
Title Page

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1. Doggy Style

2. Beware of Dog

3. Doggoneit

4. Thrown to the Dogs

5. Bone to Pick

6. Don’t Have a Dog in This Fight

7. Fight Like Cats and Dogs

8. Pack Mentality

9. End of the Tether

10. Bone of Contention

11. Play Fetch

12. Sniff Out

13. Horndogs

14. Dog Eat Dog

15. Hot Diggety Dog!

16. Chase Tail

17. Give a Dog a Bad Name

18. Sick as a Dog

19. Hair of the Dog That Dumped You

20. Dogfaced

21. A Dog’s Life

22. Barking Up the Wrong Tree

23. A Dog’s Chance

24. Wienerella

25. Wagging the Dog

26. Sea Dogs

27. Up the Creek without a Doggy Paddle

28. Sold a Pup

29. Dog Meat

30. Play Dead

31. Publicity Hound

32. Every Dog Has Its Day

33. Everybody and Their Dog

Also by Casey Griffin

Praise for Must Love Wieners

About the Author
