
Resolution The point when the conflict is wrapped up. This
occurs after the falling action and before the end.

Rising action The central part of your story where the main
conflict (problem) of your characters is developed. This is the
build-up of your story. This is where the suspense, drama, or
comedy (it can be all of them!) develop to create your successful

Sequential art Another name for graphic novels. The order in
which the panels follow one another, one right after the other.

Setting The time and place of your story.

Sketches Quick drawings. Drawings in a sketchbook or at the
beginning of your layout to design your pages.

Splash page Often the first page of your comic book or graphic
novel. Many times the splash page is one full page or even a
double page spread.

Story driven In graphic novels, you create the story before the
art. The story comes first.

Subconscious Existing in the mind when much of the time the
mind doesn’t even know it’s there. The part of the mind where
many feelings, wishes, and desires are stored.

Subplots Secondary storyline. In comic books, subplots can
become main plots as the comic series progresses.

Talking heads A term used to describe panel after panel with
characters talking with nothing to break the monotony.