Jesus is a doorman. He opens and shuts doors all the time, and no one can close what he has opened, and no one can open what he has closed. He stands at the doors and knocks (Revelation 3:20). If they are locked, he has a key (Revelation 3:7–8). If he doesn’t want to use the key, he walks through the walls (John 20:19). But better than being just a doorman, Jesus is the door! (John 10:9 NCV).

So what is Jesus trying to say with all this talk about doors? He controls all gateways and passages from one place to another. Nothing gets past him without his knowing it.

Jesus doesn’t leave us standing in the hallway or outside in the cold. He has something for us—new opportunities, new destinations, new chances to show our faith in him.

What do we do as we wait for other doors to open? In the book of Revelation (3:7–8), Jesus makes it clear to the church of Philadelphia—keep God’s Word and commands, stay faithful, and don’t curse or deny him.

Right now Jesus is sorting through that vast key ring, looking for the right door for you. He may have to lock and unlock a few other doors first, but one is sure to open soon. Trust him.