ding bat

Sacred Oils and Incense

No circle or ritual is complete without its oils and incense. Many practitioners choose from storebought supplies, but the contemporary Fellowship of the Round Table creates its own. From their recipe book we share these Arthurian sacred oils and scents.

Grail Oil and Incense

Healing, Comfort, Grail Seeking

Incense: Use equal parts of dried red rose petals, shaved and dried white oak bark, and sage; combine using pestle and mortar (or your own preferred grinding method). Add more rose petals if necessary to get a rusty red coloring. Add frankincense resin in small measure (just enough to smell the aroma within the mixture). Add a dash of coral and dried cedar tips; grind again. Add more rose petals if red color is not prominent.

Oil: Choose a mild base oil to put into your oil censer (a teaspoon is best for starting). Heat slowly. Add 2 teaspoons blessed water. Heat slowly again. Add Grail incense and allow to cook slowly until you begin to smell the oil (should be slightly rosy with a wee bit of frankincense). Remove and pour oil into container.

Arthurian Yuletide Oil

Celebration of the Yuletide Season,
Invoking Green Knight/Gawain energy

Oil: Your base oil for this is going to be Grail oil (page 527). Place your Grail oil into the oil censer and heat slowly. Add two drops of myrrh oil and two drops of frankincense oil. As heat rises, stir in dried cedar tips and allow to cook for 15–20 minutes. When the oil begins to bubble or the aroma is quite apparent, remove from the censer and pour into container.

Frosted Holly Oil

Transformation using the Arthurian
energies of the Green Knight Oil

Place Grail, myrrh, and frankincense oils in equal measure into your censer and begin to heat. Add cedar tips and allow to bubble. Add holly berries and holly leaves. After approximately 2 minutes, burst open the holly berries and continue cooking. Add white oak bark and raspberry leaf. Cook for 2–5 minutes. Remove oil from the censer. Remove herbs until only oil remains. Place oil back into the censer. Add a drop of frankincense oil and a drop of rose dragon oil. Add more holly berries. Remove flame and allow oil to cool. When cool to the touch, add 3 drops of peppermint oil. Place oil into container.

Green Chapel Oil

Journeying to the Chapel of the Green Knight

Oil: Put Merlin’s tower oil (page 529) into the censer and begin to heat. Add 2 drops of frosted holly oil. Allow oils to merge and then add just a pinch of oak moss (it won’t take much). Cook slowly. Add a pinch of mugwort. Cook until bubbling and then remove from heat. Pour oil from censer into container.

Note: This oil will not keep well. Best used within a three-day period of its making. Very pungent!

Arthur’s Mighty Ones Incense

Threshold Seeking, Guidance,
Quest Appearance

Incense: Combine equal parts of juniper, hartwood, white oak bark, lavender, rosemary, sage leaf, and raspberry leaf.

Bercilak Castle Incense

Shelter, Guidance, Rest,
Gifts from the Yuletide Spirits

Incense: Combine equal parts of lightning oak chips, white oak bark, cedar tips,
sage leaf, dragon’s blood resin, and oak moss resin.

Gawain and Ragnall’s Wedding Oil and Incense

Incense: Combine dried red rose petals, shaved and dried white oak bark, shaved and dried white willow bark, frankincense resin,
Egyptian Arabic resin,
dragon’s blood resin, and dried

Oil: Combine rose oil
and dragon’s blood oil in equal parts. Add 6 drops frankincense/myrrh oil (already combined oil), 2 drops hornbeam oil, and 5 drops of Merlin’s Tower oil.

Merlin’s Tower Oil

Heat myrrh oil and add a dash of sandalwood resin. Stir until resin is absorbed. Add dash of amber resin. Stir while envisioning Merlin’s tower. Let oil cool.
