
Chapter 2

1. Shinzen Young. “Why Practice Mindfulness?” 2006. www.shinzen.org.

2. Marc Kaufman, “Meditation Gives Brain a Charge, Study Finds,” Washington Post, January 3, 2005.

3. Quoted in ibid.

4. On the six senses see Shinzen Young, “Purpose and Method of Vipassana Meditation.” 2007. www.shinzen.org.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ruth Pennebaker, “The Mediocre Multitasker,” New York Times, August 30, 2009; Associated Press, “Multitaskers Make Lousy Multitaskers: Study.” August 24, 2009.

8. Herbert Benson, The Relaxation Response (New York: Avon Books, 1975).

9. Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning (New York: Beacon Press 1959 and Simon & Schuster Inc. 1984).

10. Michelle Conlin, “Meditation: New Research Shows that it Changes the Brain in Ways that Alleviate Stress,” Business Week, August 30, 2004.

11. University of Sydney, “Meditation Back to Basics,” University of Sydney News, June 10, 2011.

12. Ibid.

13. Shinzen Young, “What Is Mindfulness?” 2007. www.shinzen.org.

14. Christopher R.K. MacLean, et al., “Effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Adaptive Mechanisms: Changes in Hormone Levels and Responses to Stress after 4 Months of Practice,” American Journal of Cardiology (November 1996).

15. Quoted in Andrew W. Saul, “Prescription for a Happy Heart,” Vitality, February 2006.

16. Jo Marchant, “How Meditation May Ward Off the Effects of Aging,” London Observer, April 24, 2011.

17. “In Pain, Try Meditation,” Huffington Post, April 10, 2011.

18. Sharon Begley, Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain (New York: Ballantine Books, 2007).

19. University of Sydney, “Meditation Back to Basics,” University of Sydney News, June 10, 2011.

20. Corey Criswell and André Martin, “10 Trends—A Study of Senior Executives' Views on the Future” (Center for Creative Leadership Research White Paper, Colorado Springs, 2007).

21. Elizabeth Weise, “Meditation Makes People More Rational Decision-Makers,” USA Today, April 20, 2011.

22. Chris Mooney, “The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science,” Mother Jones, May/June 2011.

23. Conlin, “Meditation: New Research Shows that it Changes the Brain in Ways that Alleviate Stress.”

24. Sharon Begley, “Can You Build a Better Brain?” Newsweek, January 3, 2011.

25. Carl Zimmer, “The Brain: Stop Paying Attention: Zoning Out Is a Crucial Mental State,” Discover, June 15, 2009.

26. Roni Caryn Rabin, “Regimens: Noise Canceling, Without Headphones,” New York Times, May 2, 2011.

27. Barry Boyce, “Two Sciences of Mind: Cutting-Edge Science Encounters Buddhism's 2,500-Year Study of the Mind,” Shambhala Sun, September 2005.

28. Charles N. Alexander, et al., “Effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Stress Reduction, Health, and Employee Development: A Prospective Study in Two Occupational Settings,” Anxiety, Stress and Coping International 6 (1993), 245–62.

29. Quoted in Conlin, “Meditation: New Research Shows that it Changes the Brain in Ways that Alleviate Stress.”

30. Maria Gonzalez, “Organizational Health: A Strategic Imperative for Sustainable Performance” (Graduate lecture given at the Organizational Health Conference, McGill University, November 4, 2005).

31. Quoted in Virginia Galt, “Out of the Shadows: Mental Health at Work,” Globe and Mail, March 29, 2006.

Chapter 3

1. Shinzen Young, “Purpose and Method of Vipassana Meditation,” 2007, www.shinzen.org.

2. Shinzen Young, “The Science of Enlightenment, Teachings and Meditations for Awakening Through Self-Investigation” Sounds True Audio Learning Course, Boulder, Colorado, 1997.

3. Quoted in Steve Lohr, “Slow Down, Brave Multitasker, and Don't Read This in Traffic,” New York Times, March 25, 2007.

4. CBC News, “Texting Increases Crash Risk 23-Fold: Study,” July 28, 2009, www.cbc.ca/news.

Chapter 5

1. Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich (New York: Ballantine Books, 1960).

Chapter 9

1. Ruth Pennebaker, “The Mediocre Multitasker,” New York Times, August 30, 2009; Associated Press, “Multitaskers Make Lousy Multitaskers: Study.” August 24, 2009.

Chapter 13

1. Penelope Green, “This Is Your Brain on Happiness,” O, the Oprah Magazine, March 2008.

Chapter 15

1. Jane Stevens, “Meditating on the Bottom Line,” Washington Post, October 1, 1996.