Fair Isle Pattern


Both Socks

Knit the Cuff

Using the Long-Tail Cast On, CC and a straight needle, CO 64 sts. Turn and k 1 row. Distribute sts evenly onto 4 smaller needles and join into a round, taking care not to twist the sts. The purl side of the CO is facing outward. Pm for beg of rnd.

Note: Round begins at side of leg, not center back.

RND 1: K all sts.
RND 2: *K2 with CC, k2 with MC; rep from * to end of rnd.
RND 3: *K2 with CC, p2 with MC; rep from * to end of rnd.
Rep Rnd 3 until cuff measures 2" (5cm) from beg.

Knit the Leg

Change to larger dpns. Work Leg chart through Rnd 39.
RND 40: Dec 1 st on each needle by k2tog—60 sts rem. Continue chart through Pattern 3.
Cut MC. K1 rnd with CC.

Right Sock

Divide for the Heel

The Heel is worked on Needles 1 and 2 over 29 sts. With CC, k 15 sts on Needle 1 and 14 sts on Needle 2 onto the same needle. Slide rem st on Needle 2 onto Needle 3. There are 16 sts on Needle 3 and 15 sts on Needle 4 for the Instep—31 sts. Join MC to heel sts.

Knit the Heel Flap

SET-UP ROW (WS): Sl 1 kwise, *p1 with CC, p1 with MC; rep from * to end.
ROW 1 (RS): Sl 1 kwise, *k1 with MC, k1 with CC; rep from * to end.
ROW 2: Sl 1 kwise, *p1 with CC, p1 with MC; rep from * to end.
Rep Rows 1–2 nine more times, then Row 1 once more. You now have 11 chain sts along each side of the Heel Flap. Cut MC. With CC, p1 WS row.

Turn the Heel

ROW 1 (RS): K17, SSK, k1, turn.
ROW 2 (WS): Sl 1 pwise, p6, p2tog, p1, turn.
ROW 3: Sl 1 kwise, k7, SSK, k1, turn.
ROW 4: Sl 1 pwise, p8, p2tog, p1, turn.
Continue in this manner, working 1 more st before the dec on each row, until 17 sts rem. K 1 RS row, sl the first and last sts of this row (see This Sock’s Secret).

Knit the Gussets

Note: Pick up and k through both loops of chain sts.

With a new needle, pick up and k 11 chain sts along one side of the Heel Flap and 1 st in the corner before instep sts; with a new needle, work the 31 instep sts foll Rnd 1 of Instep chart; with a new needle, pick up and k 1 st in the corner and 11 chain sts along other side of the Heel Flap—72 sts. Cut CC.
Join MC and CC at right seam line.

Shape the Gussets

RND 1: K2tog at beg of Needle 1; work rem gusset sts on Needle 1, all heel sts on Needle 2, and to last 2 sts on Needle 3 foll Rnd 2 of Sole chart; SSK last 2 sts on Needle 3; work instep sts foll Rnd 2 of instep chart on Needle 4.
RND 2: Work even in patt as given on charts.
Rep Rnds 1–2 until 60 sts rem.

Left Sock

Divide for the Heel

The Heel is worked on Needles 3 and 4 over 29 sts. With CC, k 15 sts on Needle 1 and 15 sts on Needle 2 and 1 st from Needle 3 onto the same needle for the Instep—31 sts. With CC, k 14 sts on Needle 3 and 15 sts on Needle 4 onto the same needle for the Heel— 29 sts. Join MC.

Knit the Heel Flap

Work same as for Right Sock.

Turn the Heel

Work same as for Right Sock.

Knit the Gussets

Note: Pick up and k through both loops of chain sts.

With a new needle, pick up and k 11 chain sts along one side of the Heel Flap and 1 st in the corner before instep sts; with a new needle, work the 31 instep sts foll Rnd 1 of the Instep chart; with a new needle, pick up and k 1 st in the corner and 11 chain sts along other side of the Heel Flap—72 sts. Cut CC.
Join MC and CC at left seam line.

Fair Isle Pattern Continued


Shape the Gussets

RND 1: Work instep sts foll Rnd 2 of the Instep chart on Needle 1; k2tog at beg of Needle 2; work rem gusset sts on Needle 2, all heel sts on Needle 3, and to last 2 sts on Needle 4 according to Rnd 2 of Sole chart; SSK last 2 sts on Needle 4.
RND 2: Work even in patt as given on charts.
Rep Rnds 1–2 until 60 sts rem.

Both Socks

Knit the Foot

Continue working foll charts until the Foot measures 7½" (19cm) from back of Heel or 2" (5cm) less than desired finished measurement. Cut MC.

Note: For Right Sock only, k 29 sole sts with CC. Round now begins at left seamline.

Shape the Toe

Redistribute sts, if necessary, so you have the first 16 instep sts on Needle 1, the last 15 instep sts on Needle 2, the first 15 sole sts on Needle 3 and the last 14 sole sts on Needle 4.
RND 1: K1, k2tog at beg of Needle 1; k to last 3 sts on Needle 2, SSK, k1; k2tog at beg of Needle 3, k to end; k to last 2 sts on Needle 4, SSK.
RND 2: K all sts.
Rep Rnds 1–2 until 16 sts rem. Sl sts from Needle 1 to Needle 2 and sts from Needle 3 to Needle 4. Sl 1 st from each end of Needle 2 to Needle 4.


Kitchener stitch the two sets of 8 sts together.
Weave in ends. Wash and block the completed socks. Wear in good health!


This Sock’s Secret

The method used to work the first five rows of these socks prevents the main color from showing over the top of the rib. The first three rows are similar to the decorative rows between leg patterns.