7. Main plot and subplots.
The main plot goes on the top,
directly under your chapter number.
Subplots go underneath the main
plot. Subplots are just what they
sound like. They are not the main plot,
they are secondary ones. A subplot
can start out that way, and become a
main plot in a future chapter or series.
In the Angel Love plotline, the Everett
storyline (blue) is introduced in the
first issue as a subplot, and evolves
into the main plot in the third issue.
If you are doing a comic book series,
a reader may pick up your series in
the third, fourth, or ninety-ninth issue.
Every issue must be able to grab the
reader’s attention with a compelling
story. It is important to have a main
plot in every issue. That is, one with a
beginning, middle, end, and twist. If
you have too many subplots, and not
a strong main plot, then there’s a good
chance that you might lose a reader.