Jayda Cruz. It is time to get up.
Jayda Cruz. It is time to get up.
“Huh? No. No, it’s not. I don’t have a job anymore, Nano, and I’m officially on vacation, so shut it.”
Jayda Cruz, as Hebrews 6:12 tells us, “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”
“Gah! Leave me alone.” I pulled the pillow over my head—which did not help. At all.
Jayda Cruz. It is time to get up.
Jayda Cruz. It is time to get up.
Jayda Cruz—
This time, Zander grumped at them. “Nano, unless our apartment is on fire or the President himself is on the phone with a major announcement that somehow concerns us, PIPE DOWN. We’re sleepin’ here, got it?”
Softly, but as annoying as a gnat, the nanomites breathed in our ears.
Jayda Cruz. Zander Cruz. We are not the President, but we have a major announcement that concerns you.
Jayda Cruz. Zander Cruz. We are not the President, but we have a major announcement that concerns you.
Jayda Cruz. Zander Cruz. We are not the President, but we have a major announcement that concerns you.
Their teasing croon penetrated the fog of sleep. Zander and I jerked awake, sat up, and spoke simultaneously.
“What announcement?”
Perhaps you are right, Jayda and Zander Cruz. You are weary. You should sleep longer. Your bodies have been stressed and overworked. Return to sleep. Our announcement can certainly wait.
“You jokers,” Zander answered. “Don’t you dare try to hold out on us now.”
But sleep is beneficial; it is essential to good health and optimal efficiency, Zander Cruz. As you requested, we will leave you and Jayda Cruz alone to rest and recuperate.
“Wisecracking turkeys!” Zander roared. He threw off the covers and bounded out of the hide-a-bed. I crawled out of my side of the blankets and, wiping my bleary eyes, went to stand with him.
“See? We’re done sleeping, Nano—thanks to you. Now give it up,” Zander demanded.
The two nanoclouds flowed from us in silver-blue streams and melded into a dense haze—until a single sparkling cloud, swirling with a myriad of colors, filled the room. The cloud breathed, swelled, and intensified; it descended and engulfed us. Filaments of cotton-candy wisps spun around us—and the song of the nanocloud reverberated in our ears . . . until the nanomites whispered,
You may wish to rest while you can, Jayda and Zander Cruz. Sleep will be in short supply in nine months.
The End
Thank you for reading my Nanostealth series. I hope and pray you have been blessed and built up in your faith. It is entirely possible that Nanostealth will continue in the future; however, my intention for next year is to focus on Laynie Portland, Retired Spy, a new series that spins off from the last book in my Prairie Heritage series.
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Thank you again. I have the best readers in the world—you. It is an honor.
Many hugs,