Chapter 17
Getting familiar with the settings for your site
Accessing the Site Settings page
Getting a handle on the Look and Feel section
Changing the site logo and the look of your site
It used to be that website administration was done by the same web developer geeks that created the site. This made life simple for the information worker. If something was wrong with the site, call IT! If something needed to be changed, call IT! If a new site needed to be created and developed, call IT!
SharePoint has shifted the paradigm of website administration. No longer do you need to involve IT in your website administration. This relieves the pressure on IT and also empowers you to take control of your own site. Didn’t Uncle Ben in Spider-Man say, “with great power comes great responsibility”? Well, the same is true with SharePoint. If you are a site administrator, you have great power at your fingertips. Just be prepared; the website users will now come to you instead of IT. No need to fear, though; SharePoint makes website administration straightforward. Everything is done using your web browser from a centralized settings page called Site Settings. Yes, you use SharePoint to administer SharePoint. How convenient!
In this chapter, you go through the settings available for a SharePoint site. You find out how to find the Site Settings page and gain familiarity with the many different settings categories. Next, you discover SharePoint features. You see how a feature works and which features are active by default. You also find out how to activate and deactivate features and explore some of the most common and helpful ones. Finally, you find out how to change the look and feel of a SharePoint site. You see how themes are used for colors and fonts and how composed looks are used.
Some of the first things you might want to change on a SharePoint site are the title of the site, the description, and the logo. With these simple changes, your site looks professional and unique to your team or organization. You can then get on with the productivity benefits that SharePoint has to offer.
SharePoint team sites contain a site icon in the upper-left corner. The default image in a team site is a gray square with a couple of letters from the SharePoint site’s title. SharePoint has a setting that allows you to change this image.
To change a site’s basic information:
Navigate to the Home page of your site and then click the Settings gear icon and choosing Site Information.
The Site Information appears on the right side of the page.
Browse your computer for the image you want to use as a logo.
When you browse and select an image, SharePoint automatically uploads it to your SharePoint site for you.
Edit the title as desired and type a short description of the image in the Enter a Description (Used as Alternative Text for the Picture) text box.
Alternative text is important for accessibility software such as screen readers.
You can also change the site’s privacy settings on this screen
Click Save to commit your changes.
You see your new logo and title in the header area.
Thankfully, finding the Site Settings page is as easy as a few clicks of the mouse. Click the Settings gear icon and choose Site Contents, then click the Site Settings tab, as shown in Figure 17-1.
When the Site Settings page loads, you see a number of links all grouped into various categories, as shown in Figure 17-2. The Site Settings page can be daunting and overwhelming. Don’t worry, though. As you administer a SharePoint site, you will become familiar with all the various settings pages and become an expert before you know it.
Different settings links appear and disappear, depending on your particular permissions and the type of site you are administering. For example, if you’re a site collection administrator, then you see the Site Collection Administrators section. If you’re not, then you won’t see the links or even the entire Site Collection Administration section.
The Site Settings page for a site based on the Team Site template contains six settings categories: Look and Feel, Site Actions, Site Collection Administration, Web Designer Galleries, Site Administration, and Search.
The Look and Feel section of the Site Settings page includes links for managing things like the left navigation pane, known as the Quick Launch, navigational elements, and the look and feel of the site. You can easily change a number of things to customize your site and make it your own.
The Look and Feel section contains the following setting links (when the SharePoint Server Publishing feature is not active at the site collection or site level):
When you activate the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature at the site collection and site level, the Tree View and Top Link bar setting links disappear and are replaced with a single Navigation link. In addition, the following settings links appear in the Look and Feel section:
We cover changing the look and feel of your site later in this chapter and cover setting up navigation in Chapter 18.
The Look and Feel category, with the SharePoint Server Publishing feature activated, is shown in Figure 17-3.
The Site Actions section of the Site Settings page sis where you manage the SharePoint features for the site. You can activate or deactivate particular features using the Manage Site Features link. This is important because some features show up only when certain features are active. For example, the Save Site as Template link and the Enable Search Configuration Export option show up when the SharePoint Server Publishing Feature is not active and disappear when it is active. In addition, you can reset the site to its original template definition or delete the site completely. (We cover activating and deactivating SharePoint features later in this chapter.)
A site collection is a container for multiple sites. SharePoint allows organizations to delegate different levels of administration. For example, you might be a site collection administrator, and there might be an administrator for each site. This delegation of duty is important for offloading the work required to keep a large number of websites running smoothly.
The Site Collection Administration section of the Site Settings page is used to administer the overall site collection. The result is that any changes made to these settings pages affect all sites in the site collection. In addition, you can activate or deactivate a feature here to make it available or remove it from all the sites in the collection. The next step up in administration from site collection administrator is SharePoint farm administrator. A SharePoint farm administrator uses a tool called Central Administration, and the changes they make at the farm level affect all site collections in the SharePoint farm.
There are a lot of links to settings pages in the Site Collection Administration section. Most of the links are similar in nature to the Site Administration section but affect all sites in the collection and not just the current site. Keep in mind that having a feature active or not causes links to appear or disappear. For example, activating the SharePoint Server Publishing Feature alters this settings page.
A common theme throughout SharePoint is reusability. When you spend the time to develop something, you want to be able to use it over and over again. In SharePoint, reusability takes the form of things like data containers, templates, layouts, and solutions. The Web Designer Galleries section is where you manage all these reusable components. The components are stored in galleries and are designed to hold the pieces you use when designing your websites. With that in mind, Web Designer Galleries is such a perfect name. (What a nice break from other horribly named technology and acronyms like XSLT, HTML, and CSS.)
The Web Designer Galleries section of the Site Settings page includes the following links:
The Site Administration section of the Site Settings page is where you manage options that are specific to this individual site. The changes you make in this section won’t affect other sites in the same site collection container. This is different than the Web Designer Galleries section of the Site Settings page, which includes components that are used throughout the site collection. So if you upload a solution, it will be available to other sites in the site collection.
The Site Administration section contains a large number of settings, so many that we can’t cover them all in this book. We encourage you to explore these settings. Among the settings in the Site Administration section are Regional Settings, User Alerts, Workflow Settings, Term Store Management, Popularity Trends, and even Translation Status (which is only available when SharePoint Server Publishing Feature is active).
Refer to Figure 17-2 to see the Site Administration category without the Publishing Infrastructure activated and Figure 17-3 for the same section with the Publishing Infrastructure activated. This is an important concept in SharePoint. Like a magician, SharePoint often changes shape depending on the features you have activated.
The Search section of the Site Settings page is where you manage all the search functionality for your site. Search can be an incredibly powerful productivity tool. It’s worth spending the time to discover the capabilities of SharePoint search.
The Search section contains the following links:
SharePoint search is a very broad topic and it takes some time to get familiar with its capabilities. It is well worth the effort, however, because search can greatly improve your organization’s productivity. (We discuss SharePoint search in more detail in Chapter 22.)
We have to admit that SharePoint features took us a long time to really understand. The reason is that a feature can do anything in SharePoint. A feature is just a collection of code that alters SharePoint in some manner. For example, say you want to write some code that adds a new item to the drop-down list that appears when you click the Settings gear icon. SharePoint lets you do this in code. Now, how do you deploy it to SharePoint? How do you let site administrators turn it on and off? The answer is that you package that code up in a SharePoint feature. When the feature is installed, an administrator can activate (turn on) or deactivate (turn off) the feature. The result is that your custom item appears in the Settings drop-down list when the feature is activated and disappears from the drop-down list when the feature is deactivated.
SharePoint ships with a number of features out of the box. In fact, features can be a major source of frustration. Take the earlier example of a feature that makes an item appear on a menu when the feature is activated. The way you reach navigation in SharePoint (covered in Chapter 18) depends on whether a particular SharePoint feature is activated. That feature is the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature. This feature does a lot of things when you activate it, including altering the settings links for navigation. Before you activate the feature, the navigation links on the Site Settings page in the Look and Feel section are displayed as Quick Launch and Top Link bar. When you activate the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature, it removes those two links and adds one called Navigation.
You turn features on and off by activating and deactivating them. Features are activated at two different levels. The first is a site collection; the second is a site. Features activated at the site collection level affect all sites contained within the site collection. Features activated at the site level only affect that particular site.
When a feature is active (turned on), a blue Active status indicator appears next to the feature on the right side of the page. See the Access App row in Figure 17-4 and note the Active button in the status column. When a feature is inactive (turned off) the status column is empty, as shown in the second row (Announcement Tiles Feature) in Figure 17-4.
To view a listing of all features for a particular site:
Click the Settings gear icon, choose Site Contents, and then click the Site Settings button.
The Site Settings page appears.
In the Site Actions section, click the Manage Site Features link.
A listing of all the features for this particular site is displayed. Each feature includes an icon, name, description, Activate/Deactivate button, and status column.
To view a listing of all features for a particular site collection:
Click the Settings gear icon, choose Site Contents, and then click the Site Settings button.
The Site Settings page appears.
In the Site Collection Administration section, click the Site Collection Features link.
A listing of all the features for this particular site collection is displayed. Each feature includes an icon, name, description, Activate/Deactivate button, and status column.
If you don’t see the Site Collection Administration section on the Site Settings page, then you do not have Site Collection Administrator permissions.
Exploring all the features that ship with SharePoint could fill a book unto itself. Each feature on the settings page includes a name and description. We wish we could tell you that they are all straightforward, but they are not. Some features are massive and complicated and others are simple. For example, the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature can do a mind-boggling number of things. Conversely, the Site Feed feature simply enables the use of site feeds on a site.
A couple of the most common features are the SharePoint Server Standard Site features and the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site features. These features include functionality for the different editions of SharePoint Server (Standard and Enterprise). The Standard Edition features include functionality such as user profiles and search, and the Enterprise Edition features include functionality such as Visio Services, Access Services, and Excel Services.
Microsoft ships a ton of features with SharePoint, but the product can always be extended further. If your organization has a dedicated development team, they can build features specific for your organization. For example, a company might use in-house developers to create custom SharePoint features for different groups within the company. For example, some features could provide functionality for the sales department, others for human resources, and still others for engineers. Each team in the company can then choose whether to activate or deactivate the features based on whether they need the specific features for their relevant workload on the SharePoint site.
Alternatively, third-party companies also develop features to extend SharePoint for a particular audience. After installing a third-party feature, it shows up right alongside the features that Microsoft ships with SharePoint.
Changing the look and feel of a site can be very powerful. The standard SharePoint colors work just fine, but perhaps you want to change the color palette for a holiday or to match your team’s color scheme. SharePoint provides some very powerful features for changing the look and feel of your site. You don’t need web designers or any specialized technical skills.
Usability experts have a lot to say about the look and feel of a site. After users are familiar with the look and feel of a site, it’s best not to change it. Creating change when it isn’t required causes a productivity loss. However, it can be a good idea to spice things up a bit by changing some of the colors for a holiday or special day. You just shouldn’t go too crazy (unless you want your users to do the same).
A composed look in SharePoint is a collection of colors, fonts, and layouts that all come together to display your site with a certain look and feel. SharePoint comes with several predefined looks, and your organization may have added others to coordinate the look and feel of other sites.
To change the look of your site, follow these steps:
Click the Settings gear icon, choose Site Contents, and then click the Site Settings button.
Alternatively, in the Look and Feel section of the Site Settings page, click the Change the Look link.
The Change the Look page appears, as shown in Figure 17-5, with a preview of many different site looks. Some examples include Sea Monster, Lime, Nature, City, Orbit, Immerse, and Wood. Each preview pane shows you a sample of the site look.
To try out a look, simply click the preview image.
The preview image is enlarged and settings are displayed so you can change the background image, the color palette, the site layout, and the font combinations used in the site, as shown in Figure 17-6.
Click the Try It Out link in the top-right corner of the page to see what your actual site will look like.
SharePoint does some work and shows your site with the new look in place. The top of the page lets you decide whether to keep the site (by clicking Yes, Keep It) or to revert to the original settings and make more changes (by clicking No, Not Quite There), as shown in Figure 17-7.
When you’re satisfied with the new look of your site, click Yes, Keep It.
Your site loads with the new look and feel.
If you want to go back to the original look of a SharePoint site, you can always change back to the Office look.
The most common fonts used in web design used to be of two families — ones with serifs (the strokes that extend from letters), such as Times New Roman, and sans-serif (those without strokes from the letters), such as Arial and Verdana. You couldn’t guarantee what fonts users had on their computers, so those fonts were a safe default. They're also recognized as fonts with good readability. (For those reading this book that can’t wait to pick Gigi, Jokerman, or Curlz MT, and you know who you are, you may want to hold up and read the “A word on usability” section, later in this chapter.)
The best practice when we first learned to design websites was that serif fonts were good for paragraph text and sans-serif fonts were good for very large and very small text (like headings and footer notes). The trend today for many sites is to use only sans-serif fonts, or in the case of SharePoint, the Segoe UI Light and Segoe UI fonts.
Many companies have a large amount of font styles available on employee computers, especially as the options in Microsoft Office have grown. However, if your users don’t have the font you selected, the browser will convert to a default font.
When you’re customizing a look (as we describe earlier in this chapter in “Changing the Look and Feel of Your Site”), you can choose different font combinations. The font combinations have been matched for each packaged site look.
A trend in Microsoft technology is the use of Segoe UI fonts. The Segoe font family is used across all Microsoft products such as Windows 10, the new Surface tablet and Surface Book, and of course Office.
We suppose the reason you have a SharePoint site is that you and your team are using it, and a big part of using a site is being able to read it. The following common checkpoints for websites might apply to your site look choices or perhaps your content on the team site pages as well:
Make sure there is a strong contrast between the background colors and the text. Dark text on a white background is generally considered the easiest to read. The second best is very light text on a very dark background.
One area of SharePoint that this has been a problem with in the past is the Quick Launch menu or left navigation area, where the contrast between the background and links isn’t distinct enough. Be careful with your selections. Even if red and green are holiday colors, red text on a green background isn't very readable.
Composed looks are a big step up from previous versions of SharePoint. Composed looks allow you to change the background image, colors, site layout, and fonts. Best of all, composed looks can dramatically change the look and feel of your site with just a few clicks of the mouse. You don’t need to worry about breaking SharePoint by fiddling with a master page.
Whenever a discussion of branding occurs, you should take note to pose a major question. Can you achieve what you need with an out-of-the-box composed look, or do you need to create a completely custom look? If you need a completely custom composed look, then be prepared to bring in web designers and developers. Depending on your needs, a custom look can be a considerable investment and involves creating custom master pages, CSS files, and themes.
Once you have a site set up, the next thing you might want to keep an eye on is its usage. A new feature of SharePoint allows you to see statistics about the site such as when people are using the site by date and by time of the day.
To access Site Usage, click the Settings gear icon and then choose Site Usage. The metrics for the site appear and you can click around and find out all sorts of things about how people are using the SharePoint site.