7    Maintaining the System Layout and User Data

Just as you can organize your workplace, you can also make custom settings in the SAP system to make work more convenient for you. These personal settings affect only the user with which you’re logged on to the system. Other user accounts remain unaffected by these settings.

In this chapter, you’ll learn the following:

7.1    Creating Links on the Desktop

If you primarily work with one or only a few transactions and don't want to navigate via the SAP Easy Access menu each time, you can create a link to a transaction on your Windows desktop. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. In the SAP Easy Access menu, select the transaction that you want to link on your Windows desktop (here, Transaction MMBE, Stock Overview).
  2. Go to EditCreate shortcut on the Desktop in the menu bar (Figure 7.1), or press (Ctrl)+(F3).
  3. The system displays a message informing you that the shortcut was created successfully.
  4. The shortcut was created on the Windows desktop. The next time you log on, you can directly use the transaction by double-clicking the shortcut (Figure 7.2).
    Create a Shortcut on the Desktop

    Figure 7.1    Create a Shortcut on the Desktop


    Figure 7.2    Shortcut