combined with treatment has been described as a containment or multiagency model in which sex offenders are monitored by a team of probation or parole officers, treatment providers, and polygraph examiners (English, 1998). This model proposes that multiple agencies can be involved with an offender and that coordination of these agencies increases the likelihood that their different resources are used efficiently. Containment in the community, even with the recommended small caseloads for probation and parole officers, treatment providers, and regular polygraph examinations, can cost less than incarceration. The unanswered question is whether the containment approach can reduce recidivism.
Another form of community supervision, the Circles of Support and Accountability, involves surrounding the offender with supportive volunteers who monitor his behavior and assist him in adjusting to life in the community upon the completion of his prison sentence (R. J. Wilson, Huculak, & McWhinnie, 2002; R. J. Wilson, Picheca, & Prinzo, 2005). This model was originally developed for men who had served their entire prison sentences in Canada and were therefore released without any parole supervision. In the Circles of Support and Accountability model, four to six members of the volunteer support group visit the offender daily; assist him in living tasks, such as obtaining housing and employment; and mediate if necessary with police, media, and concerned citizens. These volunteers are given training about sexual offending (e.g., potentially high-risk situations) and the relevant law and are able to consult with professionals, such as police officers, psychologists, and other members of an advisory board. R. J. Wilson et al. (2005) followed 60 sex offenders involved in circles and compared them with 60 sex offenders who were released at the end of their prison sentence without a circle; the two groups of offenders were matched on risk, length of time in the community, and prior involvement in sex offender treatment. After the average follow-up time of 4.5 years, 5% of the offenders involved in circles had sexually reoffended, compared with 17% of the comparison offenders. In addition, 15% of the offenders in circles committed a new violent offense, including a sexual offense, compared with 35% of the comparison offenders. Projects are now in place throughout Canada, in some of the United States, and in the United Kingdom (see and ).
Community Notification and Registration
Sex offenders against children have been subjected to extraordinary legal measures compared with other offenders, even those who have violently but nonsexually assaulted children. These include community notification of citizens when sex offenders move into an area ( Megan’s Law ) and the federally mandated requirements of registration with authorities upon release from institutional custody ( Jacob Wetterling Act ). Although both community notification and sex offender registrations have been implemented across the United States, neither policy has been fully evaluated. The preliminary results suggest these legal measures do not have the desired impacts. One study used a pre–post design to compare 90 adult sex offenders who were subject to the highest level of community notification and a matched group of 90 adult sex offenders who were released within 44 months before the implementation of the community notification law (Schram & Milloy, 1995). These investigators reported that community notification resulted in a quicker arrest once an individual had reoffended (see also Freeman, 2012), but it had no impact on recidivism rates, with 19% of those who were subject to notification reoffending, compared with 22% of those who were not. Almost two thirds of the new offenses occurred in the jurisdiction where notification took place, suggesting that notification did not necessarily cause offenders to go elsewhere if they were seeking opportunities to reoffend. Tewksbury and Jennings (2010) compared a cohort of offenders released pre- and postimplementation of registration and notification and found no difference in their recidivism trajectories (see also Vásquez, Maddan, & Walker, 2008).
The policies of community notification and sex offender registration seem to be popular with the public, despite the increase in their fear or anxiety that can result from community notification and the absence of evidence for their intended impact (Beck & Travis, 2004). Community notification and residency requirements may have negative effects upon sex offenders, including harassment, loss of employment or residence, and property damage (Brannon, Levenson, Fortney, & Baker, 2007; Levenson & Cotter, 2005). Brannon et al. (2007) found that almost half of the 125 sex offenders they surveyed reported threats, property damage, or assaults because of public notification of their status. This may cause some sex offenders to avoid registration; indeed, failure to register is the most common supervision violation among sex offenders, yet failure to register is unrelated to sexual recidivism, suggesting that many offenders are returned to custody or have additional criminal justice sanctions imposed without improving public safety (Duwe & Donnay, 2010; Levenson, Letourneau, Armstrong, & Zgoba, 2010).
Indefinite Incapacitation
Dangerous offender designation in Canada and sex offender civil commitment in the United States permits the indefinite incapacitation of selected sex offenders. Approximately half of the designated “dangerous offenders” in Canada have been convicted of sexual offenses against children (Bonta, Harris, Zinger, & Carriere, 1996; Trevethan, Crutcher, & Moore, 2002). Also, approximately half (49%) of civilly committed sex offenders had a diagnosis of pedophilia, according to a survey by Fitch (2003), which presumably is tied to an offense history involving children. Pedophilic sex offenders may be more likely to be recommended for civil commitment than nonpedophilic sex offenders because they are likely to have more sexual victims (Levenson, 2004b). These special options are much more expensive than regular incarceration; Fitch (2003) found that direct costs were more than three times the average cost of imprisonment alone (see Lieb & Gookin, 2005, for a somewhat lower estimate of the costs associated with sex offender civil commitment). Relatively few sex offenders who have been involuntarily civilly committed have been released (Schneider, Jackson, D’Orazio, Hébert, & McClulloch, 2014). Because of the high personal and public costs associated with indefinite incapacitation, accurate risk assessment and conservative decision thresholds are important to determine who should be subject to these legal controls.
Treatment Performance
While continuing to wait for more methodologically rigorous treatment evaluations, researchers can also consider studies that have examined the relationship between sex offender treatment performance and outcome. If sex offender treatment has an effect, one would expect good treatment performance—reflected in less attrition, more participation, and greater change on in-treatment goals as measured by self-report and clinician ratings—to be related to better treatment outcome. In other words, one would expect sex offenders who learn more and seem to do better in a treatment program to be less likely to reoffend than those who learn less or perform poorly, if the knowledge and skills they learn are relevant to recidivism.
It should be no surprise now that treatment outcome is associated with treatment participation, completion, and clinical change, both in research with offenders and with other clinical groups (e.g., W. L. Marshall et al., 2003; Tierney & McCabe, 2002). Evidence suggests that treatment attrition is related to risk factors, such as aggressiveness and noncompliance with rules, and thus those who complete treatment and satisfactorily participate are lower risk to reoffend, all other things being equal (Beyko & Wong, 2005; Olver, Stockdale, & Wormith, 2011).
Many other studies have examined the relationship between treatment performance and outcomes among sex offenders. Almost all these studies have examined treatment performance as a static rather than dynamic risk factor, and the results suggest a small negative association, rather than the expected positive association. These studies also combine different aspects of treatment performance, which can include motivation to participate in treatment, compliance with rules and other expectations, performance on assignments and measures, and pre–post change. Quinsey, Khanna, and Malcolm (1998) followed 193 sex offenders treated at a prison-based program in Canada and found that a clinician rating of treatment gain was unrelated to sexual recidivism, even though the offenders showed significant improvements on within-treatment measures. In contrast, SOTEP participants who obtained better posttreatment scores on phallometrically measured sexual arousal and attitudes and beliefs supportive of sexual offending, and who had more positive ratings of their relapse prevention assignments, were less likely to reoffend than those who did not show these positive changes, even after statistically controlling for actuarially estimated risk to reoffend (Marques et al., 2005).
In terms of a negative relationship, Sadoff, Roether, and Peters (1971) found that group therapy participants who reported therapy was helpful were more, rather than less, likely to be rearrested than sex offenders who complained about their involvement in group therapy. Seto and Barbaree (1999) found that good treatment performance was associated with higher recidivism, especially among those who scored higher in psychopathy. Our measure of treatment performance included the offender’s attendance, level of participation, interactions with others during group sessions, and the quality of homework assignments in victim empathy exercises, understanding of offense cycle, and development of a relapse prevention plan. Our measure also included therapist ratings of motivation for treatment and overall behaviour change.
Looman, Abracen, Serin, and Marquis (2005) replicated this result in a different sample of convicted sex offenders treated at a correctional psychiatric centre: They also found that men who performed well in treatment, in terms of ratings of change in victim empathy, understanding of offense cycle, quality of relapse prevention plan, and global performance and who scored higher in psychopathy were more likely than other offenders in the sample to seriously reoffend during the follow-up period of 4 to 5 years. However, we later found treatment performance was no longer related to recidivism after doubling the follow-up time in the Seto and Barbaree sample (Barbaree, 2005; Seto, 2003), and no association was found in a follow-up study of a larger sample from the same prison-based treatment program (Langton, Barbaree, Seto, Harkins, & Peacock, 2002).
Wakeling, Beech, and Freemantle (2013) examined a similar question in a large UK sample of 3,773 sex offenders (two thirds had offended against children) treated between 1996 and 2006, using the Structured Assessment of Risks and Needs to assess treatment related change. This measure assesses factors in four domains, reflecting the dynamic risk literature: (a) atypical sexual interests; (b) procriminal attitudes; (c) socioaffective problems; and (d) self-regulation problems. The sample was followed for an average of 4 years and the outcome was reconviction. Sex offenders who had scores in the normal range on these domains were less likely to reoffend during the follow-up period, and those who showed positive change in three or four domains were less likely to reoffend. However, change scores did not add to the predictive validity provided by a modified version of an actuarial risk scale, the RM2000 (modified because two items were missing), indicating this dynamic information did not improve prediction.
Olver, Nicholaichuk, Kingston, and Wong (2014) reported additional results that are relevant. In their study following a sample of 676 Canadian sex offenders for an average of 6.3 years, change scores on the Violence Risk Scale—Sexual Offender version (VRS–SO) significantly predicted sexual recidivism, but did not significantly add to the actuarial risk estimate provided by the Static-99R and pretreatment dynamic risk scores in predicting either violent or sexual recidivism. It is encouraging and consistent with RNR principles that individuals assigned to moderate- or high-intensity programs showed more pre–post differences in atypical sexual interest and antisociality variables than those assigned to low intensity programs; I consider these results to be consistent with RNR principles because those with higher need should be assigned to higher intensity programs, and thus have more room to show change. Also, higher intensity programs should be able to shift targeted factors further, with their greater resources.
Together, these results suggest that treatment performance and evidence of pre–post change are related to recidivism in a sensible way, depending on how it is measured, but treatment behavior does not add to the predictive accuracy provided by actuarial risk assessment based on historical and static factors. An important complication is that treatment performance is not unitary, because it comprises different factors, including offender motivation to change, treatment engagement, treatment change, and therapeutic alliance; therapeutic alliance in turn involves many facets, including therapist warmth, rapport, and other nonspecific elements. Each of these factors, and facets, could have different influences on subsequent outcomes. Moreover, none of these variables are solely about the individual offender, as they reflect both therapist and program influences. For example, a confrontational or hostile therapist is likely to form a poorer therapeutic alliance than a warm but assertive therapist, and therapeutic alliance can affect the offender’s motivation to change and his treatment behavior.
Efficacy and Effectiveness
Efficacy and effectiveness have an important conceptual distinction, addressing the questions of, Can treatment work? and Does treatment work? respectively (for further discussion of this distinction, see Rice & Harris, 2003). The first stage involves rigorous research designs, with random assignment of subjects to treatment and control conditions, the use of placebo conditions, multiple outcome measures, multiple exclusion criteria leading to homogeneous groups, manualized therapy, and attention to program implementation and fidelity. Once it is established that treatment can have a positive impact ( efficacy ), other studies can evaluate the ability of treatment to have an effect in typical practice, outside the research setting and in the hands of staff dealing with high caseloads, resource limitations, variable training, and so forth ( effectiveness ). Rice and Harris (2003) pointed out that the sex offender treatment field has focused on the second question, before the first question has been answered.
In addition to the impact on recidivism, one can also evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions by estimating the financial costs of providing the intervention relative to the alternatives and then factoring in the financial costs of new offenses that occur (e.g., Aos, Lieb, Mayfield, Miller, & Pennucci, 2004; Aos, Phipps, Barnoski, & Lieb, 2001). Some interventions may indeed reduce recidivism but at a cost that far exceeds those of alternative options. To use an extreme hypothetical example, sex offenders living in the community could be accompanied by an around-the-clock surveillance team. Assuming eight staff (three shifts of two members each, with an additional two staff to cover illness, holidays, and other absences), an offender would be extremely unlikely to reoffend against a child, but he would require many millions of dollars in direct personnel costs over his lifetime. Applying this expensive level of monitoring for every sex offender released from correctional custody would quickly exhaust the financial resources of any criminal justice system. Langan, Schmitt, and Durose (2003) estimated that approximately 6,400 sex offenders against children were released from state prisons in 1994; these offenders would cost over $1 billion a year under this hypothetical surveillance team system.
On the other hand, programs that achieve only a modest reduction in recidivism, or even no reduction, can still be cost-effective, especially if they can be inexpensively and widely delivered. Reviews completed by staff at the Washington State Institute of Public Policy indicate that, for both adolescent and adult general offenders, treatments that focus on criminogenic needs are cost-effective, whereas intensive probation or parole programs emphasizing surveillance are not (Aos et al., 2001, 2004).
Principles of Intervention Evaluation
The following sections discuss scientific and practical issues that are important for evaluating existing (or past) interventions and planning future interventions. Many of these issues have already been mentioned.
The Importance of Random Assignment
Despite potential problems, such as sample representativeness, inadvertent group non-equivalence in risk for recidivism or other factors that might moderate treatment outcome, and generalizability to typical practice, only randomized clinical trials enable us to make the strongest inferences about sex offender treatment outcome. These studies are difficult to conduct, but they have greatly contributed to knowledge of what constitutes effective intervention to reduce crime in general (e.g., Farrington & Welsh, 2005). Westen, Novotny, and Thompson-Brenner (2004) reviewed the methodological and conceptual issues involved in conducting and interpreting randomized clinical trials (see also the critical responses by Crits-Christoph, Wilson, & Hollon, 2005; Weisz, Weersing, & Henggeler, 2005). Westen et al. (2004) made valuable suggestions for future randomized clinical trials, including focusing on intervention strategies rather than manualization, focusing on clinical problems rather than categorical diagnoses, recruiting realistically heterogeneous samples, explicitly documenting exclusion criteria, and carefully assessing process variables.
In addition to the scientific rationale for encouraging and conducting randomized clinical trials to evaluate sex offender treatment, a powerful ethical rationale exists as well. A core principle in the Hippocratic Oath and in many other professional codes of conduct is to “do no harm.” It has been suggested by some treatment advocates that it would be unethical to withhold treatment from sex offenders who are willing to participate, because of the risk posed by offenders who might otherwise reoffend, the costs to potential victims, and the expectations of stakeholders (e.g., W. L. Marshall, 2006; W. L. Marshall & Anderson, 2000). W. L. Marshall (2006) also identified the practical difficulties of conducting randomized clinical trials, including institutional hurdles and resistance to the idea that some sex offenders will not receive treatment, for example, they cannot be eligible for parole if they are not treated. This position does not recognize the possibility that some treatments may have harmful effects, unintentionally increasing recidivism and thereby harming victims and offenders (see Lilienfeld, 2007).
Medical examples are germane. Millions of people are treated every year for head injuries, yet many die or are permanently disabled because of their injuries. Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids were used for decades to treat brain damage that could result in death or disability, under the plausible assumption that postinjury inflammation was the cause of brain damage. However, a 1997 review of small randomized clinical trials suggested no difference between treatment and control conditions in risk of death. A large international randomized clinical trial of more than 20,000 head-injured patients was begun to examine the impact of intravenous corticosteroids on death and disability following head injury (CRASH Trial Collaborators, 2004). This trial was discontinued half-way after data monitors determined that the drug therapy increased the relative risk of death in the first 2 weeks after the injury. In other words, a credible, well-meaning intervention had unintentionally increased patient deaths over the past 30 years, over and above the toll exacted by the original head injuries. Moreover, the acceptance of corticosteroid treatment as a standard intervention during this time may have dissuaded clinicians and researchers from exploring other treatments that may have been successful in reducing death and disability following head injuries. Other examples of inadvertently harmful medical interventions can readily be found. In the field of medicine, where lives can be at stake, the consensus is that the potential for harm ethically justifies the withholding of an unproven treatment in randomized clinical trials, including randomized clinical trials for childhood cancers such as leukemia. Sexual offenses against children are a serious problem, but I do not believe that the possibility that a child will be sexually victimized is morally equivalent to the possibility that the same child will die because of cancer.
For those who think that only medical treatments can cause harm, some psychosocial treatments have also had unintended consequences (see Lilienfeld, 2007). For example, Dishion et al. (1999) reported on the negative effect of the Cambridge Somerville Youth Program, a long-term program involving counselling, community services, and group activities, on the outcomes of juvenile delinquents followed for several decades. Boys who participated in the program were significantly more likely than matched control boys to have a negative outcome, defined as death prior to age 35; conviction for a serious crime; or diagnosis with an alcohol abuse disorder or major psychiatric disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Moreover, the dose–response relationship was such that boys who participated in the program longer were more likely to have a negative outcome. In an analysis of a different program, teenagers who were randomly assigned to peer group therapy condition had higher teacher reports of conduct problems than teenagers who were assigned to comparison conditions.
One can imagine many ways in which contemporary sex offender treatments might be inadvertently harmful. Combining different types of sex offenders would expose sex offenders against children to the typically more antisocial attitudes, beliefs, and behavior of sex offenders against adults in group sessions (recall the opposite trends for sex offenders against children and sex offenders against adults in the SOTEP evaluation). The still common use of offender disclosures in acceptance of responsibility and relapse prevention exercises, which involve offenders recounting details of their sexual offenses, may expose less experienced and less sophisticated offenders to new sexual content and to new methods for gaining access to victims. The use of victim empathy exercises may fuel sadistic sexual fantasies among the subgroup of sex offenders for whom victim suffering and distress are arousing, rather than upsetting. We as researchers do not know whether any of these hypothetical effects occur, because we do not have the evaluations to find out. Even if unevaluated offender treatments did not cause harm, investing hopes, resources, and time into ineffective treatments means incurring the opportunity cost of not being able to allocate those things to the development and dissemination of effective interventions.
Looking to the next developments in sex offender treatment, the SOTEP results suggest that relapse prevention has no effect on recidivism, but this approach remains a popular format for sex offender treatment and is likely to be provided by some clinicians for some time to come, in the absence of credible alternatives. This situation creates an opportunity for evaluating innovative, theoretically consistent interventions using a strong inference design in which offenders are randomly assigned to treatment as usual (relapse prevention) and experimental treatments that are informed by correctional research on effective treatments for offenders. This could address the ethical and practical obstacles that treatment advocates have cited in their reluctance to conduct randomized clinical trials. I believe the credibility of treatment for sex offenders against children depends on the evolution of evidence-based practices in this manner.
Without the cumulative gains in knowledge that are possible through methodologically rigorous evaluations of theoretically consistent and carefully designed and implemented evaluations, clinicians working with sex offenders against children face the prospect of shifting from fad to fad as new treatment approaches are introduced and popularized. A similar point has been made about child abuse prevention programs involving home visits (Chaffin, 2004). The relapse prevention approach to sex offender treatment was introduced in the 1980s and quickly became the dominant model of sex offender treatment programs (McGrath, Cumming, & Burchard, 2003). After Marques et al. (2005) reported that the SOTEP relapse prevention program did not significantly reduce recidivism among sex offenders, some clinicians and researchers have adopted other treatment approaches, such as the self-regulation approach or the GLM approach, before evaluations of their impact on recidivism have been conducted. Without careful evaluations, sex offender treatment providers are adopting these new approaches and perhaps unwittingly providing an ineffective or harmful treatment. As Laws and Ward (2006) noted in their presentation of the self-regulation approach, “Unfortunately, the uncritical acceptance of the Marlatt and Gordon (1985) and Laws (1989) [two highly influential books on the relapse prevention approach] works resulted in the widespread implementation of a largely unproven treatment approach” (pp. 241–242). The same can be said of newer approaches.
Of course, such evaluations are very difficult and take a long time to complete (see Farrington & Welsh, 2005). SOTEP was initially funded in 1985 and the final report was only published in 2005. In the interim, preliminary evidence indicated that SOTEP was having the desired proximal effects (Marques et al., 1994). Nonetheless, although the final results were discouraging, I believe SOTEP was a success because the sex offender field learned some valuable lessons from its evaluation.
While awaiting longer-term results, experimental sex offender treatments could incorporate components identified in proximal outcome research as having a significant impact on dynamic risk factors that have been identified (see Table 8.2 ). For example, does the focus on acceptance of responsibility, victim empathy, and cognitive distortions have an impact on antisocial tendencies or pedophilic sexual fantasies, urges, and arousal? Demonstrating an impact on these proximal outcomes does not mean the treatment is effective in reducing recidivism, but it is a necessary step in developing a theoretically informed treatment model. The next necessary step is to show that changes on proximal treatment targets are related to recidivism: Failing to demonstrate significant changes on proximal treatment targets or failing to demonstrate that changes in proximal treatment targets are associated with sexual recidivism would rule out these factors (see Seto, 2003).