Everyone has assumptions about life. Many are useful and constructive. We know that the sun will rise and set each day. We assume that storms will pass and that food is available in grocery stores. Some assumptions, however, are toxic. Even worse, they are contrary to the truth. A sampling of unhealthy assumptions would include:
I’m unworthy. I don’t deserve to have good things happen to me.
People abandon me. When people come to know the real me, they leave.
It’s all my fault. I’m to blame for every bad thing that happens to me.
No one has my back, which makes me vulnerable. Something bad is going to happen.
The world feels dangerous. I’m scared.
Many false beliefs were formed in the early years of our lives when we did not have the ability to challenge them. Their roots run deep. Yet such false assumptions create an anxiety-ridden life. God’s solution? Truth. Face worries with truth. Bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 ASV). One way to do this is to correct faulty thinking with accurate thoughts.
I matter to God. He made me, knows me, and has a plan for my life.
I am worthy of love. I’m not perfect, but I have abilities and God-given gifts.
I’m not responsible for all the bad things. I’ve made mistakes, but I am learning and growing, and, most of all, I am forgiven by God.
I’m protected. It is a dangerous world, but I serve a mighty God who knows and loves me.
Listen to yourself. Monitor your beliefs about yourself, about God, and about the world. Don’t allow false assumptions to take up any space in your mind. Immediately treat them with truth.