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Adler, Laure, 15

Air France safety video, 42–43

Allen, Woody, 117

Amélie (2001), 120

America and Americans

and BLTs, 54–55

consumerism of, 163

dancing in, 49–50

dating scene in, 7–8

flirtation in, 95

French perspectives on, 60–61

and GIs of WWII, 132–33

independence of, 154

passionless couples in, 7

private lives lived publicly in, 155–56

style in, 32–33

voices of, 120–21

antiquing in Paris, 174–75

Apfel, Iris, 29


and importance of dressing nicely, 6, 158

and romance in marriage, 165

architecture of France, 28

Armistice Day, 147–48


attending exhibitions for, 20

colors in, 89


and personal interests, 20

and romance in marriage, 165, 166–67

Auvillar, France, 70–71

ballet, 42

Beauce Plains (Breadbasket of France), 65

Beauvoir, Simone de, 14

beef bourguignon recipe, 131, 132–33

Belle Inspiration Magazine, 171

Biclou Baguette & Camembert event, 127–28

BLTs, American, 54–55

blue (color), 87–88

blue cornflowers, 148

Blue Room (Chambre Bleue) salon, 102–3

Bonjour, Happiness! (Callan), 136

books and reading

Belleville on, 16

and cultivating an intellectual life, 18–20, 21

as objet d’art, 19

in public spaces, 18–19

Bordos, Marine, 79

branding, 81, 105

bread, no-knead, 130n

Café de Flore, 14

cake recipe, 136, 137

capitalism, standards of, 163–64

careers, new, 60

casquettes, 114

challenges, French women’s love of, 5

Chambre Bleue (Blue Room) salon, 102–3

Chanel, Coco, 107

change les idées, 175–76

Chase, Abbe, 103–4

Château de Versailles, 86

chocolatiers, 85

Cicero, 65

classes, attending, 20


and color combinations, 94

emotions prompted by, 32, 34, 35

and importance of dressing nicely, 6, 158

noticed by men, 32

quality and workmanship in, 26

and signature colors, 87–88, 91, 92, 156

and social status, 88–89

and stylists, 24–27

vintage, 26, 30–32

See also style

Colette, 111

colors, 79–94

appreciation of, learned from mothers, 89, 90–91

blue, 87–88

and branding, 81

and color of Parisian skies, 85

emotional responses to, 90

and family history, 90

flattering, 91

of French cars, 92

grays/blacks, 85

and home accents, 93–94

and light quality in Paris, 85

orange, 80–81, 85–86

pink, 92–93

power of, 86

and romance, 91

and sensuality, 83

signature, 87–88, 91, 92, 156

and social status, 88–89

yellow, 79–80

comfort zone, moving out of, 20

commerce and community, 163

community activities, participating in, 157


and color choices, 93

and dinner parties, 140

and dressing well, 158

instilled by ballet, 42

and sense of mystery, 34

and style, 34

Coty (French perfumier), 121

cultural experiences

cultivating, 20–21

travel as way to experience, 62

Cunard, Nancy, 29

dancing, 37–51

in Air France safety video, 42–43

ballet, 42

of Edith and Marcelle, 38–40

language of, 40

and muscle memory, 40–42

at the Paris plages, 49

power of, 43–45, 48

of Renata, 46–48

and romance, 42, 50

swing dancing, 42

tango, 38–40, 50

and Zumba, 45–47


of Aloïs, 26

in America, 7–8

French attitudes toward, 138–39, 179

online dating, 7, 26

See also love and romance

daube recipe of Dubernet, 131, 132–33

differences, embracing, 187

dignity, 155

dinner parties, 123–41

and attractiveness in marriage, 165, 166–67

beef bourguignon recipe for, 131, 132–33

and Biclou Baguette & Camembert event, 127–28

cake recipe for, 136, 137

casual, 127, 140

developing charm in, 140

and essentials for the kitchen, 129–30

hosting, 140–41

Jim Haynes’s soirées, 124–26

paella recipe for, 134, 135–36

and romance, 138–40

and value of waiting in line, 126–27

dress codes, 88–89

Dress Like a Parisian blog, 23

Duvelleroy, 103–6

eating alone, 154

Edith’s Paris tours, 12

education, 15, 102–3

Eiffel Tower, 49, 114


prompted by articles of clothing, 32, 34, 35

and reactions to colors, 90, 93

Epictetus, 23

excess, eliminating, 151

existentialism of the French, 144

experiential pleasures, emphasizing, 159

familiarity, 155, 157


and birthright, 35

and flirtation of previous generations, 108–9

honoring history of, 30–31, 36

old photographs of, 35

and personal style, 29–32, 33, 35

and reactions to colors, 90

fans, hand, 17, 103–6

Fauchon, 85

flirtation, 95–109

accessories used in, 103–6, 109

alone with a man, 97

in America, 95

Belleville on, 16

and color choices, 93

and commerce in America, 163

and dinner parties, 140

with eyes only, 108

and fans, 103–6

and flowers, 73–75

and formality, 99

and French salons, 102–3

and group activities, 97

importance of, 96

and intimacy, 99–100

of Madame M., 97–98

and principles of seduction, 99

and private moments in public spaces, 101–2, 108

purpose of, 96

and romance in marriage, 162–63, 165

for shy people, 103–6, 107

trifecta of, 74–75

wit and intellect in, 16, 96–97

See also love and romance

flowers, 65–77

and family history, 71–73

and flirtation, 73–75

and kitchen essentials, 130

power of, 76–77

“put a flower on it” perspective, 6

wildflowers, 68, 77

zinnias, 72–73

foods and flavors

beef bourguignon recipe, 131, 132–33

cake recipe, 136, 137

and eating alone, 154

and kitchen essentials, 129–30

paella recipe, 134, 135–36

and romance/seduction, 124, 128–29, 138

sensuality of, 83

See also dinner parties

formality, 160

freedom, celebrating, 128

French language, 119–20. See also language and voice

French Women Don’t Sleep Alone (Callan), 5

furniture, 158

genders, celebrating differences in, 166

glasses, women in, 16–18, 21, 107

Graham, Martha, 37, 41

gray colors in Paris, 85

grooming, importance of, 6

guarantees, absence of, 148, 150, 151, 176

Guérin, Anna, 147

happiness, 93

Haynes, Jim, 124–26


and change les idées, 175–76

finding love after, 169–75

healing your heart after, 175–77

See also love and romance

Hediard, 85

Hepburn, Audrey, 169

Hermès, 85, 86

historic neighborhood tours, 20–21

history, cultural, 28–29

home decor, 93–94, 158–59

Hôtel Particulier, 114–15

independence, 154

infidelity in France, 146, 148, 150

intellectual life

cultivation of, 18–21

and flirtation, 16, 96–97

French emphasis on, 14–15

and French salons, 102–3

and glasses on women, 17

and importance of reading, 18–20, 21

intimacy, 99–100

intrigue in romance, 155–56

jewelry, 36

joie de vivre (joy in living)

and color choices, 91

and flowers, 130

and living in the moment, 150–51

loss of, 4


essentials for, 129–30

open, 82

Ladurée, 85

Lagerfeld, Karl, 107

Lahey, Jim, 130n

La Mascotte, 116, 117–18

language and voice, 111–21

of Americans, 120–21

French, 119–20

and listening, 118

loud, 120–21

lowered, 116

mystery generated by, 120

of Nicole, 113, 116

power of, 111–12

secretive quality to, 113, 120

seductive power of, 111, 118–19

sexiness of, 116, 119

struggles with language skills, 81–82

swearing, 121

word painting with, 118–19, 121

La Perle des Dieux, 118

La Rentrée, 11

Le Carreau du Temple, 37–39

L’Éclair de Génie, 100–101

lectures, attending, 21

Le Jardin du Port (the Garden of the Port), 70

less-is-more attitude, 151, 159

light quality in Paris, 85


and Kemp-Griffin, 67

and sensuality of food, 83

worn in public, 155

lipstick, red, 71, 84

listening, power of, 118

living in the moment, 150–51

loneliness, 148

Lost Generation in France, 145

love and romance, 179–92

after heartbreak, 171–75, 176

and colors, 91

cultivation of, 8, 76

and dancing, 42, 50

and dinner parties, 138–40

exercising patience with, 174

and experiential pleasures, 159

and familiarity, 155, 157

at first sight, 7

and home decor, 158–59

importance of mystery in, 155–56, 157

of Jessica, 188–91

keeping tension in, 155–56, 157

of Krystal, 180–82

and “my love story” expression, 179

of Nicole, 186–88

of Ondine, 183–86

patience with, 174

planning a dinner for, 128–29

priority placed on, 149

pursuers/pursuees in, 95

role of rituals in, 156–57

saying yes to, 191

and standards of capitalism, 163–64

three ingredients for, 157

and travel, 63

your love story, 192

See also dating; marriage; seduction

Lyons, Jenna, 17

Ma Collection Marchande de Saveurs, 80, 82

madeleines, 123–24


and attractiveness to others, 165

and celebrating gender differences, 166

communication in, 161

experiential pleasures in, 159

familiarity in, 155

and flirtation, 162–63, 165

formality in, 160

French attitudes toward, 148, 150, 179

and home decor, 158–59

and infidelity, 146, 148, 150

keeping wonder alive in, 161

lessening of romantic tension in, 157

maintaining mystery in, 155, 156–57, 166

and passionless couples, 7

three ingredients for strong love in, 157


and celebrating gender differences, 166

and clothing, 32

and cooking, 131

and dancing, 50

and dinner parties, 138–40

and finding love, 76

and flirtation, 97, 108

and flowers, 74–75

and happy women, 93

heroic hearts of, 74–75

holding intrigue of, 156–57

and intellects of women, 14–15

Madame M.’s lessons on, 3

sensory associations of, 156–57

and speaking styles of women, 118

See also love and romance; marriage

mentor, role of, 30

Midnight in Paris (2011), 117

Miller, Henry, 125

mistresses, 146

Monroe, Marilyn, 70

murals in stairwells, 112–13

muscle memories, 40–42

My Bread (Lahey), 130n

“my love story” (expression), 179


and confidence, 34

and glasses on women, 17

and hand fans, 17

instilled by ballet, 42

in marriage, 155, 156–57, 166

role of, in romance, 155–56, 157

and senses of men, 156–57

and speaking styles of women, 120


appreciating the beauty in, 77

colors in, 89, 90, 93

and French fashion, 80

going out in, 77

in your home, 77

naval officer’s jacket, 30–32

Nin, Anaïs, 53

Nyong’o, Lupita, 17

online dating, 7, 26

orange (color), 80–81, 85–86

paella recipe, 134, 135–36

pantry essentials, 129–30


antiquing in, 174–75

color of skies in, 85

Mimi’s romance in, 171–75

and Paris plages (Paris beaches), 49

personal tours of, 11–12, 116, 174–75

Parisbreakfast blog, 84

Paris Undressed (Kemp-Griffin), 67

passion, 81–82

perfectionism, 192

perfume, 156

Personal Paris tours, 116

picnics, 139, 141

Pilates, 40–41

pink (color), 92–93

poppies worn on Armistice Day, 147–48

potlucks, 140, 141. See also dinner parties

pragmatism of the French, 150

private lives

lived publicly, 155–56

private moments in public spaces, 101–2, 108

Proust, Marcel, 153

questions, impertinent, 56

rationality of the French, 150

Ray, Man, 29

reading. See books and reading

red lipstick, 71, 84

reinvention allowed by travel, 55–56

Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 123–24

“Remembrance Poppy Day,” 147–48

ribbons worn to honor causes, 148

rituals in romance, 156–57

romance. See love and romance

Rouen, France, 127–28

Rue des Abbesses, 117

Salon du Vintage, 37–40

salons, 102–3

Sand, George, 143

The Second Sex (Beauvoir), 14

secrecy, 99

Secret Garden Party, 67–69, 70

“secret gardens,” 57, 177

The Secret Life of France (Wadham), 15


language of, 107

planning a dinner for, 128–29

principles of, 99

role of color in, 89

role of food in, 124

with the voice, 111, 118–19

self-reliance, emphasis on, 150

sensory associations, 156–57

sensuality, 83

sex, 8

shy people, flirtation for, 103–6, 107

signature colors

choosing, 92

French knack for, 87–88, 91

and sensory associations of men, 156

smiling, 99

social activities of French women

active participation in, 157–58

and importance of dressing nicely, 158

and intellectual lives, 18–21

social status and color choices, 88–89

sounds, 99

Spanish influenza, 145

spiritual sustenance (secret gardens), 57

stairs, taking, 112–13


American, 32–33

and color choices, 93

and confidence, 27, 34

and cultural history, 28

inspiration for, 32, 35–36

and personal history, 29–32, 33, 35

previous generations’ influence on, 29–30

and principles of seduction, 99

and unexpected combinations, 36

and your terroir, 33–34

See also clothing; colors

surprise, 99

swearing, 121

swing dancing, 42

tango dancing, 38–40, 50

Tanzania, 57, 58–59, 60

tassels, 158–59

Tautou, Audrey, 120

terroir, body as, 33–34

tours, personal

for antiquing in Paris, 174–75

Edith’s Paris tours, 11–12

of historic neighborhood, 20–21

Personal Paris tours, 116


and change les idées, 175–76

finding love after, 169–75

healing your heart after, 175–77

travel, 53–64

after heartbreak, 175

and asking impertinent questions, 56

and change les idées, 175

and French perspectives on Americans, 60–61

and holidays in France, 62

life-changing power of, 58–60, 61

to local areas, 62, 63

and marriage, 166

and new cultural experiences, 62

and new perspectives, 54–55

reinvention allowed by, 55–56

and romance, 63, 166

and “secret garden” metaphor, 57

and self-discovery, 62

in youth, 62

Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 125

uncertainty, 155

Veuve Clicquot, 85

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, 70

Vivonne, Catherine de, 102

voices. See language and voice

Voltaire, 179

Vreeland, Diana, 11, 123

vulnerability, importance of, 20, 76

Wadham, Lucy, 15

waiting in line, value of, 126–27

watercress bouquets, 69–70

weather of Paris, 85

Wintour, Anna, 106–7

wit and intellect in flirtation, 16, 96–97

women of a certain age, 1, 103

The Women Who Read Are Dangerous (Adler), 15

workshops, attending, 20

World Citizen at Home in Paris (Haynes), 125

World War I, 144–48

yellow, 79–80

yes, saying, 191, 192

yogurt cake recipe, 136, 137

youth, travelling in, 62

Zumba, 45–47