White Beyoncé

Sneezed on the beat

and blessed her self

Her love goes viral her love

of teeth and starched collar

Her husband is a baseball cap

She shakes his hand good night

She tips a bowing manicurist

who thinks she’s president

Her daughter is at the academy

wrongly pronouncing Spanish

She watches Turner Classic Movies

and sees herself there

Up in da country club she dines with friends

The conversation is breezy

Doesn’t look the waiter in the eyes

ordering vegan chicken salad w/ amenities

She sees into her past

The conversation is breezy

She’s been in the dictionary since

she was born her words Victorian highways

She’s un-revolutionarily flawless

Feminist-approved she vacations daily

She woke up like a million bucks

slipped into lacy panties it’s always sunny

Her husband is upstanding of course

The tabs call him Mr.

She performs and the coverage is breezy:

What rosy cheeks what milky vacancy

Her daughter learns about beauty

Discovers nothing surprising