Worry happens when we keep our problems to ourselves or present our problems to the puny deities of money, muscle, or humankind. The act of prayer moves us from a spirit of concern to a spirit of gratitude. Even before our prayers are answered, our hearts begin to change. So take these steps:
Take your worries to God. Set aside some time each day to pour out your concerns, complaints, fears, and woes to him. Tell him what is keeping you awake. Don’t suppress; express! If you find yourself worrying about something during the day, write it down so you can bring it up in your next prayer session. Take everything to God and then . . . leave it with him. When the intrusive thought reenters your mind, just tell yourself, I left that one with God.
Find a promise to match your problem. Populate your prayers with “You said. . . .” “You said you would walk me through the waters” (see Isaiah 43:2). “You said you would lead me through the valley” (see Psalm 23:4). “You said you would never leave or forsake me” (see Hebrews 13:5). Spend time in the promises and stories of Scripture. Find a promise that fits your problem, and build your prayer around it. These prayers of faith touch the heart of God and activate the angels of heaven. Miracles are set into motion. Your answer may not come overnight, but it will come. And you will overcome.
Pray specifically. Many of our anxieties are threatening because they are ill-defined and vague. Tell God exactly what troubles you, so that when he answers the prayer, you will know. Generic prayers aren’t nearly as effective as heartfelt prayers that target particular needs.
Peace happens when we pray. Try it now with whatever is weighing your heart down. You’ll be glad you did.