Chapter 1. Martingale Sequences

1.1. Martingale Sequences: The Concept, Examples, and Basic Patterns*

The concept, examples, and basic patterns

A classical example

The notion of martingales and related concepts seem to have originated in studies of games of chance similar to the following.  Suppose

  •       Y n = a gambler's “gain” on the nth play of a game

  •       Y 0 = the original capital or “bankroll”

Set X n = 0 for .  Thus, Xn is the capital after n plays, and


Put and .   For any nN , and or, equivalently, .  Hence

If YN is an independent class with , the game is considered fair.  In this case, we have by (CE5), (CE7), and hypothesis



Gamblers seek to develop a “system” to improve expected earnings.  We examine some typical approaches and show their futility.  To keep the analysis simple, consider a simple coin-flipping game.  Let

  •       H k = event of a “head” on the kth component trial

  •       T k = H k c = event of a “tail” on the kth component trial

The player has a system.  He decides how much to bet on each play from the pattern of previous events.  Let be the result of the nth play, where  |B n | is the amount of the bet;   B n > 0 indicates a bet on a head;   B n < 0 indicates a bet on a tail;   B = 0 indicates a decision not to bet.

Systems take various forms;  here we consider two possibilities.

  1. The amount of the bet is determend by the pattern of outcomes of previous tosses


  2. The amount bet is determined by the pattern of previous payoffs


Let Y 0 = X 0 = C , a constant.  Since C is independent of any random variable, E[H|C] = E[H]. In either scheme, by (CE8), (CI5), and the fact


It follows that


The “fairness” of the game is not altered by the betting scheme, since decisions must be based on past performance.   In spite of simple beginnings, the extension and analysis of these patterns form a major thrust of modern probability theory.

Formulation of the concept

In the following treatment,

  • is the basic sequence  

  • is the incremental sequence


We suppose ZN is a decision sequence and X N Z N ; that is, .

  • X N Z N iff Y N Z N

  • If X N H N and H N Z N , then X N Z N .  In particular, if , then X N H N .

Definition.  If XN is integrable and ZN is a decision sequence, then

  1. XN is a martingale (MG) relative to ZN iff


  2. XN is a submartingale (SMG) relative to ZN iff


  3. XN is a supermartingale (SRMG) relative to ZN iff


Notation.  When we write is a martingale (submartingale, supermartingale), we are asserting XN is integrable, ZN is a decision sequence, X N Z N , and XN is a MG (SMG, SRMG) relative to ZN .

Definition.  If YN is integrable and ZN is a decision sequence, then

  1. YN is absolutely fair relative to ZN iff


  2. YN is favorable relative to ZN iff


  3. YN is unfavorable relative to ZN iff


Notation.  When we write is absolutely fair (favorable, unfavorable), we are asserting YN is integrable, ZN is a decision sequence, Y N Z N , and YN is absolutely fair (favorable, unfavorable) relative to ZN .   IXA2-2

Theorem 1.1. IXA2-1

If XN is a basic sequence and YN is the corresponding incremental sequence, then

  1. is a martingale iff is absolutely fair.

  2. is a submartingale iff is favorable.

  3. is a supermartingale iff is unfavorable.


Let * be any one of the symbols , or .  Then by linearity and (CE7)



  1. is a SMG iff is a SRMG

  2. We write (S)MG to indicate the same statement can be made for a MG or a SMG with the appropriate choice of = or

  3. We write ( ≥ ) to indicate simultaneously two cases:

    • read as = in all places (for a MG)

    • read as in all places (for a SMG)

Some Basic Patterns

Theorem 1.2. IXA3-1

If is a (S)MG and X N H N , with H N Z N ,  then is a (S)MG.


Let .  By (CE9), the (S)MG definition, monotonicity, and (CE7)


Theorem 1.3. IXA3-2

For integrable X N Z N , the following are equivalent


b a: as a  special case
a b: By (CE9), (a), and monotonicity
k – 1 iterations yield  
d c: as a  special case
c a: By (CE1) and (c),  .   Since and , the result follows from the uniqueness property (E5)
b d: By (CE1), (b), and monotonicity

We thus have dcabd

Corollary 1.1. IXA3-3

If is a (S)MG, then

Theorem 1.4. IXA3-4

is a (S)MG iff




Theorem 1.5. IXA3-5

If is an L 2 MG, then


  1. by (CE1b) and Thm IXA3-4

  2. by (CE1b), (CE8), and Thm IXA3-4

  3. As in b, since X n X m W n

  4. Suppose p < q .  Then, since X p W p , by definition of MG.   For q < p , interchange in the argument above.

  5. by d, above

  6. By c, for jk .  Hence,

A variety of weighted sums of increments are useful.

Theorem 1.6. IXA3-6

Suppose is a (S)MG and YN is the incremental sequence. Let H0 be a (nonnegative) constant and let , be bounded (nonnegative).  Set


Then is a (S)MG.


by (CE8)

For MG case: for arbitrary bounded Hn

For SMG case:   for H n ≥ 0, bounded

The  conclusion follows from Theorem 1.1. IXA2-1

Remark.  This result extends the pattern in the introductory gambling example.  Theorem 1.4. IXA3-4 IXA3-3

Theorem 1.7. IXA3-7

In Theorem IXA3-6, if and 0 ≤ H n ≤ 1a.s.∀nN , then


, by hypothesis, and , by (CE8).   Thus, by monotonicity and (CE1b)




Some important special cases

Theorem 1.8. IXA3-8

Suppose integrable X N Z N . If X n + 1X n ( ≥ )0a.s.∀nN , then is a (S)MG.


Apply monotonicity and Theorem IXA3-4

Theorem 1.9. IXA3-9

Suppose XN has independent increments.

  1. If , invariant with n, then XN is a MG.

  2. If ,   then is a (S)MG.


  1. For any n, consider any .  By independent increments, is independent.  Hence, . The desired result follows from Theorem IXA3-2(c).

Theorem 1.10. IXA3-10

Suppose g is a convex Borel function on an interval I which contains the range of all Xn and

,  Let ,

  1. If is a MG, then is a SMG.

  2. If g is nondecreasing and is a SMG, then so is


a.  : By Jensen's inequality and the definition of a MG
b.  : By Jensen's inequality
Since and g is nondecreasing, we have

Some commonly utilized convex functions

  1. g ( t ) = | t |

  2. g(t) = t 2 g is increasing for t ≥ 0

  3. g(t) = u(t)t g nondecreasing for all t

  4. g nonincreasing for all t

  5. g is increasing for all t

Theorem 1.11. IXA3-11

Consider integrable X N Z N .

  1. If   and , then is a MG

  2. If   and , then is a SMG



The restrictionl a > 0 is needed in the case.

1.2. Martingale Sequences: Examples and Further Patterns*

Examples and further patterns

Theorem 1.12. A4-1 Sums of Independent Random Variables

Suppose YN is an independent, integrable sequence. Set .

If , then XN is a (S)MG.

Theorem 1.13. A4-2 Products of nonnegative random variables

Suppose Y N Z N ,Y n ≥ 0a.s.∀n . Consider .

If , then is a (S)MG


X n W n and X n + 1 = Y n + 1 X n . Hence,

Theorem 1.14. A4-3 Discrete random walk

Consider Y 0 = 0 and iid. Set . Suppose . Let


Now . Hence, g Y (s) = 1 has at most two roots, one of which is s = 1.

  1. s = 1 is a minimum point iff , in which case XN is a MG (see A4-1)

  2. If g Y (r) = 1 for 0 < r < 1, then . Let . By A4-2, ZN is a MG

For the MG case in Theorem IXA3-6, the Yn are centered at conditional expectation; that is

The following is an extension of that pattern.

Theorem 1.15. A4-4 More general sums

Consider integrable Y N Z N and bounded H N Z N . Let W n = a constant for n < 0 and H n = 1 for n < 0. Set


Then is a MG.


X n W n ;∀n ≥ 0 and


Theorem 1.16. A4-5 Sums of products

Suppose YN is absolutely fair relative to ZN , with , fixed k > 0. For nk , set


Then is a MG,


X n + 1 = X n + K n + 1 , where


We consider, next, some relationships with homogeneous Markov sequences.

Suppose is a homogeneous Markov sequence with finite state space and transition matrix . A function f on E is represented by a column matrix . Then has value f(k) when X n = k . Pf is an m × 1 column matrix and P f(j) is the jth element of that matrix. Consider . Now


A nonnegative function f on E is called (super)harmonic for P iff .

Theorem 1.17. A4-6 Positive supermartingales and superharmonic functions.

Suppose is a homogeneous Markov sequence with finite state space and transition matrix . For nonnegative f on E, let . Then is a positive (super)martingale P(SR)MG iff f is (super)harmonic for P.


As noted above .

  1. If f is (super)harmonic , so that


  2. If is a P(SR)MG, then


IX A4-3

An eigenfunction f and associated eigenvalue λ for P satisfy P f = λ f (i.e., (λ IP)f = 0). In most cases, |λ| < 1. For real λ, 0 < λ < 1, the eigenfunctions are superharmonic functions. We may use the construction of Theorem IXA3-12 to obtain the associated MG.

Theorem 1.18. A4-7 Martingales induced by eigenfunctions for homogeneous Markov sequences

Let be a homogenous Markov sequence, and f be an eigenfunction with eigenvalue λ. Put . Then, by Theorem IAXA3-12, is a MG.

Theorem 1.19. A4-8 A dynamic programming example.

We consider a horizon of N stages and a finite state space .

  • Observe the system at prescribed instants

  • Take action on the basis of previous states and actions.

Suppose the observed state is j and the action is aA . Two results ensue:

  1. A return r(j,a) is realized

  2. The system moves to a new state


Y n = state in nth period,

A n = action taken on the basis of

[A0 is the initial action based on the initial state Y0 ]

A policy π is a set of functions , such that


The expected return under policy π, when Y 0 = j 0 is


The goal is to determine π to maximize .

Let and . If is Markov, then use of (CI9) and (CI11) shows that for any policy the Z-process is Markov. Hence


We assume time homogeneity in the sense that


We make a dynamic programming approach

Define recursively f N , f N – 1 , ⋯ , f 0 as follows:

f N (j) = 0,∀jE . For n = N,N – 1,⋯,2,1, set




Then, by A4-2, is a MG, with and


IX A4-4

We may therefore assert


Hence, . For . If a policy π* can be found which yields equality, then π* is an optimal policy.

The following procedure leads to such a policy.

  • For each jE , let be the action which maximizes


    Thus, .

  • Now, , which yields equality in the argument above. Thus, and π* is optimal.

Note that π* is a Markov policy, . The functions fn depend on the future stages, but once determined, the policy is Markov.

Theorem 1.20. A4-9 Doob's martingale

Let X be an integrable random variable and ZN an arbitrary sequence of random vectors. For each n, let . Then is a MG.



Theorem 1.21. A4-9a Best mean-square estimators

If XL 2 , then is the best mean-square estimator of X, given . is a MG.

Theorem 1.22. A4-9b Futures pricing

Let XN be a sequence of “spot” prices for a commodity. Let t0 be the present and t 0 + T be a fixed future. The agent can be expected to know the past history , and will update as t increases beyond t0 . Put , the expected futures price, given the history up to t 0 + k . Then is a Doob's MG, with Y = X t 0 + T , relative to , where Z 0 = U t 0 and Z k = X t 0 + k for 1 ≤ kT .

Theorem 1.23. A4-9c Discounted futures

Assume rate of return is r per unit time. Then α = 1 / (1 + r) is the discount factor. Let




Thus is a SMG relative to .

Implication from martingale theory is that all methods to determine profitable patterns of prediction from past history are doomed to failure.

IX A4-5

Theorem 1.24. A4-10 Present discounted value of capital

If α = 1 / (1 + r) is the discount factor, Xn is the dividend at time n, and Vn is the present value, at time n, of all future returns, then


Note that iff . Set . Then so that


Thus, is a (S)MG iff


Summary: Convergence of Submartingales

The submartingale convergence theorem

Theorem 1.25.

If is a SMG with , then there exists X W such that

Uniform integrability and some convergence conditions

Definition. The class is uniformly integrable iff


Theorem 1.26.

Any of the following conditions ensures uniform integrability:

  1. The class is dominated by an integrable random variable Y.

  2. The class is finite and integrable.

  3. There is a u.i. class such that for all tT .

  4. X integrable implies Doob's MG is u.i.

Definition. The class is uniformly absolutely continuous iff for each ϵ > 0 there is a δ > 0 such that P(A) < δ implies .

Theorem 1.27.

is u.i. iff both (i) XT is u.a.c., and (ii) .

Definition. iff as n → ∞ for all ϵ > 0.


Theorem 1.28.


Theorem 1.29.

If (i) , (ii) and (iii) exists a.s., then


Theorem 1.30.

Suppose is a (S)MG. Consider the following

(A) : or, equivalently, - - - - - - - - - - - -
(a) : XN is uniformly integrable.
(a + ) : X + N is uniformly integrable.
(b) : .
(b + ) : .
(c) : There is an integrable X W such that
(c ' ) : Condition (c) with even for a MG.
(d) : There is an integrable X with
(d ' ) : Condition (d) with even for a MG.


  1. Each of the propositions (a) through (d ' ) implies (A), hence SMG convergence.

  2. (a) (a + )

  3. (a) (b) (c) (d)

  4. (a + ) (b + ) (c ' ) (d ' )

  5. For a MG, (d) (a), so that (a) (b) (c) (d)

The notion of regularity is characterized in terms of the conditions in the theorem.

Definition. A martingale is said to be martingale regular iff the equivalent conditions (a), (b), (c), (d) in the theorem hold.

A submartingale is said to be submartingale regular iff the equivalent conditions (a + ), (b + ), (c ' ), (d ' ) in the theorem hold.


  1. Since a MG is a SMG, a martingale regular MG is also submartingale regular.

  2. It is not true, in general that a submartingale regular SMG is martingale regular. We do have for SMG (a) (b) (c) (d).

  3. Regularity may be viewed in terms of membership of X in the (S)MG. The condition is indicated by saying X belongs to the (S)MG or by saying the (S)MG is closed (on the right) by X .


For a martingale

  1. If martingale regular, then X n X W a.s. and and

  2. If submartingale regular, but not martingale regular, then X n X W a.s. but and

For a submartingale

Either martingale regularity or submartingale regularity implies



If XN is uniformly integrable, then .

Theorem 1.31.

If is a MG with , then the proceess is MG regular, with
