God meets needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will give us what we need when it is needed.

But how fast we forget that in the middle of life’s storms. Perhaps that’s why I wrote this resolve:

Today, I will live today.

Yesterday has passed.

Tomorrow is not yet.

I’m left with today.

So, today, I will live today.

Relive yesterday? No.

I will learn from it.

I will seek mercy for it.

I will take joy in it.

But I won’t live in it.

The sun has set on yesterday.

The sun has yet to rise on tomorrow.

Worry about the future? To what gain?

It deserves a glance, nothing more.

I can’t change tomorrow until tomorrow.

Today, I will live today.

I will face today’s challenges with today’s strength.

I will dance today’s waltz with today’s music.

I will celebrate today’s opportunities with today’s hope.


A new day awaits you, my friend. A new season in which you will worry less and trust more. A season with reduced fear and enhanced faith. Can you imagine a life in which you are anxious for nothing? In which you can trade your cares for calm? God can. And with his help, you will experience it.