I present here the Fuyang manuscript of the Zhou Yi in the traditional order of the received text, minus the eleven hexagrams for which no portion of the manuscript text can be shown to correspond. However, I have not included the 531 fragments (numbers 222–752) that bear only divination statements; although these are informative regarding the nature of the manuscript (and some have been cited in the introduction to the manuscript given in chapter 6), they are too fragmentary and too lacking in context to make their translation meaningful.
For the fifty-three hexagrams to which at least some portion of the manuscript corresponds, I present the manuscript text, in boldface, in both Chinese transcription and English translation, with the number of the strip indicated at the left. The divination formulas that are a special feature of this manuscript, following each hexagram and line statement, are indicated in boldface italics in the English translation. To provide some context for these fragments, I also provide, in ordinary type, the entirety of the received text, again in both Chinese and simple English translation. I have made every effort to correlate the grammar of the manuscript fragments with the more complete grammar of the received text, but it has not always been possible to do so without sinking into gibberish. I have also strived to indicate in the English translation whenever the manuscript contains a possibly meaningful variation; other variations that I deem to be strictly graphic are indicated only in the Chinese transcription. Except in a very few cases, the Chinese transcription follows that of Han Ziqiang, Fuyang Han jian Zhou Yi yanjiu .1
image  Qian , “Vigor” (Hexagram 1)
Vigor: Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine.
First Nine: Submerged dragon. Do not use.
  1.   … Nine in the Second: See …
Nine in the Second: See the dragon in the fields. Beneficial to see the great man.
Nine in the Third: The nobleman to the end of the day is so vigorous; in the evening is fearful as if there is danger. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Fourth: And now jumping in the depths. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Fifth: Flying dragon in the sky. Beneficial to see the great man.
Top Nine: Throated dragon. There is regret.
Use the Nine: See the flock of dragons without heads. Auspicious.
image  Kun , “Compliant” (Hexagram 2)
  2.   … friend, to the east …
  3.   … determining: auspicious. Divining …
Compliant: Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine about a mare. The nobleman has someplace to go, is first lost and then gains his ruler. Beneficial to the west-south to gain a friend, to the east-north to lose a friend. Determining about being settled: auspicious.
First Six: Stepping on frost: the hard ice will arrive.
  4.   … great; not repeated. There is nothing …
Six in the Second: Straight, square and great; not repeated. There is nothing not beneficial.
Six in the Third: Containing a pattern. One can determine. And now following the king’s service. There is no completion, there is an end.
Six in the Fourth: Tying the sack. There is no trouble, there is no praise.
Six in the Fifth: Yellow dragon. Prime auspiciousness.
  5.   … service. Top Six: The dragon battles in the wilds, its …
  6.   … black and yellow. …
Top Six: The dragon battles in the wilds, its blood is black and yellow.
Use the Six: Beneficial to determine about the long-term.
image  Zhun , “Blocked” (Hexagram 3)
10.   鹿
Blocked: Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine. Do not use to have anywhere to go. Beneficial to establish a lord.
  7.   … family. • First Nine: Around …
First Nine: Around in circles. Beneficial to determine about a residence; beneficial to establish a lord.
  8.   … determining: Not pregnant, …
  9.   … ten years then pregnant. …
Six in the Second: Stick-stuck, carts and horses lined up. Not bandits in marriage relations. Determining about a woman: not pregnant, in ten years then she is pregnant.
10.   Six in the Third: Pointing toward a deer, do not hunt; it is entering into …
11.   … -man is just about not as good as leaving off. Going: distress. Divining about seeking: not …
Six in the Third: Approaching a deer, without hunting; it is entering into the forest’s midst. The nobleman is just about not as good as leaving off. Going: distress.
12.   … auspicious. There is nothing not beneficial. …
Nine in the Fourth: Carts and horses in formation. Seeking marriage relations. Going: auspicious. There is nothing not beneficial.
13.   Nine in the Fifth: Hoarding its fat. Little …
14.   … determining: auspicious. Great …
15.   … determining: ominous. …
Nine in the Fifth: Gathering its fat. Determining about the little: auspicious, determining about the great: ominous.
Top Six: Carts and horses in formation, crying blood streamingly.
image  Meng , “Shrouded” (Hexagram 4)
16.   image image
17.   image
21.   image
16.   … we who seek the young shroud; the young shroud seeks us. …
17.   … third is excessive; excessive then it does not …
Shrouded: Receipt. It is not we who seek the young shroud; the young shroud seeks us. The first milfoil divination reports; a second and third is excessive; excessive then it does not report. Beneficial to determine.
First Six: Lifting the shroud. Beneficial to use a punished man, and herewith to remove the fetters in order to go. Distress.
18.   … an old wife: auspicious; a son can
19.   marry. Beneficial to marry off (a daughter)
Nine in the Second: Wrapping the shroud. Auspicious. Taking a wife: auspicious; a son can marry.
20.   … man not auspicious. • Six in the Third: Do not use to take a woman. Seeing the metal …
21.   … have a body. There is nothing beneficial. …
Six in the Third: Do not herewith take in marriage a woman. Seeing the metal man, who does not have a body. There is nothing beneficial.
Six in the Fourth: Blocking the shroud. Distress.
Six in the Fifth: Young shroud. Auspicious.
Top Nine: Hitting the shroud. Not beneficial to be a robber; beneficial to resist robbers.
image  Xu , “Awaiting” (Hexagram 5)
Awaiting: There is trust. Radiant receipt. Determining: auspicious. Beneficial to ford the great river.
First Nine: Awaiting in the suburbs. Beneficial herewith to persevere. There is no trouble.
22.   … there is a little …
Nine in the Second: Awaiting in the sand. There is a little talk, in the end auspicious.
Nine in the Third: Awaiting in the mud. Brings robbers to come.
23.   … from a pit. Divining about
Six in the Fourth: Awaiting in the blood, going out from a pit.
Nine in the Fifth: Awaiting in the wine and food. Determining: auspicious.
Top Six: Entering into a pit: there are three unwelcome guests who come. Respect them. In the end auspicious.
image  Song , “Lawsuit” (Hexagram 6)
24.   … not beneficial to ford the great …
Lawsuit: There is trust. Fearful. In the middle auspicious, in the end ominous. Beneficial to see the great man; not beneficial to ford the great river.
First Six: Not perpetuating that which he serves. There is a little talk, in the end auspicious.
Nine in the Second: One cannot sue. Returning and fleeing, the people of their city, three hundred households. There is no curse.
25.   … dangerous; in the end auspicious. …
Six in the Third: Eating the old virtue. Determining: danger; in the end auspicious. And now following the king’s service, there is no completion.
Nine in the Fourth: One cannot sue. Returning to assume the command, it changes. Determining about peace: auspicious.
Nine in the Fifth: Lawsuit. Prime auspiciousness.
Top Nine: Someone awards him a leather belt, to the end of the morning thrice stripping it.
image Shi , “Army” (Hexagram 7)
27.   •
Army: Determining: for an older man auspicious. There is no trouble.
26.   … The army going out …
First Six: The army going out in ranks. It is not good. Ominous.
Nine in the Second: In the army’s midst. Auspicious. There is no trouble. The king thrice awards command.
27.   … • Six in the Third: Someone in the army …
Six in the Third: Someone in the army carting corpses. Ominous.
Six in the Fourth: The army camping to the left. There is no trouble.
28.   … Hunting there is a catch. …
29.   … corpses; determining: ominous. …
Six in the Fifth: Hunting there is a catch. Beneficial to grasp words. There is no trouble. The eldest son leads the army, the younger son carts corpses. Determining: ominous.
30.   … not auspicious. • Top Six: The great lord has a mandate, to initiate the country …
Top Six: The great lord has a mandate, to open the kingdom and receive the families. The petty man ought not be used.
image  Bi , “Alliance” (Hexagram 8)
Alliance: Auspicious. The original milfoil divination: prime. Determining about the long-term: there is no trouble. The unpeaceful land comes. For the latter one ominous.
31.   … allying with them. Do not …
First Six: There is trust. Allying with them. There is no trouble. There is trust. Filling the pitcher. In the end there will come to be harm. Auspicious.
Six in the Second: Allying with them from within. Determining: auspicious.
Six in the Third: Allying with them, who are not men.
Six in the Fourth: Outside allying with them. Determining: auspicious.
32.   … not bagging it. • Nine in the Fifth: Manifestly allying. The king herewith thrice races, losing the forward catch; the city people are not …
Nine in the Fifth: Manifestly allying. The king herewith thrice races, losing the forward catch. The city people are not warned. Auspicious.
33.   … Six: Allying, do not have a head …
Top Six: Allying with them without a head. Ominous.
image  Xiao Chu , “Lesser Livestock” (Hexagram 9)
34.   西
34.   … rain from our western suburbs. Divining …
Lesser Livestock: Receipt. The dense clouds do not rain from our western suburbs.
35.   … obtain it. First Nine: Returning from the road; what trouble is it! Auspicious. There …
First Nine: Returning from the road; what trouble is it! Auspicious.
Nine in the Second: Dragging in return. Auspicious.
36.   … wife cross eyes.
Nine in the Third: The cart loses a strut, the husband and wife cross eyes.
37.   … Fourth: There is a return. Blood departs and fear …
Six in the Fourth: There is trust. Blood departs and fear comes out. There is no trouble.
38.   Fifth: There is a return, strung out; not enriched through their neighbors. Divining about the family …
Nine in the Fifth: There are captives strung out; not enriched through their neighbors.
39.  … get to be carried on high. Determining for the wife:
40.   danger. The moon is just about full. The nobleman to make correct:
Top Nine: Having rained, having put it in place, raise the virtue and cart it. Determining for the wife: danger. The moon is just about full. For the nobleman campaigning: ominous.
image   , “Stepping” (Hexagram 10)
41.   • image
Stepping: Stepping on a tiger’s tail, it does not eat the man. Receipt.
First Nine: Plain stepping, going. There is no trouble.
41.   … • Nine in the Second: Stepping on the road so smooth. About the somber man …
Nine in the Second: Stepping on the road so smooth. Determining about the somber man: auspicious.
42.   … can see, the lame can …
43.   … tail, it eats the man. Ominous. A military man acts …
Six in the Third: The blind can see, the lame can walk. Stepping on a tiger’s tail, it eats the man. Ominous. A military man acts on behalf of the great lord.
Nine in the Fourth: Stepping on a tiger’s tail, fearful. In the end auspicious.
Nine in the Fifth: Resolute stepping. Determining: danger.
44.   … Looking at the stepping …
Top Nine: Looking at the stepping and examining the auspices; they swirl. Prime auspiciousness.
image  Tai , “Greatness” (Hexagram 11)
46.   •
Greatness: The little go, the great come. Auspicious. Receipt.
45.   … Pluck the cogongrass stems …
First Nine: Pluck the cogongrass stems together with their roots. Campaigning: auspicious.
Nine in the Second: Wrapping the waste, use it to ford the river. It is not to be left behind. Friends are lost, getting to be elevated to the middle of the rank.
Nine in the Third: There is no flat that does not slope, there is no going that does not return. Determining about difficulty: there is no trouble. Do not worry about his trust. In food there are blessings.
Six in the Fourth: Fleetingly not wealthy, through his neighbor; not warned about trust.
46.   … • Six in the Fifth: Di Yi …
Six in the Fifth: Di Yi marries his daughter with felicitations. Prime auspiciousness.
47.   … from the city announce the command. Determining: distress.
Top Six: The city wall returns to the moat; don’t use the army; from the city announce the command. Determining: distress.
image  Pi , “Negation” (Hexagram 12)
48.   []
48.   … determine. The great go, the little come. Divining
Negation’s nonhuman. Not beneficial to determine about a nobleman. The great go, the little come.
First Six: Pluck the cogongrass stems together with their roots. Determining: auspicious. Receipt.
49.   … auspicious, for the great man not …
50.   … Receipt. In divining about a great man: not auspicious; about a petty …
Six in the Second: Wrapping what you have received. For a petty man, auspicious, for a great man not. Receipt.
51.   … man auspicious. • Six in the Third: Wrapping the meat offering. Divining about rain …
Six in the Third: Wrapping the meat offering.
Nine in the Fourth: There is a command. There is no trouble. The field divisions are fastened with felicitations.
Nine in the Fifth: Success is negated. For the great man, auspicious. It is gone, it is gone, tied to a bushy mulberry.
52.   … first not, later happy. Divining …
Top Nine: Declining negation: first not, later happy.
image  Tong Ren , “Fellow Men” (Hexagram 13)
55.   •
58.   image
62.   imageimage
63.   image
53.   … Fellow men in the wilds. Receipt. …
54.   … nobleman’s determination. …
Fellow men in the wilds. Receipt. Beneficial to ford the great river; beneficial to determine about a nobleman.
First Nine: Fellow men at the gate. There is no trouble.
55.   … • Six in the Second: Fellow men in the ancestral temple. Distress. Divining about a child: you will give birth, but it will not be filial; about serving …
Six in the Second: Fellow men in the ancestral temple. Distress.
56.   … Third: Crouching enemies in …
57.  … arising. Divining about a guilty one: ominous …
Nine in the Third: Crouching enemies in the grass: ascending the high mound, for three years not arising.
58.   … battling: the enemy will be strong but will not obtain its will; divining about someone who is sick: if they do not die then they will get better. • Nine in the Fourth: Riding on a high platform, you cannot …
Nine in the Fourth: Riding on its wall, you cannot be attacked. Auspicious.
59.   … something will be done but not finished. • Nine in the Fifth: Fellow
60.   men, first shouting
61.   later laughing. The great armies ..
62.   meet each other. Divining about tying a prisoner: …
Nine in the Fifth: Fellow men, first shouting, later laughing. The great armies can meet each other.
63.   … Nine: Fellow men at Hao. There is no regret. Divining about residing in office: you will be dismissed. …
Top Nine: Fellow men in the suburbs. There is no regret.
image  Da You , “Great Offering” (Hexagram 14)
64.   image
64.   image Great Offering: Prime receipt. Divining about rain: it will not rain.
Great Offering: Prime receipt.
65.   … There is no exchanging harm that is not trouble. If difficult then …
First Nine: There is no exchanging harm that is not trouble. If difficult then there is no trouble.
Nine in the Second: The great cart is used to carry. There is someplace to go. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Third: The duke herewith sacrifices to the Son of Heaven. The petty man is not capable of it.
Nine in the Fourth: Not its side-offering. There is no trouble.
Six in the Fifth: Their captives are linked together, are awed. Auspicious.
Top Nine: From heaven blessing it. Auspicious. There is nothing not beneficial.
image   Yu , “Relaxed” (Hexagram 16)
67.   •
Relaxed: Beneficial to establish a lord and set in motion the army.
66.   … Six: Calling excess. Ominous. Divining about seeking something: you will obtain it, but later will necessarily …
First Six: Calling relaxation. Ominous.
Six in the Second: Strengthening by stone. Not to the end of the day. Determining: auspicious.
67.   … • Six in the Third: Singing excess. Regret; if even
68.   there will be regret. Divining …
Six in the Third: Open-eyed relaxation. Regret, and slowly there will be regret.
Nine in the Fourth: Hesitant. Great will be the obtaining. Do not doubt friends putting on hairpins.
Six in the Fifth: Determining: illness will be long-term, but you will not die.
Top Six: Dark relaxation. Completion will have a change. There is no trouble.
image  Sui , “Following” (Hexagram 17)
69.   … to determine. There is no trouble. Divining about someone who is sick …
Following: Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine. There is no trouble.
70.   … Nine: The office will have …
71.   … determining: auspicious. Going out the gate to exchange there has …
First Nine: The office will have a change. Determining: auspicious. Going out the gate to exchange has success.
73.   … lose the elder man. Divining …
Six in the Second: Tie the little son, lose the elder man.
72.  … auspicious. • Six in the Third: Tie the little …
73.   … elder man, lose
74.   the little son. Following there will be seeking
75.   to obtain. Beneficial to determine about emptiness. Divining about the family …
Six in the Third: Tie the elder man, lose the little son. Following there will be seeking to obtain. Beneficial to determine about residence.
Nine in the Fourth: Following there is a capture. Determining: ominous. There is trust on the road. With brightness what trouble is there!
77.   … guilt. • Nine in the Fifth: Return joyfully. Auspicious. Divining
Nine in the Fifth: Trust in joy. Auspicious.
78.   … there will be anxiety; those in difficulty will be released. • Top Six: Arresting
79.   … sacrifice on the Forked Mountain. Divining about seeking …
Top Six: Arresting and tying them, and then further trussing them. The king herewith sacrifices on the western mountain.
image  Gu , “Parasite” (Hexagram 18)
80.   … days, after jia three days. …
Parasite: Prime receipt. Beneficial to ford the great river. Before jia three days, after jia three days.
81.   … Six: The Stem …
82.   … trouble; danger, in the end auspicious. Divining about having …
First Six: The stem father’s parasite. There is a son and deceased father. There is no trouble. Danger, in the end auspicious.
83.   … stem mother’s …
Nine in the Second: The stem mother’s parasite. One cannot determine.
84.   … there is a little regret. …
Nine in the Third: The stem father’s parasite. There is a little regret; there is no great trouble.
Six in the Fourth: The prosperous father’s parasite. Going: you will see distress.
Six in the Fifth: The stem father’s parasite. Herewith praised.
85.   … lord, elevates on high his service. Divining about serving
Top Nine: Not serving the king and lord, elevates on high his service.
image  Lin [], “Forest” [Looking Down] (Hexagram 19)
86.   image
86.   image Forest …
87.   … arriving at …
Looking Down: Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine. Arriving at the eighth month, it will be ominous.
First Nine: Completely looking down. Determining: auspicious.
Nine in the Second: Completely looking down. Auspicious. There is nothing not beneficial.
88.   … concerned about it, there is no trouble. …
Six in the Third: Sweetly looking down. There is nothing beneficial. Having been concerned about it, there is no trouble.
Six in the Fourth: Arriving at looking down. There is no trouble.
89.   … the great lord’s propriety. Auspicious. …
Six in the Fifth: Knowingly looking down. The great lord’s propriety. Auspicious.
Top Six: Sincerely looking down. Auspicious. There is no trouble.
image  Guan , “Looking Up” (Hexagram 20)
94.   退退
Looking Up: Making libation but not presenting it. There is trust, respectfully.
90.   … Six: The youth looking up.
91.   for a petty man there is no trouble,
92.   for a nobleman there is distress. Divining about camping …
First Six: The youth looking up. For a petty man there is no trouble, for a nobleman there is distress.
93.   … beneficial about a woman. …
Six in the Second: Peeringly looking up. Beneficial to determine about a woman.
94.   … Third: Looking up at our birth, advancing and retreating. In serving the lord, first advance and afterwards retreat, and return …
Six in the Third: Looking at our life, advancing and retreating.
95.   … ’s radiance; beneficial herewith …
Six in the Fourth: Looking up at the kingdom’s radiance. Beneficial herewith to have audience with the king.
Nine in the Fifth: Looking up at our life. For a nobleman there is no trouble.
96.   … Looking up at his …
Top Nine: Looking up at his life. For a nobleman there is no trouble.
image  Shike [], “Biting and Chewing” (Hexagram 21)
98.   •
99.   image
101.  image
97.   Biting and Chewing: Receipt. Beneficial herewith to contest. For a plaintiff …
Biting and Chewing: Receipt. Beneficial herewith to contest.
98.   … • First Nine: Frequently fettered and cutting off …
First Nine: Walking in fetters with a foot cut off. There is no trouble.
99.   … Tying a prisoner in fetters and handcuffs: auspicious, not ominous. • Six in the Second: Biting flesh and cutting off …
Six in the Second: Biting flesh and cutting off the nose. There is no trouble.
100. … Six in the Third: Eating dried meat …
Six in the Third: Eating dried meat and meeting poison. A little distress. There is no trouble.
101. … a bronze arrowhead. Beneficial to determine about difficulty: auspicious. Divining about seeking: you will seek …
Nine in the Fourth: Eating dry bone-in meat and obtaining a bronze arrowhead. Beneficial to determine about difficulty: auspicious.
102. … later auspicious. Six in the Fifth: Eating dry meat and obtaining
103. yellow bronze. Determining: danger. …
Six in the Fifth: Eating dry meat and obtaining yellow bronze. Determining: danger. There is no trouble.
104. … Carrying fetters and cutting off an ear. …
Top Nine: Carrying fetters and cutting off an ear. Ominous.
image   Ben , “Ornamented” (Hexagram 22)
105/106. image [two pieces split lengthwise]
105/106. image Ornamented: Receipt. A little beneficial to have someplace to go. Divining …
Ornamented: Receipt. A little beneficial to have someplace to go.
107. … First Nine: Ornamenting
108. his feet, discarding …
First Nine: Ornamenting his feet, discarding his cart and moving.
109. … Six in the Second: Ornamenting …
Six in the Second: Ornamenting his beard.
Nine in the Third: Ornamented, damp. Determining about the long-term: auspicious.
110. … snowy white, the white horse is winged. It is not robbers …
Six in the Fourth: Ornamented, snowy white: the white horse is winged. It is not robbers in marriage relations.
Six in the Fifth: Ornaments in the mound park, the bolt of silk so narrow. Distress, in the end auspicious.
111. … later auspicious. • Top Nine: White ornaments. There is no …
Top Nine: White ornaments. There is no trouble.
image   Pu [Bo ], “Hitting” [Paring] (Hexagram 23)
Paring: Not beneficial to have someplace to go.
112. … in the end obtaining unhappiness; for a guilty man not auspicious. • First Six: Hitting …
113. … foot. Determining about losses: ominous. Divining …
First Six: Paring and wounding with the foot. Determining about losses: ominous.
114. … Hitting and wounding with the knee. Determining about losses: …
Six in the Second: Paring and wounding with the knee. Determining about losses: ominous.
Six in the Third: Paring it. There is no trouble.
115. … Fourth: Hitting and wounding with the skin. Ominous. …
Six in the Fourth: Paring and wounding with the skin. Ominous.
Six in the Fifth: Strung fish, enjoyed with the people of the palace. There is nothing not beneficial.
116. … Nine: Big fruit, not edible. The nobleman …
Top Nine: Big fruit, not edible. The nobleman gets to ride, the petty man pares the furnace.
image   Fu , “Returning” (Hexagram 24)
117. … friends coming without trouble. …
Returning: Receipt. Exiting and entering without illness, friends coming without trouble. Again returning to its path, in seven days it comes in return. Beneficial to have someplace to go.
118. … Nine: Not distance …
119. … knowledge regrets; prime auspiciousness. Divining …
First Nine: Not returning in the distance. There are no blessings or regrets. Prime auspiciousness.
120. … Six in the Second: Successful return. Auspicious. Divining …
Six in the Second: Successful return. Auspicious.
121.  … departing wives all return. • Six in the Third: Repeated …
Six in the Third: Repeated returns. Danger. There is no trouble.
122. … In the middle of the road returning alone. …
Six in the Fourth: In the middle of the road returning alone.
123. … Fifth: Generous return. There are no regrets. …
Six in the Fifth: Generous return. There are no regrets.
124. … obtain. • Top Six: Confused return. Ominous. There are …
Top Six: Confused return. Ominous. There are disasters and curses. Using this to set in motion the army, in the end there will be a great defeat, together with its kingdom’s ruler. Ominous. Reaching to ten years you cannot go on campaign.
image   Wu Wang [], “Nothing Gone” [Nothing Foolish] (Hexagram 25)
125. image
126. image
128. •
125. Nothing Gone: Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine. His not going to correct has curses. Not beneficial to have someplace to go. Divining about rain: it will not rain; it will not …
Nothing Foolish: Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine. His not being correct has curses. Not beneficial to have someplace to go.
126. … about clearing: it will clear; about not serving the lord: not auspicious; about hunting and fishing: you will not obtain anything. • First Nine: Nothing Gone going. Auspicious. Divining about hunting and fishing: you will obtain something and …
First Nine: Nothing Foolish going. Auspicious.
127. … Not plowing or reaping, not …
Six in the Second: Not plowing or reaping, not fallowing or replanting, then it is beneficial to have someplace to go.
Six in the Third: Nothing Foolish’s disaster, someone ties it to an ox; the traveling person’s gain is the city person’s disaster.
128. … • Nine in the Fourth: It can be divined about. There is no trouble. …
Nine in the Fourth: One can determine. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Fifth: Nothing Foolish’s illness; do not medicate, there is happiness.
Top Nine: Nothing Foolish traveling. There is a curse. There is nothing beneficial.
image   Da Chu , “Greater Livestock” (Hexagram 26)
Greater Livestock: Beneficial to determine. Not eating at home. Auspicious. Beneficial to ford the great river.
First Nine: There is danger. Beneficial to sacrifice.
Nine in the Second: The cart drops a strut.
129. … • Nine in the Third: A fine horse following. Beneficial …
Nine in the Third: A fine horse being chased. Beneficial to determine about difficulty. This is called “Arranging the carts to defend.” Beneficial to have someplace to go.
130. … in the Fourth: A young …
Six in the Fourth: A young ox’s thwart. Prime auspiciousness.
Six in the Fifth: A gelded pig’s tooth. Auspicious.
Top Nine: Holding up heaven’s crossroads. Receipt.
image   Yi , “Jaws” (Hexagram 27)
134. []
135. image
136. image
137. •
Jaws: Determining: auspicious. Look up at the jaws, oneself seeking the mouth’s substance.
131. … auspicious. First Nine: Discarding your numinous turtle, look up at our
132. ending jaws. Ominous. Helping …
First Nine: Discarding your numinous turtle, look up at our drooping jaws. Ominous.
133. … serve. Six in the Second: Setting the jaws; not passing it through the mounded jaws. Governing, ominous. In seeking: one will not obtain; …
Six in the Second: Overturned jaws; scraping vertically on the mounded jaws. Campaigning: ominous.
134. … not jawing it. Determining: ominous. For ten …
Six in the Third: Scraping the jaw. Determining: ominous. For ten years do not use it. There is nothing beneficial.
135. … after ten years then it will return. • Six in the Fourth: Overturning the jaws. Auspicious. A tiger watches fearsomely, its …
136. appearance so compliant. There is no trouble. Divining about this: there will be great
Six in the Fourth: Overturning the jaws. Auspicious. A tiger watches fearsomely, its desires so persistent. There is no trouble.
137.  … • Six in the Fifth: Not vertical; …
Six in the Fifth: Not passing it through. Determining about residence: auspicious. One cannot ford the great river.
Top Nine: From the jaws. Danger. Auspicious. Beneficial to ford the great river.
image   Da Guo , “Greater Surpassing” (Hexagram 28)
138. image
141. image
143. image
145. •
138. image Greater Surpassing: The rafter sags. Beneficial herewith to go someplace. Receipt. Divining about someone who is sick: he will not die; about a wife and husband: they will not leave each other; …
Greater Surpassing: The rafter sags. Beneficial to have someplace to go. Receipt.
139. … will not die. • First Six: .. using white …
First Six: For the offertory mat using white cogongrass. There is no trouble.
140. … will not die. • Nine in the Second: The withered poplar
141. grows shoots, the old man gets ..
142. woman wife. There is nothing not beneficial. Divining about someone who is sick: he will not die; about warfare: …
143. the enemy will be strong and will have victory; about having guilt and moving away.
Nine in the Second: The withered poplar grows shoots, the old man gets his woman wife.
There is nothing not beneficial.
Nine in the Third: The rafter sags. Ominous.
144. .. auspicious. There is harm. Distress. Divining about the city and …
Nine in the Fourth: The rafter bows up. Auspicious. There is harm. Distress.
Nine in the Fifth: The withered poplar grows a flower, the old wife gets a young man. No trouble, no praise.
145. • Top Six: Surpassing the ford …
Top Six: Passing the ford and cutting off the crown of the head. Ominous. There is no trouble.
image   Xikan [Kan ], “Doubled Pit” [Pit] (Hexagram 29)
146. … return, binding the heart. Receipt. …
Doubled Pit: There is trust, binding the heart. Receipt. In traveling there is elevation.
First Six: Doubled Pit: entering into the pit opening. Ominous.
147. … has a precipice …
Nine in the Second: The pit has a precipice. Seeking you will obtain a little.
Six in the Third: Bringing it bam-bam: Steep and deep; entering into the pit opening. Do not use it.
148. … from the window. In the end there is no trouble. Divining about [someone who is] sick:
Six in the Fourth: A chalice of wine and two grain servers: use earthenware. Bringing it in from the window. In the end there is no trouble.
Nine in the Fifth: The pit is not filled, the blessings being calm. There is no trouble.
149. … trouble. Divining about the hundred affairs: they are all auspicious. • Top Six: Tying it using thick rope, and placing it in the thicket of thorns …
150. .. years will not obtain it. Ominous. Divining about clearing: it will not clear; divining about hunting: you will not obtain anything; beneficial to the middle …
Top Six: Tying it using thick rope, and placing it in the thicket of thorns, for three years you will not obtain it. Ominous.
image   Li , “Fastening” (Hexagram 30)
151. image
152. image
153. image
151. image Fastening: Beneficial to determine. Receipt. Rearing a female bovine: auspicious. Residing in office and the family: not auspicious; about a guilty man: he will
Fastening: Beneficial to determine. Receipt. Rearing a female bovine: auspicious.
152. not be released. • First Nine: Stepping crosswise.
153. Respect it. There is no trouble. Divining about approaching office and establishing the masses:
154. respect their inferiors and then it will be auspicious.
First Nine: Stepping crosswise. Respect it. There is no trouble.
Six in the Second: Yellow net. Prime auspiciousness.
155. on top, auspicious; if not, then ominous. • Nine in the Third: The net of the sun’s descent …
156. … singing, and then the great …
Nine in the Third: The net of the sun’s descent: not drumming on the pot and singing, then the great elder’s sighing. Ominous.
157. … Nine in the Fourth: As if exiting, as if coming; as if tangled, as if discarded …
Nine in the Fourth: As if sudden, as if coming; as if burning, as if dying, as if discarded.
158. … wailingly. Auspicious. Divining
Six in the Fifth: Shedding tears streamingly, fearful wailingly. Auspicious.
Top Nine: The king herewith goes out on campaign, and has joy, cutting off heads and capturing one who is not their chief. There is no trouble.
image   Xian , “Feeling” (Hexagram 31)
Feeling: Receipt. Beneficial to determine. Taking a woman: auspicious.
First Six: Feeling its toe.
Six in the Second: Feeling its calf. Ominous. Residing: auspicious.
Nine in the Third: Feeling its thigh, grasping its torn flesh. Going: distress.
Nine in the Fourth: Determining: auspicious. Regrets gone. Tremblingly going and coming, the friend follows you in thought.
Nine in the Fifth: Feeling its back. There are no regrets.
159. … his father …
Top Six: Feeling its cheek, jowls, and tongue.
image   Chuan [Dun ], “Beam” [Piglet] (Hexagram 33)
Piglet: Receipt. A little beneficial to determine.
160. … it with auspiciousness; about residing and serving: not auspicious. • First Six: Beam …
161. … Danger; do not herewith have anyplace …
First Six: Piglet’s tail. Danger. Do not herewith have anywhere to go.
162. … nothing will succeed in getting it off. …
Six in the Second: Grasp it using the hide of a yellow ox, nothing will succeed in getting it off.
Nine in the Third: Tying the piglet. There is illness. Danger. Rearing servants and concubines: auspicious.
163. … auspicious, for a petty …
Nine in the Fourth: A good piglet. For a nobleman auspicious, for a petty man not.
164. … auspicious. • Nine in the Fifth: A fine beam. Determining: auspicious. Divining about sickness: they will not die; about traveling or doing:
Nine in the Fifth: A fine piglet. Determining: auspicious.
Top Nine: A fat piglet. There is nothing not beneficial.
image   Da Qiang , “Greater Wound” (Hexagram 34)
Greater Wound: Beneficial to determine.
165. … • First Nine: Wounded …
166. … there is a return. Divining
First Nine: Wounded in the foot. Campaigning: ominous. There is trust.
167. … Second: Determining: auspicious. …
Nine in the Second: Determining: auspicious.
168. … ram butts a hedge, breaking its …
Nine in the Third: A petty man uses strength, a nobleman uses naught. Determining: danger. A ram butts a hedge, breaking its horn.
Nine in the Fourth: Determining: auspicious. Regrets gone. A hedge opened but not broken, wounded by the strut of a great cart.
Six in the Fifth: Losing a sheep in Yi. There are no regrets.
Top Six: A ram butts a hedge, and is not able to withdraw and is not able to advance. There is nothing beneficial; difficult and then auspicious.
image   Jin , “Advancing” (Hexagram 35)
Advancing: The Lord of Kang herewith awards horses in multiples, during the day there were three engagements.
First Six: As if advancing, as if pulling back. Determining: auspicious. There is no trust. Abundance. There is no trouble.
169. … blessings from his king’s mother. …
Six in the Second: As if advancing, as if sad. Determining: auspicious. Receiving these strong blessings from his king’s mother.
Six in the Third: Massed truly. Regrets gone.
Nine in the Fourth: As if advancing, a large rat. Determining: danger.
Six in the Fifth: Regrets gone. Losing or obtaining, do not worry. Going: auspicious. There is nothing not beneficial.
Top Nine: Advancing its horns, they are used to attack the city. Danger. Auspicious. There is no trouble. Determining: distress.
image   Mingyi , “Calling Pheasant” (Hexagram 36)
Calling Pheasant: Beneficial to determine about difficulty.
170. … Nine: Calling
171. … in flight, dips its …
First Nine: Calling pheasant in flight, dips its wing; the nobleman on the road, for three days does not eat. There is someplace to go. The principal man has words.
Six in the Second: Calling pheasant injured in the left thigh. Use this to relieve the horse’s wound. Auspicious.
Nine in the Third: Calling pheasant in the southern hunt, obtains its great head. One cannot determine about sickness.
Six in the Fourth: Entering into the left abdomen, capturing the calling pheasant’s heart, going out of the gate and court.
Six in the Fifth: Jizi’s calling pheasant. Beneficial to determine.
Top Six: Not bright or dark: At first rising into the heavens, later entering into the earth.
image   Jia Ren , “Family People” (Hexagram 37)
173.  •
Family People: Beneficial to determine about a woman.
172. … A separation in the family. Regrets gone.
First Nine: A divider in the family. Regrets gone.
173. … • Six in the Second: There is no …
174. … middle of the food service; determining: …
Six in the Second: There is no place to follow, in the middle of the food service. Determining: auspicious.
Nine in the Third: Family people ha-ha. Regret; danger; auspicious. Wives and children hee-hee. In the end, distress.
Six in the Fourth: A wealthy family. Greatly auspicious.
Nine in the Fifth: The king enters into the family. Do not worry. Auspicious.
175. … as if [fearful]. In the end, auspicious. Divining
Top Nine: There is trust, as if fearful. In the end, auspicious.
image   Kui , “Strange” (Hexagram 38)
178. image
Strange: Minor service. Auspicious.
176. … auspicious; about great affairs: defeat. • First Nine: Regrets gone. Losing a horse. …
First Nine: Regrets gone. Losing a horse; do not follow, it will return of itself.
Seeing an ugly man. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Second: Meeting the host in the lane. There is no trouble.
177. … danger, not obtain it. • Six in the Third: Seeing …
178. … cart dragged, its ox with one horn upturned and one downturned, its man branded on the forehead and with his nose cut off.
179. There is no beginning but there is …
Six in the Third: Seeing the cart dragged, its ox with one horn upturned and one downturned, its man branded on the forehead and with his nose cut off. There is no beginning but there is an end.
Nine in the Fourth: A strange orphan, meeting the prime man. Exchanging trust. Danger. There is no trouble.
180. … eating flesh. In going what …
Six in the Fifth: Regrets gone. At their ancestral temple eating flesh. In going what trouble?
181. … seeing a pig with mud on its back; carrying …
182. … one cart …
183. … a bow released. It is not robbers in marital relations. …
Top Nine: A strange orphan. Seeing a pig with mud on its back, one cart carrying ghosts. A bow first drawn, later a bow released. It is not robbers in marriage relations. In going if you meet rain then it is auspicious.
image   Jian , “Lame” (Hexagram 39)
184. 西
187. image
184. … Beneficial to the southwest …
185. … beneficial to the northeast; beneficial to see ..
186. .. man. Determining: auspicious. Divining
Lame: Beneficial to the southwest, not beneficial to the northeast. Beneficial to see the great man. Determining: auspicious.
First Six: Going lame, coming praised.
Six in the Second: The king’s ministers so lame, it is not their person’s fault.
187. Going lame, coming back. Divining about sickness: they will not die; …
Nine in the Third: Going lame, coming back.
Six in the Fourth: Going lame, coming in succession.
Nine in the Fifth: Greatly lame, friends come.
Top Six: Going lame, coming firmly. Auspicious. Beneficial to see the great man.
image   Jie , “Released” (Hexagram 40)
188. … auspicious. There is someplace to go …
Released: Beneficial to the southwest. There is no place to go. His coming in return: auspicious. There is someplace to go. Early auspiciousness.
First Six: There is no trouble.
Nine in the Second: Hunting capturing three foxes and obtaining a yellow arrowhead. Determining: auspicious.
Six in the Third: Carrying on the back and riding, brings robbers to arrive. Determining: distress.
Nine in the Fourth: Releasing your thumb. Friends bring this trust.
Six in the Fifth: It is the nobleman who is released. Auspicious. There is trust in the petty man.
Top Six: The duke herewith shoots a hawk at the top of the high wall, bagging it.
There is nothing not beneficial.
image   Sun , “Decrease” (Hexagram 41)
Decrease: There is trust. Prime auspiciousness. There is no trouble. One can determine. Beneficial to have someplace to go. How to use two serving bowls? They can be used to make offering.
First Nine: Ending the service and quickly going. There is no trouble. In toasting, decreasing it.
Nine in the Second: Beneficial to determine. Campaigning: ominous. Not decreasing it but increasing it.
Six in the Third: If three men travel, then they lose one man; if one man travels, then he obtains his friend.
189. … Fourth: Decreasing his …
Six in the Fourth: Decreasing his illness, causing him quickly to have happiness.
There is no trouble.
Six in the Fifth: Someone increases it, ten double strands of turtle shells. You cannot go against them. Prime auspiciousness.
Top Nine: Not decreasing it but increasing it. There is no trouble. Determining: auspicious. Beneficial to have someplace to go. Obtaining a servant without a family.
image   Guai , “Resolute” (Hexagram 43)
Resolute: Raised up in the king’s courtyard. A captive screams. There is danger, announced from the city. Not beneficial to approach enemies; beneficial to have someplace to go.
190. … victorious; it is trouble. …
First Nine: Wounded in the front foot. Going: not victorious. It is distress.
Nine in the Second: An apprehensive scream. In the evening and night there are enemies. Do not worry.
Nine in the Third: Wounded on the forehead. It is ominous. The nobleman is so resolute: Moving alone and meeting rain, if wet he will get steamed up. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Fourth: Buttocks without flesh. His movement is halting, pulling a sheep. Regrets gone. Hearing words that are not believable.
Nine in the Fifth: Purslane so resolute, in the middle of the road. There is no trouble.
Top Six: There is no scream. In the end it is ominous.
image   Cui , “Gathering” (Hexagram 45)
Gathering: Receipt. The king enters into the temple. Beneficial to see the great man. Receipt. Beneficial to determine. Using the great ox sacrifice: auspicious. Beneficial to have someplace to go.
191. … auspicious. • First Six: There is …
First Six: There is trust, unending, then disordered and then gathered. A scream once grasped becomes laughter. Do not worry. Going: there is no trouble.
Six in the Second: Prolonged auspiciousness. There is no trouble. Trusting then it is beneficial therewith to make a vegetarian offering.
Six in the Third: Gathered, sighing. There is nothing beneficial. Going: there is no trouble. A little distress.
Nine in the Fourth: Greatly auspicious. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Fifth: Gathered in positions. There is no trouble. Not trusting. Prime long-term determination: regrets gone.
Top Six: Sobbing, snivel and snot. There is no trouble.
image   Deng [Sheng ], “Ascending” (Hexagram 46)
192. •
Ascending: Prime receipt. Use to see the great man. Do not worry. Campaigning to the south: auspicious.
First Six: Truly ascending. Greatly auspicious.
Nine in the Second: Trusting then it is beneficial herewith to make vegetarian offering. There is no trouble.
192. … • Nine in the Third: Ascending the mound and city. Divining about illness
Nine in the Third: Ascending the mound and city.
193. … makes offering on Forked Mountain, auspicious. …
Six in the Fourth: The king herewith sacrifices on Forked Mountain. Auspicious. There is no trouble.
Six in the Fifth: Determining: auspicious. Ascending the stairs.
Top Six: Darkly ascending. Beneficial with respect to unending determination.
image   Kun , “Bound” (Hexagram 47)
194. … words that are not …
Bound: Receipt. Determining: for the great man auspicious. There is no trouble. There are words that are not believable.
195. … three years not …
First Six: The buttocks bound by the tree trunk: entering into the dark valley, for three years not seeing him.
196. … by wine and food: …
Nine in the Second: Bound by wine and food. The country of the scarlet kneepads comes. Beneficial herewith to make offering and sacrifice. Campaigning: ominous. There is no trouble.
Six in the Third: Bound by stone, stuck in the brambles: entering into his palace, and not seeing his wife. Ominous.
Nine in the Fourth: Coming so slowly, bound by a bronze cart. Distress. There is an end.
Nine in the Fifth: Cutting off the nose and foot. Bound by the crimson kneepads, and then slowly having release. Beneficial herewith to sacrifice.
Top Six: Bound by wild grapevines, tripping. This is called “Moving, regrets.” There are regrets. Campaigning: auspicious.
image   Jing , “The Well” (Hexagram 48)
199. •
197. … city, not …
The Well: Changing the city, not changing the well. There is no loss, there is no gain. Going and coming in succession. Upon arrival, also not yet dipping the well, breaking its pitcher. Ominous.
First Six: The well is muddy and not drinkable. The old well is without a catch.
198. … battered often. Divining about the division reaching the family: that division …
Nine in the Second: The well is deep, shooting the silverfish. The pitcher is battered and leaking.
Nine in the Third: The well leaks and is not drinkable. It makes my heart pained. It can be used to draw from. The king is bright, together receiving its blessings.
Six in the Fourth: The well is bricked. There is no trouble.
199. … • Nine in the Fifth: The well is dangerous; …
Nine in the Fifth: The well is frigid; the cold spring is drinkable.
Top Six: The well is received; do not cover it. There is trust. Prime auspiciousness.
image   Ge , “Rebellion” (Hexagram 49)
200. 便
Rebellion: On a si day then trust. Prime receipt. Beneficial to determine. Regrets gone.
First Nine: Strengthening using a yellow ox’s hide.
Six in the Second: On a si day then overthrow it. Campaigning: auspicious. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Third: Campaigning: ominous. Determining: danger. Overturning words thrice approached, there is trust.
Nine in the Fourth: Regrets gone. There is trust. Changing the mandate: auspicious.
Nine in the Fifth: The great man changes like a tiger. Not yet prognosticating, there is trust.
200. … changes like a leopard, the petty man overturns
201. his face. Campaigning: ominous.
Top Six: The nobleman changes like a leopard, the petty man overturns his face. Campaigning: ominous. Determining about residence: auspicious.
image   Ding , “The Cauldron” (Hexagram 50)
The Cauldron: Prime auspiciousness. Receipt.
First Six: The cauldron’s overturned legs: Beneficial to expel the bad, to get a wife with her children. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Second: The cauldron has substance: My enemy has an illness, that cannot approach me. Auspicious.
Nine in the Third: The cauldron’s ears are changed: Its movement is blocked, the pheasant fat is not edible; the borderland rains diminish. Regret, in the end auspicious.
Nine in the Fourth: The cauldron’s broken leg: Overturns the duke’s stew, its form glossy. Ominous.
Six in the Fifth: The cauldron has yellow ears and a bronze bar. Beneficial to determine.
202. great service, ominous. Top Nine: The cauldron …
203. … greatly auspicious. There is nothing not …
Top Nine: The cauldron has a jade bar. Greatly auspicious. There is nothing not beneficial.
image   Gen , “Stilling” (Hexagram 52)
Stilling his back, not capturing his body; walking into his court, not seeing his person. There is no trouble.
First Six: Stilling his foot. There is no trouble. Beneficial to determine about the long-term.
Six in the Second: Stilling his calf: not grasping his cut flesh, his heart is not happy.
204. … Danger. Smoke …
Nine in the Third: Stilling his midsection, carving his spinal meat. Danger. Smoking the heart.
Six in the Fourth: Stilling his torso. There is no trouble.
205. … Stilling his cheeks …
Six in the Fifth: Stilling his cheeks. Words have sequence. Regrets gone.
Top Nine: Generous stilling. Auspicious.
image   Gui Mei , “Returning Maiden” (Hexagram 54)
Returning Maiden: Campaigning: ominous. There is nothing beneficial.
First Nine: The returning maiden together with her younger sisters. The lame are able to step. Campaigning: auspicious.
206. … a dark man’s determination …
Nine in the Second: The blind are able to see. Beneficial for a dark man’s determination.
Six in the Third: The returning maiden together with her maids, going back in return together with her younger sisters.
Nine in the Fourth: The returning maiden postpones the date, slowly returning, there is a time.
Six in the Fifth: Di Yi marries his daughter: her lord’s sleeves are not as fine as her younger sisters’ sleeves. The moon is almost full. Auspicious.
Top Six: The woman raises a basket without fruit, the man stabs a sheep without blood. There is nothing beneficial.
image    , “Traveling” (Hexagram 56)
207. •
Traveling: Little receipt. Determining about traveling: auspicious.
First Six: The traveler so hesitant. This is the disaster that he has taken.
207.  … • Six in the Second: The traveler approaches his camp. …
Six in the Second: The traveler approaches the camp: Embracing his goods, and obtaining a young servant’s determination.
Nine in the Third: The traveler burns his camp, losing his young servant. Determining: danger.
Nine in the Fourth: The traveler in place: Obtaining his goods and axe, our hearts are not happy.
Six in the Fifth: Shooting a pheasant, one arrow misses. Ending with a praising mandate.
Top Nine: The bird burns its nest. The traveling man first laughs and later screams, losing an ox at Yi. Ominous.
image   Jie , “Moderation” (Hexagram 60)
Moderation: Receipt. Bitter moderation. One cannot determine.
First Nine: Not going out of the window or court. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Second: Not going out of the gate or court. Ominous.
208. … not moderately, then …
Six in the Third: If not moderately, then sighingly. There is no trouble.
Six in the Fourth: Peaceful moderation. Receipt.
Nine in the Fifth: Sweet moderation. Auspicious. Going: there is elevation.
Top Six: Bitter moderation. Determining: ominous. Regrets gone.
image   Zhong Fu , “Internal Trust” (Hexagram 61)
Internal Trust: Pigs and fishes. Auspicious. Beneficial to ford the great river. Beneficial to determine.
209. … great valley. • First Nine: The gamekeeper …
First Nine: The gamekeeper. Auspicious. There is another who is not at ease.
210. … We have a fine chalice; I will together …
Nine in the Second: A calling crane in the shade, its young harmonize with it. We have a fine chalice, I will together with you drain it.
Six in the Third: Obtaining the enemy, now drumming, now quitting, now crying, now singing.
211. … Six in the Fourth: The moon is almost full; …
Six in the Fourth: The moon is almost full; the horses are lost. There is no trouble.
Nine in the Fifth: There is a captive trussed up. There is no trouble.
212.  … about obtaining a wife and marrying off a daughter: not auspicious; about hunting: you will not obtain anything. • Top Nine: Soaring notes …
Top Nine: Soaring notes ascend into the heavens. Determining: ominous.