My wife, Tamsin, is the reason this book exists. Without her love and support, and her stubborn refusal to read any part of it until I was finished, I would still be perfecting the first few pages. Thank you, my love.
And thanks to Catherine Milne, my publisher at HarperCollins, who had faith in me as a writer long before she had the chance to sign me up as one of her authors. You have helped my writing immeasurably.
Thanks to Simone Camilleri, my agent and friend, who took me on when no one else would.
Thanks to my parents, Pat and Terry Purcell, who encouraged me from the very first, even when, as a cocky nineteen-year-old, I sat down to write my autobiography. The best of parents, they let the world burst that bubble. And to my brother, Tim, who was one of the very first readers and loudest supporters – ta.
Thanks to Isabel for being awesome.
Thanks to Ben for all the material. And to Andrew Cattanach, my one-time colleague, my friend, my sounding board, thanks for your faith in me.
Thanks also to Sarah McDuling, who has been on this writing rollercoaster with me for years.
Thanks to the incredible HarperCollins team: patient Scott F., honest Alex C.; Nicola Y. and Claire G.; the indefatigable Alice and Sarah, wonderful Kate M., Michael W. supporting from the wings, James who steered from above, Emily and Tom, Hazel Lam for that cover, and many others.
For all those who have put up with my writerly pretensions over the years: Anne, Jane, Matt, Dawn, Trish, Keith, Claire, Tina and many others – thanks.
Thanks also to my long-suffering work colleagues, some of whom read early versions of the book: Tania (pink), Ben, Rob, Olivia C., Jo (fashion consultant), Tanaya (meh), Bron E., Olivia F., Tracey, Angela, Kirsty, Hayley H., Jill, Liz E., Nick, Zia, Mark, Bron D., Sara, Elana, Sam W. and many more. It’s a privilege to work with such great people.
Special thanks to Hayley Shephard for her Mr Bean GIFs and inspiring notes from abroad.
This novel about novelists wouldn’t be the same without all the fictional cameos from real-life authors. Thanks to Val McDermid, Michael Robotham, Jeanette Winterson, Paul Beatty, Kathy Lette, Michelle de Kretser, Angela Meyer, Jojo Moyes and the dozen or so other novelists mentioned. I hope you all appreciate that this novel is a love letter to books and writers.
Thanks to Christopher Tomkinson for recommending I read Catch-22 back in Year 12. This is all your fault.
I also want to thank all the people who have taken the time over the years to talk books with me – from the delightful oddbods who frequent second-hand bookshops to the writers who allow me to pick their brains every chance I get.
And finally, thanks again to my wife, Tamsin. Loving a writer is no easy thing.