Adlertag, 83, 88, 197

Admiral Scheer, 21, 22

Advanced Air Striking Force, 19–20, 22, 29, 30–31, 32

see also British Air Forces in France

Air Component, 19, 20, 29–31

see also British Air Forces in France

Air Transport Auxiliary, 118

Airborne infantry, German, 29

Airfields attacked, 130–32, 145–53, 198, 221–35

Albert Canal bridges, 29, 31–2

Allard, Flt Lt ‘Sammy’, 247

Allen, Johnnie, killed, 140

Altitude record, 42

American attitudes, 203

Andover, 146

Andres, Hptm Werner, 143

Appleyard, Brig, 20

Armament, 112–13

l’Armee de l’Air, Order of Battle 1939, 17

May, 1940, 30

Ashfield, F/O, 140

Atkinson, Harold D., 248


Bf 109, Bf 110, see under Messerschmitt

Bader, W/Cdr Sir Douglas R. S., 35, 132, 134, 153–4, 156, 177, 200, 210

Banks, Air Cdre Rod, 111

Bardufoss, 27

Barnwell, Frank, 71

Barratt, AM Sir Arthur, 24

Battle (Fairey), 19, 31

Battle of Britain Day, 133, 155–57, 200, 235

Bazin, James M., 248

Beachy Head, 55

‘Beehive’, 129, 130

Belgium, 29, 30–1

Bennions, George H., 249

Bentley Priory, Stanmore, 43, 47, 116

Berry, ‘Razz’, 249

Big Wing, 153, 156, 200–1

Biggin Hill, 51, 130, 132, 148, 149, 151

Birch, S. F., 111

Blenheim (Bristol), 71–3

Bletchley Park, 54, 58

Bloch 151/152, 17, 30

Blount AVM C. H. B., 19

Blitz, 133–136

Bofors, light AA gun, 119

Bolternstern, Hptm, 152

Borris, Lt, 189–190

Boulton Paul Defiant, see Defiant

Bowhill, ACM Sir Frederick, 44

Boyd, Adrian H., 249

Boyd, Robert F., 249

Braham, W/Cdr J. R. D., 177

Bramo 323 engines, 104, 105

Brauchitsch, FM Walter von, 13

Bristol Blenheim, see Blenheim

British Air Forces in France, 24, 29–30

see also Advanced Air Striking Force; Air Component

British Expeditionary Force, 18–25

evacuation, 36–7

Brize Norton, 130

Broadhurst, ACM Sir Harry, 174

Brooklands, 152

Brothers, Air Cdr Peter M. 32

Brown, F/O ‘Hilly’, 23, 161, 250

Browning machine guns, .303 calibre, 44, 112 on Hurricane, 62–3

Brunsbüttel, 21–2

Brunstellin, wounded, 149

Bulman, F/Lt George


Call signs, codes, 52–54

Camm, Sir Sydney, 61, 110

Camera gun, 113

Carbury, Brian J. G., 250

Carey, Frank F., 250

Chain Home (CH), 115–16

Low (CHL), 116

stations attacked, 128–29, 144, 147, 149, 151

Chamberlain, Neville, 13, 32

Churchill, Sir Winston S., 32, 133, 199, 203

Clisby, F/O Leslie R., 25, 31, 34, 161, 250

Clouston, Wilfred G., 251

Clowes, W/Cdr ‘Darky’, 23, 251

Coastal Command, 24

Colerne, 130

Conde-Vraux airfield, 31

Condor Legion, 77–78, 86

Convoys attacked

opening action of the Battle (convoy ‘Bread’), 138–39

convoy ‘Peewit’, 142–43

Cooke, Nicholas G., 251

Cooke, S/Ldr, 138

Cotton, W/Cdr F. Sidney, 56–58

Coventry, 150, 158

Crossley, W/Cdr Michael N., 251

Croydon, 130, 148, 149, 151

Currant, S/Ldr ‘Bunny’, 252

Curtiss H75, 17, 78

Czech volunteer pilots in France, 24

Czernin, Manfred B., 253


Dafforn, Sgt R. C., 31

Daimler-Benz engines

DB600A, 91, 106

DB601A, 86–7, 91, 92, 101

‘Day of the Eagles’ see Adlertag

‘Death Ray’, 115

Debden, 132, 151

Declaration of war, 13

Deere, Air Cdre Alan C., 169, 172

Defiant, 69–71, 150

Deichmann, Oberst Paul, 147

Denmark invasion, 25–6

Derby, 150

Detling, 130, 146, 151

Deuxième Bureau, 56

Diary, 207–46

Dickore killed, 149

Ditched, 170–1

Doe, Robert F. T., 254

Donaldson, Air Cdre ‘Teddy’, 174, 254

Dordrecht, 29

Dornier Do 17, 103–6

Douhet, Gen Giulio, 76, 79

Dover, 140, 141, 144, 147

Dowding, ACM Lord, 37, 43, 46, 59, 128, 132, 135, 141, 196, 197, 206

Driffield, 130, 160

Dundas, Gp Capt Sir Hugh S. L., 254–5

Dundas, John Charles, 254

Dunkirk radar station, 144

Dutton, W/Cdr Roy G., 255

Duxford, 134

see also Big Wing

Dymond, Sgt William L., 255


Eastchurch, 130, 145, 147, 151

Ebbinghausen, Hptm Karl, 190

Ebeling, Oberlt Heinz, 191

Ebersberger, Lt Kurt, 180

Ellis, S/Ldr John, 255

Emden, 21, 22

Engines, see under name, eg Merlin engines

Enigma, 58, 117

Erlich, Oberlt, 140


Fairey Battle, 19, 31

Fairlight, 151

Farnborough, 145

Ferris, Henry, 255

Fighter Command, see under Royal Air Force

Filton, 158

Fink, Oberst Johannes, 145

Fisser, Oberst Dr, 145

‘Flying Pencil’ see Dornier Do 17

Focke-Wulf Kondor, 77

Folkestone, 132

Ford, 130, 149

Foreness, 147, 151

Formations, Luftwaffe, 78, 131, 135

Fort Eben Emael, 29


Armee de l’Air, Order of battle, 17, 30

British Expeditionary Force, 18–25

German air superiority, 34

Franklin, Sgt William R., 255

Frantisek, Joseph, 256

Freeborn, S/Ldr John C., 256

Freya, 79

Friesian Islands, 22

Fuel, 111

Fuel injection, 85, 87, 191

Furious, HMS, 27

Fury, 61


Galland, Generallt Adolf, 46, 75, 124, 128, 188, 191, 193

Gamelin, Gen, 24

Garland, F/O ‘Judy’, VC, 32

General Situation Map (GSM), 50


aircraft production, 1930s, 79

non-aggression pact with Russia, 12

Geschwadern, 81

Gladiator (Gloster), 19, 27

Gleed ‘Widge’, 256

Glorious, HMS, 27–28

Goddard, Air Cdre, 80

Goering, Reichsmarschall

Hermann, 81, 90, 128, 129, 131, 136, 153, 196

Gort, FM Lord, 18

Gosport, 149

Government Code and Cipher School, see Bletchley Park

Gray, Gp Capt Colin F., 163–165, 256

Gray, Sgt T., VC, 32

Gregory, W/Cdr W. S., 177

Grice, Gp Capt, 151

Gruppen, 81

Guns, 112–13

Gunter, Siegfried, and Walter, 99

Gyro gunsight (GGS), 113


Hs 123 (Henschel), 78

Hs 126, 142

Hague, 29

Halahan, S/Ldr ‘Bull’, 23, 161

Hallicrafter 510 radio, 51

Hampden, 22

Hanks, F/Lt Prosser, 25, 161

Harwich, 141, 160


Fury, 61

Hurricane see Hurricane

Hawkinge, 130, 141, 145, 147, 148, 160


He 51, 78

He 111, 99–102

Heligoland raids, 22

Higginson W/Cdr Frederick W. ‘Taffy’, 33, 257–8

High Wycombe, 43

Hilleke, Lt Otto-Heinrich, 180–182

Hispano cannon, 68, 112

Hitler, Adolf, 13, 21, 38, 121, 133, 194–5

Hoffman, Feldwebel, 186

Holland, 28, 30, 31–32

Home Defence Units, 55

Hornchurch, 138, 151

Howes, Sgt Harold N., 258

Hughes, Paterson C., 258

Hull, night raid, 150

Hulse, P/O C. L., 31

Hunter, S/Ldr Philip A., 36

Hurricane, 44, 61–65, 110

Huth, Hans Joachim, 145


IFF, 114

Ibel, Oberstlt Max, 193

Impact of Battle on war’s course, 203–6

Intelligence, British, 54–9

photography, 56–8

Y Service, 54–5

Intelligence, German, 80–2

photography, 80

Invasion date fixed for Sept 20, 154

postponed, 204

final abandonment, 204

Italian raid, 160


Jeschonnek, Gen Hans, 81

Johnson, AVM ‘Johnnie’, 196

Joslin, S/Ldr, killed, 138


Ju 87 Stuka, 78, 95–98, 128, 130, 150

Ju 88A, 106–8

Jumo engines, 210: 85, 92, 96, 97; 211: 97, 101, 102, 106


Kain, F/O ‘Cobber’, 23, 25, 31, 34, 161

Kaupitsch, Gen, 25

Keidel, Oberlt, 141

Kenley, 130, 132, 148, 151, 198

Kepinski, Major, 24

Kesselring, Generalfeldm Albert, 196

Kestrel V engine, see Rolls-Royce engines

Kette, 82

Kilmartin, W/Cdr Ignatius, 23, 259

Kingsdown, 55

Knickebein, 80

Knoetzsh, ‘Bubi’, 85

Knuppel, Hptm Herwig, 190

Kondor, 77

Kramer, Hptm, diary, 188


Lacey, S/Ldr ‘Ginger’, 30, 31, 32, 176–7

Layrargues, 2/Lt Pommier, 35

Le Rougetel, P/O Paul, 170–1

Leaflet raids, 20–1

Lee-on-Solent, 130

Legion Kondor, 77

Leigh-Mallory, AVM Trafford, 43

Leyland, Sgt R. H., 140

Lewis, P/O Albert G., 162, 260

Liverpool, night raids, 150, 158

Lesjaskog, lake, 27

Llewellyn, Reginald T., 260

Lock, Eric S. 261

London, 129, 133–4, 157, 159

Losses, daily figures, 209–46

Lott, George, 138

Ludlow-Hewitt, Sir Edgar, 57

Luftdienst, 122

Lufthansa, 75, 78–9

Luftwaffe, 15, 16, 28, 37, 75, 76, 81, 126, 129

aircraft, see specific names

Battle day of a pilot, 179–93

intelligence, see Intelligence, German

losses, daily figures, 207–46


Order of Battle 1935, 74; Sept 1939, 74; Poland, 14; July 1940, 127

organisation, 82

participation in Spanish Civil war, 78

Lutz, Hptm Martin, killed, 158

Lusser, Robert, 85

Lympne, 130, 145, 147

Lysander, 19


Maastricht, 31

McClean, Sir Robert, 109

MacDonnell, Aeneas R. D., 261

McDowall, W/Cdr Andrew, 261

McIndoe, Sir Archibald, 120

McKellar, F/Lt Archie A., 261

McKnight, William L., 262

McMullen, S/Ldr Desmond A. P., 262

MacPherson, F/Lt A., 21

Malan, Gp Capt ‘Sailor’, 35, 131, 261

Malfroy, F/O C. E., 31

Manston, 139, 141, 145, 147, 149, 150

Marz, Waldi, 189, 190

Martlesham, 130, 141, 147

Mayer, Hans-Karl

Mercury engines, 72

Merlin engines, see Rolls-Royce engines

Messerschmitt, Willy, 85, 127


Bf 109, 78, 84–90, 127

Bf 109B, 78

Bf 109E, 64, 67

Bf 110, 90–95

Middle Wallop, 130, 146, 147, 148,

Milch, Generalfeldm Erhard, 76

Mitchell, Reginald J., 61, 65

Moerdijk, 29

Mölders, Werner, 35, 77, 78, 124, 125, 128, 141

Morane Saulnier MS406, 17, 30

More, S/Ldr James W. C., 262

Morfill, Sgt P., 31

Morris, P/O, 140

Mould, F/O ‘Boy’, 22, 25, 161

Mumler, Major M., 15

Murrow, Ed, 203


Netherlands, see Holland

Newall, ACM Sir Cyril, 43

Newcastle, 147

Nitschke, Gerhard, 99

Nicolson, F/Lt J. B. VC, 117

Niven, F/O F. H., 56

Noacke, Hptm Erich, 140, 190

North, J. D., 70

North Weald, 132, 134, 150, 151

Norwegian campaign, 25–28

Nowell, Sgt Gareth, 262


Observer Corps (Royal), 47–8, 49–50,

Odiham, 145, 148

Oerlikon cannon, 68, 125

Operation Sealion, 154, 194–5, 204–5

Operations rooms, 49

Orton, F/O ‘Fanny’, 25, 31

Oslo parcel, 58

Ott, Major, 144

Oxspring, Gp Capt Bobby, 165


Palmer, F/Lt ‘Pussy’, 23

Paratroops, German, 29

Park, ACM Keith, 37, 43, 59, 132, 150, 172, 195, 196, 197, 206

Paul, Sgt ‘Ginger’, 25

Payne, Sgt A. D., 31

‘Peewit’ convoy, 142–3

Pevensey, 144, 151

Photo reconnaissance, 56–8

Pickup, F/O, 31

Phases of the Battle

Phase 1, 138–43

Phase 2, 143–53

Phase 3, 153–8

Phase 4, 158–60

Pilot’s Battle Day

RAF, 161–78

Luftwaffe, 179–94

Pingel, Hptm, 185, 186, 187

‘Pipsqueak’ 52

Playfair, AVM P. H. L. 18

Plewig, Hptm, 143

Polikarpov fighters, 78, 192

Poling radar station, 149, 152

Polish campaign, 13–6

Polish volunteer pilots in France, 24

Portal, ACM Sir Charles, 43

Portland, 134, 146, 148

Portsmouth, 145, 150, 155


630, 17

631, 17

Priller, Oberst Josef, 182–4


Quill, Jeffrey, 65


RDF see Radar


1930s German developments, 79–80

airborne intercept, 55

Chain Home (CH), 45–7

Chain Home Low (CHL), 47

CH, CHL stations attacked, 128, 144, 147, 149, 151


1930s German developments, 79–80

codes and procedures:

RAF, 52–3

Luftwaffe, 55

Rayner, F/O ‘Roddy’, 35

Restemeyer killed, 149

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 13

Richey, P/O Paul, 161

Riegel, Major, 140

Roch, Eckart, 190

Rochester, 146, 147

Rolls-Royce engines

Goshawk, 110

Kestrel V, 85, 96

Merlin C, 61, 65

Merlin I, 70

Merlin II, 63, 66

Merlin III, 67, 70

Merlin XII, 50

Merlin XX, 64

Roosevelt, President F. deL., 21

Rotte formation, 78

Rotterdam, 29

Royal Air Force:

Air Fighting Development Establishment, 127

Air Intelligence organisation, 57

Aircraft, see specific names

Air/sea rescue, 117

Battle day of a pilot, 161–78

Bomber Command, 43–4

Coastal Command, 44

Expansion Scheme, 1934, 42

Fighter command, 43

filter rooms, 48

fixer rooms, 53

intelligence, see Intelligence, British

losses, daily figures, 207–46

Order of Battle, at home, Sept 1939, 40

Photographic unit, 57–8

School of Photography, 56

D/F stations, 53

Training Commands, 44

Royal Air Force Squadrons

1: 19, 22, 23, 25, 30, 140, 153, 161, 176, 224, 250, 251, 254, 259

3: 31, 250

7: 257

9: 22

12: 19, 31

17: 19, 144, 224, 253

14: 224

15: 19

18: 19

19: 145, 174, 248, 251, 259, 264

21: 57

23: 248

29: 177

32: 32, 51, 139, 140, 148, 224, 249, 251

37: 39

40: 19

41: 141, 142, 171, 172, 261, 264

43: 138, 140, 143, 226, 257, 259, 262

44: 39

46: 252, 256

49: 39

50: 39

53: 19

54: 131, 140, 144, 163, 215, 223, 253, 256, 262

56: 33, 139, 141, 146, 257

57: 19

59: 19

60: 223

61: 22

64: 22, 139, 140, 142, 224, 258, 261

65: 138, 140, 142, 224, 255, 264

70: 31

72: 156, 254, 264

73: 23, 25, 30, 34, 161, 224, 259, 262, 262, 263

74: 131, 138, 139, 144, 145, 208, 221, 253, 256, 261

79: 138, 224

82: 57

83: 39

85: 30, 144, 151, 162, 247, 253, 258, 265

87: 19, 30, 34, 176, 253, 256, 262

88: 19

92: 35, 156, 263, 264

103: 19, 31

105: 19, 31

107: 22, 57

109: 22

110: 22

111: 139, 144, 145, 251, 255

112: 31

114: 22, 31, 57

118: 256

139: 22, 32, 39, 57

141: 139

142: 19, 31

144: 22

145: 140, 142, 143, 249, 263, 264

149: 39

150: 19, 31

151: 141, 145, 174, 224, 252, 254

152: 146, 210, 226

154: 257

165, 257

213: 146, 248, 253, 260, 265

218: 19, 31

219: 224

222: 248, 257, 262

221: 41

226: 19, 31

234, 254

238: 238, 254

242: 153, 177, 248, 252, 264

249: 226

253: 152, 154

257: 142, 249, 263

263: 27, 28

264: 36, 150, 224, 251, 258, 263

266: 145, 256

302: 153,

303: 256, 264

501: 31, 141, 176, 213, 223, 256, 259, 260

504: 31, 260

600: 142

601: 146, 224

602: 249, 261

603: 140, 249, 250

604: 259

605: 154, 258, 261, 263

607: 19, 29, 30, 224, 248, 252, 262

609: 142, 146, 254, 262

610: 140, 142, 252, 255

615: 29, 262

616: 224, 254, 255, 258

743: 25

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (RAFVR), 42

Royal Auxiliary Air Force (RAAF), 42

Balloon Command, 59

Rubensdorffer, Hptm Walter, 144, 148, 149

Russell, Ian B. N., 262

Rye, 144, 147


Saul, AVM Richard E., 43

Scandinavian invasion, 25–8

Schilling Roads, 21–2, 39–40

Schmidt, Major Josef, 80–1

Schneider Trophy, 65

Schöpfel, Oberlt, 188–9

Schwarm formation, 78

Scoular, F/Lt John E., 263

Sealand, 130

Sealion, see Operation Sealion

Sheerness, 145

Shipman, W/Cdr E. A., 171

Sinclair, Sir Archibald, 43

‘Sitzkrieg’, 20

Skånland, 28

Smith, S/Ldr A. T., 139

Smith, W/Cdr Dick, 174–5

Soper, F/O S. J., 23, 161

Southampton, 146, 155

Spanish Civil War, 77–8, 124–6

Sperrle, 74

Sprick, Oberlt, 188

Spitfire, 65–9

first PR sortie, 58

Staffel formation, 81–2

Stephen, W/Cdr Harbourne M., 263

Stoeckl, Oberst Alois, 147

Storrar, W/Cdr James E., 263

Stuka (Ju 87) see under Junkers

Sunderland, 147

Supermarine Spitfire, see Spitfire

Support teams, 109–23


Tangmere, 130, 149, 151

Thom, S/Ldr Edward R., 263

Thorney Island, 130, 149

Thorogood, Laurence ‘Rubber’, 176

Tuck, W/Cdr Robert R. Stanford, 35, 263

Turner, Percival S., 264

Typex, 58


Udet, General Lt Ernst, 76, 91

Ultra, 59

Unwin, Sgt George C. 264

Urbanowicz, W/Cdr Witold, 264


Ventnor, 145, 146

Villa, S/Ldr ‘Pancho’, 264

von Bolternstern, Hptm, killed, 152

von Houwald, 140

von Ribbentrop, Joachim, 13

von Wechmar, wounded, 149


Walker, F/Lt ‘Johnny’, 23, 25, 161

Watt, Sir Robert Watson, 115

Weather, July 10–Oct 31 1940, 209–46

Webster, F/Lt John T., 264–5

Wellington, 22, 40

West Malling, 130, 148

Westhampnett, 141

Wever, Gen, 76

Whitstable, 151

Wight, F/Lt Ronald D. G., 265

Wilhelmshafen, 21, 39

Williams, F/Lt E. S., 31

Winterbotham, W/Cdr F. W., 56, 59, 117

Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, 49, 198, 205

Woods-Scawen, Patrick P., 265

Woolston, 146

Worthy Down, 148

Wurster, Hermann, 91

Würzburg radar, 80


Y-Gerät, 58

Y intelligence service, 54–6

Yeovil, 158, 159


Zerstörer, see Messerschmitt Bf 110