active imagination, 276
adamant disbelievers, 302–303
Afterlife Experiments, The (Schwartz), 49, 148, 285, 309
afterlife research, 41–44, 48–49, 301
agnosticism, 170, 185, 253, 300–301
Alice, deceased sister information, 73–76
angel communicators, 188, 196–197, 200. See also Occhino, Mary
angel research, 161–164, 185–186, 196–198. See also
Angel Sophia Angel Sophia
appearance of, 174–175, 200–201
presence-of-spirit experiments, 199–207
SI trials, 220–221
testing, 178–183 Angel X, 197–198
Angel Y, 197–198
angel-light correlation, 192
angels. See also Angel Sophia; guardian angels; Occhino, Mary
alleged, 31
angel-light correlation, 192
attitudes about, 165–166
collaboration with, 204–205
communicators, 188, 196–198, 200
medium-angel connection, 169–170
qualities of, 203–204
research, 161–164, 185–186, 196–198
Sacred Promise commitment, 205
Angels on Call (radio program), 77, 168. See also Occhino, Mary
anonymous giving, value of, 162–163
artist analogy, 306
Autobiography of a Yogi, The (Yogananda), 115
back pain experience, 111–115
bear symbolism, 237–238
Beischel, Julie, 85–91, 94–99, 214
Berkowitz, David, 23
Berra, Yogi, 147
big-eyed—paranoia hypothesis, 293–296
biophoton light patterns, 202–204
biophysical energy field measurement, 106, 122
black-and-white checkerboard-patterned background, 200
Blaney, Retta, 166–167
blind experimenters, 204
Boccuzzi, Mark, 200–202, 205–209
body piercing practice, 104–105
the Boys, 166–167
Brain, The (documentary), 138–139
brain waves, 105. See also EEG monitoring
B-roll sessions, post-experimental, 88–91, 94–96
Carol, guardian angels and, 249–252
Catskill Eagle, A (Parker), 131–132
Cayce, Edgar, 213
CCD cameras (computer controlled), 195–197, 202–205, 208–209
censor genes, 175
Chopra, Deepak, 148
Christian Science, 129–131, 140–142. See also Eddy, Mary Baker
Church doctrine, 27
clams, 165
collective unconscious, 275
computerized brain-wave monitoring equipment, 242–244
conscious awareness development, 243, 277–278
consciousness, proof of, 38–41
consciousness, survival of. See also discarnate intention
hypothesis testing, 164
“other-directed” internal voice, 44–45
possibility of, 31, 261, 299–300
scientific observation, 48–49
thought experiments, 41–42, 112–113
Contact (film), 289
convinced believers, 300
co-occurrence of events, 126–127. See also synchronicity
cosmic rays, 198–209
Council, imagined, 276–277
Courteney, Hazel, 87, 93, 96–97
Creath, Kathy, 196–197, 203, 215
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (film), 131
daily life investigations, 16–18, 30, 255
daisies, 201
deceased people. See also Smith, Susy
asserting selves, 42–46, 73–76, 89–90
assistance from, 60–63
discarnate intention, 43–46, 49, 59–60, 76, 83, 89
physicians, 118–124
spirit experimenters, 73–81, 205–206, 315–316
whispering, 95–97
deceased-mediated paradigm, 181–183
Deliberately Caused Bodily Damage (DCBD), 104–106
dental healing, spirit-assisted, 6–9
dervishes, 104
discarnate intention, 43–46, 49, 59–60, 76, 83, 89
distant group intentionality experiment, 208–209
Divine, feminine expression of, 176
Divine Mind, 129
Divine Truth, 140–141
Dogon tribe, 24–25
Dossey, Larry, 235–236
double-blind medical intuition experiment, 212–213
double-blind sessions
double-deceased paradigm, 79–81
HBO televised experiment, 311, 318–319
medical intuition experiment, 212–213
with Princess Diana, 93–97
double-deceased paradigm
double-blind sessions, 79–81
exploring, 73–79
formulation of, 260
research sitters, 79–81
double-placebo effect, 114–116
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 133–134, 220
Dr. Jackson, 172–173, 199, 250
Dr. Jones, 118–124
Dr. Michaels, 118–124
Drs. Michaels/Philip investigation, 118–121
Dr. Ortega, 79–81 dragonflies, 146–147
Dragonfly (film), synchronicities, 146–155
draw-a-person (DAP) test, 293–296
Ed, businessman, 184–189
Eddy, Mary Baker, 129–130, 135–136, 144. See also Christian Science
Edison, Thomas, 214
Edward, John (medium), 50–57, 166–167
EEG monitoring, 105–108, 242–244, 319
Einstein, Albert
existence in spirit world, 35–37, 323
gedanken experiments, 37–38
on problem solving, 257
on questioning, 272
theory of relativity, 143, 254, 274
Eklund, Marcia, 47–48, 60–63, 102, 218–219
Eklund, Rhonda
deceased mother, assistance from, 60–63, 102
reconnective healing, 129, 141
spirit-assisted healing, 130, 135–137, 139–141
electromagnetic fields, 25–26, 194, 198, 227
electronic voice phenomena (EVP), 213–214
electrophotography, 106–111
Ellerbe, Jonathan, 189
energy beings, 194.
See also angels epiphenomena, 26–27
eureka moments, 203
Evan, guardian angels and, 249–252
Evan Almighty (film), 138
evidence, categories of, 30–33
Evidence for the Sixth Sense (Courteney), 87
See also L.O.V.E.
exploratory investigations, 16–18, 30, 239–244, 315–316
EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 214
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)
capabilities, 198–200
cosmic ray analysis, 203–204
higher-frequency beings and, 208–209
Light of God and cosmic effects, 207–208
ripple effect, 200–203, 206–207
fatal flaw argument, 317–319
fear, prototypic facial expressions, 295–296
Field of Dreams (film), 70–71, 223–224
Fontana, David, 42
formal experiments, 14, 30, 262, 315–316. See also Type III investigations (systematic experiments)
Futbal Mexicano Tigres (television), 133
gas discharge visualization (GDV) electrophotography device, 104–109
gedanken experiments, 37–38
geranium leaves and flowers, 197–198
ghost hunting, 213–214, 283–284
global communication, 25–26
healing words, 129–130
living energies, 254
Old Testament, 101–102
G.O.D. Experiments, The (Schwartz), 126–127, 174, 269–272, 275, 284
Golden Dragon restaurant, synchronicities, 151, 155
gravity, existence of, 17–18, 40
Great Dane (dog), 151
Growing Up Tiger (television), 133
guardian angels
communication with, 249–252, 256
as personal guides, 11, 171–174, 185
spirit guides hypothesis, 167, 184, 187
Harry (medium), 180–183
Harry Potter novels (Rowling), 254–255
Haun, Jolie, 225
HBO televised double-blind experiment, 311, 318–319
heart of science, 282, 286–287, 297, 321–323
Hewett, Frank Kawaikapuokalani “Kuma,” 237
higher spiritual beings, 13–14, 102, 130, 184, 204.
See also angels higher-frequency beings, 194, 208.
See also angels Hindus, 104–105
horse-like explanations, 117–118
Houdini, Harry, 31, 215, 220–228
HRMTime module, 222
human subjects research, 15–17, 87–88, 91
Hypothesized Harry Houdini (HHH). See Houdini, Harry
ice pick skewering experiment, 105–109
illusory correlations, 264–265, 295–298
informal experiments, 14, 30, 69–71. See also self-science investigations
Intention Experiment, The (McTaggart), 240
interferometers, 214
International Healing Touch Association, 208
International Qigong Association, 103
intuition, 212–213
intuitives, 212–213, 277–278, 288. See also mediums
invisible science, 25–26
IRB-approved university experiments, 15–17, 84, 212–213
Jackson, Michael, 266 Japanese yogi, 105, 110
Jewish tradition, 101–102, 104
Joan (medium)
double-blind test medium, 79–81
messages from Susy, 67–76, 84, 120, 148, 224
Yanomami dialect, 149–150
Journal of Scientific Exploration, 215
Jung, Carl, 19, 126, 275, 276, 287–288
Kagel, Susan, 208
knowledge acquisition, 287–288
Korotov, Konstantin, 106
“lab rat” mediums, 163
Larry King Live (television), 309
leaves of plants, 197–198
light, nature of, 191–195
light frequencies, 191–195, 202–207
Light of God investigations, 199–202, 207–208
light-tight environment, 196–197, 208, 216–217
listening, 156, 178. See also L.O.V.E.
Lux et Veritas, 191
Lynn’s story (near-death experience), 152–155
mainstream science, 26–28
Maori mythology, 276–277
Matrix of the Gods (Nelson), 265–266
Mayan shamans, 24–25
McCulloch, Warren S., 124, 307
McTaggart, Lynne, 240
media/research collaboration, 267–268
medical intuitives, 212–213
meditation, 108–109
Meditative Rose (Dali), 235–236
medium-angel connection, 169–170
mediums. See also individual mediums; research mediums
accuracy of, 46, 109–110, 166–167
angel communicators, 169–170, 196–197
experiments, 50–60
information sharing, care in, 89–90
medium-angel connection, 169–170
mind reading, 86
protective techniques, 283
psychic ability testing, 85–91
reliability, 40–42
risk factors, 282–285
mental censorship, 175
Metatron, 176 mind reading, 38, 86, 123
mind-body placebo effect, 8, 102, 111–116, 124, 143
miracle-like cures, 129–130
Mohammad, 109
Morse code, 216
Most Haunted (television), 284
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 24
Mr. P. (pseudoskeptic), 310–312, 318–319
Mrs. Parker, 89–93
mung bean height chart, 241
National Geographic (documentary), 106–107
Native American wisdom, 104, 237, 256
near-death experiences (NDEs), 147, 150, 152–155
negative studies, 316–317
Nepia galaxy, 276–277
“New Age gibberish,” 314–315
Notes on the Course in Divinity (Eddy), 129–130
obesity, reasons for, 4–5
Occhino, Mary, 77–81, 168–169, 199, 225, 314–315
oh-my-God moments, 203
See also L.O.V.E. Ortega, Elizabeth, 79–81
“other-directed” internal voice, 44–45
Ouija boards, 283 oysters, 164–165
Palmer, Dave, 322–323
Parker, Robert B., 131–132
Patton, George S., 279
PCDMini sensors
attributes of, 215–216
photon sum detection, 218–222
proof-of-concept anomaly, 224–227
proof-of-concept investigations, 216–227
Pearsall, Paul, 237
peer-reviewed journal articles, 312, 314
personal life observations, 262–265. See also self-science investigations
Peruvian Whistling Vessels, 26
Philip (medium), 120–123
photomultiplier tubes, 214–215. See also silicon photomultiplier systems
photon-detection recording systems, 214
behavior, 193–194
detecting, 195–196, 203–204, 214, 217–222
measuring individual, 224–227
Pigasus (or Flying Pig) award, 303, 310–311, 318
placebo effect (mind-body)
back pain experience, 111–116, 124
dental healing, 8
double-placebo effect, 114–116
spiritual healing, beliefs about, 102
subtle, 143
plants, 195–198
potential failed experiment lesson, 279–282
power of ancestors, 105
Practical Praying (Edward), 166–167
precognitive dream detective, 283
“predictive” information, 69, 72, 84
presence-of-spirit investigations
Angel Sophia, 199–207
Houdini, 220–222
hypothesis, 123–124
photon sum detection, 218–219
Susy trials, 205–206
Princess Diana
communication with, 31, 45, 81, 87
double-blind sessions, 93–97
private-life observations. See personal life observations
probable cause, 115–116
professional sitters. See research sitters professional-life observations, 262, 264–265. See also formal experiments
Professor Parker, 89–92
proof of possibility, 261, 299–300
proof-of-concept investigations
anomaly, 224–227
defined, 36–37
medium-angel connection, 169–170
PCDMinis and, 216–222
preliminary results, 312–313
research paradigm, 110
protective techniques, 283
prototypic detail, 70
prove, defined, 36–37
pseudoskeptical journalists, 310
attributes of, 307–310
bias questions, 316–317
fatal flaw argument, 317–319
raw data questions, 315–316
strategies, 307–319
unsubstantiated claims, 313–315
psychics, 163, 212, 277–278. See also mediums
psychophysiology of self-deception, 292, 320
pure science, 27
quantum physics, 26, 29 “quantum weirdness,” 192
Radin, Dean, 139
reconnective healing, 129, 141
remote viewing, 62, 73, 76, 90, 123–124, 250
research, defined, 13–16
research funding, 266–269
research mediums
accuracy of, 46, 109–110, 166–167
angel research, 196–197
“lab rat” mediums, 163
medium-angel connection, 169–170
spirit guides, communication with, 163–164
training/development, 266–267
research sitters, 50–56, 79–81, 85–88
Return to the Sacred (Ellerbe), 189
ripple effect, 200–203, 206–207
Robinson, Christopher, 283–284
Roger (medium), 220
rose symbolism, 235–236
Sacred partnership hypothesis, 22–23
Sacred Promise commitment, 205
Sagan, Carl, 282, 286–287, 297, 321–323
Sam, the name of God, 113, 174, 177, 275
Sandra (medium), 85–97
Schwartz, Shirley, 49–60, 62, 66, 102
heart of science, 282, 286–287, 297, 321–323
invisible science, 25–26
knowledge acquisition, 288
mainstream science, 26–28
power of, 156
pure science, 27
scientific method, 15–17, 28, 37, 156, 189, 313–314
scientific observation, 48–49
scientism, 27
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Eddy), 135–136
Scientific American, 175
scientific method, 15–17, 28, 37, 156, 189, 313–314
scientific observation, 48–49
scientism, 27
secret sitters, 51–52, 93, 96–97, 225
seed growth investigation, spirit-assisted, 239–244
self-science investigations. See also superflu experience
accurate record keeping, 264–265
illusory conclusions about, 263–265
illusory correlations, 297–298
seed growth investigation, 239–244
SensL Corporation, 222
SensL Integrated Environment, 217
shamans, 24–26
Sheldrake, Rupert, 308
Siebern, Clarissa, 22, 234–247, 276
silicon photomultiplier systems, 215–223. See also PCDMini sensors
single-blind experiment, 96–97
single-subject observations, 115–116
Skeptical Inquirer (magazine), 318
skepticism. See also pseudoskepticism
vs. cynicism, 265
superskeptics, 303
Skinner, B. F. , 26
Skinnerian behavioral framework, 26
Smith, Susy
Angel Sophia and, 179–183
communication with, 43, 67–76, 84, 120, 148, 224
as deceased spirit experimenter, 73–81, 205–206, 315–316
deceased-mediated paradigm, 181–183
double-deceased paradigm and, 84, 183
dragonfly synchronicities, 148–150
Houdini and, 220–221
informal investigation of, 69–73
“predictive” information, 69, 72, 84
SI trials, 218–219
as spirit interloper, 86, 91–92
Society for Scientific Exploration, 205
Sophia Project, 187–189. See also Angel Sophia
“Soul as Information, Spirit as Energy” (poem), 269–272
soul phone, 285
spectral analyses, 198. See also Fast Fourier Transformation
Spirit. See also spirit-assisted healing
alleged, 31
collaboration with, 252–253
communication with, 211–212, 263–265, 273–286
information control, 97–98
mainstream science and, 26–28
protection, capacity for, 84–85
spirit experimenters, deceased, 73–81, 205–206, 315–316. See also Smith, Susy
spirit guides
collaboration with, 204–205
communication with, 242–244
fundamental roles, 21–22
hypothesis, 167, 184, 186, 187
research, 301
Sacred Promise commitment, 205
thought experiments, 279–282
Spirit Intention hypothesis, 259–261
Spirit Intention (SI) trials, 221–227
spirit-assisted experimental paradigms, 81
spirit-assisted exploratory seed growth investigation, 239–244
spirit-assisted healing
back pain experience, 113–114
blind conditions, 116
dental healing, 6–9
horse-like explanations, 117–118
ice pick skewering experiment, 105–109
research, 301
scientific investigation of, 31
superflu experience, 130, 135–137, 139–141
zebra-like explanations, 118
“Spiritnet,” 229
Sri Lankans, 104–105
strong-meaning responses, 295–296
Sufism, 103–104
Sun Dance, 104
Sunday in the Park with George (Sondheim), 262, 306
superflu experience
healing session explanations, 143
spirit-assisted healing, 130, 136–137, 139–141
tiger synchronicities, 126–138
true-life experiment, 142
super-low-level magnetic field modulation, 227
superskeptics, 303
survival of consciousness. See also discarnate intention
hypothesis testing, 164
“other-directed” internal voice, 44–45
possibility of, 31, 261, 299–300
scientific observation, 48–49
thought experiments, 41–42, 112–113
Susy-Sophia reading, 180–183
Suzanne (businesswoman), 184–189
synchronicity, 19, 126–138, 145–155, 235–236
systematic experiments, 16–18, 30, 255
Taming a Seahorse (Parker), 132
Tariqa Casnazaniyyah school, 104–106
thermographic (infrared) video camera, 121, 122
thought experiments
Angel Sophia, 178–179
gedanken experiments, 37–38
spirit guides, 279–282
survival of consciousness, 41–42, 112–113
Tiger Lily synchronicity, 132–134
tiger synchronicities, 126–138
Tombstone tigers, 137–138
tongue piercing experiment, 105
Toward a Science of Consciousness research meetings, 205
transcendental functioning concept, 287–288
Turing test, 41
2 x 2 x 2 investigation accuracy, 169
Type I investigations (daily life investigations), 16–18, 30, 255. See also self-science investigations
Type II investigations (exploratory laboratory investigations), 16–18, 30, 255
Type III investigations (systematic experiments), 16–18, 30, 255
Universe, 174–175
university experiments, IRB-approved, 15–17, 84, 212–213
University of Arizona, 16–17, 106–107, 302
unsure agnostics, 300–301
Varga, Josie, 262
verifying, 158, 178–179. See also L.O.V.E. Visits from Heaven (Varga), 262
Voyager Program, 184, 189, 199, 224, 233–234
“watching-over” information, 69–70
“We Are the World” (Jackson), 266
weak-light intensity spiritual beings, 195
Windbridge Institute, 214, 227
wireless communication, 25–26
Woods, Tiger, 139
Wright brothers moment, 14, 228–229
Yanomami dialect, 149–150
zebra analogy, 115–116
zebra-like explanations, 118