The following translation presents both all published fragments from the Wangjiatai 王家台 Gui cang 歸藏 manuscripts and those quotations in medieval sources that have been identified as coming from the Gui cang. The Wangjiatai fragments are presented as given in the various studies by Wang Mingqin 王明钦, the lead excavator of the Wangjiatai tomb and the current director of the Jingzhou Museum.1 Quotations from medieval sources were collected by various scholars in the Qing dynasty; the most complete of these is the collection found in the Yuhan shanfang jiyi shu 玉函山房輯佚書 of Ma Guohan 馬國翰 (1794–1857).2 Ma Guohan’s listing of these quotations follows the sequence of hexagrams given in Xi xi Yi shuo 西溪易說 of Li Guo 李過 (Song period), which presents a listing of sixty hexagram names, thought to represent the sequence of the text.3 In addition to these sixty hexagram names, Ma Guohan adds three others: Ying Huo 熒惑, Qi Lao 耆老, and Da Ming 大明. However, fragments in the Wangjiatai manuscripts have now shown that these are names of diviners mentioned in the text and are not hexagram names. On the other hand, the following three hexagram names can be added to the list in Xi xi Yi shuo: Da Zhuang 大壯, Zhong Fu 中
, and Shi 筮. I add these at the end of table 5.1. Several of the correspondences and hexagram names in the table, both for the Xi xi Yi shuo Gui cang and for the Wangjiatai manuscripts, are uncertain, and there is no reason to think that the Xi xi Yi shuo sequence of hexagrams is correct. Nevertheless, for want of any other evidence, it is now generally accepted as the Gui cang sequence.
The translation below follows the Xi xi Yi shuo sequence of Gui cang hexagrams, whether or not the hexagram name in the Wangjiatai manuscripts is identical with that given by it. When available, I present first any fragment from the Wangjiatai manuscripts; these fragments are presented flush left and are indicated, when available, with the entry number given by Wang Mingqin. Medieval quotations are interspersed with the Wangjiatai fragments whenever it is possible to correlate them, but they are indented. If two or more quotations pertain to the same hexagram and present different information, I present them in chronological order of their sources; thus, quotations found in the Beitang shu chao 北堂書鈔 of Yu Shinan 虞世南 (558–638) come before those in the Taiping yulan 太平御覽 of Li Fang 李昉 (925–996). I provide, in notes, references to the earliest sources for these quotations. I provide the quotations as found in the earliest sources. I do not provide subsequent quotations of the same passage that do not offer substantive new information, nor do I attempt to collate various quotations of the same statement into a single entry.
Kun  |
Gua 寡 |
Kun 坤 (1) |
Qian 乾 |
Tian Mu 天目 |
Qian 乾 (2) |
Zhun 屯 |
Zhun 肫 |
Zhun 屯 (3) |
Meng 蒙 |
Meng 蒙 (4) |
Ru 溽 |
Xu 需 (5) |
Song 訟 |
Song 訟 |
Song 訟 (6) |
Shi 師 |
Shi 帀 |
Shi 師 (7) |
Bi 比 |
Bi 比 |
Bi 比 (8) |
Xiao Du Chu 小毒畜 |
Shao Du 少督 |
Xiao Chu 小畜 (9) |
Lü 履 |
Lü 履 |
Lü 履 (10) |
Tai 泰 |
Nai 柰 |
Tai 泰 (11) |
Pi 否 |
Pei  |
Pi 否 (12) |
Tong Ren 同人 |
Tong Ren 同人 |
Tong Ren 同人 (13) |
Da You 大有 |
You 右 |
Da You 大有 (14) |
Hen 佷 |
Gen 艮 (52) |
Li 釐 |
Zhen 震 (51) |
Da Guo 大過 |
Da Guo 大過 |
Da Guo 大過 (28) |
Yi 頤 |
Yi 亦 |
Yi 頤 (27) |
Kun 困 |
Qun 囷 |
Kun 困 (47) |
Jing 井 |
Jing 井 |
Jing 井 (48) |
Ge 革 |
Ge 革 (49) |
Ding 鼎 |
Zi 鼒 |
Ding 鼎 (50) |
Lü 旅 |
Lü 旅 |
Lü 旅 (56) |
Feng 豐 |
Feng 豐 (55) |
Xiao Guo 小過 |
Da Guo 大過 (?) |
Xiao Guo 小過 (62) |
Lin Huo 林禍 |
Lin 臨 |
Lin 臨 (19) |
Guan 觀 |
Guan 灌 |
Guan 觀 (20) |
Cui 萃 |
Zu 卒 |
Cui 萃 (45) |
Cheng 稱 |
Sheng 升 |
Sheng 升 (46) |
Pu 僕 |
Bo 剝 (23) |
Fu 復 |
Fu 復 |
Fu 復 (24) |
Wu Wang 毋亡 |
Wu Wang 毋亡 |
Wu Wang 无妄 (25) |
Da Du Chu 大 毒畜 |
Da Chu 大畜 (26) |
Ju 瞿 |
Ju  |
Kui 睽 (38) |
San Jia Ren 散家人 |
San 散 |
Jia Ren 家人 (34) |
Jie 節 |
Jie 節 |
Jie 節 (60) |
Huan 奐 |
Huan 渙 |
Huan 渙 (59) |
Jian 蹇 |
Jian 蹇 (39) |
Xie 茘 |
Jie 解 (40) |
Yuan 員 |
Sun 損 |
Sun 損 (41) |
Cheng 誠 |
Qin 欽 |
Xian 咸 |
Xian 咸 (31) |
Heng 恆 |
Heng E 恒我 |
Heng 恆 (32) |
Gui 規 |
Ye 夜 |
Ye 夜, Yi 亦 |
Gu 蠱 (18) |
Xun 巽 |
Xun 巽 (57) |
Dui 兌 |
Dui 兌 |
Dui 兌 (58) |
Li 離 |
Li 丽 |
Li 離 (30) |
Lao 犖 |
Lao 劳 |
Kan 坎 (29) |
Jian 兼 |
Ling 陵 |
Qian 謙 (15) |
Fen 分 |
Jie 介 |
Yu 豫 (16) |
Gui Mei 歸妹 |
Gui Mei 歸妹 |
Gui Mei 歸妹 (53) |
Jian 漸 |
Jian 漸 |
Jian 漸 (53) |
Jin 晉 |
Jin  |
Jin 晉 (35) |
Ming Yi 明夷 |
Ming Yi 明夷 (36) |
Jin Yi 岑 |
Ji Ji 既濟 (63) |
Wei Ji 未濟 |
Wei Ji 未濟 (64) |
Dun  |
Dun  |
Dun 遯 (33) |
Shu 蜀 |
Ma Xi 馬徙 |
Da Zhuang 大壯, Zhuang 壯 |
Da Zhuang 大壯 (34) |
Zhong Fu 中 |
Zhong Fu 中孚 (61) |
Shi 筮 |
Shi Ke 噬嗑 (21) |
After all fragments that can be identified with individual hexagrams are presented, I then provide first fragments from the Wangjiatai manuscripts that cannot be identified with any particular hexagram, in the order of their accession number (if any), and, following that, medieval quotations in the chronological order of the works in which they appear, though congregating any that bear identical or similar text. I have not included every quotation that has ever been identified as deriving from the Gui cang, regarding some such identifications as mistaken.
As in chapter 4, quotations from the Wangjiatai manuscripts are perforce presented in simplified characters, since the only authoritative transcriptions of these manuscripts are in simplified-character format. Quotations from medieval sources reflect the orthography of the source quoted, even if other quotations of the same fragment reveal minor differences (such as writing 台 for 臺 or 侯 for 后). I also do not correct any obvious mistakes (such as the consistent writing of shi 筮 as jing 莖 and mei 枚 as mu 牧 in the Bo wu zhi 博物志 of Zhang Hua 張華 [232–300]), though my English translation reflects the correct reading. Finally, as in chapter 4 and elsewhere throughout this book, Chinese texts are presented without any punctuation.
Identifiable Hexagram Statements
Gua “Orphan” says: Not humane. In the past Xia Hou Qi divined by milfoil about rising into heaven. Di did not regard him as good and threw him into the abyss, leading Gong Gong to .. river .. …
The emperor Yao sent down his two daughters to be Shun’s wives.4
Tian Mu “The Heavenly Eye” so dawning, not beneficial for grasses or trees; so bright, raising those below .. …
Qian, piling up stone wind-pit zithers; those who erect it do not erect it, to the ends of the life not cured.
□肫曰昔者效龙卜为上天而攴 … (323)
.. Zhun “Cheekbones” says: In the past Scaly Dragon divined about going up to heaven and …
[蒙]曰昔者□□卜□ …
Meng “Shrouded” .. says: In the past .. .. divined .. …
讼曰昔者□□卜讼启□□□ …
Song “Lawsuit” says: In the past .. .. divined about suing Qi .. .. .. …
Shi “Army” says: In the past Son of Heaven Mu divined about sending out the army and had the stalks prognosticated.. .. .. … … the dragon descended from heaven and .. … … distant; flying and piercing heaven; so green …
In the past King-Son Mu divined the hexagram with Yu Qiang.6
In the past Son of Heaven King Mu divined by milfoil about going out on western campaign. Not auspicious. It said: The dragon descends from heaven, but the road is long and far; flying and piercing heaven, so green its wings.7
生子二人或司阴司阳不□姓□ … (216)
Bi “Alliance” says: Ally with them so lush, ally with them so green. Giving birth to two sons, one in charge of shade and one in charge of sunlight, not .. surname .. …
生子二人或司阴司阳 … (563)
Bi “Alliance” says: Ally with them so lush, ally with them so green. Giving birth to two sons, one in charge of shade and one in charge of sunlight …
少督曰昔者□小子卜亓邦尚毋有吝而攴 … (206)
Shao Du “Lesser Examination” says: In the past .. Xiaozi divined about his country: Would that it have no distress, and had the stalks …
履曰昔者羿射陼比莊石上羿果射之曰履□ … (461)
Lü “Walking” says: In the past Yi shot from on top of the stone in the field next to the mound. Yi really shot it. It is called Lü “Walking” .. …
囗曰昔者羿卜毕十日羿果毕之思十日并出以 … (470)
.. says: In the past Yi divined about netting the ten suns. Yi really did net them, hoping that the ten suns that came out together be taken …8
In the past Yi was good at shooting, shot at the ten suns and really netted them.9
In the past Qi shot Yi and stole his family, for a long time having his slave.10
占之曰不吉柰之□ … (2)
Nai “Jasmine” says: In the past the Shooting Dragon divined about .. .. and had the stalks prognosticated by Qun Jing. Qun Jing prognosticated them saying: Not auspicious. Nai [Jasmine]’s .. …
曰昔者□□□ …
Pi “Negation” says: In the past .. .. .. …
占之曰果哉而有吝□ … (189)
Tong Ren “Fellow Men” says: In the past the Yellow Emperor and the Red Emperor battled / [Wu] Xian. [Wu] Xian prognosticated them and said: It really is, but there is distress. .. …
In the past the Yellow Spirit and the Red Spirit fought in the wilds of Zhuolu. When they were about to battle, he divined it with Wu Xian. Wu Xian said: It really is indeed, but there is trouble.11
四四旁敬□风雷不 … (302)
You “Having”: says: In the past Ping Gong divined about his country: Would that there be no trouble, and had the stalks prognosticated by Shen Lao. Shen Lao prognosticated them and said: Auspicious. There is a son, his .. midst [?]. The four sides respected .. , and wind and thunder did not …
大过曰昔者日月卜望□ …
Da Guo “Greater Passing” says: In the past the sun and moon divined about the full moon .. …
亦曰昔 …
Yi “Jaws” says: In the past …
囷曰昔者夏后启卜亓邦尚毋有吝而攴占 … (208)
Qun “Bundled” says: In the past Xia Hou Qi divined: Would that his country not have any distress, and had the stalks prognosticated …
□井曰昔者夏后启贞卜 … (319)
.. Jing “Well” says: In the past Xia Hou Qi determined the divination …
Zi “The Small-Mouthed Cauldron” says: In the past the Lord of Song divined about installing .. and had the stalks prognosticated by Wu Cang. Wu Cang prognosticated them and said: Auspicious. The small-mouthed cauldron’s grass snakes, the small-mouthed cauldron’s fragments. At first there is distress, later it is really in accord.
The cauldron has yellow ears, beneficial to get a sturgeon or carp.12
… (304)
Feng “Abundance” says: In the past Di on High divined about residing .. .. and had the stalks prognosticated by Da Ming. Da Ming prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. .. ministers so meaty, the female .. so pheasanty …
占之曰不吉过亓门言者□ … (523)
Da Guo “Greater Passing”13 says: In the past .. Minor Minister divined about fleeing to Tang and had the stalks prognosticated by Zhong Hui. Zhong Hui prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. Passing his gate those who speak .. …
临曰: …
Lin “Look Down” says: …
Guan “Libation” says: In the past Xia Hou Qi divined about making offering …
In the past Xia Hou Qi divined by milfoil about making offering to the spirits at the Great Mound and ascending the Equalizing Terrace, and had the stalks prognosticated by Gao Yao, who said: Not auspicious.14
[卒]曰昔者□卜出云而攴占□ …
[Zu “Complete” says: In the past .. divined about exiting the clouds, and had the stalks prognosticated .. …
Bo: A good man gets his jade, the little man gets his grain.15
复曰昔者陼王卜复白雉□ …
Fu “Returning” says: In the past the King of Chu divined about returning the white pheasant .. …
Wuwang “Not Lost”: Exiting and entering so bubbling: at home peacefully situated, and in the wilds peacefully hidden. Not lost …
曰昔者殷王贞卜亓□尚毋有咎 …
Ju “Frightened” says: In the past the King of Yin determined the divination: Would that his [country] not have any trouble. …
Frightened, frightened, fish scales are brewed into wine, raised up in two vases and two pots; drink it and then two days later you revive. The sire has a marsh, and we take its fish.16
散曰昔者 / /□卜□散实而攴占大
San “Scattering” says: In the past … . …. divined about .. scattering the goods and had the stalks prognosticated by Da [Ming]. Da [Ming] …
/囗曰昔者禹卜食散实而攴占大明占之曰不吉散其 … (333)
.. says: In the past Yu divined about eating the Dispersed Substance and had the stalks prognosticated by Da Ming, who prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. Disperse its …

占曰吉□ … (194)
Jie “Moderation” says: In the past King Wu divined about attacking Yin and had the stalks prognosticated by Lao Qi. Lao Qi prognosticated and said: Auspicious. .. …
Wu Wang attacked Yin and had the stalks prognosticated by Qi Lao. Qi Lao said: Auspicious.17
Jie hexagram says: The King of Yin, would that his state not have any trouble.18
涣曰昔者高 … (328)
Huan “Dispersal” says: In the past Gao …
[蹇]□□ … 19
[Qian “Lame”] .. .. …
损曰 …
Sun “Decrease” says …
[咸]曰 …
[Xian “Feeling”] says …
□咸曰 …
.. Xian “Feeling” says …
□恒我曰昔者女过卜作为缄而 … (476)
.. Heng E “Heng E” says: In the past Nü Wa divined about making a binding and …
In the past Nü Wa divined by milfoil about spreading the Cloud Curtain and had the stalks prognosticated by Shen Ming, who prognosticated them and said: Auspicious. So radiant the nine regions, the sun and the moon replace each other at the extreme. Flat and equal is the earth, concordantly uniting the ten thousand states.20
曰昔者赤乌止木之遽初鸣曰鹊后鸣曰乌有夫取妻存归亓家 … (212)
Ji “Fishnet” says: In the past a red crow stopped on a tree’s perch. When it first sang out, it was said: A magpie. When it later sang out, it was said: A crow. There was a man who took a wife, but caringly returned her to her family …
丽曰昔者上 …
Li “Netting” says: In the past Shang …
劳曰昔者蚩尤卜铸五兵而攴占赤□ … (536)
Lao “Belabored” says: In the past Chi You divined about casting the five weapons and had the stalks prognosticated by Chi .. …
陵曰昔者赤乌卜浴水通而见神为木出焉是啻 … (503)
Ling “Mound” says: In the past a red crow divined about the watercourse water breaking through and saw a spirit as a tree coming out of it. This was Di …
Jie [Strengthened] says: To the north the yellow bird, mixed in that budding mound; there are bushes .. .. there are .. .. ; the people …
□归妹曰昔者恒我窃毋死之 [药]/ (307) … … 奔月而攴占□□□ … (201)
.. Gui Mei “Returning Maiden” says: In the past Heng E stole the [medicine]) of immortality … … and fled to the moon and had the stalks prognosticated .. .. .. …
Yi requested the medicine of immortality from the Western Queen Mother. Heng E stole it to flee to the moon. When she was about to go, she had the stalks divined by milfoil by You Huang. You Huang prognosticated them and said: Auspicious. So soaring the returning maiden, alone about to travel westward. Meeting heaven’s dark void; do not tremble, do not fear. Afterwards there will be great prosperity. Heng E subsequently consigned her body to the moon, and this became the frog.21
占之曰不吉不渐于 … (335)
Jian “Advancing in Stages” says: In the past the King of Yin determined the divination about his country: Would that there be no trouble, and had the result prognosticated by Wu Xian. Xian prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. Not advancing in stages in …
Jin “Jin” says: In the past … … divined about making offering to Di at Jin’s Mound, to make it into .. …
.. [Jin “Jin”] Jin says: In the past Xia Hou Qi divined about making offering to Di at Jin …
In the past Xia Hou Qi divined by milfoil about making offering at Jin’s Mound, to make it into the Jade Terrace, on the sunny side of the river.22
明夷曰昔者夏后启卜乘飞龙以登于天而攴占□□ …
Ming Yi “Brightness Obscured” says: In the past Xia Hou Qi divined about flying on a dragon to rise into heaven and had the stalks prognosticated .. .. …
Ming Yi says: In the past Xia Hou divined by milfoil about riding a flying dragon and rising into heaven and had the stalks prognosticated by [Si Hua Tao Tao:] Gao Yao. Gao Yao said: Auspicious.23
Xia Hou Qi divined by milfoil about driving a flying dragon to rise into heaven: Auspicious.24
On Mount Songgao, Qi’s mother on this mountain was transformed into stone, and her son Qi also ascended to immortality.25
In the past Xia Hou Qi divined by milfoil about riding a dragon in order to rise into heaven, and had the stalks prognosticated by Gao Yao. Gao Yao said: Auspicious. Yet it must be the same, communicating with the spirits, with his body being Di, to rule over the four directions.26
□ … (213)
Teng “Teng Snake” says: In the past the King of Yin determined the divination about his country: Would that there be no trouble, and had the stalks prognosticated by Wu Xian. Wu Xian prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. Teng snake in his mat, throw it in the stream; the teng snake in the north turns into a female dog .. …
[未济]□□□□□攴卜□□□ …
[Wei Ji “Not Yet Across”].. .. .. .. .. result divined .. .. .. …
Dun “Withdrawing” says: Withdraw at dusk in order to enter; as wings neither high nor low then it is beneficial; at the beginning affairs will have benefit .. …
亦曰昔者北□ … (343)
Ye “Night” says: In the past Bei .. …
夜曰昔者北□ [敢]
卜逆女 …
Ye “Night” says: In the past Great Officer Bei .. divined about welcoming Nü …
女过而攴占□ …
.. says: In the past Great Officer Bei Gan welcomed Nü Wa and had the stalks prognosticated .. …
筮曰筮□之□筮盍之□□ … (537)
Shi “Biting” says: Biting .. it .. , biting and chewing it .. .. …
[贲] 曰: 昔 …
[Ben “Ornamented”] says: In the past …
曰啻□卜 … (317)
Zhong Fu “Inner Trust” says: Di .. divined …
大□曰昔者/(408)/ 隆卜将云雨而攴占囷
… (196)
Da [Zhuang “(Greater) Strength”] says: In the past … … Long divined about leading the clouds and rain and had the stalks prognosticated by Qun Jing. Qun Jing prognosticated them and said: Auspicious. The great mountain’s clouds, [?] …
壮曰昔者丰隆 … (320)
Zhuang “[Greater] Strength” says: In the past Feng Long …
Feng Long divined by milfoil about driving the clouds, getting Da Zhuang hexagram and subsequently becoming the Cloud Master.27
In the past Feng Long divined by milfoil about leading the clouds and vapor and it was auspicious. Investigate [sic] it and so on.28
Miscellaneous Fragments from the Wangjiatai Manuscripts (and Corresponding Quotations)
淮伐之折戈 (204)
… Huai, attacking them, breaking the dagger-axe.
囗父夕为母朝卜及日中吉日中吉夕凶 … (215)
. …. father in the evening, for mother in the morning, divined: Reaching midday it is auspicious, at midday it is auspicious, in the evening it is ominous. …
陈众龙之嚣群神伏匿大臣不朝 (259)
… arraying the clamor of the flock of dragons. The many spirits hide away, and the great ministers do not come to court.
占之曰不吉 … (339)
… Jie divined about attacking Tang and had the stalks prognosticated by Ying Huo. Ying Huo prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious …
Jie divined by milfoil about attacking Tang and had the stalks prognosticated by Ying Huo, who said: Not auspicious.29
In the past Jie attacked Tang and had the stalks prognosticated by Ying. Ying Huo said: Not auspicious. Not beneficial to go out on campaign, only beneficial to stay put. They are foxes, we are mice.30
In the past Jie divined by milfoil about attacking Tang and had the stalks prognosticated by Ying Huo, who said: Not auspicious. They are foxes, we are mice. Do not use to do any service, fearing to wound his father.31
既成其陈困其士女 (455)
… having completed his alignment, troubling his men and women.
不利开事唯利伏匿 (473)
… not beneficial to start affairs, only beneficial to hide away.
囗下以求不得以田伤马 … (482)
. …. below to seek, not getting it in hunting, wounding the horse …
占之曰不吉不偁于室而偁于野 … (491)
… about riding Ronghuang to travel to the sunny side of Xiaofeng, and had the stalks prognosticated by Yi Niao. Yi Niao prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. Not raised up in the room, but raised up in the wilds. …
不初而利后之亡羊得牛 (538)
. …. in spreading out, only the flowers arise. It is not at the beginning but it benefits to put it later; losing a sheep, getting an ox.
占之曰不吉有初而无后… (550)
… Da Ming. Da Ming prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. There is a beginning but not an aftermath. …
In the past Gun divined by milfoil about filling the floodwaters and had the stalks prognosticated by Da Ming, who said: Not auspicious. There is a beginning, not an aftermath.32
占之曰不吉侯囗而不涉谋而不囗囗齐而不阴兴事不当囗… (560)
… In the past Kuafu divined about .. for the River .. and had the stalks prognosticated by Shangfu. Shangfu prognosticated them and said: Not auspicious. The lord .. but does not ford, plots but does not .. , .. evenly but does not shade, undertakes affairs not proper .. …
… country: Would that there be no trouble, and had the stalks prognosticated by .. fu. .. fu prognosticated them and said: Auspicious. Only the mountains in the fields, get its .. deer, like .. like a room. The king herewith .. …
In the past the Elder of the River divined by milfoil about battling with the Luo River, and had the stalks prognosticated by Kun Wu, who prognosticated them: Not auspicious.33
Miscellaneous Fragments from Medieval Quotations
In the past Qi of Xia divined by milfoil about transferring the nine cauldrons. Qi really transferred them.34
In the past Shun divined by milfoil about ascending to heaven to become a spirit and prognosticated them with the Yellow Dragon Spirit, who said: Not auspicious.35
The Hollow Mulberry so green, the eight extremes being already spread out. Then there is Xi He, who rules the sun and moon, regulating their coming out and going in to make darkness and brightness.36
Gaze at that high heaven, now bright now dark. There are Xi He’s sons, who come out from Sunny Valley.37
Gong Gong had a human face, a snake’s body, and red hair.38
So gushing were the floodwaters, with no place to stop the extremes. Elder Gun then used the expanding stone and the expanding soil to stop up the floodwaters.39
Gun left and for three years did not decompose. They cut him open with a knife from Wu and he transformed into a yellow bear.40
The child of Majestic Mountain had green wings, a human face, and a horse’s body.41
The shape of the Winged People is a bird’s beak, crimson eyes, and a white head.42
The child of Gold River, his name is Winged Youth, then prognosticated them and said: The Winged People gave birth to the white bird.43
Chi You came out from the Sheep River, with eight arms and eight legs and a sparse head, ascending the Nine Bogs in order to attack the Hollow Mulberry. The Yellow Emperor killed him on the Green Mound.44
There are white clouds that come out from the Green Catalpa and enter into Daliang.45
There are wild ducks and mandarin ducks, there are wild geese and kingfisher ducks.46
The nobleman takes warning of carts, the petty man takes warning of walking.47
Above there is a high terrace, below there is the dammed pond. Using this to serve the lord, his dignity is like a flower. If he uses it to buy and sell, his wealth will be like the rivers.48
There is a person about to come, bequeathing me property and money. If one arrives then one breaks through, if one seeks then one gets, and having joy then one arrives.49
There is a person about to come, bequeathing me money and goods. Night and day I watch for him.50